
What is a reflector?

What is the difference between this reflector and that reflector?

How do we support a reflector, is there such a thing as ‘a reflector’ support, as in singular way of supporting all reflectors?

How do we know? Have we studied, contemplated, meditated, talked about what it is to be a reflector, or do we follow that what we -believe- a reflector to be?

And I don’t mean to have done these or that courses, no, how hard and long have you, yourself, gone into what it means to be who you are?

Do we follow what our minds tell us it should be, just like our minds told us Human Design was spiritual.

Is that even true?

Can we discern how different this reflector might operate, engage, speak, listen, wobble, walk, than this one?

Do we allow for uniqueness?

What is the level of awareness and engagement amongst ourselves?

When we talk gates and lines, what do we tell, a repetition from half a page or a book we once read? Or our true inner experience, or our wittnessing of another.

Would you like to play a game of not-self centered behaviour?
Like confrontation and truth, questioning everything, answering everything, attracting attention, undirectional love, ego crowing, substance abuse, unstoppable workload, unobtainable deadlines.

Would you like to engage in your Human Design?

I heard Genoa say the other day: “The mind is gonna love human design until it becomes something real. And then it’s gonna find every excuse to split town as fast as it can and it wants to take you with it.”

So, am I being over-serious? Yes I am, ofcourse I am, and you can tell me that. Also I’m a joker, of sorts, but you gotta wanna see that, or else you will see me as another nasty archetype, with whatever you think of that.

Oh and if you don’t like what I say, you can either say that, or just ignore me. it is all optional.
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MoonBlog 8.6


While I do ‘live’ on the internet for quite a few years now, I’m not in the habit of hoarding contacts, email addresses, and other hollow attempts of creating a marketable presence online (wow, nice load of judgements and opinions there Sjef)

I do however want to invite each and everyone of you, us, here, to connect outside this field too, linkedin, facebook, you name it. Not as something to get any validation from, but to offer it to people outside, in a way. To show them our steps in not needing any, but still being this global life-form of energy, of intent, of intensity, of sharing. Connect with the genekeys facebook page, and with all of us, all mixed up as one giant ball of string, being and acting as one. (is this my radiance 45 speaking up?)
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