For years people talked to me (actually starting on the very first introduction) about all the different elements of my Variables, my Digestion, my Environment, my Perspective and my Motivation, but talking never made the sense I have now, all I got was -their- Perspective on what it should, might, could, bla and more bla.
Through going through these courses with Dharmen and Leela and not only understanding the whole concept, but seeing it as I live my life, combined with the experiments that are offered in class to engage with, now I see. Slowly.
And it took me 5 years into Living my Design to even be interested in exploring it.
Other sources touching upon the same subject:
-The Differentiation Lectures (Lecture 2: The Four Transformations)
-The Meaning of Variable – an Introduction
-Variables (eBook)
-Radical Transformations (eBook included) (Audio)
-The Left & Right Package