
JHS Pedals Colour Box V2

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is your life in a slum, are you feeling a little overly not-self conscious, do you seek more respect, confidence, more sexual partners and even more beauty and how about some extra money in your pockets ?!

Well, why don’t you “JustQuoteRa™” ?

It is a free and completely (il)legal* program to stick it to anyone, just find and download the big google drive with all HD materials, and JustQuoteRa™ !

You are literally just minutes away from improving your not-self image of yourself. No need to have any experience with the system or even your Strategy & Authority, you can forget all about those Variables too.

JustQuoteRa™, it is as easy as it sounds, pick –any– and –every– paragraph from any of the source materials, no need to be coherent, and your new life is just around the corner. Become the master of your social media presence online, or even your demeanour offline: JustQuoteRa™

JustQuoteRa™ simply works, is free and completely (il)legal*


*unsure at this point, but yeah, fuck it, JustQuoteRa™ and see for yourself


excellent time for buying

A free update is coming soon for all TONEX users. It includes 8 new FX, including 2 delays, chorus, flanger, tremolo, phaser, rotary and new spring reverb. Two new FX blocks can be configured pre- or post-amp and cab for maximum customization. The 8 FX are compatible with TONEX Mac/PC, TONEX Pedal, and TONEX ONE. The software and firmware updates will ship in November 2024

Black and White Magic: Two Faces of the Same Thing

“You’re not looking at something different here; don’t be fooled. Don’t be fooled by thinking that one is white and one is black. They‘re the collective. It is two faces of the same thing. You can see that the whole way in which the global cycles are structured is that they are structured so that we are dominated by the collective forces that bind us together, literally. And they bind us together through these two poles. When I say bind us together I am speaking about the intensity of the programming, what it is for the not-self to be controlled in this way. There are so many places in the world where you say “I am here to live by my own authority,” and you are worse than a heretic. It is something to grasp.

All of this is a hold over; all of this is the leftover of seven-centered consciousness. It has nothing to do with us. All of this is about power, manipulation, and control. But the moment that you’re operating out of your own authority none of those things matter. They don’t matter and they don’t touch you, and they can‘t. But this is not the way of the world. The world is driven by these things. Human beings who are plagued in their bodies, driven by every new announcement of some discovery, some nuance in the pattern that may or may not change their future, everyone’s future. You have a world that is leaning on the collective, leaning on God for its light, leaning on the form principle and its intelligence to be able to develop the necessary mechanisms. This assumption that it’s not going to stop, this deep reliance that we have on the collective, deep, deep reliance that we have to keep us going, to keep us civil in our movement, and it‘s going to collapse like a house of cards.” – Ra Uru Hu – The Birth and Death of Magic

4% – The Experiment


The same is true for so very many of the 4% into Human Design, thinking that because they’re ‘into HD’ that this alone is enough to take the moral high ground, telling each other when someone is, or is not not-self, distracting each other with information and knowledge, without ever (ever) making any decisions according to their S&A, let alone be an observing passenger of their very own life. Nope, watching this ‘community’ is like watching a bus full of drivers, loud, obnoxious drivers, not of passengers and, each knowing better than the other. But hey, duality, right?

Only 4% of those 4% will ‘escape’ it
So for each 1 true experimentor, there are 624 loudmouths, and it shows….

“It’s amazing how desperately we cling to our beliefs…”

“…As history shows, the fastest way to reduce otherwise decent people to a state of savagery is by tampering with their belief system.

The word for someone who does so is heretic, and historically the punishments reserved for him are more brutal than for any other class of offender.

The point is that by the time people come to me, their beliefs are securely in place. No one approaches me and asks to have their hard-won beliefs demolished. They come to build upon what they already have and to continue along the course they’ve already begun.

Demolition, though, is exactly what they need. If, that is, they want to wake up.” – Jed McKenna

“The Spirit and Purpose of Human Design”

The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It does not require that you believe in me. It is not stories. It is not philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being. It is a logical way in which we can see ourselves.

With Human Design, just knowing the simple mechanics of your design is enough to make a vast difference in your life. The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we’re caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are. It doesn’t matter the labels that we attach to that intelligence – whether we call it “enlightened” or whether we call it “genius”. There is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.

The Human Design System is a reading of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. However, it is not necessary for you to know Human Design in great depth. That is the job of the professional analyst. What this work aspires to communicate is simply the surface mechanics of your nature. This will give you grounding in your life, which will immediately bring a difference to your life process.

These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. The way in which our genes operate is purely mechanical, and the moment we try to interfere with their operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, our genes will have their way.

We are passengers in these bodies. We are passenger consciousness experiencing life going by. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not. Yet at the same time, we are totally dependent on it. This is the tragedy of a sick body. We are totally dependent on our vehicles. To learn how to operate them properly immediately brings benefits. This is not complex and it will not be in complex language. It is very straightforward and very logical. It is accessible to anyone of any age. It is knowledge for the world.

In my teaching of Human Design and the training of Human Design analysts, students of mine have ranged from fourteen years old to being well into their eighties. There is no limitation and there is no barrier denying anyone from grasping these essential truths about themselves. This is not simply about saying, “Aha, I’m this or I’m that”. This is not just another profiling system. It is about having the opportunity to do something with the knowledge. It is about being able to be able to act on it and experiment with its logic. This brings the remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living one’s true life.

All learning, that is real learning, takes seven years. It takes approximately seven years to change almost all of the cells in the body. We live in a seven-year cycle. The moment that you begin to come to your own nature, the moment that you allow your body to live its life without resistance, you begin a deep process of de-conditioning. Seven years later, you emerge, quite literally, as a new being: Yourself.

It’s one of the great cosmic jokes that human beings don’t get to live out their own lives. It is because they don’t get to live out their own lives that life seems to be such a difficult experience for them. We know that there is a lot of rhetoric around about being yourself. It is all fine and good for somebody to stand up and tell you to be yourself, but first you have to know who that self is.

In my professional work, I have given thousands of readings. Wherever that has been, and regardless of culture or country, I have found there to be one prevailing disease. That disease is self-hatred, and it thrives wherever you find something about yourself that you would like to change. Self-hatred varies in intensity from being just beneath the surface of the consciousness to being full-blown. It is the most human of ironies that self-hatred is truly misplaced because most people do not know themselves. They actually hate the wrong person. They are actually dissatisfied with the wrong person.

Most human beings don’t like themselves, and they don’t like themselves because they truly do not know who they are. Most human beings have never lived the experience of being themselves, nor seen the beauty of what their true life holds. It is time to see that this is not, as the ancients claim, the planet of suffering, but in fact, an opportunity for a glorious awareness.

Human Design is not about guarantees or promises. This is not saying that if you live out your own nature, you’re going to be the wealthiest or the most beautiful. It is not about being better or best. It is about being yourself.

Life is a duality, and this is revealed through our moralities. There is always going to be this and that. There is always going to be the good and the bad. There is always going to be success and there is always going to be failure. That is the nature of what it is to be human and to live out the spectrum of human experience.

The moment that you live out your own nature and you enter into life correctly, this is the moment that you get what is correct for you. You get the correct career and you get the correct relationships. So, you see, it does not matter whether you are a success or not, because there will be no suffering, despite your state. You will be living out your nature and it will be clear to you that what is there for you is right for you, whatever that might be. Only then, finally, will there be no part of you that says: “I wish I could be something else or somewhere else”.

We are overwhelmed in our western culture with improvement propaganda. The hucksters cry ‘be thinner, wiser, faster, and richer’. There are all kinds of purveyors of teachings who beckon us to follow ‘their’ way. All human beings suffer from the propaganda of generalizations. Without knowing oneself, one can so easily be lost in this propaganda. You do not have· to change anything. It is simply a matter of becoming yourself and becoming aware of yourself.

The Human Design System opens the door to the potential of self-love. Finding self-love is also about finding a greater love, a love for life and a love for others through understanding. Throughout this living Your Design Course, in seeing yourself and in coming to understand how you can live out your own nature, please pay attention to the importance of that in your relationships with others. So many of our difficulties in this life are because we have great difficulties in our relationships, whether they are our career relationships or whether they are our personal relationships. What is true for the individual, a lack of understanding about one’s own nature, is also true for relationships. Relationships operate out of genetic imperatives based on mechanical laws.

To be yourself is to bring into your life those beings that are truly for you. This knowledge is about how you do that simply, so that you too can benefit from the best possible associations. Correct associations allow you not only to be seen and understood by others, but also allow you to understand them. As a parent, this has been an essential ingredient in the well being of my children.

Human Design is logical, mechanical knowledge. It is neither theorizing nor philosophy. It is about being able to do practical things with knowledge that brings practical benefits.

I hope you enjoy living Your Design. Enjoy the fact that there really is knowledge in the world that is truly valuable. Enjoy the fact that you too can participate in becoming a healthy self-loving human being.” – Ra Uru Hu

13 mouseclicks and 5 number changes x100

Adding Noise Gate and Post PowerAmp Compressor settings to all 100 Amalgam Audio AMP Kit presets, sorted by alphabet, filing per bank and midi preset

ToneX Noise Gate: Treshold -75dB, Release 240, Depth -60
ToneX Compressor: (post) Treshold -10.5, Gain +3, attack 1

Boss GX-100 is midi channel 1, ToneX is channel 2
Calling Boss GX-100 memory 03-2 would be: ENG PBALL midi ch:2 pc:11

curnum for extra gain (from std 5 or middle position to 7.5) would be: midi ch:system cc#:102 ccvaluemin:64 (5 on knob) ccvaluemax:96 (7.5 on knob)

IK Multimedia ToneX Pedal Special Edition

special offer 70th Anniversary Deal. This is a exclusive Thomann 70th Anniversary product. And as an additional bonus, customers also always receive the TONEX – Metal Gems Collection worth EUR 59,00 for free on top when they purchase this Special Edition.

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“I also think its about taking responsibility for incorrect actions”

Weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: Hej Sjef

Me: What’s up?

Weirdo: I’m trying to write something to you, but I don’t know how to put it or what to say
I guess I wanted to reconnect, I got a mail from Dharmen

Me: “I’m sorry I was projecting my morals onto you”
might do the trick?
Yeah I got it too

Weirdo: Hahaha
I’m not sure if its all a moral matter. Its one part of it, yeah.
But I also think its about taking responsibility for incorrect actions.

Me: so when are you?

Weirdo: And it pissed me of that you could not do that, to let it go instead of making it worse, for yourself – in my opintion.

Me: neither can you, obviously 🙂
good luck

Weirdo: You know how somethings comes back and I would like to talk to you about it
Well, what do I have to say? How you dealt with the situation made was unwise in my oponion. I could go on sharing this or that regarding details, but if you don’t want to talk about it, its fine.

Me: As long as you think (!) that I should, or should not do anything differently, there is nothing to talk about
the arrogance alone dude 😃
you think you know what I did/did not do
but a, you do not know
and b I’m not telling the details of it either
cause you and you knowing, are irrelevant, to me 🙂
so enjoy your pretense of knowing, and knowing better 😉

Weirdo: What is done is done. The question is, did you learn anything from your experience?
From what I can tell you still can’t admit that you were incorrect in some of your actions and dealt with the situation in an unwise way.
That is my judgment.
But as you say, I do not have all the details.
And does it matter to you what I see or say?

You’ve blocked messages and calls from Pa Rox Us’s Facebook account
You can’t message or call them in this chat, and you won’t receive their messages or calls.

Harley Benton TE-53KR mods

Do your fucking job

recap: so first I got a 3 day post/comment ban, without ever having been told anything about complaints or other
then after I replied to the mod about the ban, I got a 3 day no mod contact ban too 😀
now, without me doing anything different (besides liking one comment, which was then also deleted by mod), the mod changed the no mod contact ban to 28 days
and changed the 3 day ban to a permanent ban on the subreddit itself, but it’s not personal 😉
mod reported to reddit

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Hi there!

I’d love to know if there’s anyone has come across a compendium/resources that goes through the colours, tones and bases for each line and there effects on the line (especially colours+tones, know bases can be quite difficult to comprehend). Would be great if there was something similar to the line compendium, as I prefer to take in written information . Know that there’s a lot of different variations so might be hard to come by, but would appreciate any advice!

slide by Mary-Ann Winiger

I think, the question is reverse thinking and so the answer does not exist. They don’t effect each other in this way.

Each Gate has 6 Lines. Each Line has 6 Colors, each Color has 6 tones, each Tones has 5 Bases.
It is like Kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters. So your Gate/Activation is like 65.789,983 kms aka
More on that here:

Base is (only) a theory because of inaccurate birthdata, not because they are difficult to comprehend either.
Start with the ‘Juxtaposed Unified Theory’ in the Black Book

For Gates:
For Lines

Then also understanding the Hexagram structure would help.

Human Design is a description of -potential- energies, but it is not math, so Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1 does not have a fixed way of expressing, versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1 as something to pinpoint and compare.

Except… in the Variables themselves. (pic in next comment)

HD describes globally the what and how, very accurately in comparison to other modalities that just homogenize through made up rules and morals, wishful thinking, magical thinking and plain false beliefs, but how we get to live these ‘traits’, we can only find out by living it, by entering the experiment.
See also pics like

Here too

slide by Mark Germain

Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Low Sound and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive

versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Nervous Touch and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive

This does not -effect the Line- as such, nor its expression. The nervous Touch Martyr is still a Martyr just as the Inner Vision Martyr is a Martyr.

To pretend it is somehow different is exactly why there are so many ‘schools’ of HD now. Because their (ego)minds don’t get it and say there must be, because, because, because. Mind being the Driver.

“mary jane, psychedelics.. do you notice any difference/activation(s) with them?”

envisioning, is mind
drugs affect mind
mind is never the Inner Authority

it is just (another) manipulation.
HD teaches us, to be the passenger of the life we have. As ourselves.

I used copious amounts of drugs (weed/hash, lots of lsd, speed/cocaine), for many years, and it had its ‘function’ but also seeing now, what a huge not-self influence it was. What a trip my ego/mind was on, leading the way and using those drugs to help get me there, or alter what was happening.

comfort zone is an ego/mind story, it is the psyche. HD deals with the mechanics, which, living it, can have serious psychological repercussions/effects, but they are 2 very separate avenues.

Taking drugs, and especially regularly, to me now, is trying to be the driver, manipulating the vehicle’s trajectory, pretending to be the passenger yet oblivious to that which already is, yet that the experiences can be altered and steered and that everything which is experienced (mind blown) during intoxication, is the life.

The new Driver (idiot passenger taking the wheel) then is often not even inside the vehicle anymore, the connection is broken. There then is a lot of thinking (as if) and even doing, but not being. It’s ignorant escapism.

slide by Mary-Ann Winiger

Correctness, cares not for the Outer Circumstances

Life, the Outer Circumstances trigger us to make our decisions, but we make them regardless of the very exact same Outer Circumstances. Correctness is not logic.

So who ever runs any business, or their hierarchy is not -a reason- for correctness, at all. Else it is just another moral system all over again and you have chosen with your mind Richard.

Besides, they too are a perfectly fine Outer Authority, it -may- however not be correct for you, but not -because- of them not being dentists!

Remember, duality and differentiation….?

For the hard hearing: only mind argues and needs argumentation for correctness, like some person being this or that, or not being this or that. But those are mental reasons and reasoning, it is not the Inner Authority. And Richard here uses those arguments to qualify his Inner Authority, by weighing and measuring with his mind arguments for or against these people. Which is completely besides the point.

Him reading the request and going ‘Uh-uh’ is the Sacral, which is his Inner Authority, everything else (the research, this video as an example) is just nonsensical argumentation which is not the Inner Authority and is not an example of what Inner Authority is.

Besides the title ‘resisting incorrect Outer Authority’ sounds as if they are a wrongful Outer Authority (further elaborated by going deeper into them being into counter terrorism or management), but there is nothing wrong with them being this Outer Authority. All that matters is, what is your Inner Authority’s response to it. Not what it is that your Inner Authority says no to.

Richard replies there:
Well, if you have dug as deep as I have you may see that the questions that are asked on their forms provide information that could be used against you in the future. My response got me to look further. I encourage you to consider doing the same.