And they came out all the same
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[reflector pondering]
In background news programs it is common to say
“last week Harry said this, and I want to comment on that”, saying that
in HD we don’t see this at all
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Koen Hillewaert : “an open head, open ajna has second hand thoughts and inspiration… not first hand… so the thoughts we have, the inspiration we have is not ours, it came from somebody else. Just like an undefined solar plexus gets and multiplies the emotions from the other…”
Just because we don’t have -consistent access to- the Solar Plexus, does not mean we do not have emotions of our own, ever, at all.
Or thoughts.
This is one of those things that get said in HD that really go too far, are being taken literal, for having been an analogy.
If and when being in aura with someone else, there is the -potential- to take in and amplify theirs, but it is not singularly true, all the time. You can sit with them, they get emotionally triggered, and you not. The Natural and Healthy State of the Undefined Solar Plexus is: emotionally quiet. And this can happen perfectly fine in aura with others.
Never your own thoughts, what a lot of bullcrap is that man. I live and spend so much time alone that I can tell when it is yours or mine. And much of the bullshit I think, is truly mine… well ok, it’s my minds.
Such a notion pretends there is no true self behaviour in undefined centers.
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Single, dual or triple screw Z?
(Part 1)
You will probably notice that most high-end commercial printers use either single or dual lead screws (or ball screws) but seldom 3.
Single screw Z pros
With just a single Z screw there is the least chance of mechanical quarrel. Mechanical quarrel is when two mechanical forces oppose each other and in kinematic systems it usually leads to increased friction or binding if the systems don’t have some compliancy built in.
With a single linear motion system there is only one linear path that the bed should move in. Normally two large diameter heavy duty *smooth rods or a single very wide linear rail are used to create the vertical linear motion system. If two smooth rods are used a single piece bed arm (or cradle) bridges both smooth rods and the screw lifts in the centre of this arm.
A single piece non moving bridge is located at the bottom and often another is place at the top, providing a very rigid mounting structure for the smooth rods capable of overriding any lateral forces a bent lead screw might impart to the bed arm. The lead screw will typically be loosely constrained at one end.
This setup provides a precision of movement and helps produce high quality prints.
There is almost no chance of lead/ball screw induced artifacts.
Nice open access to the bed without obstruction from multiple linear motion systems.
Very simple system.
*In some rare instances two widely spaced linear rails may be used but dual linear rails abut to prevent binding dual linar rails need to be aligned in multiple planes. This normally requires a finely machined surface for both rails to sit on (expensive) or some compliancy need needs to be built in (sub optimal).
Single screw Z cons
Can’t do automatic bed levelling. Bed levelling must be manual.
As the bed is always cantilevered and there is only one bed arm. This bed arm must be sturdy. This generally necessitates it being machined from metal (expensive).
The vertical linear motion system is normally bespoke and the bed arm and supporting structures (for twin smooth rods) are machined from billet for rigidity and accuracy….and hence consequently expensive.
Heavy duty linear bearings are required as they need to cope with the angular loads of the cantilevered bed. All else being equal these bearings also need to be longer for this reason than bearings used on dual or triple screw Z motion systems.
As the bed is only supported on one side it must be thick enough not to flex…which makes in expensive and heavy.
Z movement speed is usually limited to stop the bed ‘flapping’. If you are using Z hop when printing to stop the nozzle dragging across the just printed layer this will increase print times more than you might initially expect.
Bed depth is normally limited, and it is common that the beds will be much wider than they are deep.
As only one screw is doing the lifting it needs to be heavier duty than a two or three screw system and is hence often a ball screw. Ball screws are more expensive than leadscrews.
A single screw Z motion system with a cantilevered bed is the simplest solution and works great for small bed sizes.
However, to do a cantilevered bed properly you need expensive components and typically a custom machine bed arm, but the reward is a precision motion system without mechanical quarrel or screw induced artifacts in the prints.
Single Z screw cantilevered bed systems are currently the most popular of the designs used in small format commercial printers.
Example below is of a MarkForged printer which is has excellent kinematics and is capable of producing very high quality prints.often
“I’ve spent years trying to teach people all the nuances, all the basics and all of that. That time for me is over. It’s difficult for me to even to find intention span to talk about the profundity of human design. I’m fortunate now to have allies who seem to love to do that, and that’s terrific. They can talk about all the nuances of this and that and the other thing.. I had to do that, because it’s my responsibility to this knowledge, that every aspect of human design and of it’s basic formulas are revealed. What I care about is that people get the simple.
Only the simple. Only the simple. See, it’s such a magical thing to have come to recognise Type. It is the most magical thing that is ever ever happened on this planet. There has never been anything like it, ever. We have never been given such a key, ever. We have never had a chance, all of us, to be awake, and being awake and don’t have it as a trip. Without it being a specialised elitist crap Manifestor propaganda. We have a chance simply to be awake. And the moment that I deal with people in my life, the students in my life, whenever I deal with their intelligence, I deal with their questions, and I deal with their searching, I always wanna pull them right back into that surface. Come back here, to the surface. Yes, I know, you know human design, but you’re not living it. And you know it. It’s nice to know it, sure. Sure, it’s nice. It’s nice to know lots of things.
This isn’t about knowing, this isn’t about power trip of knowing. Knowing and knowledge – these things have no power. This is mythology, I have no power. If you live out your design, if you live out your vehicle, if you live out your strategy, – you get to see that you are helpless. It’s wonderful to be helpless. You get to see that you truly are incompetent. You are. Be proud of it. You know? Wear it on your back – “I am incompetent!”. Cause you are. It’s the holiest thing you can shout.
We’re not in charge. We’re not in control. The deeper I go into this knowledge, the further and further I go from any even tiny tiny idea, that I’m in charge of anything. Nothing, nothing. Not what I say, not what I think, not what I do, not what I am, not how long I live.. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Nothing. You’re in charge of nothing. Nothing. Accept it. Give up. Stop thinking you’re in charge. You’re not. Nothing. You’re not in charge of how you breathe, where you shit, nothing. Teachers have told you that for ever. Everybody listens, nods, saying: “Yes, master”. It’s true. And then they walk away into their lives and they’re unhappy. And they’re unfulfilled. And they get sick. And they spend their life batching and moaning and complaining.
It’s so simple, but it means you have to give up your vanity. And if you will give up your vanity and you’ll just allow your vehicle to operate, you’ll see – there’s nothing to be afraid of. Nothing. You don’t have to worry about tomorrow. Today you’ll do. Everything is there for you. It truly is. See, people think, that’s a dream. It’s not. It’s right here now all the time. All the time. And all you have to do is follow a simple mechanical thing, nothing else. You’re a manifestor, – you inform. You’re a generator, – you respond. You’re projector and you wait for invitation. You’re a reflector and you wait for the cycle of the moon. There is not anything else. See, that’s what I love about knowledge. In my life I met many many people who are bright. And then we went to speak and I realised – they don’t know anything. Because, you see, you can’t understand them when they’re talking to you. It’s not simple. There’s lots of people who think that they know something, and you ask them, and they can not explain it to you, cause it’s not simple. Life is the most simplest thing of all. It is a binary, moving in space. It’s just two. And out of that two – is everything.
The formula is so simple. Truth is simple. That’s why I give you profiles and numbers – simple. There is, after all, only four types. I mean, it’s not about you have to figure out eight zillion strategies so you fit in. It’s not like the rules of your type require you to follow a huge fucking list of things that you have to do. It’s not like being in a rocketship. It’s just a little thing. And you see, that it works, cause it’s true. And it’s not what I say. It’s what I know. It’s what’s science has verifyied. It’s what people that have experimented with living their strategy are verifying, that it’s true. It works. And then this poor passenger can sit in the back in the limo and enjoy the ride.
Oh, there’s a lot to see… There’s a lot to see when the windows are clean. There’s a lot to see, when you stop screaming at the driver to turn left or right. When you’re not just in there screaming. There is so much to see. So forget about all this stuff. Really. Forget it. Just try it out. Live it out.
If you can not live your design, if you can not live your strategy, do me a favour, stop involving yourself in my life… Cause you know better, you do. I don’t have to see you. I’ve gone through this for 13 years, I keep on seeing people. I’m waiting and watching, waiting and watching… I run on the hill up there in ibiza and stare at the sheep. Just do it. And you’ll see for yourself. And then you can tell somebody else that it’s real. And then you can give them the greatest thing that any human can give another. You can liberate them. You can set them free. You can open up the door to “what it is to be” for them. You’ll give them the same thing you’ve lived by – you give them their strategy and let them go. Don’t tell them where it came from. Don’t tell them about me. Don’t complicate your life more than it was.
Just give them their stuff – “here’s your cookie, go away”, they will never forget you.” -Ra Uru Hu
Weirdos in the mail
weirdo: 12:26
Kut mongol
Ik geeft voor je 5*
Go fuck your self
Vies mongol
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“There were two different ways to come to grips with the biverse. One formula was for the light that is four dimensional time and space. The other formula was for the darkness, and included the mechanical nature. When two things are arbitrarily placed beside each other, they immediately show their relationship. This is juxtaposition. In the biverse, we have the juxtaposition of the mechanical and the light. It is not about being them being integrated, as they are juxtaposed. The mechanical side is hidden until it is exposed.
The moment it is exposed, than one can live out the juxtaposition itself, live out the design. It is a juxtaposition of the quiet inner rooted in the mechanical and natural turmoil of life around you. Life is not duality, but juxtaposed. The same personality crystal goes from vehicle after vehicle, and doesn’t have any relationship to those vehicles.
It is about seeing what it is to be in play, but not identified with being player. Then one can accept juxtaposition and accept whatever happens. There are inner mechanics to live by, and the outside is just what it is – a movie, a passing scene, but you are not one with that. To be juxtaposed, you can’t be one with that. The yin and yang can make love, but still two remain. We’re always going to have juxtaposition, as it is the dynamic tension that creates life.
This juxtaposition, which we call the biverse, is talking about two things that are separate from each other, but living in the same space. The interaction with each other is life. Juxtaposition creates the tension and says they have to be different. If you don’t grasp juxtaposition, you can never be tolerant. Juxtaposition has to bring tolerance. There is no natural bond between the male and the female.
They are designed to be juxtaposed, to be tension fields. This is how the universe lives with these two mysteries, the penetrating yang and the creative yin There is no way to get to peace through the Maia. You just can’t. One has to be brought to juxtaposition – to see that you play two roles, live a duality, and have two separate lives in one. We live out the mechanical life, and have no choice in that whatsoever.
The field of light gives the impression that there is nothing but choice – everything in the Maia is about choice, all these choices. Just because know this and live your strategy, you don’t escape the Maia, but live in it seamlessly, for you then understand the mechanics of the Maia, and it becomes seamless. Then you can have the other side of the juxtaposition by being aware of your helplessness.
Wait for what you need to come to you, despite what the mirror shows. Then you get to live out both sides. We are two-faced beings and always in these two different realms at the same time. You don’t need to struggle in the light. You’ll never find reassurance there. You can only get that from the mechanical side.” – Ra Uru Hu
Weirdos in the mail:
weirdo: friendship request on fb
me: Hi Samira, thanks for connecting ?
Is it ok to share your full (birth) data with me?
Mine are at the bottom here:
weirdo: Hi Sjef,
The honor is mine ?
I have something to attend to now. Let me read your link later and I will get back to you. Thanks for your link ?
Hi Sjef, ik zag dat jij van Nederland bent dus ik veronderstel dat jij dan ook Nederlands spreekt?
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Human Design is your manual to escape the confines of the Notself. Beyond these confines your own life awaits you. Your life. Your unique, fresh, new life that can only be lived by you.
There is no guarantee that it will be easy to escape the confines of the Notself. There is no guarantee that it will be possible to escape these confines quickly. And even if you live your life as a unique individual there is no guarantee that you will always remain within your comfort zone.
There is hunger and cold, there is struggle and flight, there is age, sickness and death, there is grief and pain.
But if there is hunger, it will be your hunger. If there is struggle, it will be your struggle. And when you die, you will be embraced by your own individual death.
A dear American friend once expressed it in this way, “I would gladly give up everything to drink a single cup of coffee as myself.”
Or to say it in Ra’s words:
You are unique.
You have no choice.
Love yourself.
Peter Schöber – The Human Design System – The Centers