
Here’s the thing

about the transits and conditioning – they are not you. They are an experience that is happening for you to observe, not to identify nor act upon. It can be an amplified experience, so that you begin to see it, and how it programs the mind to initiate actions based upon False Evidence Appearing Real – the mind’s survival defense mechanisms.

It is not about ignoring the mind, either. It is about noticing the stories that the mind makes up and tries to convince you that they are real. Those stories are fingers pointing towards what you are here to be wise about, those energies passing through your open gates, channels and centers.” – Leela Swann-Herbert

MoonBlog 20.5 Realism

Another remarkable thing looking at beginners now, and my own process when I started with Human Design, is identifications.

And I mean false identifications, we (you/me) identify with things that are not true, and often we do not identify with things that are actually true.

But that is only a part of the story, far more profound, is the fact that it is the mind judging it, discerning it, either making stuff up that is false or ignoring that which is so incredibly true. It is the mind who either adheres to something or dismisses it, and we believe it, since we so identify (again) with whatever the mind comes up with. It could be total and complete mental diarrhea, but we cling to it as if our lives depend on it. And we will murder/death/kill for it…

…for a concept, for a thought, for an attachment.

As long as the mind tells us something, we tend to accept it, never investigating it for just another thought which may or may not, be true. And then we wear it, boastingly, proud owners of something that might be completely fabricated and ‘wrong’.

And underneath something else happens too, we consider ourselves the good guys, always and foremost, and most other people as the bad guys. And thus we can never be told or proven wrong, it is inconceivable, since we are the only true good guys, the saviours, the ones opposing the system, the man, even if we do have a little money, or some form of power in our jobs, it is us versus them. And them is, when it comes down to it, almost –everybody- else.

Never me. Especially not me.
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Moon Blog 26.2

The desire to be someone, and to identify with something that you like, something positive, is pretending at best. This archetype, or that one, or combined in a hotchpotch of identities, colours and attitudes.

Would you like to scratch the surface?


Moon Blog 42.3

Sometimes one learns a technique, and applies it occasionally or perhaps everywhere, and might even become extremely good in the application. But the technique is not you, it is not who you are. The ritual of exercising the technique, however well performed, is not who you are. Nor is being a bad performer of it, who you are.

Drop the identification with exercising any ritual or technique, and find who is doing it.