Rave New Year

Rave Nieuwjaar 2021

Het nieuwe jaar wordt jaarlijks ingeluid volgens de Gregoriaanse kalender om middernacht, als we van de 31e december overgaan op de 1e van januari. Weliswaar is dit het einde van de kalender, maar niet het einde van de jaarcyclus van de zon.

Het Human Design Systeem volgt de cyclus van de zon, een kosmisch patroon. De zon begint een nieuwe cyclus op het moment dat hij zijn intrede maakt in poort 41. Poort 41 is een startcodon, het enige startcodon.
Dit jaar treedt de zon poort 41 binnen op 21 januari 2021 om 20:49:33 uur (lokale tijd Den Haag). Op dat moment begint de nieuwe cyclus, het nieuwe jaar. Poort 41, gelegen in het wortelcentrum, maakt onderdeel uit van de stroom van gevoel. Het levert de brandstof van verlangen, de honger om nieuwe ervaringen op te doen zonder enig doel of bijbedoeling. Zonder doel blijkt ook uit de naam van het incarnatiekruis waartoe poort 41 behoort, namelijk het Incarnatiekruis van het Onverwachte.
Een nieuwe ervaring aangaan is abstract, je weet niet wat er gaat gebeuren. Het is achteraf, na de ervaring te hebben meegemaakt, dat je erop kunt terugkijken en er een gevoel aan toekent, bv het jaar 2020 voelde zus of zo voor mij. Dat gevoel wordt opgeslagen in ons geheugen.

Bij de cyclus van de zon schijnt zijn licht bij binnenkomst altijd eerst op de 1e lijn van de poort. Elke poort of hexagram heeft 6 lijnen, waarbij elke lijn een specifieke trilling bezit. De 1e lijn van poort 41, heet redelijkheid, de passende vertegenwoordiging van verantwoordelijkheid.

Laten we in redelijkheid kijken naar wat het programma ons brengt in 2021.
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Rave New Year Forecast 2019 Excerpt

The Rave New Year Forecast is Fundamentally a Transit Weather Forecast

The transits of the Rave New Year are frequency patterns, interpreted by the mind, that will arise over and over throughout the year. It is easy to become caught up in the planetary transits because they influence all of humanity – we are in a material program which promotes a homogenized way of thinking and acting.

Learning about the planetary transits help us to become aware of what is not us, of what is not our individual life. When we learn about the Rave Year ahead, it is a finger pointing us towards what we can become aware of, without becoming identified with it, or acting upon it. It becomes the basis of our wisdom about the world, and what is not us.

It can be valuable to remember that this is the transit weather passing through; however, it is a weather pattern that will come up over and over throughout the year. We do not need to identify ourselves with the weather passing through; it is simply something that is experienced through the body and observed with the mind. We don’t make up stories about how the weather is doing something to us, or that we must do something about the weather; it is simply a fact of life here on planet Earth. Just like the weather, the Rave New Year transit themes are a fact of life on planet Earth every year.

If we know it is going to be rainy, we can be prepared, and take an umbrella with us; if we know the Rave New Year forecast, we can be prepared for what the homogenized world around us will be caught up in, and therefore, what to look for in the transit weather.

What is the Program?

The Program is a term that Ra used to describe the way the planetary transits operate together. We live in a vast neutrino ocean of approximately 30 trillion neutrinos per square inch per second; and we take in their energy, which arises primarily from the core of stars. Each neutrino travels to us across the solar system; and as they pass across or through a planet, the neutrino picks up the frequency imprint of that planet.

Each planet has a specific orbit in our solar system, which is described in Human Design through the Rave Mandala wheel, from the point of view of planet Earth. As each planet moves in its orbit, it passes through each of the gates in the Rave Mandala wheel. The Sun takes 365 days to pass through all 64 gates, where Pluto takes 251.9 years to do the same.

When we look at a transit of a specific day, we are seeing a snapshot of the planet’s movement around the wheel, and the specific energies that the neutrinos are bringing to us. The combination of all these planetary aspects and their gates is called The Program.

By observing The Program for the Rave New Year, we can learn to recognize these imprinted themes in action around us, and not get caught up in acting upon them, or identifying with them. Simply stated – energy is not personal.

Each planetary body has its own unique frequency theme, which is then expressed through the imprinted neutrinos passing by, and through that planetary body.

When we are looking at the Rave New Year Transits, we are looking at the over-arching, global themes for the entire year. Their potential influence is in the way our mind is conditioned to think, with a particular direction or focus. We can also become caught up in identifying with the homogenized world, which amplifies this same conditioning.

Each planet’s frequency for the coming year, expressed through the specific gate it is transiting, brings a unique energy transmission, which can be experienced by the body, and observed by the mind.

However, each of us have our own imprint of the planets, and their gate energies, that make up our individual BodyGraph. Our very strategy, and Inner Authority, arise through the specifics of the planetary imprint of our design. When we are operating correctly, we are living a life that is built upon the specifics of our design, through each planetary aspect and their frequencies.

When the mind is running the life, it runs on The Program; it is a distorted, and homogenized way of life – acting and reacting to the transit themes and their influences. And, if The Program provides a transit in a gate that is open in our design, the mind will be very attracted to acting upon it.

By learning about The Program, and specifically the Rave New Year programming, we can learn to observe these themes in action around us. Slowly, we can become familiar with these themes, and avoid being identified with them, or initiating action based upon them.

Remember, the transits are here to be observed, and self-observation builds our wisdom, and potential for awareness in the now.

By Dharmen & Leela Swann-Herbert

Rave New Year Forecast 2017: The Program, a Practical Tool for Awareness

The Program is a practical tool in your awareness development process for this lifetime. How can you understand what it is, how to use it, and how to learn from it? The Rave New Year Forecast can provide you with the specifics of this year’s lesson plan for you and for the world around you, for your ongoing process of increasing awareness.

What is The Program?
The Program provides a continuous cyclical conditioning influence upon humanity, and it can manipulate the mind through openness in our design, reinforcing the mind’s use as the decision-making authority. The Program is created by the daily movement of the planets in their orbits around the solar system. According to the Human Design System, the cyclical orbiting trajectories of the planets influence the data-stream that permeates all of existence. This data-stream is the very intelligence of the universe, and is filtered and transmitted through each planet. Each planet has its own cycle around the wheel, commonly called a transit of a particular gate. For example, the Moon moves through each of the 64 gates in approximately 28 ½ days and the Sun and Earth cycle through each of the 64 gates in one year. Some of the inner planets such as Venus, Mars, and Jupiter take weeks or even months to transit a gate, while the outer planets, Neptune and Pluto, can take years to transit a gate.

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