
I blame the unborn entity for the idiocy of Jonah Dempcy

o yes, namedropping 🙂
And, yeah ego/mind likes to blame, to seek blame for things happening in life, so, when contemplating it, who to blame really? the parents of the unborn entitity? 😉

Friday I got this question: “🤣 it’s impressive how you can be at the center of shenanigans without even being in the groups! If someone is saying something about you, do you want to know?

‘haha tell me 🙂
assholes 😃’

Jonah Dempcy on Friday May 24th 2024 at 18:01 UTC:
Side note – if anyone knows Sjef Romijn, he has been spreading erroneous information about Reflectors for at least 7 years now, saying that Ra was wrong about the 29.5 day lunar month cycle, and that it’s actually 27.3 day sidereal lunar cycle, since that is how long it takes for the Moon to return to the same gate and line. Ra is pretty clear that the 29.5 day lunar cycle is what must occur for these 62 steps to happen which is the completion of one full cycle of all the processes included in the channels, regardless of activation. So, just one of many, many cases where Sjef is completely wrong. He’s also said, for instance, that with his 2nd Color Determination he only eats what he likes, and he likes fast food, Taco Bell, Mc Donald’s and the like-needless to say, he blocked me years ago, and if he hadn’t, I sure would have- and I recommend everyone else block him, too, as he has absolutely nothing to contribute to the study of Human Design or, seemingly, to humanity as a whole. That being said, someone may want to tell him he’s wrong about the Reflector lunar cycle and should stop telling people it’s 27.3 days. Roger Campbell if you’d like to be the messenger perhaps your 5th Line can call him out on it!

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SunBlog 20.3

Weirdos in the mail

weirdo: “Hey man , i noticed your comment on one of the human design posts about resources to learn and all , i was wondering if you have any of ra uru hu courses and you can share them with me , i’m not interested in becoming certified nor i can pay for the material (third world country we make like 1 dollar an hour or something) i just want to learn and listen to courses / audiobooks from ra uru himself and apply them to myself to live my design and become who i truly am , if you can help it would be highly appreciated”

SunBlog 51.4 limitation

Weirdos in the mail

weirdo: Oi from Portugal

We are looking for our Human Design Conference 2023 by OPEN G colorful HD program with experienced HD people as co-creators – our event to connect for the first time will take place tomorrow wherever you want Human Design Café Sun April9th in honor of RA’s 75th – please join the Movement. HD is for Kids! Currently we have 15 speakers from the Human Design School Vienna participating. We hope to become even more international ❤️

Hennes 34-57 21-45

me: Oi?

looking for (what?), with experienced HD people as co-creators?

to connect, wherever you want?

there is a movement? what is this movement, what does it do, and what does it want by sending this message?

HD is for Kids! eeeeh yeah, ok

currently 15 participating, participating what, this vague movement, the thing today, what are they participating (with)?

we (is who, is what?) hope to become even more international.[heart] eeeehhh ja is that the goal of this message?

I’ve never seen a more hollow, phraseology filled message.
There is nothing to hook into, as it is super vague, and the sentences make no sense. Or it is simply very bad English?
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Is it time to return to Innocence?

Is it time to return to Innocence?

Gate 25, Spirit of the Self – Innocence
March 18 – 23

Following last week’s transit through the Gate of Crisis, the Sun is now entering into an energy of the higher self. Its role is to point you toward your true nature. It’s an opportunity to return to innocence.

And, it’s fitting that the Vernal or Spring Equinox occurs during the time of this transit … a time when the dark and light are nearly equally balanced.

Those who possess a pure heart are best guided by their instincts and intuition.

Innocence implies a natural harmlessness, openness and pure intention that isn’t contaminated by ulterior motives.

Beauty can then emerge from an innocent heart that remains open to joy and wonder. Innocence, when guided by a conviction to what is right, can bring supreme success.

The hallmark of innocence is a willingness to treat all creatures with compassion and respect.

This innocence isn’t designed to bring love into the world in any specific way, but rather to love without discrimination.

The mystical potential of this type of love is transcendent and universal.

And, your spirit’s innocence is constantly being tested. You can meet these challenges from life like a spiritual warrior, fired up and ready to compete for your true nature (spirit) no matter what you encounter.

Thinking too much may sever the link with the guidance that comes from your inner truth.

The grounding energy is Determination or Pushing Upward. Reminding you that when you let go of expectations, you can find yourself in the right place at the right time.

So, if you trust in perfect timing can you love the perfection in every experience – good or bad?

There can be magic in trusting your natural responses to take you through this journey called life … in perfect timing.

Can you be sensitive AND determined?

Will you bend, but not break when obstacles or challenges arise?

As you remain tolerant and flexible, you can retain the conscious innocence that fuels growth and evolution.

A beautiful balance awaits.

Spring can be such a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.

Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan

#ihds #humandesign #transits #gate25 #spiritoftheself #innocence

If we’re not to live by the energies of the Transits, but by our S&A, why are these snippets written as if we do? There is no ‘returning to innocence’ unless we live (out) the Transits. The information about the energy only applies if imprinted with it, and even then only as a potential. How they show up as a Transit in our lives, with each of us as the active filtering agent, remains to be seen.

Reply by Ruth Brennan:
“These are contemplations of the potential energy through my lens and each of us filter them, or not, through our own designs ?”

Subject: Overname

Weirdos in the mail:

Beste Directie,

Ik wil u bij deze laten weten dat wij de domeinnaam in de verkoop doen.

Via Google kwam ik uw website tegen en ik zag dat u soortgelijke diensten aanbiedt, dus vandaar dat ik u nu een mailtje stuur met de vraag of u geïnteresseerd bent in overname van deze domeinnaam.

Ik mag eenmalig aanbieden voor EUR 795,- ex btw. Voor deze prijs bent u de nieuwe eigenaar van de domeinnaam. De domeinnaam wordt zonder website of statistieken geleverd.

Wij gaan als volgt te werk:

Stap 1: We zijn het samen eens over de overname en verkoopprijs.
Stap 2: U levert ons uw facturatiegegevens, inclusief btw-nummer aan.
Stap 3: U ontvangt van ons een factuur én de verhuiscode van de domeinnaam.
Stap 4: U verhuist de domeinnaam en zet de domeinnaam op uw (bedrijfs)naam.
Stap 5: Wij zien de betaling van de factuur tegemoet.

Ik hoor graag of u interesse heeft in overname. Wat ons betreft kan de domeinnaam al binnen 24 uur op uw (bedrijfs)naam staan.

Fijne dag!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Sandra de Boer

Domain Office
domainoffice .nl

SunBlog 32.1 Conservation

Weirdos in the mail:

weirdo: friendship request on fb

me: Hi Samira, thanks for connecting ?
Is it ok to share your full (birth) data with me?
Mine are at the bottom here:

weirdo: Hi Sjef,
The honor is mine ?
I have something to attend to now. Let me read your link later and I will get back to you. Thanks for your link ?
Hi Sjef, ik zag dat jij van Nederland bent dus ik veronderstel dat jij dan ook Nederlands spreekt?
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SunBlog 23.3 Individuality

Weirdos in the mail

weirdo: “Добрый день! Вас может заинтересовать библиотека с популярными аналитиками дизайн человека и свежие курсы PTL1 PTL2 PTL3 2018-2020 годов?”

me: please elaborate?

weirdo: “There are original courses of Ra Uru Hu. Are you interested?”

me: Is it ok to share your full (birth) data with me? Mine are at the bottom here:

weirdo: “? Sorry, i dont speak English. I have many Ra courses, the price is 80$ I will send materials for trust in advance. Before payment. If you have a need. PDF + audio lectures.”

me: 80USD for everything? How many Gigabyte?

weirdo: “There are about 100 Russian analysts, the weight is 1 terabyte. Ra Uru Hu 80 GB. There are 2 MMI MAIA programs. As I understand it, you are only interested in English The whole list: Ra 300 folders, all for $ 80. We are a team, we hardly translate Ra into Russian))”


weirdo: “I’m MG 4/6. Can you give me an answer on the suggestion?). I try to be adequate, but I don’t know English. I communicate through a translator”

SunBlog 11.5 the philanthropist (in Detriment)

Weirdos in the mail

weirdo: “Dear Sjef

I just happened to come across this post of yours with the following para:

The other day (August 21st 2020), Earth was in Gate 30 line 5, which I do not have in my chart, nor do I have Gate 41, but I’ve never seriously felt more depressed and suicidal than ever before, when for instance I was in much more dire situations/outer circumstances. No I was just sitting there on my bed, watching tv, a comedy even, and I became deeply depressed and suicidal. This Gate 30 has always been a huge trigger for me. Nothing cosmic or bath-like for me, unless it was to drown myself in, to die.” [from MoonBlog 34.5 annihilation]

My feedback to you about the email exchanges around that date, specifically, 22. August, is that you may like to think twice about writing to a tutee/or someone you guide, when you yourself are in a difficult place.

Your comments depressed me about my life: ie what I had considered to be its culmination and its meaning, may actually have been completely wrong. – I fell into depression.

Fortunately, no lasting damage has been done.
I have recovered.

Retrospectively, I think your remarks were insensitive.

There is no need to answer this email.”

me: You’re full of shit since -you- did not even start emailing until august 28th

and I was completely fine the next morning of the 22nd, since it was only a Transit. I was not depressed or suicidal, I was under the impression I was, through an external influence. That is the big joke with Transits, they come, they go, and the big trick with Reflectors is, they can walk out unscathed.

Being aware/awake is not a picnic, don’t blame others for your own experiences, if you seek happiness and fluffy bunnies, go elsewhere. If you think I was being insensitive; impossible since we were not even writing each other. It never happened. Dream on.

Don’t email ever again, I have no appetite for any of these kind of false projections and accusations.

Update/add-on (of course they email again):

weirdo: “You were right: I got the dates wrong. I apologise without reservation.”

me: It’s not even about the dates. It is the hubris and arrogance and then the aggression, that anyone else is responsible for your experiences of your own life. The ridiculous notion that someone else did anything to you and you are a victim, of me no less. Shooting the messenger.

Given that such a reaction to the Human Design information is a great signpost that all is not lost, that you are actually human and face the music of your not-self. That is supposed to be depressing, it is supposed to be horrible to realize with real eyes. Unless you’re already dead inside.

I never forget, but I do forgive, through money. Send 400 euros into my account as a proper token of excuses and repenting. That’ll get you off my blacklist. Read more

SunBlog 62.5 Metamorphosis

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Hi Sjef, I take advantage of the lockdown and diving into facebook. I see we have a lot of friends in common in the HD world. I see you are also connected to Di8rk Nellens. When did you had contact with him last time? I hope you are fine! I am grateful for being healthy, well prepared and perfectly protected. What about you?

Me: Hi Martin,

we actually met in Ibiza 2009, when I told you my name ‘Sjef’ you asked:
“what we’re going to have for dinner Chef? “

Then in November of the same year I sign up for your 2 lecture course sampling and protecting, that was enjoyable and alright. Including some other HD things I read over the years.

Then I started getting emails in my hd email account about pills you were selling to some Dutch HD-ers. When I told them, as a gentle friendly reminder/warning it was illegal to use email addresses from one company for another, they became furious and since then I ‘needed to be handled’.

I joined an intro lecture on your Rave Biology course in 2014, fascinating stuff, when you talk HD, that is quite enjoyable and good.

And then just a few months later your first comment in the Human Design – Train with the expert group was:
“endlich kommt Qualität in die Welt!”
Like everybody else in HD is just another sucker selling bullshit or something, unsure.

Meanwhile I see more and more people start selling ‘your’ transferfactor pills (not really yours are they) and all they can ever utter as to why or what, is to watch a movie and refer back to you.
400% immune boost no less !

So yeah, Hi Martin, nice to hear from you, I guess

Not sure why you ask about Dirk, did something happen to him, is he alright? I interacted with him last a few weeks ago already.

Martin, I like to share with you that I’m 100% positive, as far as absolutes go, to never ever buy any of your pyramid scheme pills.

But then again, maybe I do get initiated at some point, we will both know it then.

🙂 Reflector greetings and love.

Sjef Romijn

Human Design
Living Your Design Guide &
Rave Cosmologist Teacher

Weirdo: Hi Chef, funny, I just come back from dinner… [block messages, mark friend request as spam]
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SunBlog 42.6

Weirdos in the mail:

“Please undo your tagging of my name in a blog post.
It is affecting my work and business associates I am a high school track coach and Triathlon Coach. This was brought to my attention by a parent.
This is defamation that affects my livelihood.
My name when googled comes up with “How to F a woman” and Initial response by parents seeing this is that they think I wrote about this topic. I work with their children .

Cease and Desist any further tagging, writing , mentioning of me in your blog, website, any and all social media, all web communication outlets, written or video.

If this the tag and article is not removed by April 25, 2019 I will take next steps with my legal representative.

Diana Twardzik McLaughlin”

this does not sound like an apology at all…
Also, I’d like to direct your attention to this page here:

So, in order to consider your request of removing all content regarding you, I will accept the following:

-post an apology for lying about me, make this post public. A video message is acceptable too.
-Send me proof.

Then, I will take a full Lunar Cycle to consider your request. Until then: gfy

Soap sequence here:
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SunBlog 18.5 exalted

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Peace Sjef,
If you have any inquiries about me, feel free to contact me directly.
Misusing a Manifestor in the way that you did is barely forgivable since [whomever] was subjected to an uncomfortable confrontation with the truth of his own behavior on your behalf.
It was childish and I called you a baby and I stand by that.
I don’t require nor will I read a response from you in regards to this rather infantile behavior. Just understand I SEE you and I already KNEW when he asked that it was you asking for it.
Take care, [Weirdo]

Me: I have no idea what this is about ?

Weirdo: Oh, so we add liar to the list.

Me: ok, backing up
I think I know now, but you have not said what it is about
I ask [whomever] if he has your chart
he had not
the end
what he then apparently doe sis ask you, which I did not ask for, is his own decision
as he is free to do
And I can ask him for your chart every day of the week
so there
greetings 🙂

Weirdo: Like I said, a BABY LOL

Me: “nor will I read a response from you
promises promises

Weirdo: Don’t do that. It’s childish and it’s unnecessary.
How about I won’t ‘take it seriously, just like I didn’t take [whomever] seriously…you all don’t follow your authority so I have to keep that in mind when interacting.
I will talk to you in November LOL

Me: or not 🙂
ow and psst, you can tell me what not to do, but it won’t matter
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SunBlog 60.1

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Hello Sjef, Do you have MMAI software that you can run a Solar Return chart for me?
Hope you see this. Best

Me: You offer them yourself, but ask me? [his own professional analyst website link]
thinking to myself: ‘I actually feel weirded out by (t)his request, how to get rid of this guy?’

Weirdo: I don’t have the software at hand to calculate the chart itself.
Do you know my request was removed?
oh no it’s there – paranoid 5 here.
So no, I am no tasking for a reading. I am asking for the chart.
Can you run one for me on MMAI?

Me: Don’t want to. Not in my network of friends.

Weirdo: Accepted – very generous of you – NOT

Me: Ah yes, here it comes. Morals

Weirdo: Sjef shut the fuck up


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SunBlog 57.1

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Sjef i have to say, i concur with [whomever], because i get contracted from reading your comments to others sometimes… Most of the time i resonate with the Content of your comments, or just find it a valid opinion, but not it’s spirit, and it feels that you write angrily, or without compassionate presence… I hope we can stay friends on FB after me writing this, as i feel we share a path, in a wide sense. I’m going to approach [.], and ask [.] to rejoin to group… presuming [.] is the one that left, and didn’t get throne out

Me: bullshit drama, do your thing, I do mine. You also talk not about the content of which I’m passionate about, but about the circumstances, as if you contracting is ANY indication of what I say is right or wrong. Don’t bother me with your moral nonsense, come on. The notion, the idea alone [.] was thrown out is so incredible, what the fuck even…? Did everyone lose their minds?

Weirdo: OK ….

Me: Yeah, consider for a moment what you want from me, by writing

Weirdo: If i want anything at all, it is from me… not from you… And i’m done.
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SunBlog 47.6

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Dear Mr. Pretends-To-Be-Certain, Do people also often tell you that you’re an asshole that easily gets stuck in your own very narrow and rigid way of seeing? Your childish need to be an authority and put others down? That you’re terrible at looking in the mirror of your own hypocrisy and judgments? I’m not into passive aggressively making wall posts intended for individuals, so I though I should offer you the honor of direct contact.

Me: No
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SunBlog 31.2

Weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: Hi Sjef, I am a PLL DLR. Is there any way to learn more about it that doesn\’t cost money?
I just saw. My birth data is [Month/Day/Year + Time]
I actually remember vividly that I came up at a projector, now a generator. I thought about it and looked into my gateways and saw that my original fixed patterns when avenues to revolutionise my results and then I remember subconsciously making a firm decision to become a generator. At the time I didn\’t know the theory well at all or that I was a multidimensional traveller. But now it makes sense

Me: Hi, thank you for contacting me.
Ehrm…. Would you not rather investigate why you have a problem with something costing money instead?
Or why/how I could answer this question in the first place? Or would want to…
Born where? Which City/Country (timezone)? But ok let’s assume [place/country]
It is not uncommon that some websites use American notation for time and date and others use ‘regular’ or someone does not say where they were born and thus such different results can happen. making your Variable PLL-DLR indeed
To me it does not (make sense to me), sounds like a whole lot of unnecessary identifications to me. And, none of my business…

Weirdo: I have your perspective too. I don’t choose it. I am well aware of my soul’s lesson with money, poverty consciousness is a blessing in disguise and a work in progress. To answer, yes I have explored that. You didn’t answer though. Are there any resources?

Me: “Helpless and incompetent”? (Ra quote)
I actually did (answer you): “Or why/how I could answer this question in the first place? Or would want to…”
But why would I even investigate that for you? Are you paying me to work for you, so I can find out?

Weirdo: I don’t work with people like you. Never mind

Me: Nr 5 seems to fit perfect for you

But I guess nrs 1, 2 and 6 also apply. Thanks for the entertainment
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SunBlog 12.4

Weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: “I swear to God,if that HD page gets closed because of your fucking stupid comments, I am personally going to fuck you up, Watch me if you don’t believe me. YOu are a fucking rude asshole, and you need to get the fuck out of the HD community, and find your own group to lead, since you think you fucking know it all. NO one wants to hear your bullshit except Alla, so you and her can go away and let the rest of us learn You rotten piece of worthless shit. Go die somewhere else, and rot someplace else away from the HD community.”

And as an encore: “please do us all a favor and remove yourself from the PHS food and environment page so we can all feel free to say what we need and learn at our own pace.!!!!!!!!!”
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