MoonBlog 45.2 Consensus
So, another Human Design Teacher described FaceBook as a whole, and HD groups in particular as the not-self world to me the other day. This got me to contemplate my role (t)here, again.
Because I realize these groups are devoid of true HD information, of what it is, and means, to live your design, properly. And yes even if your daily life looks different than mine, or yours, and yours too, the construct of it does not change, Strategy and Authority is not different in the framework of it. How openness works is not different. So I do my best to reply whenever I see or think something is off, when it is either diluting HD or if it is the complete opposite of what HD is, and yes, to me, this includes any kind of ritual, or using anything external for temporary relief, and any and all homogenization.
The comments I get in private and some of the likes from people who are experimenting for a while with HD is helpful. The comments from those that (usually) have not, is incredible. Hurtful even as they gang up, and pound and pound about the tone, about the ‘spirit’ of it, about who I supposedly am as a person, how offended they themselves are by my words about the content they have posted, about -what- they have said. Calling names, shouting and cursing in private messages, giving all kinds of moral pressures of their own frustration and anger, of which I am indeed the trigger but not the cause.
It is not my fault you never learned to communicate, never had any one say: “No, what you just said is untrue in my world and here is why”. And then is unable to deal with that and just gets into a fit and rage. And get all personal about you instead. And then 3 or 5 or 7 others join in with the same bullshit, convinced as they are, feeling empowered by the same stupidity, by the same beliefs.
And not once considering how this holding on to these old beliefs is the reason for their own suffering, for their own anger, for their failed outlook on life. This new age belief of make-ability of needing to be love, of needing to meet love only, for life to succeed, to feel better. And here are tools to feel better. not -be- better, no, -feel- it, perceive it, live in the illusion of feeling better. When year after year even being in groups as these, the suffering continues, and oozes out in the reactions, to people like me. To and about Human Design.
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