
The Personality is not a Willful Passenger


“Let’s get rid of some lies. One of the lies that I’ve heard for years is that people actually believe that they choose their parents. I’ve heard this a lot. It always amazes me that anybody can imagine that. But then again, the vanity of human beings is overwhelming to me as it is.

You really have to understand the nature of a Personality crystal. The Personality crystal is software, and it simply does not operate unless it has hardware. It just doesn’t. Personality crystals don’t think. They filter consciousness, but they don’t think. What thinks is the hardware. It’s the software that simply programs it. Personality crystals out of the body don’t have a Personality. They’re not self-reflective. They don’t know what the fuck’s going on. They have no idea. They are just humming and vibrating in space. This lie, that that thing (the software) is going to choose the computer it’s going to go into, I find hilarious. It doesn’t. There is no choice in all of that.

There is, obviously, both rhyme and reason to incarnation. We live in a very complex and sophisticated program, and you do not come into the world with those that are not appropriate for you by program. In other words, what human beings like to do is to make up really good stories.” – Ra Uru Hu

MoonBlog 51.1 reference

Reading the 1st lecture of Rave Cosmology 3, Dying, Death and Bardo Stages, I suddenly think both my parents had a near complete Bardo (ie 72 hours) due to circumstances.


My father had a stroke while in the shower, at age 36. He was born with some kind of heart issue which he never spoke about. Even on our questions why he was never in military service he replied with: ‘feet too big’. Supposedly he should have taken better care of himself, on his health and body and nutrition. Personally I think this is complete bullshit and just an excuse to explain something unexplainable. For a while as a child I believed it, and it seemed to make sense. Now that I’m older I see the irrelevance of this nonsense talk. I mean we lived in a normal house with heating and plumbing and windows, we had enough meals a day for sustenance. And the food was regular food. I never saw him eat supposed horrible foods either. But I digress…

After the stroke, he was brought to hospital in the nearby city. We (me and my 2 sisters) were taken care of by hired help and were sent to school and such and I guess I visited once in that time, early on. He was there for about a week, maybe 2, until he died, unable to recover. But since we had not seen him for about a week, we lamented (at least I did, in my memory) of wanting to see him once more before his cremation, I can not say for certain if he was held underground or not, and I might find the actual dates and such, but I have this thought that our wanting to see him, gave him some time to leave correctly.
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Dying, Death and the Bardo Stages

You have had the same personality crystal for approximately 15 billion years. Your body becomes more evolved in every incarnation. When you die correctly, a simple matter, your newly refined awareness returns to its fractal home, enriches the totality, and moves on from there to its correct place in the cosmic flow.


In this eleven week semester we will look at:

-The elegant mechanics of the death process
-The very simple method of ensuring that you (or someone else) dies correctly
-When the personality crystal is unable to reunite with its correct geometry
-The bardo (death journey) sequence – the potential of the ultimate awareness journey and how to read it
-The fundamentals of the death reading itself (the aspect of the life that is only revealed with a time of death calculation).

This course also includes some analysis of the Power Column and some line level analysis of the Rave I Ching.

The gift of an individuated death is practical and simple to give or receive. In the wonder and scope of its underlying mechanics, it can also revitalize each remaining moment of life starting now. Please join me for what I suspect will be not only a deeply practical but deeply joyous journey.