Bericht van Birgitte Westerveld
Weirdos in the mail:
TransIP 1 maart 2019 23:46
Van Birgitte Westerveld ontvingen wij onderstaand bericht.
Good day,
I would like to report the following website hosted by your firm Transip B.V. server for abusive content and slandering of my name across the internet. It’s a site maintained by Sjef Romijn :
Content from a private FB discussion I’ve had between ‘friends only’ has been forwarded to Mr. Romijn in May 2018 and he has tagged several versions of my name (and those of others) and now all the offense content and images show up in search engines across the internet.
My reputations is being severely damaged and I would like all taken down. I have sent Mr. Romijn a private message this morning with the request to remove all content concerning me, but unfortunately he also promptly publicized this as well! I am pasting all links here. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated, not only for me, but for all others involved as my children other friends and family, not to mention prospective employers or clients, who are being affected by this as well for having me publicly exposed in such an offensive manner!
I am also including 2 of my own screen shots of the images that appear under my name..
Thank you for your help in this unfortunate matter,
Birgitte Westerveld
Met toestemming heb ik dit bericht aan je doorgestuurd, onze juridische afdeling zal dit verzoek gaan onderzoeken.
Met vriendelijke groet,
TransIP BV
Me: Ik heb ervaringen met deze dame gehad (waarin zij mij behoorlijk door het slijk haalt), daar heb ik over geblogged, zie de links die zij zelf aan jullie gegeven heeft. Ik hoor het wel als er vragen zijn. Bedankt.
Transip: Beste Sjef,
Dat kan ik me goed voorstellen. Op geen enkele wijze willen wij ons hierin mengen als dat voorkomen kan worden. De beklaagde kwam verhaal halen en wij hebben gedaan wat wij in deze situaties doen en kunnen doen.
Ik hoop dat je de dialoog aan gaat met haar en er op die manier uit komt. Nog een fijne zaterdag toegewenst.
Met vriendelijke groet,
TransIP BV
Me: Birgitte,
in order to consider your request of removing all content regarding you, I will accept the following:
-unblock me on FaceBook first, by all your FB accounts/aliases.
-post an apology for smearing me, my name and my HD work falsely, be just as elaborate as you were smearing me, make this post public. A video message is acceptable too.
-Edit that specific smearing topic on your FB wall (do not delete it) to first make the post public, then to include the apology.
-write to all people you’ve written before complaining about me, like FB group admins and so on, with this public apology.
-Show me proof of all these.
The same applies for all others involved in that topic.
Then, I will take a full Lunar Cycle to consider your request.
Soap sequence here:
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