MoonBlog 34.5 annihilation

“The (un)bearable lightness of being…”
“2 days of no transit definition. All 9 centres white. A rare opportunity for Reflectors to savour the complete absence of any kind of pressure from without and within. Difficult to find the right words to express the delight I am experiencing in this limitless space and time, the weightlessness of the body moving around as if floating. No definition, no structure, no mind interfering in this experience of “the (un)bearable lightness of just being there – in wonder…”
Reflectors around the globe – watch out for those days and find a way to be by yourself in those rare moments… you might be up for a surprise!”
and: “It happened again today… yes – it’s difficult to describe in words Isabel Moreira. I imagine that’s why some people use drugs to have that kind of experience. Maybe later on something pops up to share more with my Reflector kin… For now I am just savouring this cosmic bath… in silence… ?” – Nisarg B. Nikiel
What is this notion of a cosmic bath? Right now the Moon is in Gate 34 forming a temporary conditioned definition with my Gate 20. Besides we’re not here to live the Transits themselves, and even then, our individual experience will always be different, regardless of what the resulting chart looks like. The chart is not the life (!)
The other day (August 21st 2020), Earth was in Gate 30 line 5, which I do not have in my chart, nor do I have Gate 41, but I’ve never seriously felt more depressed and suicidal than ever before, when for instance I was in much more dire situations/outer circumstances. No I was just sitting there on my bed, watching tv, a comedy even, and I became deeply depressed and suicidal. This Gate 30 has always been a huge trigger for me. Nothing cosmic or bath-like for me, unless it was to drown myself in, to die.
There are no fairy tales in Human Design and certainly no homogenization, so when there are no channels formed by the Transits, it does not have to mean anything at all, and most certainly not for all Reflectors, no made up surprises, nothing the same for anyone/everyone else. Even when ‘no definition’ shows up. Nothing is fixed, not positive not negative.
Weirdo in the mail about this post here: SunBlog 11.5 the philanthropist (in Detriment) Read more