MoonBlog 63.4 Memory
On Lunar Cycle Processing for Reflectors:
I found, that if I entered into something incorrectly (smoking cigarettes, picking up someone in bar me (and/or her) utterly wasted), I do not need a month (processing) to get out of it.
Although, I may have been processing it unconsciously, but so far that is what I think now.
If I entered into something correctly but is something bad, then I do need a month processing.
Also, many ‘bad’ things were correct for me, to experience. Not because of their outcome or what I learned because of them, not any so called logical reason or meaning, but simply correct to experience as an experience, full stop.
I can only start processing something by myself if it is only for me, or about me. To buy a new jacket, or to play guitar, or not.
For all things where other people are invloved I need external initiating to process it to begin with. Otherwise if I start processing this or that job, or relationship without external initiation, I will never finish processing cause then it is all mind.
I can not initiate myself, cause that is mind.
And then if properly initiated, after processing a month and it is not clear, or not a hell yes, then I process another month, and if need be another other month, and so on.
Until it is ‘clear’ until I noticed my body moved here, or there, engaged, or disengaged.
So an important question to me in or before processing is: how did I get (t)here? Did I get into it by my own mind, or by my correctness in the first place? Before I tackle: has it run its course (yet)?
an older quote by Leela Swann-Herbert:
“Reflectors with their sampling aura can close or open themselves to the other…they cannot keep out the transits. Reflectors only need to be initiated to decisions (and interactions) that involve the other – activities, projects, places, relationships…No type needs to be asked, invited or initiated to decisions that only involve themselves – all the types except Manifestors need to have life bring them activities, projects, places, relationships that involve others…from outside of their aura – Generators/asked; Projectors/invited; Reflectors/initiated…“
Anything dealing with anyone else but me, we Reflectors all need to be initiated. So all those situations you can now possibly think of or remember, are those exact situations where this is true. All of them, all the time.
If not initiated then it is (a) mind(fuck).
For me as a 4/6 profile there is an added nuance (not a complication though) that the initiations (or ‘solutions’) come from my network of friends, so for houses, partners, jobs.
Buying motorbikes or Guitars or iPads seem a little different, especially when bought online, for me.
But my recent moped buy was offered to me by a long time friend, from a work colleague of his.
I was processing owning one for quite a few years already (and nothing happened!), but not until my partner mentioned getting one each (ping initiation happening) I shared with my friend I was looking for one, and he told me a few days later he knew one.
An invitation could perfectly well be an initiation. To me it is the perception of a trigger indeed, of my Lunar Processing starting.
Usually someone asks me something for them, about them, like “wanna do this for me, or with me?” kind of questions.
To me, it is about -the perception- of being invited or initiated. If you perceive to be, then you probably are…
…else mind…
I’m an HD Guide & Teacher, but I don’t or rarely advertise any services, until someone asks -and- it is correct for me (too). Then I can shift into gear of what I have to offer, to them. And if that is a course for instance someone initiated me into, then I can advertise it somewhere else too (as have seen in the past)
But I can not just say: you know what, I’m gonna organize one this May.
In the mean time I simply continue to study, or even work on presentations, for myself, by myself. Some may never be ‘called for’, or not in this life time. I still had fun creating them being with them in my own processing, in my own honing of my information presentation.
In some situations (publishing a book), if the conversation goes there, and you both perceive to be ‘triggered’ then hey maybe something happens with it. Or someone overhears and steals it, or beats you to it publishing it. Who knows…? 😉
Or maybe the conversation was great, wonderful ideas exchanged, but you notice it has no life, no juice. No one is triggered, nothing ‘happens’.
And not also buy that quad-bike cause everyone has one and you do want to go quadding. Check, first.
Taken from an online discussion in the Human Design Reflector group on Facebook