By actually going there. So not only think about Human Design and your chart and all its details (while also important), not just contemplate the information and its implications (while also important), not just study Human Design (which for some is quite important), but by actually going there, by trying to live it, by making mistakes, by experimenting and experiencing, by comparing your experiences with the theory and other peoples stories. By learning to not only understand but having the experience, of which energy is yours and which is not yours through Transit Cycle tracking and journaling. Deconditioning is something we do.
And if you need support in doing so, find that support.
The how question is one of mind, but mind can not solve it, not ahead of experiencing at least. It is not within the capacities of mind to ever solve it. We factually need to go and experience it, ourselves. We can talk about what it was like doing so, with others, but hearing what it was like, for others, does not decondition -you-.
You simply have to experience it yourself. Read more
In some “not so easy to follow” steps. Perhaps in the right order.
“Try to fit in the Mold of Life by becoming Superslave. Neglect to realize when enough is enough and have a complete breakdown physically, mentally, financially and generally.
Find Rock Bottom and sit there for a while.
Realize that Life is Pain – start to Heal.
Be fortunate enough to be introduced to HumanDesign by someone deep in the experiment, with a Channel of Struggle for the tenacity to seek Purpose. Curse Channel of Struggle. Love Channel of Struggle.
Have first conscious experience of a Spleen-hit while watching your first Ra-video, where he speaks of your 5/2 Profile. Melt inside.
Absorb everything you come across of Information. Know everything. Know nothing. Start Seeing.
Go away. Hide Self from other Selves in Cabin by the Sea. Be alone for a month. Find personal rhythm and true feeling in the body. Remember.
Experiment using the Body as a Barometer for the states of being in Others. Have “HolyShit!” moment of sudden understanding of implications of having a projector-aura.
Become convinced – go RAdical. Initiate Waiting-game. Nothing happens. Re-examine parameters of Waiting-game. Facepalm.
Experience the right Invitation. See yourself transform in the Situation, now that the Recognition has made the Energy avaliable. File under “HolyShit!”. Folder is getting thick.
Streamline friendships, let go of trying to fix things with your Mind and try to settle in the Backseat. Observe your Self quietly freak out, but also do nothing. Create new folder titled “Hm.”
Have noticeable physical improvements as Vehicle starts to become more aligned to its Trajectory.
Move into house where HD is a language and treated somewhat according to Type. Have happy days.
Have bad days. But notice that most of the badness is now filed under “Hm.” and not “F!!” as per earlier routine.
Everything becomes the Experiment. Thank Ra. Curse Ra. Fight it. Loose. Give up. Have confidence. Embrace doubt. Enjoy the Ride. Throw up.
Have “Hm, HolyShit!” moment of realization about the correct use and purpose of Fear and the true implications of Trust in your Splenic Authority. Laugh at the Past.
Write some jumbled brainfarts on deconditioning, in an effort to make some sense of past experiences and perhaps contribute to something or other, thru the outlet of Outer Authority (which you deep down know knows nothing).
Since we were born, as we take the world in, we seek to position ourselves in that world. So our minds run a little software program with our likes and dislikes, which helps us navigate the world. To recognize things or to deal with the unknown.
And when it meets something unknown, it just makes a mess, or perhaps just helps you to keep your cool, lucky shot at best. So we helped program it, our ego/mind has, what happens when we see a 1943 Alco, S2 locomotive come by and we cheer. Or when someone gifts us, or we ourselves find that limited edition of this or that.
But also when something frightens us and we want to run and hide. Or what ever our response is, it is the programmed software doing its thing, and we run the same paths, the same behavior over and over and over again. The same is true if you are offended by something, you -choose- to be offended, or… not be offended. Just the programmed software doing its thing.
So yeah, you can change that software behaviour, its responses how, what and when, it’s what most therapy and even meditation is all about, but also tapping and even prayer.
But we get stuck because no one tells it is software that can be changed. Because we so self identify with ‘our’ own little program, we think -we- need to change. First that we are wrong and then we need changing, this is incredibly difficult for the identified not-self to overcome.
When in fact that software is not you at all, it is just in you and you helped shape it, but it is not you. To be able to step back and see that…
But how about simply taking the software out…? To stop running that program all together? And find out what actually makes you happy, and drop the identification with that which makes you happy, and no longer carry it as luggage with you everywhere? That wherever you are, and you do see another 1943 Alco, S2 locomotive come by it is indeed just another unattached event, but so is being afraid of something just another event, that needs no action from your software…
“Even worse than misleading others is misleading yourself. You have learned a lot of very interesting information, but it is all useless if you don’t live your design. Live your design. Live your design. It can’t be said enough.
So here it is another way: When you begin this process there is a danger that you may work in the knowledge and not in yourself. Remember that you really have to work on yourself and your own process. Not “work on yourself” like you are something to be improved, but like you are somebody to be discovered: somebody perfect just the way you are. The work is in getting out of your own way. So don’t forget how important it is to live the experiment of being you through your strategy and authority. Otherwise none of what you learned in this course is important because it simply becomes window dressing for a mannequin. Use yourself as the example of how this all works. That is when it comes alive.
Understanding mechanics is not the same as being awake. It is the difference between an armchair revolutionary and a true revolutionary. Take this information into your own body just as much as you share it with others. Otherwise people will see that you don’t embody what you teach and they will not only ignore you but they will also think the knowledge is false.
It is so easy to see in Human Design how life is a duality. You have inside yourself the best of your design and the worst. The best is actually the same as the worst since there is no morality here. The only difference is whether you are enjoying the ride. And the only way to enjoy the ride is to live your design and honor you authority. If you don’t do that then you will be the same person, but you won’t like yourself at all.
So as you explore the charts of your friends and family be sure to explore your own process just as much. Watch yourself over the next three and a half years and see how the knowledge of this course changes you. See how it deepens you own self awareness, and see how the deeper it becomes you the better you are at sharing it.” – Kip Winsett, Rave ABC,
A thing to perhaps notice is our deep running drive, to negotiate with life. To seek ways to alter what needs to be done, when for instance entering into our Human Design experiment. How we, us, our ego, our minds, wants to have a say in which way things work, and seeks to put terms on our own deconditioning process, which is hilarious to watch and see, as we come up with all sorts of excuses why we would like to change our experience of things.
And thus our ego/mind keeps hold of our process, of our lives, of what -is- going on in it. And while continuing to feel a victim of circumstance, of this, of that, of you, but also me, of the teacher, of our Strategy & Authority, of the new president elect. We seek short-cuts to justify the means to reach a certain goal, but get so caught up in seeking these short-cuts, as our minds have laid out an intricate plan to attain it, we probably will never reach that goal we attempt to reach in the first place.
As the Buddha supposedly has said: “My teaching is a raft whereon men may reach the far shore The sad fact is that so many mistake the raft for the shore”
We will not reach the far shore at all (we won’t even get on the boat!!), as we negotiate what kind of boat, how much the crossing will cost, how long it will take, what seating arrangement, and who to partner up with in the cabin (wait, what, there are actual cabins too, how much for those !?? Really that much, is there a discount if I do this, or can prove that I am that?) on and on and on… Read more
One of the myths of Human Design states that if you simply follow your strategy and authority for 7 years, you will become completely deconditioned. This is a nice story, but it over simplifies the truth – deconditioning is an ongoing process of self-discovery.
The body can partially decondition in 7 years. Most of the cells replicate in 7 year cycles, called apoptosis, so it stands to reason that within 7 years of full experimentation with Strategy and Authority, complete replication will be in effect at a cellular level. Not true. The body has cells that never replicate, that never go through a 7 year apoptosis process – Stem Cells which maintain our primary cellular ‘code’, and Neurons.
Neurons and their lack of cyclic regeneration is what provide humans with the gift of memory. It is also what makes mental conditioning so durable and associative – memories of conditioning never truly go away. Strategy and Inner Authority put the decision making and movement through life under the control and guidance of the body’s intelligence; however, they do nothing to change the rich, deep internal dialog of the mind that is based on conditioned memories that never, ever go away.