The aura does do the talking.

“When you begin the experiment of being yourself, you will see clearly that it will bring the appropriate response and reward. In grasping your design, in grasping your Type, see clearly how important it is for the children around you that they are not forced or conditioned to be something other than what they are.

The first seven years of life is when we experience our deepest conditioning. By the time that we reach seven years of age, we have the equipment necessary to survive in the world. That equipment that we have for survival is the conditioned equipment of the notself that dominates our existence. We were conditioned by our mothers and our fathers and our siblings.

For an adult to discover the nature of their design, the mechanics of their Type, is a seven-year process of de-conditioning yourself. It is not like you have to work at that. It is about experimenting day by day with what it is to be you. It takes seven years for the vast majority of the cells in the body to be replaced. It takes seven years to eliminate the old conditioning and to bring about the new. It takes about three and a half years to reach the critical mass where the true self begins to dominate over the conditioned self.

It is so difficult for deeply conditioned human beings to appreciate the power that lies within them. They have never tapped into those resources. They are always trying to climb the mountain of inconsistency.

The complexity of what it is to be human is really misleading. The literature on “discovering yourself’ has little to do with fact and much to do with concept. Human Design is just about the basic mechanical infrastructure that humanity has. When you accept the way in which your vehicle is intended to operate, it will run smoothly. When your vehicle operates correctly, you who experience the life can finally relax and enjoy the journey. It requires nothing more than living out the basic mechanic of your Type. Nothing more.” Ra Uru Hu – Profile and Type Reference Book