Tribal Moralism in Human Design

Topic raised: “on the fringe and conspiratorial vs. those who are not” & “if the difference here is between individual and tribal circuitry respectively.“
To me, it does not seem related to circuitry or even mechanics.
If one has control issues, which is a psychological disorder, then one is doubtful and in ‘against’ mode.
If one is the passenger (again), there is only observation and experience, mind is no longer running the show, and there is no more ‘issue’.
To be in this world but not of it
walking around like a tourist, through lock-downs and Ikea parking lot lines, none of it is personal (anymore).
Whereas the conspiracy theorists, (regardless of whether their particular conspiracy may be factually true!!), still have a (entirely made up) personal stake in outcomes. It’s just ego/mind.
Just like being born tall or short is not personal, but here we are incarnated into this body this time, well, see what it does, how it moves, runs, lays on the couch.
Instead of imposing will and arguments on how and what, life ‘should’ look like. The vanity and intellectual arrogance…
Mind you, I was deeply into conspiracies and anger issues and make-ability syndrome, and much more similar mental illness issues.
That is how I see them now, my mind was running the show and it was sick. Now it’s just crazy but no longer running things. Quite a comfortable/pleasant difference.
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