Is it time to return to Innocence?

Is it time to return to Innocence?

Gate 25, Spirit of the Self – Innocence
March 18 – 23

Following last week’s transit through the Gate of Crisis, the Sun is now entering into an energy of the higher self. Its role is to point you toward your true nature. It’s an opportunity to return to innocence.

And, it’s fitting that the Vernal or Spring Equinox occurs during the time of this transit … a time when the dark and light are nearly equally balanced.

Those who possess a pure heart are best guided by their instincts and intuition.

Innocence implies a natural harmlessness, openness and pure intention that isn’t contaminated by ulterior motives.

Beauty can then emerge from an innocent heart that remains open to joy and wonder. Innocence, when guided by a conviction to what is right, can bring supreme success.

The hallmark of innocence is a willingness to treat all creatures with compassion and respect.

This innocence isn’t designed to bring love into the world in any specific way, but rather to love without discrimination.

The mystical potential of this type of love is transcendent and universal.

And, your spirit’s innocence is constantly being tested. You can meet these challenges from life like a spiritual warrior, fired up and ready to compete for your true nature (spirit) no matter what you encounter.

Thinking too much may sever the link with the guidance that comes from your inner truth.

The grounding energy is Determination or Pushing Upward. Reminding you that when you let go of expectations, you can find yourself in the right place at the right time.

So, if you trust in perfect timing can you love the perfection in every experience – good or bad?

There can be magic in trusting your natural responses to take you through this journey called life … in perfect timing.

Can you be sensitive AND determined?

Will you bend, but not break when obstacles or challenges arise?

As you remain tolerant and flexible, you can retain the conscious innocence that fuels growth and evolution.

A beautiful balance awaits.

Spring can be such a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.

Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan

#ihds #humandesign #transits #gate25 #spiritoftheself #innocence

If we’re not to live by the energies of the Transits, but by our S&A, why are these snippets written as if we do? There is no ‘returning to innocence’ unless we live (out) the Transits. The information about the energy only applies if imprinted with it, and even then only as a potential. How they show up as a Transit in our lives, with each of us as the active filtering agent, remains to be seen.

Reply by Ruth Brennan:
“These are contemplations of the potential energy through my lens and each of us filter them, or not, through our own designs ?”

Customizable Professional Slide Decks

For LYD Guides, Rave ABCs & Rave Cartography Certified Teachers Customizable Professional Slide Decks

Living Your Design Guides
Take advantage of a 145+ page beautifully-designed slide deck that allows you to start conducting Workshops right away with confidence and ease. Easily customizable, these slides should serve you for years to come.

“But you don’t use the original slides in your classes”

1. I bought the official slide set through HD Canada, daughter of Ra, at the time.
2. ‘easily customizable’ it says it right there in the ad
3. I edited the copious mistakes
4. I added some fun jokes/memes
5. there is no obligation to use any fixed set of slides
6. the issue is in your head

MoonBlog 39.4 Temperance

The last part on the Reflector is nonsensical homogenization, and fantasy wishful thinking writing based on a theoretic understanding of Reflectors.

“Having clear boundaries and conscious awareness of what’s really going on during the game will help him not be overwhelmed by others or feel disappointed in the way the game is going but rather feel a sense of surprise and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all.”

Those pre-requisites of ‘having clear boundaries and conscious awareness’ are unattainable for any/all Reflectors and can not be used as a tool to counter such influences, this is just pretending to have any such control over the influence of the experience, first, and for all Reflectors, second. 7 centered Make-ability syndrome all over again.

Also as if being overwhelmed is something to avoid, first, and or bad, second, but most of all as if one actually can avoid any of the experience in such a way. But then also, as if ‘feeling a sense of’ [anything] is the goal! And then particularly or specifically “surprise and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all” as if Reflectors are toddlers or something, what the actual…?

Reflectors/Evaluators (still waiting for any proof that Ra himself ever called Reflectors Evaluators) do sample, do experience, but this way of writings suggests one only is one if one feels this sense of surprise and even wonder, first, but for the flow of it all? There is no room for things not flowing (say an accident happens with a player breaking a leg infield and needs medical attention, or a fight among players from opposing teams, or opposing fans), no room for unexcitement, which happens much MUCH more often than not and is just as valid an experience, especially when IT IS the actual experience of this, or that Reflector.

But also, as if 3 Reflectors, or 300 would experience all the same in the same situation, first, and only if they have clear boundaries and conscious awareness (can we measure this, is that in kilograms, or other units?) second.

Ah man… this is truly fantasy blabla-land.

Edit/add-on: it seems in BG5 there is no deconditioning and therefor something external must bring forth the peace, satisfaction, success and surprise (and wonder at the excitement and flow of it all), when living your design it is not brought (in/out?) by external factors, it is a result of you Living Your Design.

I can understand if one teaches things in certain ways, this is the conclusion people arrive at. And therefor surprise and awe/wonder happens because of this (positive thing only), or because of that (any other positive outer circumstance) because the teaching itself omits how it does work, so it does not sound too googoogaga, when in fact that is the -only- realm it does functions in: dark matter and dark energy.

And therefor has become yet another way of misrepresenting Reflectors and what they are and how they do work/function, when HD is probably the only tool available to explain Reflectors well, they seem to fucking miss the mark on each occasion.
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Rave Cosmology Teacher Training Certification Program


Rave Cosmology – Final Certification Course with Darshana Mathews begins January 11th. For more information please click here: http://www.ihdschool.com/School/Get/Course/403

Rave Cosmology is the esoteric and mystical side of Human Design.

**To download the Rave Cosmology Certification Program Brochure please Click Here**
**To listen to an audio preview of Lynda Bunnell talking about this course please Click Here**

For the first 18 years after the birth of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu focused on what was logical and empirical about Human Design. He often said: “Don’t believe me and do not trust me. Try it for yourself; test it for yourself. This is mechanical knowledge that can be tested by each and everyone of us”.

Once Human Design was established as a practical yet transformational tool, Ra Uru Hu felt a responsibility to bring forward the mystical side of Human Design by sharing his experience directly with us. He empowered us to carry this information forward to share it with the rest of the world generation by generation. Teaching the Rave Cosmology of Human Design is the opportunity to bring balance to this knowledge and to show how vast and profound the source of this knowledge really is. As Ra said, “It is time to give the Voice its due and allow this mechanical, simple view of the cosmology to be accessible and to be available.”
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Foundation Reading optional

Dear Living Your Design Guides,


After extensive consideration, and a great deal of feedback over the past few years, the IHDS and Jovian Archive are making a modification to the educational standards as it pertains to the Living Your Design Workshop.

In 2006, Ra Uru Hu created the Living Your Design Workshop Guide program as an experiential program for newcomers. The spirit behind the Living Your Design Workshop is that the LYD Guides are now the entry point for those new to Human Design. The LYD Guide program has been met with an amazing response, and we now have hundreds of front line workers ready to assist and introduce people to Human Design. This is wonderful news!

1) We are modifying the standards to remove the ‘requirement’ that before someone participates in the LYD workshop they must have a Human Design reading. Hence forth, the Foundation reading can take place either before, or after the Living Your Design Workshop.

2) A student must have a Full and Certified Foundation reading from a Certified Analyst before entering the Foundational Education phase of Human Design Education, which begins with Rave ABC’s.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Lynda Bunnell
The International Human Design School

The Differentiation Lectures


Lecture 1: Nine-Centered Awakening
A New Being and a New Way of Life
Human Design reveals more than any other malaise that humanity suffers from clinging to an evolutionary past. Emerging in 1781, the nine-centered being is revolutionarily different from its predecessor. Ra provides a profound insight into the true nature and mechanics of our kind and the transformation possible through Human Design. This is a transcript of the first in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on May 4, 2008.
Lecture 2: The Four Transformations
A Guide to Achieving Difference
This is a transcript of the second in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on June 14, 2008 on the stages of Differentiation.
Lecture 3: The Not-Self
What Stands between You and Transformation
This is a transcript of the third in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on July 26, 2008.