What if, instead of setting you free, Human design is actually holding you back? What if, instead of it becoming a road to your best self, it has become a cage?
We’ve all seen it…people so fixated on their chart, so bound by their “type,” that they miss out on all kinds of incredible opportunities, ignoring what they feel pulled towards, denying what they love. They let this “inner authority” given to them by another person who never even met them, dictate every decision, ignoring their intuition, ignoring critical thinking. They’re afraid to step outside the lines, to experiment, to grow beyond the labels. They live in illusion that they are free when they are actually imprisoned.
This isn’t about rejecting Human Design, it’s about leading your own life. It’s about taking the insights from your chart and using them wisely, not letting them define every aspect of who you are. It’s about remembering that you’re more than your type, profile and centers. You’re a complex individual with a unique journey, with unique experiences, why do you willingly accept being placed in this tiny box?
It can be really difficult. Human design can for a lot of people really be like a disease that takes over their entire being. They can’t communicate anymore, all they think about and talk about is Human design. Instead of freeing them, Human Design becomes their limitation. An addiction.
There is a nice, easy way of using it. When you use it as a tool, without letting it dictate your every move and every thought. Don’t let it convince you that you are unemotional, that you shouldn’t speak, shouldn’t ask, shouldn’t leave a situation you really want to leave, that you shouldn’t apply for your dream job. And when you have been following the ritual for years, the ritual becomes your comfort zone, and leaving it becomes the biggest fear.
You enter into HD after being sick of standards and boxes, only to find yourself in even more narrow ones. Every aspect of you suddenly needs to be controlled. You are not allowed to think. You are not allowed to feel bad, as you will instantly be called notself, shamed and insulted. It’s time to see and realize that you never left the world of standardisation. You got even deeper in.
from https://www.facebook.com/lara.jozanovic
Human Design is not a thing that does anything, it has no such powers.
it (HD) can not hold me back, only me, or, my mind can
If I abuse the information, or use it differently than what HD is about, than this is on me, not on HD
HD is just a bunch of words, all combined makes up a framework of knowledge, which some seems to pan out, and some actually not so much.
But when implemented and used, there is an observable result.
when used differently, those results can also be observed, but can not possibly be the fault of HD
So it, can not possible be ‘holding you back’, or ‘be a cage’
Only I (ego/mind) can let ‘it’ dictate my every decision, pretending to use the rules of such a modality/framework/whatever else.
Only my mind can be this disease, can be how I communicate, get addicted or even limited. Not anything else outside of my mind does any of this.
And if my ego/mind is in on this, big time, then that is a good place to look for it and at it. And maybe the observation helps, maybe not.
The acknowledgment, the seeing, the realization, of us being so taken up/by something might help
but lets point at us ourselves, in the way we speak/communicate then as well. Cause to ‘accuse HD’ is quite besides the point.
Somehow the 12 steps come to mind: “To accept the things I cannot change;. Courage to change the things I can;. And wisdom to know the difference.”
My 2 cents: Love yourself for being an idiot… I mean… human 🙂
not a robot that is omniscient, omnipotent, and bla.