Richard Rudd

The Genetic Hierarchy

In the image above, you can see the three other Types that we have looked at arranged in a triangular structure, with the Reflector in the middle. In terms of the genetic hierarchy, the Reflector has a unique view and role. The Manifestor, Generator and Projector are all solar Types, which means that they operate in a generalised imprinting program rooted in the neutrino stream coming from the sun. The Reflector is the only Type that can be described as ‘lunar’ since it operates in an imprinting program that is reflected through the movement of the moon as it passes through the solar neutrino stream.

In history, the Reflectors, like Projectors have been generally ignored, since the energy Types have ruled throughout our history. The future lies in a new direction however, with the unfolding of the natural genetic hierarchy. The Reflector’s place in this new order will be as an embodiment of the ultimate form of social and global justice, since their potential is to reflect everything around them with perfect equanimity.

Because Reflectors have no fixed definition in their design, there can be a quick assumption that they are somehow more vulnerable than the other three Types. This is not strictly true. We have already seen that the undefined centres are not necessarily a handicap if they are operating correctly. In fact, we have shown throughout this manual that it is the undefined centres that can be the deepest windows on wisdom. It is true that Reflectors are indeed vulnerable, but if they know their design clearly, they are absolutely protected from identifying with anything at all. Because the Reflector’s chemistry magnifies everything and everyone, they have the potential to see everything that is really happening in a way that no one else can. They are a key to a global consciousness, because they participate through their openness in filtering the general consciousness field.

The role of the Reflector is to be one with the totality. They are extremely important to us because their unique perspective is much closer to our future emerging consciousness than for example, the perspective of a Manifestor, which is deeply selfish in comparison.

Their greatest ability is to read others. Added to this, Reflectors have a deep kinship to the moon, and thus they have an opportunity for a mystical life that most of us cannot know.

They can know a deep connection to a celestial body in an ongoing and profound way. In a certain sense, Reflectors represent the moon on earth.

The greatest handicap of a Reflector is their greatest gift; their openness and vulnerability. If they do not know how they function, and if they identify with what they are mirroring, they will easily get lost and confused. Because of their impressionability, they can become very dependent on those around them and therefore they have to be very careful about who they allow into the inner circle of their lives. Reflectors come into the world full of wonder, but so often, having met the not-self of the world, they suffer from a deep disappointment.” – Richard Rudd, Living Your Design – A New Manual for Awakening (2004)

MoonBlog 23.3 Individuality

On the purity of Human Design or mixing it with other frameworks/modalities:

It has nothing to do with following one persons words (Ra Uru Hu) by the letter, or even the Human Design framework ‘to a fault’.

It is about seeing that “all knowledge burns down in the face of Strategy & Authority” and having seen that, experienced it.

By tinkering with it, to add or subtract, we’re tinkering with knowledge alone.

For instance I’ve been in several GeneKeys DeepDives, was live in London with Richard and others just before the book got out, did GK Host and Guide training, was asked to become a GK Guide, and had a great time exploring my emotional world through it. It was incredibly valuable to me and everyone else I know or came in contact with.

But as I also deepened my experience with HD I came to see, that not HD, not Ra, not GK, not any of it, not PHS, not this economic framework or that political philosophy, not Advaita Vedanta was key, but S&A was, my S&A for me, by me.

It truly holds everything, to make those decisions by yourself, which is often times not even decision -making- but realization of what is correct. The dawning awareness of that reality.

And that there is nothing wrong with someone telling me this.

The funny thing is, people claim and clamor that they are free to mix it (which they are), how open and progressive that is, but as soon as someone is telling them (why) not to mix it, all the openness and progressiveness is out the window and they become fundamentalist mixers all of a sudden, just like what they accuse others of doing ! 🙂

While more and more HD people shake their heads and become more and more silent in FB HD groups because of the enormous influx of people indeed wanting to mix, or as they fear the no choice dilemma, to at least have the option as they then cling to it and defend it ferociously, but not creating their own mix groups, but instead just take over the conversations, loud, arrogant, obnoxious, as they promote their mix, and then another mix, and yet another other with another mix.

Mixing it, is not experimenting with it. Hiding behind others and become false group thugs is not you living it.

Writing their own books, giving more, giving less, changing this, changing that, while standing on the basics of HD, while trampling it all the same. Ignoring the pearls from within it as changing one word or syllable has more importance, than -living- it or learning to, as their ego’s are boasted by the people that buy stuff from them, thinking both parties are on the right track, of manipulating life, of creating shortcuts to salvation and the end of their suffering.

That is not duality at all, “ignoring the yin (dark), only seeking yang (light), living only half of a dualistic life, for moral superiority”

I’ve had access to tons and tons and tons of HD and mixed or altered information, and to see, not just for me, but for so many others too, that even pure HD info is not the key, the information is just a drug (gateway drug?) is just for the mind to think it can outsmart life, pretend to change the mind with more/better information. And Ra was the pusher of it, by popular demand.

And then mind make all these and those connections, and thus indeed combine structures, insights, frameworks.

Until *plop* hey, wait a minute, more info is not supporting actually, it is aggravating, it is steering me in an ever more mental direction of thinking to know, to -understand- but it is a lie.

I don’t need more -information- to make my decisions, I need to find out what my decision -IS-, first, without my powerful mind, and listen to that body consciousness, and follow its directions.

I don’t need to know what Color 3 -means-, I need to -live- it.
To apply it, use it, and see how it responds, reacts, struggles, and observe that, notice it behaving. I don’t need to know what Gate the Moon is in right now to live it. Yes it is awesome to understand what energies are present right now, how I sample life differently, right now. But -knowing- what Gate it is in, does not change how I -experience- life, right now.
-edit- it actually does change the experience, but not for good, cause it steers the focus, it limits the openness of observation, because of pre-conceiving the experience, of setting the mind up for how the experience should/might/could look like in the first place.

And yes information of the framework of the how and why or when is interesting, but by just living it, it really does not matter if Reflectors are called Observers or Evaluators, and anyone (!) -selling- you that it does matter, has an agenda not to free you as a passenger, but is a prisoner of their own opinions on things, and help you become one too. And as we find our mental equals, we can salute each other and tap each other on the back for how fucking smart we are for knowing better than silly old Ra, but never outsmarting our own damn minds…

“Look at me, I’m pointing at the moon”, they say, look I changed HD and mixed it with this and that, want to hear my recipe, my version of how my mind made it -seem- better, so you can seem to feel better about it too. In your head?

No matter if you are called Richard Rudd, Karen Curry/Parker, Steve Rhodes or Juliane Hahn.
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MoonBlog 18.5 Therapy

What I find interesting to notice with (FB group)talk on Ra versus Zeno Dickson, Steve Rhodes, Karen Curry/Parker, Chetan Parkyn, Richard Rudd, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Kim Gould and so on is this:

When Ra says something it needs to have come from the Voice, or it (the mind of the audience) finds it hard to accept. We want to either believe or we do not believe. And not believing is just another belief…
Ra is not allowed (right…) to have understood and worked with what he got from the voice, it needs to be verbatim (word for word accurate) or not.

But these ‘heretics’, those who moved on or away from Ra’s Jovian Human Design, who have not had the experience of the voice know better? They know better with their minds what is accurate and true about Human Design and they -are allowed- to freely interpret and share from their own and personal perspective?

Then all of a sudden the masses huddle up in line to sign up for this or that course, filling the coffers of those so called free entrepreneurs with funds of the ignorant and stupid who lament at the prices and structure of Jovian and IHDS. These people paid hundreds if not thousands for not just second hand information, but altered and changed, mangled and maimed by their grotesque ego teachers ! (while actually stating it to be ‘not like it at all’) Empowerment for only a few dollars less…
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The unbearable lightness of being oneself

“There is a certain sentence one regularly hears from many people who are new to Human Design:

I have already done a lot of work on myself….

The truth is that the more work you have done on yourself, the harder it will be to decondition all of that work. I speak as one who knows! I did a lot of work on my ‘not self’ as well. I was really into polishing my not self! And it’s not about devaluing all that work either. It all has its value in the end.

If you have found Human Design, you must be a naturally lucky person, but you may also be damned! You have to have double luck for the knowledge to take root inside you.

There are no prerequisites for awakening. This is the only thing that can never be read from your chart – who will get it and who will not is still one of the true mysteries. It doesn’t matter how good a student you are – you could know more about Human Design than Ra Uru Hu himself and not get it – or you could only ever hear 2 sentences about your strategy and get it. You can be the most impatient person on this earth, but if your design makes the commitment to the process, you will learn to be patient within your impatience.

It’s a maddening business is Human Design.

So, after years of digging, I have only one diamond.

I would say: tread softly. Human Design isn’t about inner work – it’s about shedding all of that – and once its gone, we really get to see that it’s really about inner play. It isn’t serious at all. In fact, it’s bloody hilarious.”

An Afterword by Richard Rudd – Living Your Design manual

MoonBlog 39.2 Confrontation

Goodbye Richard Rudd.

I have enjoyed and loved the GeneKeys, and the many people I met through it, and both the book as well as the Golden Path sequencing are a treasure to be had for many seekers of being yourself. Those who seek to understand themselves, and the GeneKeys as I met them provides a view to look at ourselves quite beyond any other. Giving clues to some of our own personal behaviour, our mental hooks and triggers, as well as some of our behaviour in groups or society at large. The individual and the Collective.

But something has been nagging me for a little while now, and I’ve noticed it before when Richard was still in Human Design too, which is that some things are his personal journey, and they are 100% valid in his personal journey, I can not possibly say otherwise. Well yes, I could say it, but it would not be more or less true if I would. But what is nagging is that some of this personal journey is being sold, and I mean this in both a show and tell kind of ego presentation as well as actually exchanging information for monies, sold as if it were transferable and applicable to all people.

I’ve started noticing it in his ‘Seven Years On the Wheel of Passage’, which still today is being gifted as a free Human Design tool. A tool thus that one could use for their own process, their own journey, by calling it a formula. But what many people fail to recognize, whether in Human Design or in the GeneKeys, this is -his- formula, you are being distracted from finding your own by following his formula, or anyone’s formula ! Because listen carefully: there is no one formula. There is not even a formula for -you-. There is nothing to repeat, or do similarly, not even for him, or for me.
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The Genetic Hierarchy

“The Human Design System shows how the four types actually make up a structured ‘genetic hierarchy’, which highlights the way different human beings are designed to interact with each other. In this hierarchy, we are all interdependent, just like the cells that make up our bodies. Below is a symbolic matrix of the way in which the four types interlock with each other. The two energy types, manifestors and generators form the creative foundation, with projectors at the top of the hierarchy being the natural guides, although they are also dependent on the two energy types below. In the centre are the reflectors. These people are designed to be the hub of their communities, playing a vital role in bringing a sense of justice and balance to the hierarchy as a whole.” -Richard Rudd, Opening Doors with Gene Keys


The Ancient Art of Contemplation

“If I had to say in a single line what the Gene Keys are, I would say they are a universal language made up of 64 genetic archetypes. If I had to say what the Gene Keys do, I would say they allow you to completely re-envision yourself and recreate your life at a level limited only by your own imagination. The Gene Keys are also a transmission. In Buddhism there is a wonderful word known as ‘dharma’. It is one of those words pregnant with many dimensions of meaning. It points towards the existence of a higher truth or universal law pervading the universe. Because the realisation of the dharma is beyond words, its transmission can only be received through silence and deep meditative absorption. The Gene Keys are just such a transmission. As archetypes they each contain a fractal aspect of the same universal Truth. As genetic archetypes they allow you to resonate that Truth deep within each cell of your body.

This brings us to a very important point that you must know before you enter the living dharma-field of the Gene Keys. Because the Gene Keys are a transmission beyond words, they will not yield their secrets to an intellectual, grasping mind. The more you chase after them with your mind the more frustrated you may become. As archetypes, the Gene Keys are designed to be contemplated, and contemplation demands relaxation and patience. Contemplation is one of the greatest and least understood of the ancient mystical arts and paths.
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Opening Doors

‘For millennia, man has tried to solve his problems in the external world.
The first step towards clarity is the understanding that all problems lie within.
The second step is the realisation that the problems cannot be fixed.
The third step is the relief that floods us once the second step is over’ – Richard Rudd


A.H. Almaas
Jed McKenna
Ra Uru Hu
Richard Rudd
Wayne Liqourman
Sitara Mittag
Jordan B. Peterson

MoonBlog 43.2 Dedication

Perpetual Rollercoaster

Since Ibiza April 2009 I have been on quite a journey, through (online) information, meeting and greeting people, and classes/lectures/events.

First I dived into Integral Human Design through the webinar at GeneKeys by Richard Rudd and Werner Pitzal, which gave me a sense of other/more possibilities using the bodygraph. In short: applying Integral Approach and Spiral Dynamics combined with your bodygraph and thus locking in to higher and higher states of being.

Then off to Amsterdam for a Living Your Design weekend with Guido Wernink, Stien Michiels and others for more basic knowledge and practical lessons about what it really means to actually live your design (hence the name ;-), what possibilities there are and what contrasts we will meet, in ourselves and others. Giving me a greater foundation to work from.
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The issue of reflectors and the four paths to enlightenment

“Since time immemorial, man has hankered after a state of transcendence from the form in which he finds himself locked. This state has been called so many different names – nirvana, moksha, brahman, satori, enlightenment, awakening…

This issue of enlightenment is deeply ingrained within the Human Design Revelation. The actual terminology is important here since Design notes a difference between enlightenment and awakening. Awakening is referred to as being in absolute alignment with our original nature. It is as simple as being oneself. Enlightenment is a rather more slanted terminology, since its etymology hints towards the word ‘light’. In other words, enlightenment, as a word, can be deeply divisive and misleading. To dwell within the light is to dwell in an extreme, and many enlightenment teachings over the centuries have sought to escape the darker side of human nature. Awakening is a broader term – you can be awake and in the light or asleep and in the light and you can be asleep in the dark or awake in the dark.
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