May 2019

How do the fates deal with the 6th line?

This line of enforcement. The discipline to maintain right action.

Until you get to the 6th line the fates are just throwing spanners in the mix. They are just getting in your way so you’ll simply differentiate. When it gets to the 6th line it gets right back down to the basics, right action is everything. The only way you are here to go through experience is as right action. There is no other way for the 6th line. 6th line beings are the most vulnerable beings on the planet. These are the good that die young and the old that die too soon. 6th line; fragile as fragile can be.

The enforcement of right action is never the privilege of a 6th line being in their first 30 years of their life because in those first 30 years they don’t live out their 6th line theme but a 3rd line of trial and error, pessimism, martyrdom, and mistakes, and all of that. And every 6th line being when they get to their post Kiron phase in life has to meet exactly the same forces they met in that first Saturn cycle, but they have to meet it with the enforcement of right action. Oh, what a trap! Those forces that you met before you went up on the roof they are waiting. It’s like those animals that can’t climb up the building but they know that at some point you have to come down that roof and they are all down there waiting. And it’s not the same people. It’s something to really grasp. It will be the same kind of archetypes. And you will see very clearly as a 6th line being that those forces that were there in that first Saturn cycle, the forces that tempted you with love, with this, with that, the forces that hurt you, that pleased you or whatever the case may be, they return. They return and how you deal with them then? This is what it is to be a 6th line being. The role model. The ultimate example. The ultimate example of what it is to live as yourself and this can only be done through right action. Right action is the action of the vehicle. It’s about authority. It’s about strategy.” – Ra Uru Hu

image by Christian Nauck – Daredevil roof jump – photoshop by Felicitas Driessen

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MoonBlog 61.5 Influence

So I noticed quite a few of the questions and experiences of some Reflectors here (Human Design Reflectors FaceBook group), stem from feeling/perceiving to be off kilter, unhinged even, unbalanced mostly.

I’d like to give my view on how and why that is, and yes there is a how to this 😉

So, when we, as Reflectors, follow our Strategy & Authority, meaning when we -apply- it, when we use it for our decision making, the results are something else. When I first met Human Design 11 years ago (last Monday), I simply could never have imagined such a way of going about things. I’m someone who needs to be told, and then I can play with it, and can dive quite deep in experimenting. But before I’m told/explained, I have no clue and wonder around like an idiot, lost, deeply lost.

I met Human Design roughly 18 months before I ever saw my chart, and so it did not make sense, I could not ‘use’ it, I didn’t even know there were charts, so it was just another blabla story to me. And this guy with the funny hat did not appeal either. But when I was given my chart, at age 38, now I had some kind of framework to jump off from, explore with, I kinda had a baseline.

So, apply, apply, apply, rinse and repeat. Making a stink of it, doing really bad, not following it, telling myself all kinds of stories about what HD was and wasn’t and of course my overgrown identifications with what/who I thought I was and had become and my abilities.

But that was just the first part of it, and something I realized again last night as I contemplated some of this groups topics and comments.

But first, another part of becoming more self, and truly whatever this self is, whether it is a this kind or that kind, more like this or more like so, becoming and being you depends on understanding and having experimented, experienced your individual Lunar Cycle and thus how you sample life, differently. Which can be a bit of a leap to get into, but after a while it is like a fish swimming in water, since it is all about the observation. Not the interpretation, not even the (limits of our) perception, it’s observation, and we get better and better at it once we start, go there, get experienced with it. And we already are quite perceptive as Reflectors, so, focusing on that, really helps to get a better sense of this illusive, non consistent self.

And through it, again, more relaxation, in ourselves, and in life. And maybe even feeling empowered (a word I hardly ever use). Not in control mind you.

But, and this is, to me at least, a mix of mechanics and its results of using them correctly, the frequency between the Design Crystal in us, and our Magnetic Monopole is unstable, most of the time. And this is where PHS and Environment come in. Because through the application of correct Digestion, and physically being in the right frequency of my correct Environment, we stabilize that frequency.

We can not stabilize the frequency between the Personality Crystal and the Magnetic Monopole and so we’ll always see-saw between our Motivation and our Transference, between our View and our Distraction, but we can stabilize the frequency of the Design, of the body. And through that stable frequency, the Magnetic Monopole can then hook us up to our correct Trajectory through life.

In about a week, I’m at the mid point of my Kiron Return, coming off the Roof as a 4/6, and so stuff is noticeably changing, except what the change itself is, but I do notice a change of frequency field, for me, to me, with me. I slowly begin to perceive to be called, called out, outside, to the floor, off the roof, and so yesterday I had a lovely chat with someone about many things Human Design and when I came home it dawned on me, I needed to apply my PHS, it is my baseline, it is my go to. Not for the atoms of the food that I eat, not for the actual taste or aroma of those atoms that I digest. But for stabilizing that frequency !! It was after my lovely dinner (which is quite fixed to what I can and can not eat) but also my late night snack, which also is repetitive, according to my PHS, it came to me:

My stability in this life as I perceive and you can too, is because of the stability of that frequency between my Design Crystal and my Magnetic Monopole. And it’s like a game of dominoes. If one is off, all could be off. I become unbalanced, unhinged even, insecure, a mess, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically.

To realize how subtle yet profound the implications are, and how relatively easy it is to simply go there, and do, apply.

And this is without any Transits consideration even. Those can really add to my experience, for good or bad. And so my perception of life becomes distorted when I don’t, my ‘vulnerability’ for lack of a better word, to life becomes greater when I don’t Digest correctly, when I’m in the wrong Environment, in the wrong frequencies, digesting the wrong people, the wrong words, food, energies.

So I felt like sharing that with this group, because it is simple yet profound. Live your Design, step by step, slowly slowly. Becoming stable in our openness.

Add-on: One of the things I did yesterday, was I went quite the length to get one of my fav foods. Even though I was a bit tired and I had to go to the other side of the city center (I live on the North East side of it) and then 1 other neighborhood, which is quite the journey with all the one way streets and traffic lights and rush hour too. But in that doing, it became more than simple atomic sustenance for the body, it became spirit food.

MoonBlog 61.5
Gate 61 Mystery, inner truth. The awareness of universal underlying principles
Gate 61 Line 5 Influence
Exalted: The enlightened Father figure whose recognized wisdom and powerful assertion can mold a generation by its influence. The pressure to know that may result in influence and wisdom.
Detriment: A tendency in power to want to enforce compliance to ensure lasting influence. The pressure in knowing to resent challenges and demand acceptance.
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The aura does do the talking.

“When you begin the experiment of being yourself, you will see clearly that it will bring the appropriate response and reward. In grasping your design, in grasping your Type, see clearly how important it is for the children around you that they are not forced or conditioned to be something other than what they are.

The first seven years of life is when we experience our deepest conditioning. By the time that we reach seven years of age, we have the equipment necessary to survive in the world. That equipment that we have for survival is the conditioned equipment of the notself that dominates our existence. We were conditioned by our mothers and our fathers and our siblings.

For an adult to discover the nature of their design, the mechanics of their Type, is a seven-year process of de-conditioning yourself. It is not like you have to work at that. It is about experimenting day by day with what it is to be you. It takes seven years for the vast majority of the cells in the body to be replaced. It takes seven years to eliminate the old conditioning and to bring about the new. It takes about three and a half years to reach the critical mass where the true self begins to dominate over the conditioned self.

It is so difficult for deeply conditioned human beings to appreciate the power that lies within them. They have never tapped into those resources. They are always trying to climb the mountain of inconsistency.

The complexity of what it is to be human is really misleading. The literature on “discovering yourself’ has little to do with fact and much to do with concept. Human Design is just about the basic mechanical infrastructure that humanity has. When you accept the way in which your vehicle is intended to operate, it will run smoothly. When your vehicle operates correctly, you who experience the life can finally relax and enjoy the journey. It requires nothing more than living out the basic mechanic of your Type. Nothing more.” Ra Uru Hu – Profile and Type Reference Book

‘Vrijheid is belangrijker dan gekwetste gevoelens’

Bart Nijman interviewt Hans Teeuwen in de Nieuwe Revu van deze week over het vrije woord. De cabaretier legt het nog één keer uit, want: ‘Vrijheid wordt te vaak verkeerd begrepen.’

Wanneer werd de vrijheid van meningsuiting een thema voor jou?
‘De eerste keer dat ik ging nadenken over de vrijheid van meningsuiting en hoe fragiel die is, kwam door twee incidenten met de Hells Angels in de jaren 90. In het programma van Jack Spijkerman werden grappen gemaakt over Hells Angels die in een bordeel waren doodgeschoten. Henk van Dorp had iets gezegd over de vermeend criminele activiteiten van deze volstrekt onschuldige jongensclub. Spijkerman werd toen bedreigd en Henk van Dorp moest na een klap in zijn gezicht twee weken lang met een blauw oog zijn programma presenteren, want de jongens waren even langs geweest. Van Dorp en Spijkerman boden zelfs hun excuses aan de Angels aan, op beeld. Dat was al schokkend genoeg, maar nog veel schokkender was dat niemand zich uitsprak tegen wat toch wel heftige bedreigingen en zelfs geweld waren. Artistieke vrijheid en persvrijheid werden door een klein clubje aan de motorlaars gelapt. Ik geloof niet dat het ooit de ambitie van de Hells Angels was om Nederland te gaan regeren, maar op het moment dat het doodstil blijft als je zoiets flikt, realiseer je je wel hoe effectief de dreiging van geweld is als je mensen het zwijgen op wil leggen. Dat vond ik oprecht schokkend. Een van de weinige mensen die zich daar toen net zo druk over maakte als ik, was nota bene Theo van Gogh. Terwijl de reactie van de meeste mensen was van: “Joh, doe nou maar niet, want die lui zijn knettergek.”’

Hoe keek je terug op dat incident?
‘Het geeft een besef over de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Dat er een zekere mate van moed voor nodig is om onder intimidatie uit te komen. De moed van de eenling, die het aandurft om een onderwerp op te werpen of een grap te maken, maar niet weet of iedereen zijn stap naar voren zal volgen, of dat hij daar alleen komt te staan. In de wind. Op zulke momenten vind ik dat de solidariteit van mensen die gewoon, zonder geweld en zonder bedreigingen, een debat willen voeren, zichtbaar moet worden. Want wat gaan die Hells Angels doen als er een massaal statement wordt gemaakt? Ze kunnen niet iedereen op hun bek slaan. Diezelfde wetmatigheid had moeten gelden rondom de eerste cartoons over Mohammed, in Denemarken. Toen er echte bedreigingen kwamen, die door toch een te groot deel van de islamitische gemeenschap in elk geval niet werden veroordeeld. Meteen bij het eerste geweld hadden ALLE (Teeuwen vraagt hier expliciet om hoofdletters, red.) kranten die cartoons moeten afdrukken, om zo de boodschap af te geven dat dát is wat er gebeurt als je een onwelgevallige mening met geweld of de dreiging daarvan probeert te intimideren – dan krijg je hem in duizendvoud terug.’
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