Koen Hillewaert : “an open head, open ajna has second hand thoughts and inspiration… not first hand… so the thoughts we have, the inspiration we have is not ours, it came from somebody else. Just like an undefined solar plexus gets and multiplies the emotions from the other…”
Just because we don’t have -consistent access to- the Solar Plexus, does not mean we do not have emotions of our own, ever, at all.
Or thoughts.
This is one of those things that get said in HD that really go too far, are being taken literal, for having been an analogy.
If and when being in aura with someone else, there is the -potential- to take in and amplify theirs, but it is not singularly true, all the time. You can sit with them, they get emotionally triggered, and you not. The Natural and Healthy State of the Undefined Solar Plexus is: emotionally quiet. And this can happen perfectly fine in aura with others.
Never your own thoughts, what a lot of bullcrap is that man. I live and spend so much time alone that I can tell when it is yours or mine. And much of the bullshit I think, is truly mine… well ok, it’s my minds.
Such a notion pretends there is no true self behaviour in undefined centers.
Gate 11 of ideas, peace. A harmonic condition in the individual or sciety that permits assessment before renewed action.
Gate 11 Line 6 adaptability. The Inner balance to accept transition.
Exalted: The innate awareness that all forms are transitory. The realization that ideas lead to change and are changeable.
Detriment: Adaptability in its most negative manifestation. The speculator who profits at the expense of others in times of peace or war. The realization of what idea is of value in any situation.