Another view (408) 04 August 2024Freedom, Human Design, VariaAnother view, Dave Myers, Human Design, Neutrino Radio
Another view (406) 28 June 2024Freedom, VariaAnother view, Beavis & Butthead, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping
Another view (401) 13 April 2024Freedom, VariaAnalog, Another view, Circuitry, digital, fortune cookie, Stuff for Nerds
International Women’s Day 2024 08 March 2024Freedom, VariaAnother view, digital, equality, men, OnlyFans, patriarchy, prostitution, women
Ok, alright Stacy? 😀 04 September 2023Freedom, VariaAnother view, Burning man, crisis, economy, fuel, homeless, influencer, wood
Another view (385) Source: 26 July 2023Freedom, VariaAI, Another view, artificial intelligence, Moritz Kremb, Twitter, X
Another view (378) 06 February 2023Freedom, VariaAnother view, ChatGPT, Facebook, Gen-Z, Gmail, Instagram, Netflix, Pirate Bay, TikTok, torrents, Twitter, WhatsApp
Another view (377) 10 January 2023FreedomAnother view, artificial intelligence, chatbot, ChatGPT, Jordan Peterson, Stuff for Nerds
Another view (374) International Space Station at night 21 December 2022FreedomAnother view, Astronomy, ISS, space
Another view (375) 29 July 2022Freedom, VariaAnother view
Another View (372) 11 May 2022Freedom, VariaAnother view, Aphrodite, Apollo, God, Greek Gods, Silenus
Another view (369) Sofia with an F 22 April 2022Freedom, Variaanal, Another view, Sex, Sofia with an F
Another view (367) 13 January 2022Freedom, VariaAnother view, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Fokke & Sukke, Nederlands