LYD manual

Living Your Design Student manual

Circuitry Cover.indd

Reading through the latest version of the LYD Student Manual I found a few things that had typos, or words missing, or I simply wondered about what is being said, an overview/rundown:

Page 1:If you could observe the planets and their movements for a few hundred years, you would see that each planet moves at a different speed, yet synchronized the others.
– They do? Each planet synchronized the others?

Page 8:It was abandoned about 300 years ago” & Page 9:The well dried up about two hundred years ago. That is why the house was given up.
– So about 300 years ago it was already abandoned and about 100 years later the well dried up.

Page 19:Through living your lives according to your Strategy and Authority, the Personality and the Design live express correct roles.
– ‘live and express’?

Page 20:Your Undefined Center become deeply conditioned by being in their auras to the point that, by age seven, your conditioning is eastablished.
– ‘established’

Page 45:People with Undefined Throats need find a place inside themselves where they are comfortable being quiet.
– ‘need to find’?

Page 48:When we resolve this internal conflict and attain a state of self-love and acceptance, and then we can give and receive love.
– one and too much? ‘self-love and acceptance, then we

Page 55:Motors, the Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Centers, have more energy and more intensity than the other Centers – The Spleed, G Center, Throat, Ajna and Head Centers.
– ‘Spleen’

Page 63:Someone with an Undefined Sacral runs around on the borrowed energy of someone else, such as a child, friend, lover or co-worker, in their aura. It could be a child, friend, lover or co-worker.
– ‘the child, friend, lover or co-worker’ mentioned twice
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