The Differentiation Lectures


Lecture 1: Nine-Centered Awakening
A New Being and a New Way of Life
Human Design reveals more than any other malaise that humanity suffers from clinging to an evolutionary past. Emerging in 1781, the nine-centered being is revolutionarily different from its predecessor. Ra provides a profound insight into the true nature and mechanics of our kind and the transformation possible through Human Design. This is a transcript of the first in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on May 4, 2008.
Lecture 2: The Four Transformations
A Guide to Achieving Difference
This is a transcript of the second in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on June 14, 2008 on the stages of Differentiation.
Lecture 3: The Not-Self
What Stands between You and Transformation
This is a transcript of the third in a series of free lectures given by Ra Uru Hu on July 26, 2008.