Ra Uru Hu

Based on the “Generator Transcript”


“Surrender: Your Mind Must Be An Ally
It’s very important to understand something as a Generator: Generators were given this gift of surrendering. Let me explain to you how surrender works for a Generator. A Generator comes to Human Design and they’re told that they make decisions in response. So they begin this process of making decisions in response, and they begin this process by doing the mental work first.

If you do not seduce your mind as a Generator, you will never have a real opportunity to be yourself. Your mind must become your ally. The way in which you make your mind an ally is that when you begin your Generator process, you begin by a “Question and Response Episode.”

The Mind Will Fight Your Surrender
See, Generators are here to know themselves. You’re here to know yourself so you above everybody else is here to know the power of your Not-Self because it’s your greatest enemy! In recognizing the power of that Not-Self you cannot expect your mind – who does not work for you – to work for you!

You cannot expect that you’re going to be able to teach your mind, to be able to compensate for your Not-Self.

Your Mind Is Not on Your Side
It all comes back to your own process. It comes back to you remembering every moment of every day that your mind is not on your side. It’s going to tell you whatever it tells you. It has to learn. You have to teach it. You have to fool it. You have to get it to a point that it surrenders to you being your own Authority, claiming what’s rightfully yours.

Your Sacral Center is here to claim what’s rightfully yours – your Authority. I wait for awake 59s to change the way in which we bond, so that we can bond with clarity, so that we can bond with those that are correct for us to bond with.” – Ra Uru Hu

MoonBlog 23.3 Individuality

On the purity of Human Design or mixing it with other frameworks/modalities:

It has nothing to do with following one persons words (Ra Uru Hu) by the letter, or even the Human Design framework ‘to a fault’.

It is about seeing that “all knowledge burns down in the face of Strategy & Authority” and having seen that, experienced it.

By tinkering with it, to add or subtract, we’re tinkering with knowledge alone.

For instance I’ve been in several GeneKeys DeepDives, was live in London with Richard and others just before the book got out, did GK Host and Guide training, was asked to become a GK Guide, and had a great time exploring my emotional world through it. It was incredibly valuable to me and everyone else I know or came in contact with.

But as I also deepened my experience with HD I came to see, that not HD, not Ra, not GK, not any of it, not PHS, not this economic framework or that political philosophy, not Advaita Vedanta was key, but S&A was, my S&A for me, by me.

It truly holds everything, to make those decisions by yourself, which is often times not even decision -making- but realization of what is correct. The dawning awareness of that reality.

And that there is nothing wrong with someone telling me this.

The funny thing is, people claim and clamor that they are free to mix it (which they are), how open and progressive that is, but as soon as someone is telling them (why) not to mix it, all the openness and progressiveness is out the window and they become fundamentalist mixers all of a sudden, just like what they accuse others of doing ! 🙂

While more and more HD people shake their heads and become more and more silent in FB HD groups because of the enormous influx of people indeed wanting to mix, or as they fear the no choice dilemma, to at least have the option as they then cling to it and defend it ferociously, but not creating their own mix groups, but instead just take over the conversations, loud, arrogant, obnoxious, as they promote their mix, and then another mix, and yet another other with another mix.

Mixing it, is not experimenting with it. Hiding behind others and become false group thugs is not you living it.

Writing their own books, giving more, giving less, changing this, changing that, while standing on the basics of HD, while trampling it all the same. Ignoring the pearls from within it as changing one word or syllable has more importance, than -living- it or learning to, as their ego’s are boasted by the people that buy stuff from them, thinking both parties are on the right track, of manipulating life, of creating shortcuts to salvation and the end of their suffering.

That is not duality at all, “ignoring the yin (dark), only seeking yang (light), living only half of a dualistic life, for moral superiority”

I’ve had access to tons and tons and tons of HD and mixed or altered information, and to see, not just for me, but for so many others too, that even pure HD info is not the key, the information is just a drug (gateway drug?) is just for the mind to think it can outsmart life, pretend to change the mind with more/better information. And Ra was the pusher of it, by popular demand.

And then mind make all these and those connections, and thus indeed combine structures, insights, frameworks.

Until *plop* hey, wait a minute, more info is not supporting actually, it is aggravating, it is steering me in an ever more mental direction of thinking to know, to -understand- but it is a lie.

I don’t need more -information- to make my decisions, I need to find out what my decision -IS-, first, without my powerful mind, and listen to that body consciousness, and follow its directions.

I don’t need to know what Color 3 -means-, I need to -live- it.
To apply it, use it, and see how it responds, reacts, struggles, and observe that, notice it behaving. I don’t need to know what Gate the Moon is in right now to live it. Yes it is awesome to understand what energies are present right now, how I sample life differently, right now. But -knowing- what Gate it is in, does not change how I -experience- life, right now.
-edit- it actually does change the experience, but not for good, cause it steers the focus, it limits the openness of observation, because of pre-conceiving the experience, of setting the mind up for how the experience should/might/could look like in the first place.

And yes information of the framework of the how and why or when is interesting, but by just living it, it really does not matter if Reflectors are called Observers or Evaluators, and anyone (!) -selling- you that it does matter, has an agenda not to free you as a passenger, but is a prisoner of their own opinions on things, and help you become one too. And as we find our mental equals, we can salute each other and tap each other on the back for how fucking smart we are for knowing better than silly old Ra, but never outsmarting our own damn minds…

“Look at me, I’m pointing at the moon”, they say, look I changed HD and mixed it with this and that, want to hear my recipe, my version of how my mind made it -seem- better, so you can seem to feel better about it too. In your head?

No matter if you are called Richard Rudd, Karen Curry/Parker, Steve Rhodes or Juliane Hahn.
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There is always this joke

slide by Francis Bliven for Rave Cartography ©2010

of people looking for their soul mate and it‟s really inside. It‟s this relationship between the Personality and the Design. It‟s the relationship between Personality consciousness and the vehicle.”

“One of my standing jokes is that if you‟re looking for your mystical partner, your soul mate, well, you‟re looking for your Design.”

“One of our illusions is that we can have the “soul mate” relationship. Well, I prefer that you see that as a relationship between your personality crystal your design crystal. You‟re more likely to find your soul mate inside than you’re ever going to find it outside.”

“The real soul mates are Design and Personality, after all.” – Ra Uru Hu
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The Planets

The Planets – Ra Uru Hu – Introduction

The planets play a key role in the design of who we are. In fact, everything is based on the movements and impact of the planetary spheres.

The key to understanding the impact of something as distant as a planet on our lives is a tiny, subatomic particle known as the neutrino. Neutrinos are extremely fine matter produced by the nuclear reactions within stars. All the stars, including our own Sun, are producing neutrinos all the time. The stars out in space are constantly beaming these neutrinos at us, and being made of such fine substance, the neutrinos can pass through our bodies, as well as the body of the Earth. Imagine then, how the movements of the planets around our Sun refract the neutrino information as it passes into us.

Planets vary greatly in density and makeup. Some consist of solid rock, whilst others consist purely of layers of gases. Every planet also has its own mythology as perceived by man. Our mythologies are, and always have been, our method of attuning to our greater body.

The planets are our local programming agents. This is why we have always seen them as the gods in our mythologies down the ages. Every planet lends its flavor to our nature.

Sun – Our Light – Yang

Here on Earth, scientists have estimated that 70% of the neutrinos that pass through the Earth come from our Sun. The remainder comes from either Jupiter or the stars in deep space. Thus, 70% of all the neutrino information that we receive is seen in the position of our Sun and Earth. The Sun represents the primary yang force of our nature. It is the archetype of the Father, just as the Earth is the Mother. The Sun and Earth are the prime yin/yang within us all. The Sun creates the electromagnetic field of the solar cell in which we live. The design Sun represents the bio-genetic themes inherited from our father. If you look at your own design Sun, you will see the theme that you have inherited from your father. The personality Sun is the window through which the very light of who we are shines out on the world.
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Outer authority is what we share

“…what we communicate to each other in order to bond to each other. Defined or undefined ajna and head, whether to the throat or not can never be an inner authority. It can only have outer authority and be of value to the other. We all live on the mental plane. This is where we have our home in this stage of our evolution. Even though we can talk about the splenic system, none of you knows how the lymphatic system works. None of you can possibly understand how it operates. None of us have any connection to the neural system that runs our emotional system, which is so complex that even the scientists are deeply baffled by all of that. Where we live is – we live on the mental plane.

Long before we had the capacity to articulate in the earliest stages of our development as a species, we lived only from the splenic plane. Like our dogs and cats, we were just vibrating in the Now. Today we live in our evolution at this mental level. Please recognize something, we are in the last 300 or 400 years of mental development; it is practically finished now. The mind can only be at peace when it recognizes its nature and it sees over and over again the truth of that recognition confirmed for it. That is why Human Design is mental, not spiritual or therapeutic – Human Design is a mental system so we can finish our mental business, so we can get to the spirit. We can’t get to the spirit until we finish this mind trip. As long as we are trying to give inner authority to our mind, we can never get to the spirit. So we have to finish our mental business. That means that we have to come to understand our nature and then to experiment in our lives to recognize its inherent truth.

This is not about taking something in mentally and that’s it – like you read a good book or you read some philosopher or teacher or whatever the case may be. This is practical application, practical knowledge, something that you use. This is practical and the moment that you grasp the essence of your design and you start your process of living that out, by the time you’ve confirmed it for yourself, by the time you’ve gone through that seven-year process, you will leave the mind behind. It won’t matter anymore.

My mind does not matter to me anymore. It is just this busy thing up here doing its thing, giving out its outer authority. But it has no place in my life anymore; it has no power over me anymore, none whatsoever. It is just a nice thing, it is just a lovely tool, and its nothing more. Because in the nature of who I am, I’ve reconfirmed that over and over and over and over again. This is what our process is. Only when we get to this point that we satisfy our minds, only then will we be free of them; we must satisfy them.

Think about your spiritual experiences, your esoteric experiences. It is great to sit around and hug the light, but you know, what does it mean? Until you come to a point where you can let go of this mind trying to figure out what’s important for you, only then does the light matter anyway. There is no light as long as you are running around trying to find inner authority in your mind. It just doesn’t work. But you must recognize that the mind itself is a holy thing and it is an incredibly powerful thing. It must be satisfied, or it will never let go of you, never. It will torture you until you die, because that is what the mind can do. That is what it does to us – it tortures us till death, “Could I, should I, might I, would I, why not, how come.” On and on and on and on.

Until you get to that point that you can release your mind from that, you still have to deal with suffering in this life. The moment that your mind is satisfied, the moment that your mind is just a little corporal working in the office doing research, everything is great. The maya machine is only there to add up all the numbers and know what the formula is. Once you know the formula, you’re liberated and then you can deal with the spirit.” – Ra Uru Hu

The Mind is Stupid

“I was always the smartest person I knew and my mind is so stupid. I lived the not-self a long time, like all of you. Wow, dumb, unbelievable. It isn’t about smartness or intelligence; it isn’t about any of those things. It‘s not about that you don’t trust your mind because your mind isn’t smart enough. Mine is pretty smart. Mine is quite a thing. You don’t trust it because it‘s none of its business. This has been the great distortion. And the easiest way to stay homogenized is just to listen to your mind and follow its instructions. This is homogenization.

I know how difficult the journey is. You enter into this process, you begin to align your vehicle to what is correct, you begin to eliminate the resistance, and you begin to see differently, seeing how things work. But it’s quite a thing to get to that place where you let go of the mind as the one thing you trust in that moment of crisis where you‘re rattling around in your mind to find an answer. That’s when you know you‘re really, really not ready yet, because for the vehicle there is no such thing as a crisis. There is just movement; nothing else. It’s the mind that is all messed up. It’s the mind that tends to become, well, sort of loud and screechy, desperate, and frightened.

No choice, helplessness, and surrender are all basic, basic, basic themes in this knowledge, and they‘re all related to the same thing. It’s all about the mind, because this is where the great challenge is. And the program knows that. I don‘t mean to suggest that it is an intelligence, in that sense. It is simply built in this way. It is through the mind that we are the most deeply, deeply, deeply homogenized, at least in terms of the Personality construct.

It’s only when you get to that point where you understand that it is something to watch, not something to act on. Allow the acting to take place. Don’t ever determine the acting. It is true with every waking moment, the recognition that what is going to be correct for you is going to be there, period. You don’t have to concern yourself with it.

When you give your life over to your vehicle, truly, you really stop worrying. There is no point. It‘s sort of psychological sado-masochism, beating yourself up over what might be, could be, should be, can‘t be, whatever the case may be. In fact, the mind has nothing to do with any of that or how it’s all going to turn out. It isn’t in charge of the life. Everywhere you look in this knowledge you see the deep, deep, deep limitation of the Personality.” – Ra Uru Hu – A Digital Book for DreamRave Students

We take ourselves so seriously, human beings.

“The not-self is a very serious creature, it really is. Everything upsets it. Everything is important. Everything is “this and that.” It doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s not what we’re here for. It’s not what the nine-centered being is all about. It really isn’t. The nine-centered being is here for consciousness. We’re not here for the survival game. We’re not here for the fear game. We’re not here for all of that. We’re not here to organize ourselves. We’re not here to dominate the planet.

Each and every one of us is here for the possibility of us, nothing else. The serendipity of your existence is the treasure. They come and they go. It’s all about what you do while you’re here. In this incarnation, in this life, the only measurement is awareness. There is no other measurement. There isn’t. It’s not about what you have or where you go, it’s about awareness. It’s only in awareness that you get to see what this is for, how beautiful it is. How amazing. And all of that is rooted in you.

And it doesn’t matter what our costumes are, our crosses are, or our designs. We each have a unique grounding in this world. And we each have a gift. It is our uniqueness, and the expression out of that uniqueness. This is what the promise is, a more interesting world, deeper and deeper and deeper communion. It’s what’s possible.” – Ra Uru Hu

Ra’s Words of Wisdom – The Reflector

“When it comes to Reflectors, they’re something quite different after all. They really are. Not just that they are a large minority, but they are different with a very different cycle, a lunar cycle. But the most important thing for a Reflector is to understand its relationship to the program. And you can see thematically in non-energy Types that living their Design actually means studying in many ways, being educated in their Design. Whereas living the Design for the energy Types is something that is there to be leapt into instantaneously and immediately, because it’s possible.

There is a different way in which the process works. You know the story of the tortoise and the hare, because it’s one of those cute stories. You have what appears to be the energy Types racing ahead, racing into living out their Design. But in fact, we’re all on a seven-year cycle. And though it looks like the energy Types race ahead in the end everybody gets there at the same time, it’s a seven-year cycle.

The entering in for the Projector is a different process, that’s all, or for the Reflector, a different process, a different way in which they need to enter into living their Design, which means not so much living their Design, but being focused on understanding, knowing, making sense of Design in others. And for the Reflector, to understand the deep impact of the program, of the planets, specially of the moon, of the way in which they are conditioned by the general programming field and how they have a special gift of connecting to it and to be able to see their life lived in the harmony of their relationship to the turning of the wheel.

But everything having to do with the legitimacy of involvement in this knowledge is just simply living it. And whether that means the active principle that is there in the energy Type, or the passive principle that is there in the non-energy Types, it is the same thing. It is about the commitment to the process. This is what brings transformation and it brings something much more important. That is, I have a number of goals as a teacher. One of them is to take the burden off of the shoulders of those beings who meet this knowledge because I think at the very simplest level, at the very rudimentary level of understanding your Design, it already helps you release yourself from so many burdens you have carried. And it’s a great service that it does.
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What Does Human Design Do for You?

“I’m often asked a lot of questions, obviously, about Human Design. And I think one of the most basic questions anyone asks is, what does it really do for you?

It’s often very difficult for somebody who knows Human Design to really explain what it’s all about. They end up getting stuck in trying to explain its relationship through genetics, or trying to explain Centers and Channels and Gates and complex birth data calculations, and all kinds of things. And they have a great deal of difficulty getting it across.

And yet, it’s so simple. It really is. Everything about what it is to be in the maya, everything about life on this plane, the sum total of a life is made up by its decisions. It’s just about decisions. If you look at your life you’ll see very clearly that it’s basically decisions all along the road, wherever you turn.

And yet, given the nature of being, given the fact that human beings are much more open than they are fixed, given that we are designed to interact with the conditioning field around us, and to be conditioned by those around us in order to be attracted to them, that it’s exceedingly difficult for us to even imagine what it’s like to make decisions as ourselves.
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Channels by Type 1 – Introduction and Creative Channels

This book is a transcript of The Channels Course taught by Ra Uru Hu in Taos, New Mexico April 8-19, 1999, and is the most extensive work on this topic.
Including over 40 hours of lectures on all the channels in a Human Design chart, Ra also gives an in-depth view of how each channel adds to the overall nature of the circuit of which it is part. He discusses at length what quality each channel demonstrates about the entire circuit.

Don’t Initiate

“And remember that response isn’t about being asked. Being asked is part of it. It’s a way that I’ve used to describe it so people will grasp the concept. But then people get confused and think that that’s it. It’s not. The generator will respond to the change in the light and the change of the heat and the change of the wind. It will respond to the change in somebody’s look on their face. It will respond to a sound across the room. It’ll respond to anything. But it can’t initiate.” Ra Uru Hu

So simple, yet not easy

Until I started living it, I too studied a lot. In hindsight it seems so simple now, but it really took me a while before I ‘got’ it. And maybe studying was a nice pastime before being able to get it, to help me open up a bit more. To let go of my mind being in control with all this knowledge and facts, or so I thought. A little bit of knowledge is not bad, and some of it is needed, I experienced. But, applying it, using it in daily life is what made me see and understand far beyond my mind. Hope you enjoy this little video by Ra 🙂

MoonBlog 18.5 Therapy

What I find interesting to notice with (FB group)talk on Ra versus Zeno Dickson, Steve Rhodes, Karen Curry/Parker, Chetan Parkyn, Richard Rudd, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Kim Gould and so on is this:

When Ra says something it needs to have come from the Voice, or it (the mind of the audience) finds it hard to accept. We want to either believe or we do not believe. And not believing is just another belief…
Ra is not allowed (right…) to have understood and worked with what he got from the voice, it needs to be verbatim (word for word accurate) or not.

But these ‘heretics’, those who moved on or away from Ra’s Jovian Human Design, who have not had the experience of the voice know better? They know better with their minds what is accurate and true about Human Design and they -are allowed- to freely interpret and share from their own and personal perspective?

Then all of a sudden the masses huddle up in line to sign up for this or that course, filling the coffers of those so called free entrepreneurs with funds of the ignorant and stupid who lament at the prices and structure of Jovian and IHDS. These people paid hundreds if not thousands for not just second hand information, but altered and changed, mangled and maimed by their grotesque ego teachers ! (while actually stating it to be ‘not like it at all’) Empowerment for only a few dollars less…
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MoonBlog 16.6 Gullibility

No -direct- Inner Authority

“if such a thing is true, the mechanical absolutes of the Maya do not hold up”

Over the years there were a few discussions (on FaceBook) about Inner Authority and particularly for Mental Projectors and Reflectors not having any at all. For many new Reflectors that started looking into the studies and materials this came up as odd or incomprehensible. Knowing without being able to formulate well, that something inside does make decisions. In other groups or places some of the exchanges about this topic became quite heated and lots of stuff was thrown in the mix, including some very off-topic personal issues by several supposedly professional people into Human Design.

One part of the argument was, that Ra never said such a thing, and that those people, or Types simply had -no- Inner Authority, and several people believing this to be true supported this.

And then it turned into not having any ‘consistent’ inner authority, which is ludicrous considering -how- the process operates itself to -get to- the inner authority might be inconsistent, but the result does not need to be consistent or not consistent, it is a non argument, irrelevant.

Of course there is the mention of the eBook by Dharmen and Leela ‘Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design’ (which is available since April 2012 at Jovian Archive and IHDS and on their own page here) where the differentiation is made between Center based Inner Authority, and Process based Inner Authority. Considering the emotional wave of the Solar Plexus defined people, not being consistent either. The process itself is not consistent, not clearly determined, defined, can’t put a clock on it. But the result, for however much clarity is actually possible, is consistent. An answer will come, yes or no.

Another part of the argument was, that both Mental Projectors and Reflectors and also a few people observing them wondered, but what then, does make decisions? There has to be something that makes decisions for ones self, and why would this not be named Inner Authority? A more logic approach to this question I find.
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This Knowledge Means Nothing if You Stand Alone


Now, it’s not that this is about setting up some kind of prejudicial boundary, because it isn’t about that, and that’s not what I’m about. Some of my closest friends don’t even want to know what design is. It’s not about that. It’s really about seeing that, in order for you to live out your design, you need as much support as possible, and that support can only come from those who also understand.
In your intimacy and in your business dealings, in your career, it’s essential for you to have people around you who understand what you understand about the nature of being. Otherwise, those relationships are not going to be productive and they’re not going to be healthy for you.

You have to make an effort, because in truth, it means nothing if you stand alone. I know; I once stood alone with all this knowledge. It means nothing, and I was more alone in the physical-social sense than I had ever been in my entire life, because there was really no one to talk to. There was only a world to teach, and no one to talk to. And you see, the point now, after all these years, is that there are a lot of people now who know design. Know about design, have met it at some level, and you’re the core representatives of that in America.

You have to see that in order for you to really have your fulfillment, you have to get through your seven years, and you need to have around you the support that’s essential. You have to be recognized for what you’re doing. Teach those around you. Inform them. Do their readings. It doesn’t matter whether they believe it, want it, or care about it.

Their reaction at any given level is not the point. Anybody who meets Design, at any level, isn’t going to get rid of it, and it’s important for you to set that basis of your relationships with others, so that they recognize where you’re coming from, and that you can see them, so that you have clear, clean associations.

That’s why I enjoy these groups. The chatter of Human Design people—it’s a wonderful chatter. It’s unlike anything that I’d ever known in my life, and you can only get that in certain environments at certain times. One day, it’ll be as common as asking somebody what their astrological sign is, but the whole thing is that you are the ones that are going to be called upon, ultimately, to be able to take people who have become fascinated to a deeper level. You have to be there. You have to be there.

If you’re living out your Type, and you’ve got support around you, you will get there. If you’re constantly being dragged back into all kinds of conditioned arrangements, you’re really going to get messed up. You’re the ones that have to go through that process.
~ Ra Uru Hu

Ra’s Words of Wisdom

The Personality is not a Willful Passenger


“Let’s get rid of some lies. One of the lies that I’ve heard for years is that people actually believe that they choose their parents. I’ve heard this a lot. It always amazes me that anybody can imagine that. But then again, the vanity of human beings is overwhelming to me as it is.

You really have to understand the nature of a Personality crystal. The Personality crystal is software, and it simply does not operate unless it has hardware. It just doesn’t. Personality crystals don’t think. They filter consciousness, but they don’t think. What thinks is the hardware. It’s the software that simply programs it. Personality crystals out of the body don’t have a Personality. They’re not self-reflective. They don’t know what the fuck’s going on. They have no idea. They are just humming and vibrating in space. This lie, that that thing (the software) is going to choose the computer it’s going to go into, I find hilarious. It doesn’t. There is no choice in all of that.

There is, obviously, both rhyme and reason to incarnation. We live in a very complex and sophisticated program, and you do not come into the world with those that are not appropriate for you by program. In other words, what human beings like to do is to make up really good stories.” – Ra Uru Hu

Conditioning is not the Enemy


Remember something about the nature of conditioning: Conditioning is not the enemy. Conditioning is not bad, conditioning is not to be eliminated, conditioning is everything. It is what we call life. It’s absolutely gorgeous. It’s just about not being identified with what is conditioning in your life, but it is not about not experiencing it or taking advantage of it.

Think about the Generator that through the 20 transit suddenly becomes a Manifestor. Now it doesn’t mean that they can act like a Manifestor, but it does mean that when somebody asks them for their response, that when they respond they can work like a Manifestor. In other words, they can really jump in at the manifesting level and they can take advantage of that.

It’s not about eliminating conditioning, it’s about eliminating the ignorance of the conditioning. You see, any center that is open in you is your opportunity for wisdom. This is your opportunity through that filtering process that once you stop identifying with what’s moving through you, you can take advantage of what’s moving through you.

I only have one motor. Now, I have the will power to teach every day and to work, but if I didn’t have access to all of your adrenaline, it wouldn’t be possible. I don’t allow your adrenaline to condition me because I can feel it moving through my body. I take advantage of it in order to be able to keep myself from getting exhausted, I exhaust you instead. But because there’s so many of you, I don’t overwhelm any individual with exhaustion. I just take from the adrenaline aura. It’s not about saying, “No, no, no, no. I don’t want to have anything to do with you conditioning my Root Center. I’m going to back up 200 yards, sit in a glass booth, and speak to you through a microphone.” Then I drop dead from exhaustion.

So it’s very important to see that because of the way we learn Human Design, and it’s the way we have to learn the Human Design, at first the conditioning is truly the enemy because this is what happens to us. We get this revelation of “Oh my God, this is what has happened to me and they did that to me or it did that to me.”

Like you, I went through the same process. I went through the process of my great distaste for being controlled through those open centers of mine. And that sense in me, given that I have three gate of aloneness, to say, “Well, the hell with all of them, I’m just going to stay out of the aura.” But of course you can’t; you can’t. Not only can you not because you cannot avoid the program, but you can’t because it’s life. It’s no fun without all that stuff no matter how you’re defined or undefined. It’s part of what we’re here for.

So don’t turn conditioning into an enemy and don’t think that because you are being conditioned in one way or another that your Type has changed, for example, that that’s something for you not to use and not to fall into. It’s not true. If you’re entering in according to your Type, you can take advantage of any transit. I mean that’s what it’s there for. I took advantage for seven years of Pluto dominating my Sacral. Now, it was exhausting as hell but, I did not resist that. What am I going to do against Pluto? I did not resist that.

~ Ra Uru Hu
Source: Ra’s Words of Wisdom

Living Your Design Student manual

Circuitry Cover.indd

Reading through the latest version of the LYD Student Manual I found a few things that had typos, or words missing, or I simply wondered about what is being said, an overview/rundown:

Page 1:If you could observe the planets and their movements for a few hundred years, you would see that each planet moves at a different speed, yet synchronized the others.
– They do? Each planet synchronized the others?

Page 8:It was abandoned about 300 years ago” & Page 9:The well dried up about two hundred years ago. That is why the house was given up.
– So about 300 years ago it was already abandoned and about 100 years later the well dried up.

Page 19:Through living your lives according to your Strategy and Authority, the Personality and the Design live express correct roles.
– ‘live and express’?

Page 20:Your Undefined Center become deeply conditioned by being in their auras to the point that, by age seven, your conditioning is eastablished.
– ‘established’

Page 45:People with Undefined Throats need find a place inside themselves where they are comfortable being quiet.
– ‘need to find’?

Page 48:When we resolve this internal conflict and attain a state of self-love and acceptance, and then we can give and receive love.
– one and too much? ‘self-love and acceptance, then we

Page 55:Motors, the Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Centers, have more energy and more intensity than the other Centers – The Spleed, G Center, Throat, Ajna and Head Centers.
– ‘Spleen’

Page 63:Someone with an Undefined Sacral runs around on the borrowed energy of someone else, such as a child, friend, lover or co-worker, in their aura. It could be a child, friend, lover or co-worker.
– ‘the child, friend, lover or co-worker’ mentioned twice
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Reading this book is a treat


“The Line Companion is an extensive commentary on the Gates and Lines as listed in the Complete Rave I’ching. In this commentary, Ra describes each Gate and Line in much more depth and detail. All quotes from the Complete Rave I’Ching are color coated for easy reference. Appendex includes 16 pages of relevant information (Hexagram Line structure, outer planet transits, Sun/Earth Line Fixations…).”

“An edited transcription of each of the 384 Lines of the Rave I’Ching. This is an essential resource for any student of Human Design. If you own a copy of the Rave I’Ching, this volume will help to explain every Line and its variations with both insight and humour.”

To read this book every day over the course of a year as the Sun transited the Gates was very insightful and entertaining

RAX of the Unexpected

“I am involved with in a long term project which is called ‘The Global Incarnation Index’ and it has to do with our incarnating crosses that we come in on. The 27th hexagram is part of a cross that is called the cross of The Unexpected and the 27.4 is one of the great classic lines of the unexpected. Many years ago, Martin Grassinger mode some charts for me of the discovery of Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. In all those cases, the Nodes were in 27.4 and 28.4. When the comet ‘Shoemaker Levy’ banged into Jupiter, the Nodes were in 27.4/28.4.” -Ra Uru Hu, The Rave I-Ching Line Companion 2002

“Years ago in Germany, Ra was doing some research on the time of discovery of various planets. For example, when exactly did Hershel discover Uranus in 1781? The discovery of Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus – each of those three discoveries happened while the Sun was in the Cross of the Unexpected. Furthermore, when Schumacher-Levy, this incredible comet, smacked Jupiter; it happened on the Cross of the Unexpected. So there is something very unique in the way in which this cross works, because you can see it at the macrocosmic level.” -Ra Uru Hu, The Global Incarnation Index 2001

Strangers are not for the Opportunist

You always know that an opportunist has gone over the edge when they’re embracing strangers. They’re desperate and their network is falling apart. If you’re an opportunist, strangers are always going to be the most dangerous thing for you. They’re not for you. Anybody that’s new in your life has to come with a recommendation, with an introduction. To be a 4 and to truly be healthy you have to be very disciplined about your relationships. And it’s not easy. There is this natural comraderie that is in the 4th line. And given the construct of peoples designs, some of whom are quite social, it gets very easily confused.

In a sense, the 3-4 are very much about the material plane. The 3 is about the material itself. The 4 is about the resources of the material plane, the human resources and the way they work. One of the things about the opportunist is that they need to look at those beings in their life with a material eye. Given our various cultures and the way in which people consider these things, that wouldn’t be considered very nice or romantic or politically correct, but this is a heretical knowledge, after all, it’s just the truth of it. Are these people going to be good for me; and that often is something that is deeply material. Are they reliable? Can I count on them?

Because remember, it’s not just simply selfish, please understand that. I don’t want to give that impression. The 4 at the same time is doing something that is essential. They are externalizing that secure platform, whatever that secure platform happens to be. They’re the ones that are influencing others. Those that are in their network appreciate that at some level or another, whether they appreciate it to the point that it’s beneficial ultimately to the opportunist is another story, but it’s not like they are taking and not giving.

As a matter of fact, they are the foundation of transpersonal relationships. Everything about the nature of meeting the other in terms of the way the script is written begins at the line level in the 4th lines. If you want to see all of the social paraphernalia of human interaction read all 64 fourth lines and you will see the social dynamic of the transpersonal interaction and the way to bring about influence, those 64 different potential externalizations or influences that there in those 4th lines. – Ra’s Words of Wisdom – Post 130

Source: http://www.ihdschool.com/Blogs

The Human Design System – A Complete Guide by Ra Uru Hu

The Human Design System: A Complete Guide in 15 Lectures. Jovian Archive Media Inc. and the IHDS International Human Design School in association with Jovian Archive T.V. are pleased to announce an historical educational program.


After twenty-one years of teaching Human Design, Ra Uru Hu presented the opportunity to lay out a guide to the full spectrum of the knowledge. Adding to the historical nature of this program, Jovian Archive T.V. streamed Ra’s teachings. Filmed in 15 one-hour segments, the Complete Guide to the Human Design System is a grand overview from Cosmology to Correctness. All videos can be streamed directly from your Jovian Archive account immediately upon purchase. The Digital Book is a transcript of the 15 lectures, including the original illustrations. This Video Series was originally taught across 5 weeks in the Fall of 2008, and each week of the program featured a specific theme examined in the three consecutive classes of that week:


1. Cosmology: Juxtaposition and the New Order
2. Evolution: Homo Sapien, Homo Sapien in Transitus and Rave
3. Conditioning: The Godhead, the Program and the ‘Not-Self’
4. Mechanics: Strategy, Inner Authority and Decision making
5. Awareness: Correctness, Orientation and the Perfection of Being

Includes the following products:

The Dream Rave (Videos)
The Program: The Transits (Videos)
The Perfection of Being (Videos)
Orientation (Videos)
Nutrition (Videos)
The Sub-structure: The Color (Videos)
The Sub-structure: The Base (Videos)
The Sub-structure: The Tone (Videos)
The Beginning before the Start (Videos)
The Global Orchestration Directories (Videos)
The Program and the Godhead (Videos)
The Seven Centered Being (Videos)
The Nine Centered Being (Videos)
The Rave (Videos)
The Not Self (Videos)

You can buy this Video Series here: http://www.jovianarchive.com/
or the Transcripts as eBook here http://www.ihdschool.com/

The Many Faces of Fear


“No human being is free from fears. Fear is a part of our human process. To understand fear through Human Design, to understand the gates of fear in your chart will give you incredible insight into your life. It will give you a deep relief that there is nothing wrong with you. Fear is to be recognized and understood.

By entering into things correctly through living out the strategy of your type, fears can cease to be something that are perceived as problematic or debilitating. They can then be seen for what they are, mechanics of the human way and a by product of awareness and its potentials.”- Ra Uru Hu

The Pie Chart Illustration


“Now, think about something. Think about what we are, you and me, and all the things that we know, all the places that we know, all the creatures, everything that you can imagine. Think about all the mountains, all the seas, and then begin to think about all the moons and the planets and the stars and the galaxies and the super galaxies and the super clusters and on and on and on. Think about it. You think it fills up everything. You think it’s vast and huge. 4.6%: it’s 4.6% of the totality. It’s nothing.”-Ra Uru Hu, The Human Design System – A Complete Guide

You have a friend for many years

and you have a sweet and wonderful relationship and one night you make love to each other and the next day you are not very nice to each other anymore. You know too much about each other because you have been friends. The moment you become lovers, that is a totally different story. Lovers need to have secrets. Friends can’t afford to have secrets.”- Ra Uru Hu