“You’re not looking at something different here; don’t be fooled. Don’t be fooled by thinking that one is white and one is black. They‘re the collective. It is two faces of the same thing. You can see that the whole way in which the global cycles are structured is that they are structured so that we are dominated by the collective forces that bind us together, literally. And they bind us together through these two poles. When I say bind us together I am speaking about the intensity of the programming, what it is for the not-self to be controlled in this way. There are so many places in the world where you say “I am here to live by my own authority,” and you are worse than a heretic. It is something to grasp.
All of this is a hold over; all of this is the leftover of seven-centered consciousness. It has nothing to do with us. All of this is about power, manipulation, and control. But the moment that you’re operating out of your own authority none of those things matter. They don’t matter and they don’t touch you, and they can‘t. But this is not the way of the world. The world is driven by these things. Human beings who are plagued in their bodies, driven by every new announcement of some discovery, some nuance in the pattern that may or may not change their future, everyone’s future. You have a world that is leaning on the collective, leaning on God for its light, leaning on the form principle and its intelligence to be able to develop the necessary mechanisms. This assumption that it’s not going to stop, this deep reliance that we have on the collective, deep, deep reliance that we have to keep us going, to keep us civil in our movement, and it‘s going to collapse like a house of cards.” – Ra Uru Hu – The Birth and Death of Magic
The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It does not require that you believe in me. It is not stories. It is not philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being. It is a logical way in which we can see ourselves.
With Human Design, just knowing the simple mechanics of your design is enough to make a vast difference in your life. The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we’re caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are. It doesn’t matter the labels that we attach to that intelligence – whether we call it “enlightened” or whether we call it “genius”. There is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.
The Human Design System is a reading of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. However, it is not necessary for you to know Human Design in great depth. That is the job of the professional analyst. What this work aspires to communicate is simply the surface mechanics of your nature. This will give you grounding in your life, which will immediately bring a difference to your life process.
These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. The way in which our genes operate is purely mechanical, and the moment we try to interfere with their operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, our genes will have their way.
We are passengers in these bodies. We are passenger consciousness experiencing life going by. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not. Yet at the same time, we are totally dependent on it. This is the tragedy of a sick body. We are totally dependent on our vehicles. To learn how to operate them properly immediately brings benefits. This is not complex and it will not be in complex language. It is very straightforward and very logical. It is accessible to anyone of any age. It is knowledge for the world.
In my teaching of Human Design and the training of Human Design analysts, students of mine have ranged from fourteen years old to being well into their eighties. There is no limitation and there is no barrier denying anyone from grasping these essential truths about themselves. This is not simply about saying, “Aha, I’m this or I’m that”. This is not just another profiling system. It is about having the opportunity to do something with the knowledge. It is about being able to be able to act on it and experiment with its logic. This brings the remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living one’s true life.
All learning, that is real learning, takes seven years. It takes approximately seven years to change almost all of the cells in the body. We live in a seven-year cycle. The moment that you begin to come to your own nature, the moment that you allow your body to live its life without resistance, you begin a deep process of de-conditioning. Seven years later, you emerge, quite literally, as a new being: Yourself.
It’s one of the great cosmic jokes that human beings don’t get to live out their own lives. It is because they don’t get to live out their own lives that life seems to be such a difficult experience for them. We know that there is a lot of rhetoric around about being yourself. It is all fine and good for somebody to stand up and tell you to be yourself, but first you have to know who that self is.
In my professional work, I have given thousands of readings. Wherever that has been, and regardless of culture or country, I have found there to be one prevailing disease. That disease is self-hatred, and it thrives wherever you find something about yourself that you would like to change. Self-hatred varies in intensity from being just beneath the surface of the consciousness to being full-blown. It is the most human of ironies that self-hatred is truly misplaced because most people do not know themselves. They actually hate the wrong person. They are actually dissatisfied with the wrong person.
Most human beings don’t like themselves, and they don’t like themselves because they truly do not know who they are. Most human beings have never lived the experience of being themselves, nor seen the beauty of what their true life holds. It is time to see that this is not, as the ancients claim, the planet of suffering, but in fact, an opportunity for a glorious awareness.
Human Design is not about guarantees or promises. This is not saying that if you live out your own nature, you’re going to be the wealthiest or the most beautiful. It is not about being better or best. It is about being yourself.
Life is a duality, and this is revealed through our moralities. There is always going to be this and that. There is always going to be the good and the bad. There is always going to be success and there is always going to be failure. That is the nature of what it is to be human and to live out the spectrum of human experience.
The moment that you live out your own nature and you enter into life correctly, this is the moment that you get what is correct for you. You get the correct career and you get the correct relationships. So, you see, it does not matter whether you are a success or not, because there will be no suffering, despite your state. You will be living out your nature and it will be clear to you that what is there for you is right for you, whatever that might be. Only then, finally, will there be no part of you that says: “I wish I could be something else or somewhere else”.
We are overwhelmed in our western culture with improvement propaganda. The hucksters cry ‘be thinner, wiser, faster, and richer’. There are all kinds of purveyors of teachings who beckon us to follow ‘their’ way. All human beings suffer from the propaganda of generalizations. Without knowing oneself, one can so easily be lost in this propaganda. You do not have· to change anything. It is simply a matter of becoming yourself and becoming aware of yourself.
The Human Design System opens the door to the potential of self-love. Finding self-love is also about finding a greater love, a love for life and a love for others through understanding. Throughout this living Your Design Course, in seeing yourself and in coming to understand how you can live out your own nature, please pay attention to the importance of that in your relationships with others. So many of our difficulties in this life are because we have great difficulties in our relationships, whether they are our career relationships or whether they are our personal relationships. What is true for the individual, a lack of understanding about one’s own nature, is also true for relationships. Relationships operate out of genetic imperatives based on mechanical laws.
To be yourself is to bring into your life those beings that are truly for you. This knowledge is about how you do that simply, so that you too can benefit from the best possible associations. Correct associations allow you not only to be seen and understood by others, but also allow you to understand them. As a parent, this has been an essential ingredient in the well being of my children.
Human Design is logical, mechanical knowledge. It is neither theorizing nor philosophy. It is about being able to do practical things with knowledge that brings practical benefits.
I hope you enjoy living Your Design. Enjoy the fact that there really is knowledge in the world that is truly valuable. Enjoy the fact that you too can participate in becoming a healthy self-loving human being.” – Ra Uru Hu
Your authority is not simply the emotional ‘there is no truth in now.’ For you, there is only truth after a cycle of the Moon. This is your key. And it’s only then that you can begin to experience the Reflector life, not muse on it, ponder it, but to experience it in all of its richness and depth. Follow your Strategy and Authority. Honor the Moon. Be a true Reflector, and in being a true Reflector find that surprise that you can transcend all of those forces that have dominated you forever, you can, and that you can fulfill your purpose. — Ra Uru Hu
“Come to your own darkness, and accept the mechanical. Linger in light, but the mechanical demands a strategy. It is not a struggle, but you have to accept both, not just one.
Accept being in the Maia fully, and living your type seamlessly. You’ll get the normal chaos of human life, plus this deep, deep quiet, which is the recognition of the mechanical and your own helplessness in that.
The mechanical is at peace in the Maia and okay with what happens. After all, it’s not up to us; it never will be. Letting go is not a philosophy, but takes seven years. You have to go through the pain, as the Maia is dense. By working your way through it and grasp it deeply, then you can jump out of all of that.
Get to point where you are saying, “Yes, there are these two domains – the movie here and the truth of the mechanics there. I have no problem with those two living with each other.”
Life goes on, and nothing changes, as you still make your choices in the Maia. If you enter the Maia process correctly, live in the Maia correctly, then it won’t constantly occupy you. By accepting these two ways, these two forms, you see that you create one and experience the other. In that acceptance, one truly awakens.
In your own way you’re your own process, you will get to that point, and get to see the state of awareness. So take out the garbage. We think it’s so special, but really it’s not a privilege or a right. If you move correctly, you get the reward. No choice in that.” – Ra Uru Hu
“Everything about being yourself is that if you don’t honor that definition, there’s no differentiation. So, there are a huge amount of humans who are simply just overwhelmed. And they’re walking around ignorant, ignorant in the deepest way. Let alone that half of them, it’s not even half, it’s one aspect, it’s all unconscious— lost souls; a planet full of lost souls. The first thing you do is you put their vehicle on the right path. And then you begin this laborious process of awakening them intellectually.
Think about your own processes, think about the depth of this knowledge because many of you, I know, have gone very deep and have been in this quite some time. There are still aspects within you, as you go through your process that are unsure about this or that. There are still conflicts daily with your mind trying to step in. There are still times where you forget that your mind has just told you what to do and you’re doing it. It is quite something to understand this impact. It’s so profound.
The only thing that it does for us is realign us over and over again to the basics of maintaining, not simply the formula, but really pursuing at the intellectual level deeper and deeper and deeper until you get to those places where each point is another point of surrender because that’s what it’s about. The passenger is almost insatiable. One never knows; you can feed the passenger the truth and it will go as far as it can go, and not always does the truth lead to awareness. Knowledge is not power. But it is certainly a way in which the being finally has a language to be able to identify the negative forces in their process.
The moment that you can understand those negative forces, you can smell them when they show up. You can smell them; they’re there, instantly. It’s what I love so much about the maya. It’s such an incredible thing. The moment that you describe it, you can access it. It’s sort of a cosmic four-dimensional or nine-dimensional Google. You write it in and there it is, full-blooded and whole. It’s incredible.” – Ra Uru Hu
“You see, the public will be able to take advantage of design. That’s not the same as becoming your design. Don’t think for a moment that any popularization of Human Design is going to bring about everyone who is interested in that to this kind of level of recognition and understanding.
They’ll take advantage of the techniques that are revealed through Type and design, but that’s something quite different than living it, seven years out of your life. And the only way in which we grow is that we have to be in communion with those who also are aware of their design.” -Ra Uru Hu
“This whole trip about finding oneness is a seven-centered trip. I teach you how to find your duality, how to come to grips with the fact that you are not a oneness, that’s the illusion.
You’re a ‘this and that.’ You’re a personality and a design. And in order to be correct someone has to surrender, which is the personality.” – Ra Uru Hu
“We take drugs to change our moods. How easy it is— we’ve got all kinds of receptors in the brain for endorphins that will immediately give us a chemistry that makes us feel good. And you have to see that the chemistry that makes you pessimistic, the chemistry that gives you this terrible feeling that’s all it is, is a chemistry.
One of my biggest things about trying to awaken the Personality is to remind you that the vehicle operates as a chemical thing, that the experiences of this or that, the up and down, the good mood and bad mood, the upset and not upset, and the melancholy and the not, it’s all just chemistry; nothing more, nothing less. But that chemistry—the whole thing about operating correctly through your Strategy and your Authority is that you align, you balance this chemistry. And that you don’t distort it so that you’re moving more towards the pessimistic or more towards the other side.” ~Ra Uru Hu
“If you have a child that has the 26th gate by itself– you have to recognize this inherent capacity to be violent. Not only to be violent but to want to improve on it. The best thing to do with 26s, like what my father did, he put me into boxing for ten years– new and improved. Keep on working at it. Get the violence out, get the aggression out. And it’s essential to understand that 26s need that outlet and need to grow in that.
When the [Channel] 44-26 is there complete as a definition it is different, but what it does represent is that the 26 is ready to fight for its right to transmit what’s new and improved. In other words, they will really go to war to get something out. Do you have a war on drugs in this country? It’s the same kind of thing. They will literally take that violent analogy to its extreme. ‘I will improve them or die or I will improve them and kill them improving them.’
The Ego, the 26th gate is the gate of the Egoist. “I know, I am right.” This strong powerful ‘I’ in the Ego. Many people confuse the 51 and the 26. This idea that the 51 is brave and courageous, but the 51 IS NOT violent. The 26 IS. It’s inherent in its nature. And it’s important to understand that’s not moralistic. That is, the fact of the matter that there is violence in the 26 is the power of the T cell.
Every 26 carries this unbelievable warrior within them that is ready to eat you alive if it must.” -Ra Uru Hu
Now, we have all kinds of speculation about the nature of the aura. In order for us to connect with the other, in order for us to be directly conditioned-in other words, you have a gate in a channel and it’s open and somebody has a gate in the same channel at the other end, the harmonic gate-in order for that definition to come into existence your auras have to make contact.
But they make contact in different ways. And different auras have different sizes. The first thing about the size of the aura, the size of the aura is not static. It breathes. If you’re an urbanite and you have to get on the subway you’re going to pull your aura in. And when I say you are going to pull, it’s not that you consciously do that. Your aura will pull in. In other words, the aura breathes. And it’s very important not to see it as something that is static. It’s not like you’re moving in a fixed shell, like you’re inside an egg or something. You really have to understand that this is something that is breathing.
More than that, that breathing fluctuation can go from being quite large-so for example, if you stand up and you place your arms up in the air away from you, spreading your arms as far as they can so you’ve got your full wingspan, if you double the length of that distance, twice an arm length on either side going all the way around you in every direction, that’s approximately the maximum potential. Now, if you think carefully about that, what that means is that if you’re living in an apartment building and your bedroom has a common wall with a neighbor next door, they’re always sleeping with you.
I don’t want to shock any of you, but I truly want you to understand that. If you’re living in one of these modern buildings that has a very low ceiling, then you’re in contact with those that are above you, and you’re in contact with those that are below you. Your aura will go through anything. It does go through walls. If you’re living beside a street and there is a room in your house or your flat that is very close to a pedestrian walkway everybody walking by walks through your house. It’s something to keep in mind.
So the aura is more than something that’s static. The aura is something that is breathing. But that’s not what I really want to talk to you about today. I want you to understand that each type has a unique aura. Now, that’s just logical. Each type is a very specific configuration genetically. They operate very differently from each other. Their strategies are different from each other. And it’s essential to see that it also is evident in their aura. So let me describe to you the four different auras of the four types.
“Use Design Birth Data for Astrocartography. There is, obviously, something deeply important in that, but I think it’s very specific to people who have undefined G Centers. I think it’s very difficult for undefined G Centers, particularly non-energy types, to figure out how to find out what is the right place for them. The Astrocartography that was developed in Switzerland is fascinating. One of the things that I’ve recommended to people is that the problem with Astrocartography is that it’s based on the Personality. If you really want to find out where your body is really aligned, send them your Design data as if that was your birth chart, just your design date and time. Then you will actually get your Astrocartography for your physical vehicle and that is much more significant.
Everything about the nature of success in this life has to do with the physical form and the way in which the physical form fits into its environment. But to answer the other part of your question, which is important, the thing about triple-splits is that it’s not about whether or not they’re in the right place. Again, that would be conditioned whether they have an open G or not. The real thing for them is simply this journey process that is just very mundane. It can be very difficult, for example, to be a 2/4 and be a triple-split because it is important for them to get out, it is important for them to move around, it is important for them to journey.
It is this movement that’s so essential for them. These are the kind of people who will do repetitive sports, will go to places to do activities, all this kind of stuff in order to just go through the journey because the journey is the way in which they live their version of wholeness. It’s also through the journey, because it has to do with the auras that they meet. This is the whole thing about the right geometry. If you’re not in the right geometry, you don’t meet the right auras so you don’t meet the right configurations that are essential for the triple-split in its journey.
Again, it goes back to whether they’re going to operate correctly. But your point is well taken about location. I just think to see it from the perspective of the design and to see that’s something just about every open G Center is asking for, somebody to help them find the right place.”
Ra Uru Hu, Life Cycles Analysis, Q&A 100
“Human Design takes an enormously deep spiritual concept and just turns it into simple mechanics because that‘s what the mechanics reveal. You have to surrender, give up your mind being your authority.
There is no other way. And begin to trust in what is the power that is inherent in your design. Without Strategy and Authority you can‘t be aligned. You‘re not going to make decisions correctly, you don‘t have access to the cognition you need, and the sensory potential that is inherent in you. You don‘t have any of that.
You‘re just another fool; lemmings, actually. So I know you will find transformation interesting. But please beware; these steps are only for those who are willing to go there alone, regardless of the consequences, because it‘s the only thing that‘s ever going to matter for you.” – Ra Uru Hu
When you‘re looking at somebody‘s bodygraph, one way of trying to understand it is imagine that that bodygraph is only a cell in a larger organism. That‘s the first thing. Just as a metaphor. If you imagine that that bodygraph is a cell in a larger organism, it‘s going to at least take you away from the vanity of its importance, uniqueness, specialness. It‘s just a cell.
At the core of that cell, you‘re going to have all of the DNA information for every single aspect of that being. In other words, we can take a cell now and you can go in and grab the DNA and you can take the cell from anywhere and that cell is going to contain the information of the totality. If you look at the cell as a bodygraph, you see the bodygraph contains the information of the totality. In other words, it carries the entire spectrum of all 64 gates. So the bodygraph is a cell and you can see inside of the cell that there is a genetic information pool that outlines the totality.
Now, what happens to us is that we have a surface imprinting program. In other words, you have liver cells, you have blood cells, and you have this kind of cell, that kind of cell. But if you go into the center, they all have the same information. The only difference is that each of those cells has a place where there is a special imprinting, where something is highlighted. And instead of them being occupied with being everything: “growing up to be a human”; they‘re occupied with being a good blood cell.
So, when we take a calculation and you have the planets and so forth, what you‘re really looking at is our imprinting. It‘s the highlighting. We do, after all, have everything. You cannot go through this life with 64 gates and not experience everything. We do, all the time. This room is 64 gates. And if it‘s not with the transit included, it will be the moment we go outside; all of these things. It‘s always there. Every aspect is always there because this is life.
The difference between us is Human Design measures uniqueness. The easiest thing with human beings is to see our similarity. The easiest thing; and I‘m speaking from a biological genetic level. It‘s very, very hard genetically to differentiate one human being from another in terms of where the information actually is that makes a difference in us. After all, a fruit fly has 70% of our genetic information.
So, the question of analysis is not about similarity, it‘s about uniqueness. What we see from the imprinting is that as a cell what are the things that are important for us to accomplish as a cell; that‘s our imprinting. And of course, when you‘re living out your uniqueness, that is, you‘re following your Strategy, what you get to do is fulfill that. In other words, you become a good blood cell that does a really good job, instead of a blood cell that may become a problem and infect others and so forth and so on, and on and on and all those illustrations…
So, one of the things we‘re seeing in the mapping is that we‘re looking at a bodygraph that‘s just showing us our uniqueness imprinting, and when we go down to the Sun/Earth configuration, we‘re showing 70% of that uniqueness imprinting. In other words, the major themes of our imprinting; but, when we go out to the 64 hexagram wheel, we‘re going back to similarity. Genetically the First Imprint is General and Similar We‘re actually stepping into another place.
The similarity derives from the first imprint, if I can speak that way genetically of our cell. The first imprint is general and similar. We work from general and similar to becoming unique. This is the mutative process that operates out of the similar and general and eventually leads to diversity and uniqueness.
So, if you really want to understand us, the first thing to recognize is that you have to get rid of the uniqueness of us, which is the bodygraph level, and you have to go into the cosmic level. You have to go into the larger, spiritual domain of wholeness, and see that we don‘t begin with a connection to the one. In that sense, it‘s always there because the bodygraph carries the complete matrix.” -Ra Uru Hu
“We take drugs to change our moods. How easy it is— we‘ve got all kinds of receptors in the brain for endorphins that will immediately give us a chemistry that makes us feel good. And you have to see that the chemistry that makes you pessimistic, the chemistry that gives you this terrible feeling that’s all it is, is a chemistry.
One of my biggest things about trying to awaken the Personality is to remind you that the vehicle operates as a chemical thing, that the experiences of this or that, the up and down, the good mood and bad mood, the upset and not upset, and the melancholy and the not, it’s all just chemistry; nothing more, nothing less. But that chemistry—the whole thing about operating correctly through your strategy and your authority is that you align, you balance this chemistry. And that you don’t distort it so that you’re moving more towards the pessimistic or more towards the other side.
So many human beings that have been involved in drugs in their life and whether those drugs are pharmaceutical abuses or whether they are pleasure drugs or whether it’s alcohol or whatever the case may be, so many beings have gone that way because they have not found in their life experiences that were transforming. And it is the transforming experience that adds depth to the field of consciousness. It’s why we have a human experiential way.” -Ra Uru Hu
“I’ve spent years trying to teach people all the nuances, all the basics and all of that. That time for me is over. It’s difficult for me to even to find intention span to talk about the profundity of human design. I’m fortunate now to have allies who seem to love to do that, and that’s terrific. They can talk about all the nuances of this and that and the other thing.. I had to do that, because it’s my responsibility to this knowledge, that every aspect of human design and of it’s basic formulas are revealed. What I care about is that people get the simple.
Only the simple. Only the simple. See, it’s such a magical thing to have come to recognise Type. It is the most magical thing that is ever ever happened on this planet. There has never been anything like it, ever. We have never been given such a key, ever. We have never had a chance, all of us, to be awake, and being awake and don’t have it as a trip. Without it being a specialised elitist crap Manifestor propaganda. We have a chance simply to be awake. And the moment that I deal with people in my life, the students in my life, whenever I deal with their intelligence, I deal with their questions, and I deal with their searching, I always wanna pull them right back into that surface. Come back here, to the surface. Yes, I know, you know human design, but you’re not living it. And you know it. It’s nice to know it, sure. Sure, it’s nice. It’s nice to know lots of things.
This isn’t about knowing, this isn’t about power trip of knowing. Knowing and knowledge – these things have no power. This is mythology, I have no power. If you live out your design, if you live out your vehicle, if you live out your strategy, – you get to see that you are helpless. It’s wonderful to be helpless. You get to see that you truly are incompetent. You are. Be proud of it. You know? Wear it on your back – “I am incompetent!”. Cause you are. It’s the holiest thing you can shout.
We’re not in charge. We’re not in control. The deeper I go into this knowledge, the further and further I go from any even tiny tiny idea, that I’m in charge of anything. Nothing, nothing. Not what I say, not what I think, not what I do, not what I am, not how long I live.. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing. You’re in charge of nothing. Nothing. Accept it. Give up. Stop thinking you’re in charge. You’re not. Nothing. You’re not in charge of how you breathe, where you shit, nothing. Teachers have told you that for ever. Everybody listens, nods, saying: “Yes, master”. It’s true. And then they walk away into their lives and they’re unhappy. And they’re unfulfilled. And they get sick. And they spend their life batching and moaning and complaining.
It’s so simple, but it means you have to give up your vanity. And if you will give up your vanity and you’ll just allow your vehicle to operate, you’ll see – there’s nothing to be afraid of. Nothing. You don’t have to worry about tomorrow. Today you’ll do. Everything is there for you. It truly is. See, people think, that’s a dream. It’s not. It’s right here now all the time. All the time. And all you have to do is follow a simple mechanical thing, nothing else. You’re a manifestor, – you inform. You’re a generator, – you respond. You’re projector and you wait for invitation. You’re a reflector and you wait for the cycle of the moon. There is not anything else. See, that’s what I love about knowledge. In my life I met many many people who are bright. And then we went to speak and I realised – they don’t know anything. Because, you see, you can’t understand them when they’re talking to you. It’s not simple. There’s lots of people who think that they know something, and you ask them, and they can not explain it to you, cause it’s not simple. Life is the most simplest thing of all. It is a binary, moving in space. It’s just two. And out of that two – is everything.
The formula is so simple. Truth is simple. That’s why I give you profiles and numbers – simple. There is, after all, only four types. I mean, it’s not about you have to figure out eight zillion strategies so you fit in. It’s not like the rules of your type require you to follow a huge fucking list of things that you have to do. It’s not like being in a rocketship. It’s just a little thing. And you see, that it works, cause it’s true. And it’s not what I say. It’s what I know. It’s what’s science has verifyied. It’s what people that have experimented with living their strategy are verifying, that it’s true. It works. And then this poor passenger can sit in the back in the limo and enjoy the ride.
Oh, there’s a lot to see… There’s a lot to see when the windows are clean. There’s a lot to see, when you stop screaming at the driver to turn left or right. When you’re not just in there screaming. There is so much to see. So forget about all this stuff. Really. Forget it. Just try it out. Live it out.
If you can not live your design, if you can not live your strategy, do me a favour, stop involving yourself in my life… Cause you know better, you do. I don’t have to see you. I’ve gone through this for 13 years, I keep on seeing people. I’m waiting and watching, waiting and watching… I run on the hill up there in ibiza and stare at the sheep. Just do it. And you’ll see for yourself. And then you can tell somebody else that it’s real. And then you can give them the greatest thing that any human can give another. You can liberate them. You can set them free. You can open up the door to “what it is to be” for them. You’ll give them the same thing you’ve lived by – you give them their strategy and let them go. Don’t tell them where it came from. Don’t tell them about me. Don’t complicate your life more than it was.
Just give them their stuff – “here’s your cookie, go away”, they will never forget you.” -Ra Uru Hu
“There were two different ways to come to grips with the biverse. One formula was for the light that is four dimensional time and space. The other formula was for the darkness, and included the mechanical nature. When two things are arbitrarily placed beside each other, they immediately show their relationship. This is juxtaposition. In the biverse, we have the juxtaposition of the mechanical and the light. It is not about being them being integrated, as they are juxtaposed. The mechanical side is hidden until it is exposed.
The moment it is exposed, than one can live out the juxtaposition itself, live out the design. It is a juxtaposition of the quiet inner rooted in the mechanical and natural turmoil of life around you. Life is not duality, but juxtaposed. The same personality crystal goes from vehicle after vehicle, and doesn’t have any relationship to those vehicles.
It is about seeing what it is to be in play, but not identified with being player. Then one can accept juxtaposition and accept whatever happens. There are inner mechanics to live by, and the outside is just what it is – a movie, a passing scene, but you are not one with that. To be juxtaposed, you can’t be one with that. The yin and yang can make love, but still two remain. We’re always going to have juxtaposition, as it is the dynamic tension that creates life.
This juxtaposition, which we call the biverse, is talking about two things that are separate from each other, but living in the same space. The interaction with each other is life. Juxtaposition creates the tension and says they have to be different. If you don’t grasp juxtaposition, you can never be tolerant. Juxtaposition has to bring tolerance. There is no natural bond between the male and the female.
They are designed to be juxtaposed, to be tension fields. This is how the universe lives with these two mysteries, the penetrating yang and the creative yin There is no way to get to peace through the Maia. You just can’t. One has to be brought to juxtaposition – to see that you play two roles, live a duality, and have two separate lives in one. We live out the mechanical life, and have no choice in that whatsoever.
The field of light gives the impression that there is nothing but choice – everything in the Maia is about choice, all these choices. Just because know this and live your strategy, you don’t escape the Maia, but live in it seamlessly, for you then understand the mechanics of the Maia, and it becomes seamless. Then you can have the other side of the juxtaposition by being aware of your helplessness.
Wait for what you need to come to you, despite what the mirror shows. Then you get to live out both sides. We are two-faced beings and always in these two different realms at the same time. You don’t need to struggle in the light. You’ll never find reassurance there. You can only get that from the mechanical side.” – Ra Uru Hu
Human Design is your manual to escape the confines of the Notself. Beyond these confines your own life awaits you. Your life. Your unique, fresh, new life that can only be lived by you.
There is no guarantee that it will be easy to escape the confines of the Notself. There is no guarantee that it will be possible to escape these confines quickly. And even if you live your life as a unique individual there is no guarantee that you will always remain within your comfort zone.
There is hunger and cold, there is struggle and flight, there is age, sickness and death, there is grief and pain.
But if there is hunger, it will be your hunger. If there is struggle, it will be your struggle. And when you die, you will be embraced by your own individual death.
A dear American friend once expressed it in this way, “I would gladly give up everything to drink a single cup of coffee as myself.”
Or to say it in Ra’s words:
You are unique. You have no choice. Love yourself.
“There are 60 million mothers of Reflectors on the planet, approximately, if they’re alive. That is, they’re 1% of our 6 billion population so there are about 60 million Reflector mothers that show up every once in a while. It’s not like they don’t exist. They do.
I want you to understand disappointment. The Projector arrives and it’s really annoyed. It wasn’t invited. It doesn’t know what this is all about. The Reflector arrives looking forward to the whole thing, only to be deeply disappointed from the very beginning. And it has to do with the nature of their aura. I don’t know how many of you were able to listen to my Daily View special on auras. If not, the transcribed version of that is available on the website.
The thing to recognize about Reflector auras is that their auras are made of Teflon. Reflectors have Teflon auras. And basically what that means is that they shimmy with you, but they don’t let you in. Everybody looks at a Reflector chart and they say oh, they’re so vulnerable and they’re so open. But that’s simply because you have the counterpoint.
It is impossible, if you have definition, it is absolutely impossible, I don’t care if you’re a single definition, mental Projector, it is absolutely impossible to understand what it is to be a Reflector. It is a totally different aura.
If you could see the aura of a Projector, it is like a fist breaking into a beanbag. This is a Projector’s aura. It goes whack like that, which is why Generators don’t like them, because the Generator aura is this kind of fuzzy warm swallow you. And it’s really kind of enveloping. And the Projector does whack.
So when you’re dealing with a reflector, you’re dealing with this Teflon aura. Here you are, momma Generator (swoosh sound). And you’ve got this baby that goes (sound), and the mother is already disappointed. “I don’t seem to have contact with my child.” It’s like: “We don’t really seem to connect.” And the child is going (swoosh sound).
This child doesn’t care that it has a mother. The Manifestors and Generators and Projectors, everything is dependent on the mother; everything. The mother ally is going to change their life. The Reflector—swoosh. It doesn’t make a difference who it is because they’re not interested in people. They didn’t come to this planet to look at other people. They came to look at the sky.
If you have a Reflector baby, you wrap it up really warm—two weeks old—you take it outside at night with a full moon like you’re baptizing a werewolf. Then it’s going to know why it’s on the planet. And it’s one of the most magical things to understand about Reflectors.
It’s what I teach them in terms of awakening. I teach them to understand the program. They’re not here to understand people. They’re not here to understand themselves. They don’t care. They don’t. Oh we teach them to care, which isn’t necessarily good for them. We condition them to all these other things. But they still have this Teflon aura. They’re never really going to connect with you, because that’s not what they’re here for.
We have two ways in which we are conditioned. We have the auras that are there between life forms. And then we have the neutrino ocean and its feed. The Reflector is the only type that is designed to ward off that human quality, diminish it, and reduce it in value. It’s not that it’s gone; but to reduce it in its value and power, and in doing so they become more receptive and more attuned to the program. And that’s what they’re here for.
So, the parent that has a Reflector child, it doesn’t matter what they do. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what they are. It doesn’t matter what their configuration is. It doesn’t matter what the partnership is. The only thing that matters is that we hope that the child is well fed, that it’s got a decent environment.
But you really have to understand this about the Reflector; they’re very different. And this introduction to sky, we don’t do that anymore. It’s one of the first things I did when my son was born the countryside here on the north end of the island, in an old finca in the countryside, when he was about two weeks old. He’s not a Reflector. It’s just that I wanted him to see the sky. I took him outside. He’s lying there staring up at these incredible lights.
You can’t imagine how important that is for the Reflector baby, to have contact with this vastness. You give them this image of vastness; you take away all their disappointment. You take it all away. If you only show them these silly human beings that are all around them, they will be disappointed all of their lives, all of their lives.
It’s one of the deepest things that I can teach Reflectors. Forget about the importance of people; forget about all that. Forget about it. Don’t study people’s charts. Watch the program. That’s your job. That’s why you’re here. That’s what you’re here for.” -Ra Uru Hu
“Projectors have projected authority. Projected authority is deeply complex. You can see more projected authority. For example, somebody with the spleen to the throat, the channel of Talent has splenic projected authority. But it only works if it is recognized – it doesn’t work any other way. Unless it is recognized, the talent doesn’t come out. These are people that have to be discovered by others. “Oh, you could be so talented.” “Really, me – you think?” “Yes, you could be so talented.” “Okay, I’ll try that.”
Projected splenic authority has to be recognized. If s not about saying, “I’ve got the talent, and I’m going out there and show the world.” He can’t say that. Somebody has to say that to him. He has to be recognized. The moment that you recognize his gift, then his authority can come out.
The spleen to the root – it is all projected. There is no sacral, there’s no throat. You go into a room and your awareness, your gut feeling, says to you, “I have to get out of here.” Now you are not going to act on that, because you are a projector. You have to wait until somebody recognizes that you’re uncomfortable and comes up and says, “Are you comfortable?” “No, I’m leaving.”
When it is recognized, then the authority comes out, but only when it is recognized. This is the whole thing about projectors, their authority is there, but it is only there when it is recognized, and recognized specifically. This is not about asking them any question. They are not generators. It is specific and directed to their nature.
The spleen to the self with the10/57, is somebody who has the design of survival, but only when somebody recognizes it as her authority. Only when somebody comes to her and says, “Can you tell me what to do?” or “I know that you know how to help me,” – whatever the case may be. “You find the form for me.” She has to be recognized, then the authority comes out. Just like somebody with a defined ego that is a projected ego. There is no power to that ego until somebody recognizes it. “You have the power, go do it.” Then he can. He doesn’t know until you point at it. When you point at it then he can grab and go.
The spleen to the ego in the channel of Surrender, the transmission of the 26/44, is the creative channel of the tribe. It is the capacity to be able to get the message out to the tribe, to get your product out to them, to get an image out to them, to be able to inform them about what is available for them within the tribe. Now if somebody has that and doesn’t get recognition for her talent, it will never come out.
Somebody has to say to her, “Hey, look. You’re really good. I know you can really get this stuff out there, and it will really work. I have faith in you. You go do that.” Then she can. They are the kind of people that the moment somebody recognizes the quality of their work, they get a halo about this big. They walk around saying, “Yeah, I’m recognized.” They have no authority until they are recognized. The more recognition that they get after that, the more authority they have, because they are the ones that really can transmit to the tribe, but it has to be recognized.
The spleen to the ego, again undefined solar plexus, undefined sacral, and of course that is always going to be the rule there. You can’t have any kind of projected splenic authority if there is a sacral or a solar plexus, other than the specific case in which the spleen is directly connected to the sacral.
Everything about projected authority, says to us that there is a huge section of the population that do not have their inner authority unless somebody else points it out to them. Recognize how important we are to each other. The generator waiting for the person to ask; the projector waiting for the person to recognize them – they have a design to wait. That means that there is that responsibility on the other side to know that these types exist.” – Ra Uru Hu
“…Surrender is mechanical. Its mechanical you are surrendering to the mechanism of what life is itself…
I am so tired of philosophical descriptions of surrender.
The service is look you can get this for free. You come to my site (http://www.jovianarchive.com/) and get it for free. You can get it for free you can get your chart you can get your strategy, you can get your type, you can get your profile, you can get everything you need, you don’t have to spend a goddamn penny, go away and be yourself. And if it really turns you on, yeah we will sell you all kinds of stuff. We will teach you all kinds of stuff, we will read your chart this way that way, upside down, inside out, we will do whatever you like, but be yourself first and be yourself from nothing. That’s our service.
This is not a black art, this is not a hidden art, this is not something that is kept in the closet, this is not something that is here for the elite. It is not, this is what I like the least about this whole process of starting new knowledge is that you end up with elite groups who have the money who have the opportunity, who have the time. This is for everyone and it is for everyone at the simplest level.
Knowledge is not power. It’s just information. It doesn’t do anything. The only way this person is ever going to live out their life properly is if they live out their strategy. And if they live out their strategy then all those components that are in them operate correctly. Just your body operates correctly without you being involved running it.” -Ra Uru Hu
“The 47th game oppression in the ajna center pointed upwards to the head center, to its harmonic gate the 64 before completion, forming the channel of abstraction and design of mental activity and clarity.
Now the 47th gate is the gate of realizing, realizing, but it is a gate that is placed under tremendous pressure.
The head center, the center above the center that it is pointed at, is pressure center and so the 47th gate has the pressure on it to try to make sense of the abstract.
Now what that means literally, is to try to make sense of whatever stored memory is available and it is this stored memory that becomes the source of the pressure on the 47.
Unlike the logical process that deals with patterns that can be worked with, that the 47th gate, the abstract process is always trying to make sense out of experiential snippets, bits and pieces of experiential memory and the 47th gate oppression is described as a restrictive and adverse state as a result of internal weakness or external strength or both.
Now think about that, because that’s, that’s quite difficult to grasp, that is this is a restrictive and adverse state.
This process of trying to make sense out of things is restrictive and it is a result of internal weakness or external strength or both.
Now what is this adverse state?
The whole thing about the process of trying to make sense out of things is that you never truly get to a resolution.
In many ways trying to make sense out of something is trying to come to a point of clarity emotionally and the abstract process and the emotional process are deeply connected to each other.
Everything about the process of making sense out of things, is very similar to the process of coming to clarity, that is the common denominator is time, time.
If one has the 47th gate and it is part of a definition, in other words that the head and ajna center are going to be defined, then there is a consistent process at work.
But it’s very very difficult if one just simply has the 47th gate and it’s in an undefined ajna center, you know, then it’s very difficult because you don’t have the opportunity to consistently, over time, try to make sense out of the same thing from different experiential memories.
Whenever you look at the first line you look at the foundation of a hexagram, the first line of the 47 is taking stock.
It says; the ability in times of hardship, there’s already a presumption of the difficulty of what it is to try to make sense out of things, the hardship to concentrating on eradicating negative factors that led to the oppression realizing that negative thoughts have to be eradicated.
Now one of the most important things for the abstract mind is to discover positiveness, it’s very important for the abstract mind.
The tendency of the abstract mind is to be littered with negative thoughts without clarity, without certainty, without absolute fact.
The process of realization is very very difficult and of course because there are so many different ways that one can interpret experience, that it’s full of difficulties and it’s full of negative thoughts.
The detriment is the delusion of seeing oppression, is exclusively external and this is about the sense that the world is against you.
So you can see right away, that if you’re carrying the 47th gate and that you are not self, which means that your mind is your inner authority, then your inner authority is going to be deeply driven by its negative thoughts and it’s going to be deeply driven by the sense that one is fighting against everything and everyone and obviously that is something that can be very difficult.
The great value of the 47th gate is that because life is for humanity an experiential process, we need its capacity to try to realize and make sense out of experience, but as outer authority, not as inner authority.
As inner authority making sense becomes an enormous burden and it misdirects the life.” – Ra Uru Hu
“The thing to grasp about my journey with you this morning, is if you don’t have your 15 minutes of fame, if you don’t have one thousand friends, if you don’t have people who know people who know you, you don’t exist. If you can’t be googled, you don’t exist. And it literally is that way in terms of what it is to be driven as a species through Pentas, to be successful, to demonstrate, to be out there in the world, to advance our gene pool. The methodology of the world is familiarity. You have to be out there.
The heretic is not naturally good at that. They’re not; they’re heretics. Heresy is not a full time job; it’s not supposed to be. Friendship is, Friendship is 24/7. I’ve got what you need, whenever you need it. This is the 4-world.
Heresy, like all 5th Lines, is there for a certain moment. It’s there to have power in that moment, to be able to stand at exactly the right moment to stop what’s there and turn it around and show what’s possible. You can’t just do that anymore, it instantly goes out into the world. It’s the thing that’s so amazing about our time. And of course, it gets watered down in that world because the game is not the same.
I love being a heretic, because one thing about being a heretic is you’re always on the line. This is what your whole life is about: Prove me wrong, I’ll stand up to it. I don’t care what you think, I don’t care what you believe, prove me wrong. Because this is the way; this is heresy.”
– Ra Uru Hu, Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Prophets, Messengers, and Buddhas
“The other thing that many people don‘t understand about that process and mostly because I simply don‘t talk about it very much is that calling it a voice tends to place it exclusively in that kind of realm, that it was an audio experience. I only call it the Voice because I don‘t have any other name to call it, that‘s how I met it, it was a voice. I know that there are many names for such a thing, but I assume that if the Voice had a name it wanted me to call it, it would have given it to me and it didn‘t. But the fact was that what it was that I was dealing with, the “Voice,” is not the same as the kind of experience I went through, which was very different. It was physical, mutative, it was painful, it was audio, visual, and it was more than that. It was being plugged in, in a way, to what one isn‘t necessarily designed to be plugged into. So, I guess that is how much time, 8 days, was necessary at that speed with that complexity of input to put inside of me all the information that was necessary.” – Ra Uru Hu, Rave Cosmology 1, the Bhan Tugh, lesson 1: the beginning before the start
We are not here to live the Transits, but to see their effect on us.
And I know Ra has said these things (too), but damn, even as a Reflector (here to be so intimate with that Program) this really does not work for me, at all.
Transits are the weather:
When it rains (1st line day) you do not become that rain (study); you get wet (!)
“You’re not going to find your answer in this journey. You’re going to find stimulation. The answer is within yourself. It cannot be anyplace else. It is about whether it is your serendipity, not choice, but whether it is your serendipity to surrender, and to surrender to your vehicle.
Whatever Human Design is in the end, it is here to transform the form principle. It is here to teach us an extraordinary essential lesson that the body is the life. If you do not allow this body to operate in the way that it was intended to operate you screw up your life; boom. It’s not about your head trip. It’s not about what your mind thinks, not about all the bullshit you go through, all the machinations, this and that, this and that. This is the madness of the world.
The beauty of the form principle is that when you relax into surrender, into the integrity of your form you will see that it delivers, it gives you your life.” -Ra Uru Hu
On 3rd June 2020, the Court of Florence pronounced an Order establishing that there cannot be a copyright on the Human Design system.
The Order followed a lawsuit initiated by Human Design Italia, an association claiming they had the sole ownership of Human Design copyright in Italy and the Italian language as licensee of Alan Krakower (Ra Uru Hu)’s company, Jovian Archive.
HD Italia had gone against an Italian publisher, Terra Nuova, after the release, in June 2019, of Chetan Parkyn’s book Human Design – Scopri la Tua Vera Natura; claiming that nobody else except Human Design Italia had the right to publish any book on Human Design.
After a speedy trial, the Judge thought otherwise. His decision stated: “…No evidence has been provided by the claimants to prove that they had exclusive rights on the ‘Human Design System’ or its teachings: those teachings cover ideas, procedures, methodologies of representation that can be freely talked about, mentioned and illustrated even by those who are not the creators, without this infringing intellectual property rights; nor, to do so, does one need to be authorized by a school or by its founders, since in our legal system the representation of ideas is free and is not subjected to cult-like behaviors.”
The principle, stated by US Law and accepted by the Berne Convention as valid for all the countries who are part of it (and Italy is) is that copyright cannot be recognized for an “idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described,” and therefore “If Krakower cannot be the holder of a general intellectual property right on his ideas (rather than on his works), he cannot have sold it to third parties.”
So “The object of the transfer [from Jovian Archive to Human Design Italia, ed.] cannot be the right to exploit copyright that does not exist.”
And more: “Neither it [Jovian Archive, ed.] nor its assignees could prevent others from publishing other works on the ‘Human Design System’.”
I am particularly pleased to release this news, because I really believe that HD, like Astrology, Kabbalah, I-Ching, the Chakra System, Neutrinos and the DNA theories on which Human Design is based, belongs to humanity as such and not to just one group of individuals.
Of course, everyone is grateful to Ra who went through the experience of receiving the knowledge about the system from some mysterious source, and the moral rights of the discovery will always be his, but the law says that moral right is not transmissible, and ultimately, that the fruit of his experience belongs to all of us.
As the Delhi High Court states, in a 2016 lawsuit, copyright is “not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that confers on authors the absolute ownership of their creations. It is designed rather to stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public. Copyright is intended to increase and not to impede the harvest of knowledge. It is intended to motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors in order to benefit the public.”
Moreover, this Court Order is an important precedent for any other lawsuit that might be initiated by Human Design Italia, Jovian Archive or any other organization or individual claiming intellectual property on the HD system. And it is important also for all the independent HD readers, teachers and writers – many! – that have been bullied through the years!
Instead, Human Design has benefited a lot from the work of such independent HD practitioners and has evolved immensely from its original formulation, thanks to their commitment, research and experiences.
Let this Court Order be the first step towards the free expansion and evolution of this beautiful science.
Much thanks to all the people who helped in the process of gathering information to build the case defense, namely attorney-at-law Caterina Inglese, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D (noblesciences.com), Chaitanyo (humandesignsystem.com), Karen Curry Parker (understandinghumandesign.com), Erik Memmert (newsunware.com), and of course Chetan Parkyn (humandesignforusall.com).
For a copy of the Court order, which is a public document, in Italian and/or English, contact Marga at margajee@gmail.com
Someone had told me somewhere in 2006 or 2007, to check out this ‘Human Design’, I did not know that one could make a chart, so the only impression I got was ‘Just another funny guy in a funny hat with yet another funny story’. As so many I’ve encountered before, where I just did not find the hook into. All these theories, all these philosophies, these systems.
Some time later, my chart was made, now I had the angle to look at it again. I was told to be a 4/6 Reflector, PLL-DLR, Right Angle Cross of Rulership. In between I had read some things about Human Design, but found it difficult to grasp, but ever since knowing my Type I really dived in and (re)searched anything and everything I could possibly find (online).
“We’re talking both the fulfillment of purpose. Everything about the cross is about the potential to fill your purpose. It is very difficult to get to that place where your cross runs your life. I know. And when your cross takes over in your life boy does it take over. It’s almost as frightening as the idea of giving up the not-self, because your purpose is something that does not honor your characteristics.
So for example, let’s say that you’re an anti-social nasty savage little survivor like me. And you get on the wheel and the wheel turns you into some kind of social interactive good-for-everybody nice guy. But that’s the cross. And it doesn’t matter once you’re into the movement of your purpose what your characteristics are.
Characteristics only matter when you’re stuck with your not-self and you’re unawake. This is the whole thing about my joke about not being furniture in a movie, background. The background doesn’t mean anything. But the moment you give background purpose it jumps to the front of the lens and everybody can see it. And it doesn’t matter where you come from. The coward in the movie in the background that suddenly emerges as the hero and everybody is wondering where that come from.
Your characteristics don’t matter when you’re living out your purpose. They don’t. If I was living out my not-self my nature, my very characteristics would create problems for me in this life as they did before I knew all of this. They just would. And purpose would never allow me to transcend the problems of my characteristics, never. That’s the magic of being yourself, because the moment that you really are leaving out your nature your cross will take over, your purpose will take over and out of that will come its archetypal demand and the opportunity to be fulfilled that way, whatever that way happens to be.” Ra Uru Hu – Incarnation Crosses by Profile, I The Quarter of Initiation
The Human Design System is not a belief system
“It doesn’t require that you believe in anything, or that you believe in me. It’s not stories, it’s not a philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a logical way in which we can see ourselves. Just the simple mechanics is enough to make a vast difference in somebody’s life.
The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are, and it’s not about the labels we attach to that intelligence; whether we call it “enlightened” or we call it “genius”, there is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.”
The Human Design System is a reading of your Genetic Code
“With a Human Design education, your genetic code can be read in detail. That is the work of a professional analyst. This ability to detail our mechanics is profound as it reveals the complete nature in its subtleties. However, by simply grasping the surface mechanics—what this work aspires to communicate—you will have a grounding in this life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your process.
These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. What is mechanical in us, the way in which our genes operate, is that the moment we try to interfere with their operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, they will have their way.”
All Learning—Real learning—Takes Seven Years
“We live in a seven-year cycle, and it takes approximately seven years to change all of the cells in the body. The moment you begin to come to your own nature and allow your body to live its life without resistance, you begin a deep process of deconditioning. Seven years later, you emerge, quite literally, as a new being: yourself.
It is when human beings don’t get to live out their own lives that life seems to be such a difficult experience for them. We know that there is a lot of stuff around about “being yourself.” It’s all fine and good for somebody to stand up and tell you to be yourself, but you have to know who that self is.” Read more
“…the design side. You have no conscious access to it, which means there is no way your mind can either interfere with it or truly grasp it. It has nothing to do with your mind.
And in terms of the not-self, the not-self does everything in its power to ignore it, even if that unconscious is the sole thing driving its definitions, because it has no access to it, none. When somebody enters into the experiment of Human Design, that experiment is cutting off the mind from trying to run the life and allowing the mind to become mind, to be involved in what it’s here for, which we’ll get to in a moment. But the moment you’re operating according to Strategy and Authority you’re automatically aligning your vehicle to its cognition and you’re automatically aligning your vehicle to a geometry, a trajectory, a direction, whatever language you want to use, that is absolutely correct for you…
…We have a dilemma with mind in Human Design because as not-self it really destroys our possibility to be able to perfect our process. But once you’ve entered into a process where your Strategy and Authority is making the rules for your life there are all kinds of possibilities then for the mind. It is its freedom. And this freedom is to be an outer authority, what you get from me. That is, my mind has value for you. It does not have the same value for me. That is, my mind does not tell me what to do so it is no longer my inner authority.” – Ra Uru Hu – Rave Cosmology VI – Profile, Purpose and Function
We are all here to communicate our outer authority. It’s what we’re about. And we know it is not easy to find those that we can communicate with and we are understood. Human beings talking to each other, how little they hear each other. When your mind is in control of your life and you’re having a heated discussion with somebody, your mind is so busy trying to figure out how to win, control, defeat the other, defend oneself, and prepare the next sentence. And while you’re preparing the next sentence you don’t hear what’s being said because you don’t care, because you’re just dealing with homogenized views and homogenized views can always be argued about, because there is no universal truth. There isn’t. It’s a myth.
There are universal homogenized accept abilities. Truth is unique; it’s just unique. And it’s not about saying when someone receives outer authority and that person tells them something in that outer authority that does not have to become their truth. It is simply something that has been communicated. We don’t understand that kind of communication. We don’t.
This is the way in which the program tries to compensate, there are all these hidden fractal lines. There are these natural mathematical partners. It doesn’t mean they’re there to be your lovers, your friends, but they are certainly going to be those forces that when you communicate they hear it. And if it resonates within them they pass it along—“you’ll never guess what I heard yesterday.” This is the movement.
It’s why I’m always so concerned about simplicity. It’s not because I think that those beings that are interested in Human Design don’t have the grasp. The greatest dilemma of a knowledge like this is how misleading intelligence is. It’s misleading. When you understand the nature of fractal you realize that simple is the only way that you get beyond the third or fourth or fifth or sixth generation of communication. It’s the only way that anything moves. I’m a 5/1; I’m here to call universally. You can’t do that when the language is so complex that nobody can truly grasp it. It has to be simple.
And if something can be distilled down to the simple and stand up to testing, then it is something that will move down the fractal line. And it says something about all communication, is that one of the things that we avoid the most in our dealing with the other is the simple. We don’t say what we really think; we don’t say what we really feel. We couch things in coded expressions, innuendos, facial movement. We don’t really share what’s really there because we don’t know how, and I’m speaking of humanity. -Ra Uru Hu, Facets & Fractals, Advanced Base Theory
“When mind is freed of being an inner authority—because realize what life is like when mind pretends to be both the inner authority and the outer authority.
That mind only lies, because you‘re always protecting your ass one way or another.
But the moment you liberate mind, the moment you give it an opportunity, well, to be an old dog learning a new trick, it‘s called seeing.
It’s one of those words. What does it actually mean?
I’m not talking about the illusion of the three-dimensional field that we call our seeing.
No, it isn‘t about that.
It‘s about being aware.
This is about grasping everything without having to.
It is the freedom that comes with being able to move through this space correctly” – Ra Uru Hu
“You just can’t. One has to be brought to juxtaposition – to see that you play two roles, live a duality, and have two separate lives in one.
We live out the mechanical life, and have no choice in that whatsoever. The field of light gives the impression that there is nothing but choice – everything in the Maia is about choice, all these choices.
Just because you know this and live your strategy, you don’t escape the Maia, but live in it seamlessly, because when you then understand the mechanics of the Maia, it becomes seamless. Then you can have the other side of the juxtaposition by being aware of your helplessness. Wait for what you need to come to you, despite what the mirror shows.
Then you get to live out both sides. We are two-faced beings and are always in these two different realms at the same time.
You don’t need to struggle in the light.
You’ll never find reassurance there.
You can only get that from the mechanical side.” – Ra Uru Hu
“… goes from vehicle after vehicle, and doesn’t have any relationship to those vehicles.
It is about seeing what it is to be in play, but not identified with being player. Then one can accept juxtaposition and accept whatever happens.
There are inner mechanics to live by, and the outside is just what it is – a movie, a passing scene, but you are not one with that. To be juxtaposed, you can’t be one with that.
The yin and yang can make love, but still two remain.
We’re always going to have juxtaposition, as it is the dynamic tension that creates life.”
This line of enforcement. The discipline to maintain right action.
Until you get to the 6th line the fates are just throwing spanners in the mix. They are just getting in your way so you’ll simply differentiate. When it gets to the 6th line it gets right back down to the basics, right action is everything. The only way you are here to go through experience is as right action. There is no other way for the 6th line. 6th line beings are the most vulnerable beings on the planet. These are the good that die young and the old that die too soon. 6th line; fragile as fragile can be.
The enforcement of right action is never the privilege of a 6th line being in their first 30 years of their life because in those first 30 years they don’t live out their 6th line theme but a 3rd line of trial and error, pessimism, martyrdom, and mistakes, and all of that. And every 6th line being when they get to their post Kiron phase in life has to meet exactly the same forces they met in that first Saturn cycle, but they have to meet it with the enforcement of right action. Oh, what a trap! Those forces that you met before you went up on the roof they are waiting. It’s like those animals that can’t climb up the building but they know that at some point you have to come down that roof and they are all down there waiting. And it’s not the same people. It’s something to really grasp. It will be the same kind of archetypes. And you will see very clearly as a 6th line being that those forces that were there in that first Saturn cycle, the forces that tempted you with love, with this, with that, the forces that hurt you, that pleased you or whatever the case may be, they return. They return and how you deal with them then? This is what it is to be a 6th line being. The role model. The ultimate example. The ultimate example of what it is to live as yourself and this can only be done through right action. Right action is the action of the vehicle. It’s about authority. It’s about strategy.” – Ra Uru Hu
image by Christian Nauck – Daredevil roof jump – photoshop by Felicitas Driessen
“When you begin the experiment of being yourself, you will see clearly that it will bring the appropriate response and reward. In grasping your design, in grasping your Type, see clearly how important it is for the children around you that they are not forced or conditioned to be something other than what they are.
The first seven years of life is when we experience our deepest conditioning. By the time that we reach seven years of age, we have the equipment necessary to survive in the world. That equipment that we have for survival is the conditioned equipment of the notself that dominates our existence. We were conditioned by our mothers and our fathers and our siblings.
For an adult to discover the nature of their design, the mechanics of their Type, is a seven-year process of de-conditioning yourself. It is not like you have to work at that. It is about experimenting day by day with what it is to be you. It takes seven years for the vast majority of the cells in the body to be replaced. It takes seven years to eliminate the old conditioning and to bring about the new. It takes about three and a half years to reach the critical mass where the true self begins to dominate over the conditioned self.
It is so difficult for deeply conditioned human beings to appreciate the power that lies within them. They have never tapped into those resources. They are always trying to climb the mountain of inconsistency.
The complexity of what it is to be human is really misleading. The literature on “discovering yourself’ has little to do with fact and much to do with concept. Human Design is just about the basic mechanical infrastructure that humanity has. When you accept the way in which your vehicle is intended to operate, it will run smoothly. When your vehicle operates correctly, you who experience the life can finally relax and enjoy the journey. It requires nothing more than living out the basic mechanic of your Type. Nothing more.” Ra Uru Hu – Profile and Type Reference Book
…for Reflectors is when they put their faith in the other. This is the great disappointment that awaits all Reflectors because sooner or later that is something that’s going to hurt them.
They are here to embrace what is a larger force in their life. It’s just what they’re here for. And of course, the moment that they are on that mundane plane that’s when the disappointment arises. The moment that the conditioning of the people around them is stronger than the conditioning of the program that’s the moment that truly the Reflector becomes lost.
They’re not here to reflect you and me. They only sample it. And what they’re really sampling is to see how much of the program you’ve taken in; because, after all, it’s not good for you. What’s good for them is not good for you. They can carry it inside them and it’s perfect. You carry it inside you and you’re lost in the not-self.”
… that an energy type likes about a non-energy type – The Projector – is that the Projector is interested in them. That’s true; this is the Projector. They’re interested in the other.
So when an energy type meets a Reflector they’re surprised; they’re often upset. “They’re not interested in me.” They expect that interest to be there; it is not there. The Reflector aura samples, it takes just a touch of the other. No more. It isn’t to say that when you see a Reflector with somebody else and you’re doing a composite chart, because I can hear the question coming, that they don’t activate it. Yes, of course, they do. This is just simple basic mechanics. But it’s very important to understand something. It has a very, very minimal effect and in terms of conditioning. It is nowhere as powerful as the same activations coming from the planets. And this is the difference.
The Reflector has no way to protect itself from the daily program. So, in fact, more than any other creature on this planet they are designed to be deeply impacted by the program—Sun worshipers, actually. It may be that the Reflector cycle is ruled by the Moon, but they are focused on the neutrino field. It is what they’re here to take in. They’re here to take in the primary programming information.”
“That can actually sound quite cute. But anyway they don’t. They don’t. Vehicles don’t wake up. It’s not even in their criteria. Vehicles are vehicles. Only passengers can wake up.
To break through that, it’s not enough to say “Ok, follow your strategy, honor your inner authority.” You can’t imagine, well, I guess you can because most of you have heard it, I say this endlessly, it is my “take two aspirins and go to bed,” over and over and over again, but it’s not enough when it comes to any attempt to awaken the passenger. As I said earlier, you can follow your design and have the serendipity that your passenger sees. There isn’t anything to say that there isn’t a 2nd line somewhere that will come to that quite naturally. It’s all possible. But in terms of the vast population, in terms of the vast majority of people who will experiment with this knowledge? No. No, it’s not a given because it is a gift and not a right. How about that? It’s not a right.
There can be a number of ways. You can be Krishnamurti. That is, you can have a fabulous intellectual mind. And through the very glory of your intellectual mind you can get to a resolute place of recognizing choicelessness. Bravo, very few beings can do that. It’s impressive, but very few can. You can have satori, that incredible epiphany, magical moment, whatever you want to call it, in which suddenly seeing is there. So many of the beings that we call masters, gurus, whatever, have had these kinds of experiences where suddenly there’s this seeing and everybody says “ah”; yeah, well, ok. It’s not transferable. We’re talking about transference and we’re talking about what’s transferable. I have no right as a teacher to teach anything that isn’t transferable” – Ra Uru Hu
Except that we don’t use the 29.5 days synodic cycle in Human Design, but the 27.3 days tropical cycle.
See calculations here: Lunar Cycle Calculations
In the image above, you can see the three other Types that we have looked at arranged in a triangular structure, with the Reflector in the middle. In terms of the genetic hierarchy, the Reflector has a unique view and role. The Manifestor, Generator and Projector are all solar Types, which means that they operate in a generalised imprinting program rooted in the neutrino stream coming from the sun. The Reflector is the only Type that can be described as ‘lunar’ since it operates in an imprinting program that is reflected through the movement of the moon as it passes through the solar neutrino stream.
In history, the Reflectors, like Projectors have been generally ignored, since the energy Types have ruled throughout our history. The future lies in a new direction however, with the unfolding of the natural genetic hierarchy. The Reflector’s place in this new order will be as an embodiment of the ultimate form of social and global justice, since their potential is to reflect everything around them with perfect equanimity.
Because Reflectors have no fixed definition in their design, there can be a quick assumption that they are somehow more vulnerable than the other three Types. This is not strictly true. We have already seen that the undefined centres are not necessarily a handicap if they are operating correctly. In fact, we have shown throughout this manual that it is the undefined centres that can be the deepest windows on wisdom. It is true that Reflectors are indeed vulnerable, but if they know their design clearly, they are absolutely protected from identifying with anything at all. Because the Reflector’s chemistry magnifies everything and everyone, they have the potential to see everything that is really happening in a way that no one else can. They are a key to a global consciousness, because they participate through their openness in filtering the general consciousness field.
The role of the Reflector is to be one with the totality. They are extremely important to us because their unique perspective is much closer to our future emerging consciousness than for example, the perspective of a Manifestor, which is deeply selfish in comparison.
Their greatest ability is to read others. Added to this, Reflectors have a deep kinship to the moon, and thus they have an opportunity for a mystical life that most of us cannot know.
They can know a deep connection to a celestial body in an ongoing and profound way. In a certain sense, Reflectors represent the moon on earth.
The greatest handicap of a Reflector is their greatest gift; their openness and vulnerability. If they do not know how they function, and if they identify with what they are mirroring, they will easily get lost and confused. Because of their impressionability, they can become very dependent on those around them and therefore they have to be very careful about who they allow into the inner circle of their lives. Reflectors come into the world full of wonder, but so often, having met the not-self of the world, they suffer from a deep disappointment.” – Richard Rudd, Living Your Design – A New Manual for Awakening (2004)