Weirdos in the mail
weirdo: “Dear Sjef
I just happened to come across this post of yours with the following para:
“The other day (August 21st 2020), Earth was in Gate 30 line 5, which I do not have in my chart, nor do I have Gate 41, but I’ve never seriously felt more depressed and suicidal than ever before, when for instance I was in much more dire situations/outer circumstances. No I was just sitting there on my bed, watching tv, a comedy even, and I became deeply depressed and suicidal. This Gate 30 has always been a huge trigger for me. Nothing cosmic or bath-like for me, unless it was to drown myself in, to die.” [from MoonBlog 34.5 annihilation]
My feedback to you about the email exchanges around that date, specifically, 22. August, is that you may like to think twice about writing to a tutee/or someone you guide, when you yourself are in a difficult place.
Your comments depressed me about my life: ie what I had considered to be its culmination and its meaning, may actually have been completely wrong. – I fell into depression.
Fortunately, no lasting damage has been done.
I have recovered.
Retrospectively, I think your remarks were insensitive.
There is no need to answer this email.”
me: You’re full of shit since -you- did not even start emailing until august 28th
and I was completely fine the next morning of the 22nd, since it was only a Transit. I was not depressed or suicidal, I was under the impression I was, through an external influence. That is the big joke with Transits, they come, they go, and the big trick with Reflectors is, they can walk out unscathed.
Being aware/awake is not a picnic, don’t blame others for your own experiences, if you seek happiness and fluffy bunnies, go elsewhere. If you think I was being insensitive; impossible since we were not even writing each other. It never happened. Dream on.
Don’t email ever again, I have no appetite for any of these kind of false projections and accusations.
Update/add-on (of course they email again):
weirdo: “You were right: I got the dates wrong. I apologise without reservation.”
me: It’s not even about the dates. It is the hubris and arrogance and then the aggression, that anyone else is responsible for your experiences of your own life. The ridiculous notion that someone else did anything to you and you are a victim, of me no less. Shooting the messenger.
Given that such a reaction to the Human Design information is a great signpost that all is not lost, that you are actually human and face the music of your not-self. That is supposed to be depressing, it is supposed to be horrible to realize with real eyes. Unless you’re already dead inside.
I never forget, but I do forgive, through money. Send 400 euros into my account as a proper token of excuses and repenting. That’ll get you off my blacklist.
SunBlog 11.5 (in detriment)
Gate 11 of ideas, peace. A harmonic condition in the individual or society that permits assessments before renewed action.
Gate 11 Line 5: The philanthropist
Exalted: The motiveless nurturing of the disenfranchised to ensure harmony. Philosophic and humanitarian ideas.
Detriment: The withdrawing from direct contact, where giving is a form of defence. Giving away ideas out of a sense of insecurity.