Beforehand, before making a decision, we can know correctness, or not, correctness.
We can observe our not-self, our mind, our external influences, our Outer Circumstances all have their conditioning on us. And also the see-saw of Distraction/Transference and Perspective/Motivation.
We can observe the body engage or not engage. Whether to external stimuli and S&A when others are involved, or through the Tone of our PHS when alone.
Afterwards and in hindsight, the experience itself of engaging or not engaging, was always Trajectory.
Correctness is no longer an observation; a bad experience does not mean not correct. Not finishing what was engaged, does not mean not correct.
Maybe/perhaps it was correct to engage, yet then also correct to not finish. Or correct to have a ‘bad’ experience. Duality after all… and (thus)… Trajectory.
Correctness is an observation and never a meaning, unless a false conclusion and a potential guilt trip by mind once more.
Also, nothing was ever ‘incorrect’, something is either correct or not correct.
Incorrect is a judgment stemming out of morality, by an imposed set of made up rules, of right and wrong for instance, correctness itself is merely a (re)cognition, an observation.
MoonBlog 37.5 and 37.6
Gate 37 of friendship, the family
The manifestation macro- and micro-cosmically of the organic nature of communities.
Gate 37 Line 5 Love
Natural and unaffected devotion to the family.
Exalted: Natural harmony and perfected sharing. Natural harmony and sharing possible through friendship.
Detriment: Emotional dependency that often turns love into hatred. The possibility of dependency turning love into hate.
Gate 37 Line 6 Purpose
The energy to maintain the family is enhanced by recognizing its values.
Exalted: The gift of not only recognizing the inner meaning of the family but an appreciation for its values. The possibility of extending friendships through the appreciation of its value.
Detriment: A need for diversity that may ignore the achievements of the family in favour of withdrawal. The need for diversity that despite appreciation will prefer casual friendships. Natural and unaffected devotion to the family.