Is it time to return to Innocence?
Is it time to return to Innocence?
Gate 25, Spirit of the Self – Innocence
March 18 – 23
Following last week’s transit through the Gate of Crisis, the Sun is now entering into an energy of the higher self. Its role is to point you toward your true nature. It’s an opportunity to return to innocence.
And, it’s fitting that the Vernal or Spring Equinox occurs during the time of this transit … a time when the dark and light are nearly equally balanced.
Those who possess a pure heart are best guided by their instincts and intuition.
Innocence implies a natural harmlessness, openness and pure intention that isn’t contaminated by ulterior motives.
Beauty can then emerge from an innocent heart that remains open to joy and wonder. Innocence, when guided by a conviction to what is right, can bring supreme success.
The hallmark of innocence is a willingness to treat all creatures with compassion and respect.
This innocence isn’t designed to bring love into the world in any specific way, but rather to love without discrimination.
The mystical potential of this type of love is transcendent and universal.
And, your spirit’s innocence is constantly being tested. You can meet these challenges from life like a spiritual warrior, fired up and ready to compete for your true nature (spirit) no matter what you encounter.
Thinking too much may sever the link with the guidance that comes from your inner truth.
The grounding energy is Determination or Pushing Upward. Reminding you that when you let go of expectations, you can find yourself in the right place at the right time.
So, if you trust in perfect timing can you love the perfection in every experience – good or bad?
There can be magic in trusting your natural responses to take you through this journey called life … in perfect timing.
Can you be sensitive AND determined?
Will you bend, but not break when obstacles or challenges arise?
As you remain tolerant and flexible, you can retain the conscious innocence that fuels growth and evolution.
A beautiful balance awaits.
Spring can be such a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.
Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan
#ihds #humandesign #transits #gate25 #spiritoftheself #innocence
If we’re not to live by the energies of the Transits, but by our S&A, why are these snippets written as if we do? There is no ‘returning to innocence’ unless we live (out) the Transits. The information about the energy only applies if imprinted with it, and even then only as a potential. How they show up as a Transit in our lives, with each of us as the active filtering agent, remains to be seen.
Reply by Ruth Brennan:
“These are contemplations of the potential energy through my lens and each of us filter them, or not, through our own designs ?”
we know what we like, and it’s not you
Mind Candy for the Mentally Obese (and those that love them)
“The Human Design Reflector type is a rare and unique being. They have a very special role to play as wise observers of the world.”
Not necessarily, this is a fairytale homogenization. There are no fixed roles for anyone. Human Design is not for everyone, and Reflectors being 1.45% of 4% of 4% makes 9 Reflectors out 387.931 that ever meet HD will live accordingly. The Reflector chart is not a certificate, and most don’t study HD at all, let alone decondition.
“A Reflector’s uniqueness gives them a specific set of challenges they must navigate if they are to exist as strong, healthy, and happy individuals.”
Again, there is no such a must, this is pretending life is magical and the fairytale has a beginning, a middle and an end. And that we can have control over it by following some false dogma. Some Reflectors will live as ‘strong, healthy, and happy individuals’ without ever meeting HD. The teacher of this Reflector, Karen Curry Parker is a well known liar about what HD is and how to use it, and abuse not-self/external energies (Transits) for ones own self made up goals. This description reeks of just that, and making HD into some kind of religion even, by stating that there are musts.
“When they harness their unique strengths, they can serve as human barometers, reflecting back the current health of their community and forecasting what is energetically yet to come.”
This forecasting is false. Anyone with HD knowledge (Rave Cosmology) can do this. It is not limited to Reflectors and it is pretending -all- Reflectors can and will do this, if those ridiculous conditions ‘harness(ing) their unique strengths’ are met, first. Which is just more false belief, and gives enormous pressure to the unsuspecting Reflector asked to forecast. There are easily 1000’s of -different- Reflectors. Each with unique abilities and networks and conditioning and their mechanical imprint. Some are stronger in this field, than any other. To homogenize all Reflectors to fairy-tale like functions is simply incorrect.
“Reflectors flourish with support and guidance about how to live a fulfilling and sustainable life.”
A what now? ‘fulfilling and sustainable’ are subjective gibberish, and again make it sound as if the Reflector has to do all kinds of circus acts before becoming a good little Reflector. Total nonsense, see also: MoonBlog 58.4 Focusing and MoonBlog 46.5 Pacing, and who is supposed to give this support, let alone guidance?
“Without this, they can easily feel misunderstood and, at times, lost.”
Feelings are sensations, like hot, or cold. Misunderstanding is a thought. So we think misunderstood, we think (to be) lost. And mind is -never- the Inner Authority. And it is true we -are- misunderstood, but it’s not a feeling inside the Reflector, writing about HD correctly is not easy, see also: MoonBlog 46.3 Projection.
“A thriving Reflector is a beacon of objectivity and wisdom.”
Or not… Ah yes, duality… totally ignored by KCP…
“This book provides Reflectors and those who love them with a tangible guide that supports Reflectors in working with their unique design, equipping them with the tools they need to fulfil their specific life purpose.”
Yes the market is ‘those that love them’ and talk nonsense to them, and pretending there are such goals, if only you help them put their mind/effort into it. There is no such need. Much of this is just another form/version of undefined ego/heart proving and improving, the first responder of the not-self, which KCP and Amber Clements both have undefined.
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An issue for not-self Reflectors (don’t believe this hype)
“Are you a Reflector and you want to take your deconditioning seriously, then complete isolation for a month is the best thing you can do for yourself.”
This ends up in a proof/prove (undefined heart/ego) to yourself to do this drama, this does -not- apply to all Reflectors and is certainly not the way to take ‘living your design seriously’.
Yes, this was done by one person and another, and a few more Reflectors, but subsequently adopted as a homogeneous method by many including other Reflectors and Professionals and even Reflector Professionals.
Much that is written about the Reflector can be traced back to the desire to be able to interpret them, and preferably by something they should or should not have -to do-, see MoonBlog 58.4 Focussing.
There are Reflectors who blame themselves for not having done this yet, which is a strange development.
Let yourself be guided by your Strategy and Inner Authority, and not by a good sounding story from anyone else.
If (big if) Strategy and Authority leads you to a month of isolation: great. If not: great.
See for example the discussions about this online on facebook: or, if this is offline click here
Hugs are free, kisses 1 dollar
Contact the Complaining Party
You know
A HeadHunter’s Wet Dream
Should I pack a bag, or no?
As Reflectors
dem ha fe get a beatin’
Another view (268)
The Mind is Stupid
“I was always the smartest person I knew and my mind is so stupid. I lived the not-self a long time, like all of you. Wow, dumb, unbelievable. It isn’t about smartness or intelligence; it isn’t about any of those things. It‘s not about that you don’t trust your mind because your mind isn’t smart enough. Mine is pretty smart. Mine is quite a thing. You don’t trust it because it‘s none of its business. This has been the great distortion. And the easiest way to stay homogenized is just to listen to your mind and follow its instructions. This is homogenization.
I know how difficult the journey is. You enter into this process, you begin to align your vehicle to what is correct, you begin to eliminate the resistance, and you begin to see differently, seeing how things work. But it’s quite a thing to get to that place where you let go of the mind as the one thing you trust in that moment of crisis where you‘re rattling around in your mind to find an answer. That’s when you know you‘re really, really not ready yet, because for the vehicle there is no such thing as a crisis. There is just movement; nothing else. It’s the mind that is all messed up. It’s the mind that tends to become, well, sort of loud and screechy, desperate, and frightened.
No choice, helplessness, and surrender are all basic, basic, basic themes in this knowledge, and they‘re all related to the same thing. It’s all about the mind, because this is where the great challenge is. And the program knows that. I don‘t mean to suggest that it is an intelligence, in that sense. It is simply built in this way. It is through the mind that we are the most deeply, deeply, deeply homogenized, at least in terms of the Personality construct.
It’s only when you get to that point where you understand that it is something to watch, not something to act on. Allow the acting to take place. Don’t ever determine the acting. It is true with every waking moment, the recognition that what is going to be correct for you is going to be there, period. You don’t have to concern yourself with it.
When you give your life over to your vehicle, truly, you really stop worrying. There is no point. It‘s sort of psychological sado-masochism, beating yourself up over what might be, could be, should be, can‘t be, whatever the case may be. In fact, the mind has nothing to do with any of that or how it’s all going to turn out. It isn’t in charge of the life. Everywhere you look in this knowledge you see the deep, deep, deep limitation of the Personality.” – Ra Uru Hu – A Digital Book for DreamRave Students
We take ourselves so seriously, human beings.
“The not-self is a very serious creature, it really is. Everything upsets it. Everything is important. Everything is “this and that.” It doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s not what we’re here for. It’s not what the nine-centered being is all about. It really isn’t. The nine-centered being is here for consciousness. We’re not here for the survival game. We’re not here for the fear game. We’re not here for all of that. We’re not here to organize ourselves. We’re not here to dominate the planet.
Each and every one of us is here for the possibility of us, nothing else. The serendipity of your existence is the treasure. They come and they go. It’s all about what you do while you’re here. In this incarnation, in this life, the only measurement is awareness. There is no other measurement. There isn’t. It’s not about what you have or where you go, it’s about awareness. It’s only in awareness that you get to see what this is for, how beautiful it is. How amazing. And all of that is rooted in you.
And it doesn’t matter what our costumes are, our crosses are, or our designs. We each have a unique grounding in this world. And we each have a gift. It is our uniqueness, and the expression out of that uniqueness. This is what the promise is, a more interesting world, deeper and deeper and deeper communion. It’s what’s possible.” – Ra Uru Hu
MoonBlog 45.2 Consensus
So, another Human Design Teacher described FaceBook as a whole, and HD groups in particular as the not-self world to me the other day. This got me to contemplate my role (t)here, again.
Because I realize these groups are devoid of true HD information, of what it is, and means, to live your design, properly. And yes even if your daily life looks different than mine, or yours, and yours too, the construct of it does not change, Strategy and Authority is not different in the framework of it. How openness works is not different. So I do my best to reply whenever I see or think something is off, when it is either diluting HD or if it is the complete opposite of what HD is, and yes, to me, this includes any kind of ritual, or using anything external for temporary relief, and any and all homogenization.
The comments I get in private and some of the likes from people who are experimenting for a while with HD is helpful. The comments from those that (usually) have not, is incredible. Hurtful even as they gang up, and pound and pound about the tone, about the ‘spirit’ of it, about who I supposedly am as a person, how offended they themselves are by my words about the content they have posted, about -what- they have said. Calling names, shouting and cursing in private messages, giving all kinds of moral pressures of their own frustration and anger, of which I am indeed the trigger but not the cause.
It is not my fault you never learned to communicate, never had any one say: “No, what you just said is untrue in my world and here is why”. And then is unable to deal with that and just gets into a fit and rage. And get all personal about you instead. And then 3 or 5 or 7 others join in with the same bullshit, convinced as they are, feeling empowered by the same stupidity, by the same beliefs.
And not once considering how this holding on to these old beliefs is the reason for their own suffering, for their own anger, for their failed outlook on life. This new age belief of make-ability of needing to be love, of needing to meet love only, for life to succeed, to feel better. And here are tools to feel better. not -be- better, no, -feel- it, perceive it, live in the illusion of feeling better. When year after year even being in groups as these, the suffering continues, and oozes out in the reactions, to people like me. To and about Human Design.
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Self-staining transit
No fun, playing with a dead toy
And I’ve never been happier…
It is important to me
Yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah but
MoonBlog 37.2 Responsibility
A thing to perhaps notice is our deep running drive, to negotiate with life. To seek ways to alter what needs to be done, when for instance entering into our Human Design experiment. How we, us, our ego, our minds, wants to have a say in which way things work, and seeks to put terms on our own deconditioning process, which is hilarious to watch and see, as we come up with all sorts of excuses why we would like to change our experience of things.
And thus our ego/mind keeps hold of our process, of our lives, of what -is- going on in it. And while continuing to feel a victim of circumstance, of this, of that, of you, but also me, of the teacher, of our Strategy & Authority, of the new president elect. We seek short-cuts to justify the means to reach a certain goal, but get so caught up in seeking these short-cuts, as our minds have laid out an intricate plan to attain it, we probably will never reach that goal we attempt to reach in the first place.
As the Buddha supposedly has said:
“My teaching is a raft whereon men may reach the far shore
The sad fact is that so many mistake the raft for the shore”
We will not reach the far shore at all (we won’t even get on the boat!!), as we negotiate what kind of boat, how much the crossing will cost, how long it will take, what seating arrangement, and who to partner up with in the cabin (wait, what, there are actual cabins too, how much for those !?? Really that much, is there a discount if I do this, or can prove that I am that?) on and on and on…
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Yeah, sweet mind, assuming to be in control
Let me bore and distract you with this
Do you irony much?
From a lack of depth, not for adding it
Welcome to fantasy island
BG5 is not spiritual, not about awakening, it’s business, BiG business
I shit you not
How to Be a Mystic, In three parts:
1 Thinking Mystically, 2 Building a Mystical Foundation, 3 Going Deeper
Being a mystic is a lifelong process of learning and deep contemplation which must not be taken as a game or very lightly. Identifying the spiritual practice or tradition which speaks to you and starts answering the questions you’re interested in is step one. But then the real work starts. If you want to get a personal connection to the spiritual world as a mystical thinker, you can learn to lay a foundation for contemplation, prayer, and meditation, as well as how to deepen that practice into a serious understanding. Are you up to the challenge?
Part 1 of 3: Thinking Mystically
1 Feel the presence of a guiding hand. Whether you think of yourself as a deeply spiritual person or not, a mystic is one who seeks to find order in the chaos and collect evidence of that order. If you’re the kind of person who sees every strange coincidence, every elegant metaphor, or every pretty rainbow as a sign of something greater, you might begin to feel the presence of a guiding hand in which you place your trust.[1] Religious mystics place their trust in a higher power, a powerful being that creates and controls the world and the people in it. Sometimes, as in the case of Zen Buddhism, religious mystics will also place their trust in a practice, that asceticism and meditation are the truest way to understand the world. Mystics aren’t always religious, though they often are. The writing of quantum physicists and Jungian psychologists often borders on the mystical, the deeper it gets. Whatever system, being, or practice you’ve found in which to place your trust, place it there.
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a $106.998 trillion dollar industry
Disappointment, Anger, Bitterness, Frustration
MoonBlog 18.2
it’s not what your think, it’s what you are
it’s not what you do, it’s how you are
it’s not what you see, it’s who is seeing
it’s not how you sleep, it’s what you dream
it’s not what you touch, it’s what you feel
it’s not about you, it’s you
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