John Martin

One of the biggest challenges with HD

Alone is not really a strongest enough word for where this all leads. I Am alone, totally alone in all of this. We all are. – John Martin

One of the biggest challenges with HD – or any real tool for awareness – is the inherent need to connect with others. To belong or be part of whatever, this may be a necessary part for some? And yes, I understand sitting around talking about it is much more popular. However, it is the exact wrong direction; it immediately strips you of your power and individuality, and it stops your progress before you even begin.

This is one of the most daunting parts of the real journey. When You, yourself, become aware of just how alone you are in all of this, you will understand why I say this a Warriors art, and not for mass consumption.

It confronts what most humans consider acceptable; you are, in fact, turning away from what most if not all things humans could or would want. You’re putting down childish pursuits, and getting real and honest with yourself.

This simply means you are starting to think and or see for yourself. You are no longer dependent on anyone other than yourself. This is what it means to be your own authority. To defer to no one about anything ever again. Not even me, not Ra, not god, or your momma. Yes, it’s brutal on the poor mind that thinks it needs others to feel safe.

When you SEE this for yourself; That You are not just up against your own mind but every mind on the planet, this shit gets real, REAL quick! The last thing you will need or want is some dumbass’s input about same!

This is the critical step, the only step that matters, the one where you begin the long journey home back to YOURSELF, asking no one, and it must be done by yourself and for yourself; this journey is yours and yours alone.

Yes, I can be a good ally in your process, but I can’t climb your mountain.
We are here.

Human Design Unleashed – The Choice

The term “no choice” often gets thrown around in Human Design. But “No Choice” can only accurately be described from the Witness or Passenger perspective, a state that few humans possess. In this inaugural rant John Martin challenges the day-to-day use of “No Choice,” and suggests that there is one…Its Not What You THINK

The Choice or No Choice.
You know, like so many other things in Human Design there’s terms that get thrown around that are very very dangerous.
You know, when somebody states ‘No Choice’ as a Passenger, as a witness, as a differentiated frequency of their Form Consciousness, then the statement ‘No Choice’ can be incredibly true and I would have to concede the point ultimately yes there is no choice. You are sailing, sailing through your life from birth to death. You’ve been given a Trajectory, you are going there.

But like so many other things in Human Design where the information, the incredible Zen knowing that comes from that statement ‘No Choice’ simply empowers your mind like so many other pieces of Human Design that simply just is one more little bit of candy to keep you nicely comfortable asleep.

So I will challenge ‘No Choice’. I say there is a choice. The choice is to either let your mind run your life or to differentiate into a Form Conscious being. Now look, those two choices, very different. One will give you pain, the other will give you suffering.

To become a differentiated Form Consciousness, to put down the little teddy bears of your mind and wake up as yourself is not an easy task. It will be painful. All of your Open Centers, the addictions you’ve been feeding since birth are going to rebel. Your mind is going to rebel. It’s going to do everything it can to hold you hostage. To your own mind. To your own conditioning. To break free of those addictions, the addictions to those Open Centers and everything that you’ve been feeding that pain body, all of this time, is going to hurt.
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