Weirdos on the interwebs

actually, the reflector is great –

On the interwebs I read:

(txt file copy here: 20230207.txt)

So I would have preferred to have this on a vlog, but will type instead.

This has taken months of looking at things from angles, literally. From determination, to cognition, environment, motivation, to view. From looking at things about the other, to seeing things that I had learned about myself through things I had seen through other people around. Through Ra audio, through things about Projector’s, invitations, being asked, through seeing the transits without looking them up through other people during the time I had visited in the Netherlands.

We can look at things for 20 years and still be wrong, I see people do this often, as if the length or depth of looking has any bearing on the results of the looking, or it qualifies as more better or something.

And from really looking at my thoughts, and also, what the body was like in the Netherlands, what Sjef was like, what the Reflector was like – how i felt there, and how things looked from the outside, when no longer being in the Netherlands. What i actually looked like, when no longer focused on the other.

We can only look at ourselves, and how -we perceive- the other, but we can never say how someone else ‘was like’. Cause we are not them, we can only interpret, so it is always far more nuanced.

What actually happened is my design received an invitation to a place in which i actually couldn’t experience any time in my own aura. I was told when going to the Netherlands, there would be two rooms. And there were/are two rooms in that apartment. But the apartment is so small, that there is no place in that apartment really, where people can be outside of the aura of another. The apartment is literally for one human.

Is that what ‘actually happened’? Or did you interpret it as such…?

Now, I can’t say for sure that Sjef actually knew that. Because Sjef explained how he actually had a girlfriend live in that apartment with him in the past.


Here’s the thing, physical things like walls, aren’t capable of separating auras. Auras are roughly 5 feet all around the physical body, outward – in every direction.

I’d say it’s rather 10 feet or about 3 meters, ‘2 arms lengths on either side’ makes for double, easy. And of course (!) varying upon the person, the day, the mood, or whatever else aura size may influence (no one really knows), a quote:
In other words, the aura breathes. And it’s very important not to see it as something that is static. It’s not like you’re moving in a fixed shell, like you’re inside an egg or something. You really have to understand that this is something that is breathing. More than that, that breathing fluctuation can go from being quite large-so for example, if you stand up and you place your arms up in the air away from you, spreading your arms as far as they can so you’ve got your full wingspan, if you double the length of that distance, twice an arm length on either side going all the way around you in every direction, that’s approximately the maximum potential.” – Ra Uru Hu

But I have shared my apartment plan, either like this

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