a proposition with a twist
a not so Human Design soap
so (carefull, mansplaining here!) the title of the book ‘How to fuck a woman’s brains out’ to me means, to be so devoted to loving your partner -mind, body and soul- that she has no more desires left. That you have cared and catered for her so much, that she says: “thank you, I’m fine.”
Which is what I indeed try to do. And it is a big task, because I’m just a man, and to go that far is not easy. But the journey there is freaking awesome, and incredibly entertaining. No misogyny anywhere.
And one could go all bananas with my open centers and say: “see there, is not-self of him, in this center, that gate, ooh look at the color here.” Great.
Let’s begin with the close read and break-down of the comments on this feuilleton, after these screencaps:
MoonBlog 9.3 focus
Something interesting happened,
a few years ago, I noticed my own behaviour on FaceBook was not on par with me being me. I was too pushy, and sometimes even wrong.
So on December 17 2014 I left FB and started my own website, and a blog, where I could still post and share what I see. Some things I like, but some just what I notice.
And to have an outlet for my own writings too, without anyone commenting on them. And since then it has filled with roughly 2400 posts, links, pictures, funnies, videos and whatnot.
Some of my writings are horrible, and some are divine. Some of my writings clearly show my issues, some look like I have no issues what so ever.
However, they are a nice archive of what I see, of what I notice, of what I deem interesting, or funny, or hilarious enough to blog about, to post, to share, to copy paste.
After a year I came back to FB, and since have changed my tone, not because I seek to make money with it, but simply cause some people actually grow, or mutate, change.
And some people like some of the more divine writings and share them in other places, like Facebook. Like this post:
https://www.mcha.nl/2014/03/14/the-human-design-system/ which was recently shared about 8 times on FB, which seemed to make some people upset…
Yesterday Birgitte West takes this post on my blog: https://www.mcha.nl/2016/10/23/relationship-therapy/ as if I am offering this as ‘HDS Relationship counseling’.
Which is hilarious, but false.
It is posted on my own personal blog and this happens to be a book I enjoyed. I did not write it, but for me, and my relationship with both myself and any intimate partner since, it was wonderful to be able to see an angle I had not see before.
It is a book where intimate honesty is of the highest standard. Of course the writers (a man and a woman!) made a shocking title, which serves a purpose, which I find funny.
But now she is claiming to finally ‘pulling the trigger on me’ as if having this or that sexual preference, or even a mild interest, has anything to do with what kind of sessions one provides. Or that I promote BDSM in any of my services. The title of the blogpost itself ‘Relationship Therapy’ is my own, indeed, which is tongue in cheek, but yeah, there is no defense against stupidity… She writes:
“stay away from this one — sick of seeing this character being hailed as worth following as a so called HDS authority
#notkeepingquiet #malechauvinistcrap #nowyouknow #thisisnothds #sjefiscrap”
And all this behind my back, since Birgitte blocks me for ages on FB, although her other account Tre Cinque keeps a close watch, and she scans my blog for dirt. To each their own hobby.
But also, what a huge disappointment for any future partners, if they themselves are into heavy BDSM, cause disclaimer: I’m not. So much.
Enjoy 🙂
Ow and read part 2 here: A not so Human Design soap
Soap sequence here: https://www.mcha.nl/tag/soap/
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The Cult of Human Design
How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?
You: Are we….?
Me: Yes we are.
You: Sorry not buying that nonsense. Life is what you make of it. It is a do it yourself job. Felt misarable a long time waiting for invitations until I felt live is my party. I can do whatever I want. This statement is taking every self empowerment out of my life. Can’t be good. Human design is inspirational not a bible.
Me: Yes but who is not buying it (but an argumentative mind)?
Are you experimenting with Strategy & Authority? Do you understand how that works? Would you like to?
We are not here to wait for invitations, we are here however -to be initiated-. But also, if you do anything for yourself, you don’t need to be initiated either. When someone else is involved, then we do.
Then we take a month, a Lunar Cycle to see if it (what we were initiated about) is for us.
Maybe time to read a good book about it like: Your Own Authority – A Beginners Guide to Human Design (eBook)
And/or book a Foundation Reading with a certified Analyst?
Human Design is a tool that you can apply, use, to find out your Inner Authority, so you can make your decisions correctly. About how your bio-mechanical machine operates.
Inspiration is only for the mind, where you can take the things your mind likes, adheres to or agrees with. Human Design teaches us that there is no choice. The experiment show that.
It is not about happy, it is about the duality of life, yin and yang, good and bad, and make your decisions regardless of those out circumstances. Not (even) because of them.
Me: “This statement is taking every self empowerment out of my life.” a good point
Because Human Design shows you, you don’t need any external empowerment, you are already whole and empowered from within. If anything external can take yours away, wonder if you had any to begin with.
And also, as an inquiry: who (or what) seeks empowerment, needs it, yearns for it, but our (ego)mind?
It’s a journey alright.
Me: I’ve heard/read people state that same type can approach same type, so projectors can approach other projectors without invitation and so on. Never experimented with it to see if it’s true.
For me it is not even the perception of initiation but, again, if my body moves somewhere. If it shows up at someones door.
So the question is not how, to me (because how is always mind, always trying to strategize, and manipulate, to change that which is or is not), but to notice when you do, when you are.
When it is without any form or kind of a mental agenda.
When I can perceive it is correct, noticing to be in the flow and not pushing the river. Basically when I notice that I have no choice.
Otherwise, you simply don’t (initiate), because who is wanting to do so anyways (but mind)?
You: Not true it is not always mind….you can follow gut feeling or hart. Very clear to feel the difference.
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Another view (274)
Is it doin anything for ya?
Success is a consequence of doing what you enjoy
Steve Vai about the Universal Audio Ox Amp Top Box: “This is the Dope Bomb”
It’s an experiment
MoonBlog 45.6 & 12.1 (exalted)
So this is maybe a kind of a ‘heads up’. As a Reflector being called the canary in the coal mine, this may be relevant. But then again, it might be just me, personally…
So about a year ago, some of the foods I eat started to make me sick, as in stomach hurt and nausea, wanting to vomit, but mostly, diarrhea. I would feel a nut in my stomach that needed to pass through me, and out, and only then would the nausea stop too, and I no longer felt sick.
Now my PHS is Color 2 Tone 1, Open Taste as Determination, Cognition Smell. So I eat a lot of the same foods, a fixed menu that rotates around, and most times similar combinations of foods, of flavours and tastes. And then very rarely but still usually one meal would be replaced by another.
But about a year ago I also started experimenting with making more my own foods, so buying the individual spices and combine them to get the same meals, instead of these prepackaged flavours from the shop. So especially with the curry noodles I made, not good. That whole meal has now left the Menu. But no replacement…
Or, not yet, usually something new comes along and I only notice in hindsight it had replaced another meal, now, one fell away, nothing new came along. Puzzling.
But not just the curry spices themselves are off now, the egg noodles are too, the veggies I used with it, can’t eat it anymore either. So all separate parts of the one meal I can not combine even in other dishes… Something to notice.
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Whirlpool UW8F2YWBIF
6th Sense – A++ – No Frost – 260 liter – 187 cm
As Reflectors
You go tell somebody
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The three levels of self-awareness
or: “it’s turtles all the way down“
23 minute read by Mark Manson
“Self-awareness is like great sex: everyone thinks they have a ton of it, but in reality no one knows what the fuck they’re doing.
The fact is that the majority of our thoughts and actions are on autopilot. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing either. Our habits, routines, impulses, and reactions carry us through our lives so we don’t have to stop and think about it every time we wipe our ass or start a car.
The problem is when we’re on autopilot for so long that we forget we’re on autopilot. Because when we’re not even aware of our own habits, routines, impulses, and reactions, then we no longer control them; they control us. Whereas a person with self-awareness is able to exercise a little meta-cognition and say, “Hmm… every time my sister calls me and asks for money, I end up drinking a lot of vodka. That might not be a coincidence,” a person without self-awareness just hits the bottle and doesn’t look back.
Below are three levels of self-awareness along with a caveat. Why three levels? Who the fuck knows? Just go with it.
There’s a lot of pain and suckage in life. Over the last 30 days, how many times have you:
– Struggled with a relationship with someone close to you?
– Felt lonely, isolated or unheard?
– Felt unproductive or lost on what you should do?
– Been underslept, under-fed, low energy, or unhealthy?
– Stressed about work or finances?
– Uncertain about your future?
– Been physically hurt, ill, or debilitated?
Chances are if you add all of those up, you’re going to be pretty close to 30 out of the last 30 days. That’s a lot of suckage!
We avoid pain through distraction. We transport our minds to some other time or place or world, where it can be safe and insulated from the pain of day-to-day life. We stare at our phones, we obsess about the past or our potential futures, make plans we’ll never keep, or simply try to forget. We eat, drink, and fuck ourselves into numbness to dull the reality of our problems. We use books, movies, games, and music to carry us to another world where no pain exists, and everything always feels easy and good and right.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with distraction. We all need some sort of diversion to keep us sane and happy.
The key is that we need to be aware of our distractions.
Put another way, we need to make sure that we’re choosing our distractions and our distractions aren’t choosing us. We’re the ones opting into the distraction, rather than simply being unable to opt out of distraction. We need to know when we’re checking out. Our distraction needs to be planned and moderated in bite-sized chunks. We can’t binge on distraction.
dem ha fe get a beatin’
I deleted my post, cause
The Planets
The Planets – Ra Uru Hu – Introduction
The planets play a key role in the design of who we are. In fact, everything is based on the movements and impact of the planetary spheres.
The key to understanding the impact of something as distant as a planet on our lives is a tiny, subatomic particle known as the neutrino. Neutrinos are extremely fine matter produced by the nuclear reactions within stars. All the stars, including our own Sun, are producing neutrinos all the time. The stars out in space are constantly beaming these neutrinos at us, and being made of such fine substance, the neutrinos can pass through our bodies, as well as the body of the Earth. Imagine then, how the movements of the planets around our Sun refract the neutrino information as it passes into us.
Planets vary greatly in density and makeup. Some consist of solid rock, whilst others consist purely of layers of gases. Every planet also has its own mythology as perceived by man. Our mythologies are, and always have been, our method of attuning to our greater body.
The planets are our local programming agents. This is why we have always seen them as the gods in our mythologies down the ages. Every planet lends its flavor to our nature.
Sun – Our Light – Yang
Here on Earth, scientists have estimated that 70% of the neutrinos that pass through the Earth come from our Sun. The remainder comes from either Jupiter or the stars in deep space. Thus, 70% of all the neutrino information that we receive is seen in the position of our Sun and Earth. The Sun represents the primary yang force of our nature. It is the archetype of the Father, just as the Earth is the Mother. The Sun and Earth are the prime yin/yang within us all. The Sun creates the electromagnetic field of the solar cell in which we live. The design Sun represents the bio-genetic themes inherited from our father. If you look at your own design Sun, you will see the theme that you have inherited from your father. The personality Sun is the window through which the very light of who we are shines out on the world.
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