MoonBlog 39.4 Temperance

The last part on the Reflector is nonsensical homogenization, and fantasy wishful thinking writing based on a theoretic understanding of Reflectors.

“Having clear boundaries and conscious awareness of what’s really going on during the game will help him not be overwhelmed by others or feel disappointed in the way the game is going but rather feel a sense of surprise and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all.”

Those pre-requisites of ‘having clear boundaries and conscious awareness’ are unattainable for any/all Reflectors and can not be used as a tool to counter such influences, this is just pretending to have any such control over the influence of the experience, first, and for all Reflectors, second. 7 centered Make-ability syndrome all over again.

Also as if being overwhelmed is something to avoid, first, and or bad, second, but most of all as if one actually can avoid any of the experience in such a way. But then also, as if ‘feeling a sense of’ [anything] is the goal! And then particularly or specifically “surprise and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all” as if Reflectors are toddlers or something, what the actual…?

Reflectors/Evaluators (still waiting for any proof that Ra himself ever called Reflectors Evaluators) do sample, do experience, but this way of writings suggests one only is one if one feels this sense of surprise and even wonder, first, but for the flow of it all? There is no room for things not flowing (say an accident happens with a player breaking a leg infield and needs medical attention, or a fight among players from opposing teams, or opposing fans), no room for unexcitement, which happens much MUCH more often than not and is just as valid an experience, especially when IT IS the actual experience of this, or that Reflector.

But also, as if 3 Reflectors, or 300 would experience all the same in the same situation, first, and only if they have clear boundaries and conscious awareness (can we measure this, is that in kilograms, or other units?) second.

Ah man… this is truly fantasy blabla-land.

Edit/add-on: it seems in BG5 there is no deconditioning and therefor something external must bring forth the peace, satisfaction, success and surprise (and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all), when living your design it is not brought (in/out?) by external factors, it is a result of you Living Your Design.

I can understand if one teaches things in certain ways, this is the conclusion people arrive at. And therefor surprise and awe/wonder happens because of this (positive thing only), or because of that (any other positive outer circumstance) because the teaching itself omits how it does work, so it does not sound too googoogaga, when in fact that is the -only- realm it does functions in: dark matter and dark energy.

And therefor has become yet another way of misrepresenting Reflectors and what they are and how they do work/function, when HD is probably the only tool available to explain Reflectors well, they seem to fucking miss the mark on each occasion.
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The Four Career Types


The Career Types
The first, and most important, aspect in your analysis is your Career Type, which shows your inherent role within the material world. While there are millions of variations of Career Designs, there are these core Career Types. Each of us is one of these Career Types, and your Type stays the same throughout your entire life. Here is a very brief explanation of The Career Types.

Innovators comprise about 9 percent of the population. They are the ones that initiate and get the ball rolling. They are not afraid to bring something new into the material world, and yet need allies from the other Career Types to help them manifest their vision over time. Innovators operate best when they inform others about what they are about to do, thus eliminating resistance and putting people at ease. When Innovators cannot operate in peace, they get angry. They are designed to have a powerful impact, and to be the initiating mechanisms for others. Getting things going, not sustaining them over time, is their gift to the material world.

Builders represent about 70 percent of the population. They are great at building and growing a business. They know “how” to get the job done. Satisfaction in their work comes by engaging with that work through an internal response to outside stimuli. By allowing this internal response to guide them, Builders learn what they are best at, and what brings them the most satisfaction. Without utilizing this internal response, they end up working in the wrong job, and are left feeling frustrated. The Builders are the life force of the planet, and are designed to know themselves by observing what they respond to. Doing their life’s work is vital to their well-being, and the vitality and energy they bring and sustain is their gift to the material world.

Advisors are approximately 20 percent of the population. They make great administrators, coaches, consultants, teachers and leaders, and excel at directing the action of others. Advisors experience the most success in life when they are called into this role through recognition of their specific gifts and talents. When they wait until they are recognized, and invited, the success of their material life unfolds for them. Working in an environment where they are not appreciated or recognized for their talents only brings them bitterness. The insightful recognitions, unique perceptions, and guidance they bring, in terms of how to make our interactions more efficient, is their gift to the material world.

Evaluators represent only about 1 percent of the population. They are the indispensable advisors, evaluators and assessors. They are very good at monitoring the ‘condition’ of a business, organization or community. They operate best in an environment where they are not rushed or hurried. They observe what is unique and different, and can be very beneficial in pointing out things that are going unnoticed. They are very much like the canary in the mineshaft. Their clue that they themselves may not be in the right environment is a sense of disappointment. The Evaluators are designed to be the judges of humanity, and to reflect back the injustices humanity inflicts on itself. Their ability to clearly and objectively discern the ‘this and that’ of the world is their gift to the material world.


MoonBlog 54.6 Selectivity

Career reflector, or a reflectors’ career?

– So here I am (hmm favorite intro line?), in Ibiza for the 2009 event.

It’s Sunday the 5th, I’m a little early to meet up with different people inside and outside of the Hotel and at 5PM I go to the BG5 lecture. Since I’m not only interested in what makes people tick, but also in the relations between people in different circumstances (work, love, etc), I did not want to miss this one.
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