
“I also think its about taking responsibility for incorrect actions”

Weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: Hej Sjef

Me: What’s up?

Weirdo: I’m trying to write something to you, but I don’t know how to put it or what to say
I guess I wanted to reconnect, I got a mail from Dharmen

Me: “I’m sorry I was projecting my morals onto you”
might do the trick?
Yeah I got it too

Weirdo: Hahaha
I’m not sure if its all a moral matter. Its one part of it, yeah.
But I also think its about taking responsibility for incorrect actions.

Me: so when are you?

Weirdo: And it pissed me of that you could not do that, to let it go instead of making it worse, for yourself – in my opintion.

Me: neither can you, obviously 🙂
good luck

Weirdo: You know how somethings comes back and I would like to talk to you about it
Well, what do I have to say? How you dealt with the situation made was unwise in my oponion. I could go on sharing this or that regarding details, but if you don’t want to talk about it, its fine.

Me: As long as you think (!) that I should, or should not do anything differently, there is nothing to talk about
the arrogance alone dude 😃
you think you know what I did/did not do
but a, you do not know
and b I’m not telling the details of it either
cause you and you knowing, are irrelevant, to me 🙂
so enjoy your pretense of knowing, and knowing better 😉

Weirdo: What is done is done. The question is, did you learn anything from your experience?
From what I can tell you still can’t admit that you were incorrect in some of your actions and dealt with the situation in an unwise way.
That is my judgment.
But as you say, I do not have all the details.
And does it matter to you what I see or say?

You’ve blocked messages and calls from Pa Rox Us’s Facebook account
You can’t message or call them in this chat, and you won’t receive their messages or calls.

I did a thing today

I deleted my Reflector Sessions webpage and blog access, Reflector Sessions Facebook page and its linked Baffo Instagram page

I no longer wish to be that ‘advertorial’ or using these as identifiers, of me, of what it is to be me.
It just does not matter (anymore) in this format or way.

I might rejuvenate the website with my MoonBlogs and the 2 Reflector pages, but as Sjef, not as some identity called ‘Reflector Sessions’.

MoonBlog 51.5

[edit] from 3422 to 0, back to 267 873 posts on blog now

an appearance, an identity, it weighed on me to keep it up or maintaining it as such. People are looking for (a) structured support, and I was providing that in this way. Seeking things to be businesses, schools, ‘professionals’, with registrations and certifications, tax deductible formats and whatever else.

But I’m just me, and that’s fine/enough.

SunBlog 32.1 Conservation

Weirdos in the mail:

weirdo: friendship request on fb

me: Hi Samira, thanks for connecting ?
Is it ok to share your full (birth) data with me?
Mine are at the bottom here: https://www.mcha.nl/reflector/

weirdo: Hi Sjef,
The honor is mine ?
I have something to attend to now. Let me read your link later and I will get back to you. Thanks for your link ?
Hi Sjef, ik zag dat jij van Nederland bent dus ik veronderstel dat jij dan ook Nederlands spreekt?
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“Is there anyone here who has experienced, and made it through apathy and prolonged depression during their HD experiment?”

when I smoked pot & hash every day, when I took LSD for the better part of a year, when I was a severe alcoholic, when I was homeless, when I was in prison, when I came out of prison, when I was single. When my mind was running the shitshow.

But never so much anymore since/during my HD experiment. But my life has been radically changed (well one could call it that, I kinda like it, so the comparison is just words) cause I occupy my left/active brain as much as possible with things that I enjoy.

Tinkering my ass off, with guitars, guitar effect pedals, amplifiers, modding them, tweaking and nerding. Since almost 2 years I got a 3d printer now THAT can keep you occupied !! 😀
and am looking forward to tinker with a cnc milling machine next, besides the motorbike(s) tinkering I always did.

“Sjef, why does your living room look like a barn?” she asked.
Because I can !

And, I only watch what I download myself, ie movies/tv-shows. And when I travel I take a vaccin if required. I no longer occupy my mind with the world, and it’s supposed issues, but mine only. I have become much more myopic, not even on purpose per se, not even as a mental strategy, but I do know it works for me.

Am I chasing only happy states? No, in the least, my daily life is not easy, but I know what I want to do with it, now, with the opportunities I now have. If I win the lottery those may change, but for now, I’m pretty damn good.

And then a few days of relapse, deep darkness, sadness. Mind projecting me all these things again. Ah well, time for another nap, or perhaps to level the bed once more (technical 3d printing term) 😉

Make/have dinner, clean the house/barn, pffrt (blowing raspberry)

you know, I consider my life, and how it’s run, as a job. And I love my job, and I love me. So I try to do a good job. And work on it every single day. What is correct for me, what can I or can I not do/have/be today, enjoyable long term strategies planned, but adjusted as need be. Me, my life, one job. Every day.

Some times it is nap day, sometimes it is not ?
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“I need to be using that”

03:46 “When I look at the FaceBook scene, for example, and there is so much information being passed around, and my mind gets right into it, and I like to debate information and I like to see different angles of it and I usually see weird things that people don’t and I could be wrong and whatever, but… But none of that interaction on facebook around the content like that, has anything to do with me being a manifestor and in fact, it is probably distracting me, like moment by moment, from being a splenic manifestor cause I’m up in my thinking head instead of in my body.”

When you own a bicycle, and watch tv, you do not all of a sudden, not own a bicycle, because you are watching tv.
Unless the bike was stolen in between, but not because you were watching tv, but because someone stole it.
Other than that, you still own a bicycle.

Interacting on FaceBook in HD groups, or in messaging etc, has -nothing- to do with decision making per your Inner Authority. Anyways, being in your thinking head, when it comes to working with information is perfectly normal, and it’s even legal too. There is no law against it. Against using mind, against being in your thinking head. It is irrelevant, to being whichever type, or whichever Strategy & Authority you may have.

It is pretending however, there is a better way, of doing things, ego/mind, undefined ego/heart center proving ones self to be right, or even correct, when that can not be the case ever since it was irrelevant to begin with.
The mistake is causality and strawman arguments; ‘One is not allowed to be in their thinking head, one should always be in the body’.

When in fact, mind = a wonderful Outer Authority, it is not dis-allowed to think. Or process information, or exchange information.

Only when making decisions with that same mind, as Inner Authority, does it become a not-self act, or action.

But watching tv, or interacting on FaceBook, does not change if you are a boy or a girl, if you need to pay taxes or are owed taxes, being a splenic manifestor, none of that.

You are still in the same body, you may not be consistently conscious of it, but who/what is conscious of it anyways but that same mind that is now thinking and processing information, while you being perfectly fine in the body also? You did not change body, or Type, you are simply not using S&A and there is no reason (‘need’ to) to do so either. You’re off the hook. You are on a S&A break: processing info, thoughts, viewpoints, shooting the shit.

The outer circumstances, and you being in them, participating, does not cause anything to be wrong, just by being there and doing this or that, by being able to discern, yes, my mind is distracted right now… well actually, distracted from what, is there an agenda all of a sudden, a goal, a fixedness of dos and don’ts of behaviour, of what is deemed correct according to some made up moral standards? Are we inflicting guilt on ourselves for watching tv, pretending this makes us lose bicycles?

Nice example of a mental belief structure at work, of using mind to make decisions with and not ‘be in the body’ while pretending to avoid exactly that in the first place 😀

MoonBlog 52.3

MoonBlog 14.4 security

The Transit chart shows the chart of today, so ‘Personality’ side

But nothing gets imprinted, cause this only happens twice in life, 88 Solar degrees before being born (which then becomes the Design imprint) and then at birth (the Personality side). Everything else, is not you, is the weather, an external influence.

So the Transit chart of now, does not even have a Type, since Type only emerges out of the Juxtaposition of Design and Personality together, of 2 imprints of Crystals only. Type is form functioning. It can not be separated.

Then the quote, linked from my blog (https://www.mcha.nl/2020/12/13/moonblog-34-5-annihilation-2/). As I write it there also, but I’ve heard it is not that clear, so I reword it here:

The Transit chart looks very open, yes, but it does not mean, that everyone will experience these Transits, or not experience them (!). Not Reflectors, not other Types either.

I do not have Gate 30 activated/imprinted in my chart, nor the Gate at the other side of the channel, Gate 41. but when the Transit is in Gate 30, and this could be the Moon, or the Sun, or Jupiter. I can experience deep emotional overwhelm. And, this is a pattern, it happens often when something is in Gate 30.

Even when the Transit chart shows ‘no definition’, and I don’t have neither Gate 30 nor 41, and exactly this, this noticing, this observation from experience, is half the story of the Lunar Cycle.

There is no homogenized effect on anyone else (or at least, not forced/fixed) to experience cosmic baths, openness or the opposite, when Transits happen. It can only be, your own unique experience, which by journalling you will find out, how -you- sample life, differently, than I do, or any other Reflector does.

That really also is the power of Human Design, to become your own observer and finding your own truth, without having to listen or believe anyone else. Experientially. To become, your own Authority.

Enjoy 🙂

MoonBlog 14.4 security
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SunBlog 23.3 Individuality

Weirdos in the mail

weirdo: “Добрый день! Вас может заинтересовать библиотека с популярными аналитиками дизайн человека и свежие курсы PTL1 PTL2 PTL3 2018-2020 годов?”

me: please elaborate?

weirdo: “There are original courses of Ra Uru Hu. Are you interested?”

me: Is it ok to share your full (birth) data with me? Mine are at the bottom here: https://www.mcha.nl/reflector/

weirdo: “? Sorry, i dont speak English. I have many Ra courses, the price is 80$ I will send materials for trust in advance. Before payment. If you have a need. PDF + audio lectures.”

me: 80USD for everything? How many Gigabyte?

weirdo: “There are about 100 Russian analysts, the weight is 1 terabyte. Ra Uru Hu 80 GB. There are 2 MMI MAIA programs. As I understand it, you are only interested in English The whole list: Ra 300 folders, all for $ 80. We are a team, we hardly translate Ra into Russian))”

me: https://www.mcha.nl/tag/weirdos-in-the-mail/

weirdo: “I’m MG 4/6. Can you give me an answer on the suggestion?). I try to be adequate, but I don’t know English. I communicate through a translator”

“The unconscious is elusive”

There is no ‘the unconscious’.

It, is only unconscious -to the Personality-, but it, is not unconscious at all. We are.

Well, ok, who we think, we think, we pretend to imagine to be, are.

It actually has a perfectly functioning consciousness, stabilize your Design Color and whoop, there it is!

We are a Binary Consciousness, ie there is form consciousness. So (how) to call that unconscious…?

MoonBlog 63.5 affirmation

Weirdos in the mail

weirdo: “Removing my ability to comment or discuss my take on being a reflector highlighted to me the health of your group so I’ve kindly left. I wish you all healing xxx”

me: “I have done no such thing
I’m not the admin/mod there

but the about rules of that group are quite clear
there are no takes, only experiences. The rest is just mind fodder”

weirdo: “Mine was all experience x”

me: “Wishing healing is pretending something is wrong with those other people, making you a moralistic fascist
mirror mirror on the wall”
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An issue for not-self Reflectors (don’t believe this hype)

“Are you a Reflector and you want to take your deconditioning seriously, then complete isolation for a month is the best thing you can do for yourself.”

This ends up in a proof/prove (undefined heart/ego) to yourself to do this drama, this does -not- apply to all Reflectors and is certainly not the way to take ‘living your design seriously’.

Yes, this was done by one person and another, and a few more Reflectors, but subsequently adopted as a homogeneous method by many including other Reflectors and Professionals and even Reflector Professionals.

Much that is written about the Reflector can be traced back to the desire to be able to interpret them, and preferably by something they should or should not have -to do-, see MoonBlog 58.4 Focussing.

There are Reflectors who blame themselves for not having done this yet, which is a strange development.
Let yourself be guided by your Strategy and Inner Authority, and not by a good sounding story from anyone else.

If (big if) Strategy and Authority leads you to a month of isolation: great. If not: great.

See for example the discussions about this online on facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/38840257689/permalink/10151607242157690/ or, if this is offline click here

MoonBlog 12.6 metamorphosis

Weirdos in the mail

FRI 23:49 Received FB friendship request, accept

Me: Hi, thanks for connecting ?

Weirdo: thank you for reaching out and accepting Sjef!

Me: Is it ok to share your (birth) data with me?
Mine are at the bottom here:

Weirdo: why would you ask for it Sjef?

Me: I always ask for it
[4/6 Reflector, PLL-DLR, RAX of Rulership] public service announcement:
If you make a FB friend request, but can not even say ‘Hi’ back, you’re out.
If you’re into HD but don’t want to share your HD chart with me, you’re out.
If you ask me HD questions, but don’t (want to) get into studying it, then ask 20 questions in groups, you’re out.

Weirdo: why?
this is private, no?

Me: but it is not a matter of why
it is either correct ofr you to share, or not correct
that is Living Your Design, to follow through on your correctness
not yout mind

Weirdo: if you will explain other than just request it would be easier for me to related to

Me: no, that is your mind being in control

Weirdo: no

Me: which is fine, but then your answer, falsly, is no
which is different than your Inner Authority saying no

Weirdo: falsely? can you explain?

Me: as long as you come up with arguments, like it is private, it is mind deciding
it is not S&A
mind is defending something
but like I said in the link
if, for whichever ‘reason’ you don’t share it
then we’re not going to be fb friends
I only interact with people I do have a chart of
as fb friends that is

Weirdo: I am not coming up with an argument but requesting to understand the why. I think it more than fair.

Me: fair is mind
understanding is mind
Im not here to answer your mind
nor are you here to answer mine
it is correct or not
those are arguments
and I have explained it

Weirdo: my Son needs my attention. whether you wish to be my friend or not is your own call.

Me: absolutely

Weirdo: trust is something you build

Me: is a mental discernment
but if that is your current answer, perfectly fine, no objection
enjoy your day ?

Weirdo: i invite you to read some of the things I am writing about friendship and trust
linkedin link
thank you.

Me: I dont have Linked In and Im not interested in the opinions of your mind, arguments
you dont want to share your chart, for whatever reason
so I unfriended you

Weirdo: we will talk more

Me: no we wont

Weirdo: thank you. have a great day Sir.
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SunBlog 62.5 Metamorphosis

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Hi Sjef, I take advantage of the lockdown and diving into facebook. I see we have a lot of friends in common in the HD world. I see you are also connected to Di8rk Nellens. When did you had contact with him last time? I hope you are fine! I am grateful for being healthy, well prepared and perfectly protected. What about you?

Me: Hi Martin,

we actually met in Ibiza 2009, when I told you my name ‘Sjef’ you asked:
“what we’re going to have for dinner Chef? “

Then in November of the same year I sign up for your 2 lecture course sampling and protecting, that was enjoyable and alright. Including some other HD things I read over the years.

Then I started getting emails in my hd email account about pills you were selling to some Dutch HD-ers. When I told them, as a gentle friendly reminder/warning it was illegal to use email addresses from one company for another, they became furious and since then I ‘needed to be handled’.

I joined an intro lecture on your Rave Biology course in 2014, fascinating stuff, when you talk HD, that is quite enjoyable and good.

And then just a few months later your first comment in the Human Design – Train with the expert group was:
“endlich kommt Qualität in die Welt!”
Like everybody else in HD is just another sucker selling bullshit or something, unsure.

Meanwhile I see more and more people start selling ‘your’ transferfactor pills (not really yours are they) and all they can ever utter as to why or what, is to watch a movie and refer back to you.
400% immune boost no less !

So yeah, Hi Martin, nice to hear from you, I guess

Not sure why you ask about Dirk, did something happen to him, is he alright? I interacted with him last a few weeks ago already.

Martin, I like to share with you that I’m 100% positive, as far as absolutes go, to never ever buy any of your pyramid scheme pills.

But then again, maybe I do get initiated at some point, we will both know it then.

🙂 Reflector greetings and love.

Sjef Romijn

Human Design
Living Your Design Guide &
Rave Cosmologist Teacher


Weirdo: Hi Chef, funny, I just come back from dinner… [block messages, mark friend request as spam]
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