“De Maan is steeds met dezelfde kant naar de Aarde gekeerd, omdat haar rotatie even lang duurt als een complete omwenteling rond de Aarde, Die cyclus duurt overigens 29.5 dag.” – Jan van den Berg
De rotatie én omwenteling zelf duurt ongeveer 27.3 dagen, gemiddeld.
Echter voordat de Maan er weer hetzelfde -uitziet- (de ‘fase’ van het zonlicht weerkaatst op de Maan, gezien vanaf het oppervlakte op Aarde) duurt het 29.5 dagen. Maar dan is de Maan al even verder in zowel de rotatie als de omwenteling zelf, juist omdat de positie van en de Aarde en de Maan ten opzichte van de Zon ook is verschoven.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon#Orbit: “The Moon makes a complete orbit around Earth with respect to the fixed stars about once every 27.3 days[g] (its sidereal period). However, because Earth is moving in its orbit around the Sun at the same time, it takes slightly longer for the Moon to show the same phase to Earth, which is about 29.5 days[h] (its synodic period).[71] “
En overigens, alleen omdat de Maan dezelfde richting opdraait als die eigen omwenteling zien we de Maan steeds met dezelfde kant naar de Aarde toe gericht. En zelfs dan, echt niet exact hetzelfde de hele tijd, zie onder andere: https://www.mcha.nl/2018/09/12/lunations/
Human Design will never be a respectable modality because of all the free-loaders, hoarders, interpretations & misunderstanding, snake oil sales(wo)men and unprofessionals sharing it and selling it.
“The Human Design Reflector type is a rare and unique being. They have a very special role to play as wise observers of the world.”
Not necessarily, this is a fairytale homogenization. There are no fixed roles for anyone. Human Design is not for everyone, and Reflectors being 1.45% of 4% of 4% makes 9 Reflectors out 387.931 that ever meet HD will live accordingly. The Reflector chart is not a certificate, and most don’t study HD at all, let alone decondition.
“A Reflector’s uniqueness gives them a specific set of challenges they must navigate if they are to exist as strong, healthy, and happy individuals.”
Again, there is no such a must, this is pretending life is magical and the fairytale has a beginning, a middle and an end. And that we can have control over it by following some false dogma. Some Reflectors will live as ‘strong, healthy, and happy individuals’ without ever meeting HD. The teacher of this Reflector, Karen Curry Parker is a well known liar about what HD is and how to use it, and abuse not-self/external energies (Transits) for ones own self made up goals. This description reeks of just that, and making HD into some kind of religion even, by stating that there are musts.
“When they harness their unique strengths, they can serve as human barometers, reflecting back the current health of their community and forecasting what is energetically yet to come.”
This forecasting is false. Anyone with HD knowledge (Rave Cosmology) can do this. It is not limited to Reflectors and it is pretending -all- Reflectors can and will do this, if those ridiculous conditions ‘harness(ing) their unique strengths’ are met, first. Which is just more false belief, and gives enormous pressure to the unsuspecting Reflector asked to forecast. There are easily 1000’s of -different- Reflectors. Each with unique abilities and networks and conditioning and their mechanical imprint. Some are stronger in this field, than any other. To homogenize all Reflectors to fairy-tale like functions is simply incorrect.
“Reflectors flourish with support and guidance about how to live a fulfilling and sustainable life.”
A what now? ‘fulfilling and sustainable’ are subjective gibberish, and again make it sound as if the Reflector has to do all kinds of circus acts before becoming a good little Reflector. Total nonsense, see also: MoonBlog 58.4 Focusing and MoonBlog 46.5 Pacing, and who is supposed to give this support, let alone guidance?
“Without this, they can easily feel misunderstood and, at times, lost.”
Feelings are sensations, like hot, or cold. Misunderstanding is a thought. So we think misunderstood, we think (to be) lost. And mind is -never- the Inner Authority. And it is true we -are- misunderstood, but it’s not a feeling inside the Reflector, writing about HD correctly is not easy, see also: MoonBlog 46.3 Projection.
“A thriving Reflector is a beacon of objectivity and wisdom.”
Or not… Ah yes, duality… totally ignored by KCP…
“This book provides Reflectors and those who love them with a tangible guide that supports Reflectors in working with their unique design, equipping them with the tools they need to fulfil their specific life purpose.”
Yes the market is ‘those that love them’ and talk nonsense to them, and pretending there are such goals, if only you help them put their mind/effort into it. There is no such need. Much of this is just another form/version of undefined ego/heart proving and improving, the first responder of the not-self, which KCP and Amber Clements both have undefined. Read more