The Transit chart shows the chart of today, so ‘Personality’ side
But nothing gets imprinted, cause this only happens twice in life, 88 Solar degrees before being born (which then becomes the Design imprint) and then at birth (the Personality side). Everything else, is not you, is the weather, an external influence.
So the Transit chart of now, does not even have a Type, since Type only emerges out of the Juxtaposition of Design and Personality together, of 2 imprints of Crystals only. Type is form functioning. It can not be separated.
Then the quote, linked from my blog ( As I write it there also, but I’ve heard it is not that clear, so I reword it here:
The Transit chart looks very open, yes, but it does not mean, that everyone will experience these Transits, or not experience them (!). Not Reflectors, not other Types either.
I do not have Gate 30 activated/imprinted in my chart, nor the Gate at the other side of the channel, Gate 41. but when the Transit is in Gate 30, and this could be the Moon, or the Sun, or Jupiter. I can experience deep emotional overwhelm. And, this is a pattern, it happens often when something is in Gate 30.
Even when the Transit chart shows ‘no definition’, and I don’t have neither Gate 30 nor 41, and exactly this, this noticing, this observation from experience, is half the story of the Lunar Cycle.
There is no homogenized effect on anyone else (or at least, not forced/fixed) to experience cosmic baths, openness or the opposite, when Transits happen. It can only be, your own unique experience, which by journalling you will find out, how -you- sample life, differently, than I do, or any other Reflector does.
That really also is the power of Human Design, to become your own observer and finding your own truth, without having to listen or believe anyone else. Experientially. To become, your own Authority.
Enjoy 🙂
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