Changed frame-link bush and bearings
3mm steel fork stabilizer build at ErikMobiel
Prototype E.V.A. motor centrestand

Arrow Paris Dakar Replica muffler
changed chain joint & regulator/rectifier
Kedo 530 chain/sprocket set (16/46, JTF566.16 (later changed for JTF566.15), JTR865.46, RK 530SO 112)
Goodridge DIY Steelflex brakeline, yellow handlebar
The issue of reflectors and the four paths to enlightenment
“Since time immemorial, man has hankered after a state of transcendence from the form in which he finds himself locked. This state has been called so many different names – nirvana, moksha, brahman, satori, enlightenment, awakening…
This issue of enlightenment is deeply ingrained within the Human Design Revelation. The actual terminology is important here since Design notes a difference between enlightenment and awakening. Awakening is referred to as being in absolute alignment with our original nature. It is as simple as being oneself. Enlightenment is a rather more slanted terminology, since its etymology hints towards the word ‘light’. In other words, enlightenment, as a word, can be deeply divisive and misleading. To dwell within the light is to dwell in an extreme, and many enlightenment teachings over the centuries have sought to escape the darker side of human nature. Awakening is a broader term – you can be awake and in the light or asleep and in the light and you can be asleep in the dark or awake in the dark.
Read more
Changed lowered seat for a 2nd hand original
Dynojet runs at KMS #155 and #160 jets, 2/6 needleclip
K&N filters, Dynojet Stage 2 kit and old airfilter lids
testing thermostat and placing oil-temp/meter
Interchanged float bowls and replaced needle-jets
stripping Krauser K-wing
bought in Germany
Touratech IMO 100R300
Verliefd Jan eet een lekkere Baffo tosti Oeps, there it is Alu plaatje met genotsknots Show me what you got Show me what you got Show me what you got Spatwaterprutz? Spatwaterprutz? Spatwaterprutz? Magneet op bout ter speed sensing Lights on
Yamaha XT350
swingarm/link los, vast (59Nm), gruis :
verbouwd tapeind onderste bout oliefilterdeksel, plastic tandwielen nog ok, groene zeep :
dicht, met neue kick keerring, kleppendekselbout is geen imbus…, kleplichter moet los… :
stukje dan…, klepsteltool in use, IN 2.50mm UIT 2.30mm, echt waar :
Wrong :
Te vroeg dus… :
Te laat dan maar… :
(1na laatste foto nokkenassen goed, laatste foto T goed)
Valve tappet adjusting tool
XT350 valve tappet adjusting tool
Expensive, terribly made, lot of clearance between tool and valve lifters

Cheaper, better made, better/tighter fit

How to: 1 rod of Stainless Steel 316
cut into slices
drill a hole
mill a bit off at each side
saw in half, drill hole, sandpaper it a bit, done

Gonna get dirty
Honda TL125S at Valutapad/De Reef
Tosti roels
1 bruin brood, 20 plakken kaas, 10 plakken ham