Three birds of a feather
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Neutrinos are elementary particles, just like electrons that buzz about atomic nuclei or quarks that combine to make protons and neutrons. They are fundamental building blocks of matter, but they don’t remain trapped inside atoms. Also unlike their subatomic cousins, neutrinos carry no electric charge, have a tiny mass, and hardly ever interact with other particles. A typical neutrino can travel through a light- year’s worth of lead without interacting with any atoms. Therein lies the snag: neutrinos are pathologically shy. Their severe reluctance to mingle makes these particles hard to pin down, so neutrino hunting is a tricky business. But every so often, a neutrino does collide with something, such as a proton inside a water molecule, essentially by accident. It is to raise the odds of accidental collisions, and thus to increase our chances of observing neutrinos, that scientists build extremely large detectors like IceCube
You still can’t see neutrinos directly, but you can get a whiff of their presence from the clues they leave behind. On the rare occasions that neutrinos do interact with matter, they produce charged particles such as muons that physicists can detect with their instruments. But distinguishing neutrino signals from unrelated “noise” poses a challenge: cosmic rays, fast- moving particles that arrive from deep space, also produce muons, which might be confused with muons produced by neutrino interactions. Neutrino hunters place their equipment deep underground, or under a thick layer of ice, so that cosmic ray muons cannot get through. As Janet Conrad of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains, “If you’re trying to listen to a whisper, you don’t want a lot of noise around.” -Ray Jayawardhana, The Neutrino Hunters
Weirdos in the mail:
Weirdo: Hey
I’m a certified social media moderatore
I’m reporting you to facebook
I will report any comment I find abusive
based on my training as a modetator
Me: can I see the certificate?
you’re a bull
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Using servo in 45/0/-45 on Spektrum DX5 Rugged
‘aux1’ in ‘3-pos/active/inhibit’ on button F have:
-rear wheels locked (DIG)
-rear axle free wheeling
original skid and links, with TRX-4 shocks, HH 2700Kv Puller Pro with 12T pinion, Mamba X, Gens ace 3S 3600 mAh, MIP #18250 TRX-4 driveshafts, Spektrum SR515, and JX PDI-1151MG set as 3 way DIG (4×4, DIG, freewheel), 2.2 alu beadlocks with snipped TRX-4 Canyon Trail tires and Double Deuce foams
and yes that is an MIP #18250 – MIP HD Driveline drive shaft for the shorter wheelbased TRX-4 (with 1x 50mm and 1x 62mm male spline bones)
Moonblog 8.2
Sometimes relationships, friendships have had their run. It’s time to let go, and they simply present themselves as such.
Blissfully unaware of that, but then the other starts projecting on you, and when you tell them you’re not ok with that projection, they even tell you to doubt, that you know any better about what you, or your life is like, or about.
Another, out of the blue starts calling you, or what you do/not do, stupid. Well, you may indeed find what I do, or not do stupid, but it sure as shit does not make me stupid.
All of a sudden you realize, they’re trying to hold you back, that you’re going places they do not want you to go, or go in a different way. But that is not up to them, far from it.
Of course the danger is, that you’ve become so distant to certain things in life, maybe perhaps too aloof, or even ‘unemotional’, that you don’t see the forest for the trees. Maybe they hint at a blind spot, that is hard for ourselves to see.
But when the chord of interrelating is indeed cut, and you suddenly feel more free again, when you realize how sticky and controlling it all has become, how much drama was created by that other, ratcheting…
…maybe just maybe, you are indeed better off without them, and it is time for a new network, or some new people in it.
Only -you- can ever know, what is truly correct for you, so:
-don’t hold back
-take no shit
-enjoy yourself
‘Merry happy fucking Kiron Return’
Edit/add-on: the funny thing is, they think they are disqualifying you, when they are disqualifying themselves.
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“We’re talking both the fulfillment of purpose. Everything about the cross is about the potential to fill your purpose. It is very difficult to get to that place where your cross runs your life. I know. And when your cross takes over in your life boy does it take over. It’s almost as frightening as the idea of giving up the not-self, because your purpose is something that does not honor your characteristics.
So for example, let’s say that you’re an anti-social nasty savage little survivor like me. And you get on the wheel and the wheel turns you into some kind of social interactive good-for-everybody nice guy. But that’s the cross. And it doesn’t matter once you’re into the movement of your purpose what your characteristics are.
Characteristics only matter when you’re stuck with your not-self and you’re unawake. This is the whole thing about my joke about not being furniture in a movie, background. The background doesn’t mean anything. But the moment you give background purpose it jumps to the front of the lens and everybody can see it. And it doesn’t matter where you come from. The coward in the movie in the background that suddenly emerges as the hero and everybody is wondering where that come from.
Your characteristics don’t matter when you’re living out your purpose. They don’t. If I was living out my not-self my nature, my very characteristics would create problems for me in this life as they did before I knew all of this. They just would. And purpose would never allow me to transcend the problems of my characteristics, never. That’s the magic of being yourself, because the moment that you really are leaving out your nature your cross will take over, your purpose will take over and out of that will come its archetypal demand and the opportunity to be fulfilled that way, whatever that way happens to be.” Ra Uru Hu – Incarnation Crosses by Profile, I The Quarter of Initiation