
I blame the unborn entity for the idiocy of Jonah Dempcy

o yes, namedropping 🙂
And, yeah ego/mind likes to blame, to seek blame for things happening in life, so, when contemplating it, who to blame really? the parents of the unborn entitity? 😉

Friday I got this question: “🤣 it’s impressive how you can be at the center of shenanigans without even being in the groups! If someone is saying something about you, do you want to know?

‘haha tell me 🙂
assholes 😃’

Jonah Dempcy on Friday May 24th 2024 at 18:01 UTC:
Side note – if anyone knows Sjef Romijn, he has been spreading erroneous information about Reflectors for at least 7 years now, saying that Ra was wrong about the 29.5 day lunar month cycle, and that it’s actually 27.3 day sidereal lunar cycle, since that is how long it takes for the Moon to return to the same gate and line. Ra is pretty clear that the 29.5 day lunar cycle is what must occur for these 62 steps to happen which is the completion of one full cycle of all the processes included in the channels, regardless of activation. So, just one of many, many cases where Sjef is completely wrong. He’s also said, for instance, that with his 2nd Color Determination he only eats what he likes, and he likes fast food, Taco Bell, Mc Donald’s and the like-needless to say, he blocked me years ago, and if he hadn’t, I sure would have- and I recommend everyone else block him, too, as he has absolutely nothing to contribute to the study of Human Design or, seemingly, to humanity as a whole. That being said, someone may want to tell him he’s wrong about the Reflector lunar cycle and should stop telling people it’s 27.3 days. Roger Campbell if you’d like to be the messenger perhaps your 5th Line can call him out on it!

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“Would you consider mindful based therapy ego/mind?”

Does a bear consciously know s/he needs to feed up cause winter/hibernation is coming, s/he does not.

Mindfulness is about consciously knowing, an ego/mind journey, better than (western) psycho therapy, but still just barely above it.

HD is about having a binary consciousness, and getting out of the way of the Vehicle (body) interacting with the Driver (Magnetic Monopole) to live life. To stabilize the color frequency between them. The Passenger (the eternal Personality Crystal, regardless of current imprint) is ever watchful. Or not. But without the need to focus or vigilance. We could not even tell it to do so.

The identified self, the ego/mind, is unrelated to any of this. The Personality imprint this incarnation is unrelated to this. https://www.mcha.nl/2017/09/22/from-what-i-have-observed/

But mind is not you, this is exactly why it is called not-self when making decisions with it. Everything that is not you, is not-you (not-self). The Mind is not you, not yours, so the thoughts of it, are not your thoughts, therefor anything mindful, any observation the mind does, is not -you-. It is just software running pretending to be you.

Ego/Mind can become aware of the movement of the body, usually after the event has been started, rarely before it but some precognition exists of course.

HD is about letting the show run itself and maybe/perhaps see if you can see it. It explains the mechanics of the Maya but that does not give you any power over it.

Whereas Mindfulness is trying to control our own behaviour through the ritual of mindfulness itself. It is ego/mind goal oriented. Even if it can be correct to do so. It is pretending that the self identified consciousness of these observation (gaining mental knowledge about that which we observe, so we can alter outcomes) is important.

And it simply is not.

Learning to observe the mechanics

Something I’ve learned in my HD experiment…the mind’s stories are not subjective, nor omnipotent – they are mechanical.

Learning to observe the mechanics behind the stories helps to break the identification with the mind’s stories, and awareness develops.

Awareness is not about changing the mind – it is about learning, learning the mechanics of the mind and learning the ongoing practice of radical, vigilant observation.

It is so easy to fall into the trap of believing the mind knows what’s really going on, that it is telling the truth (to protect you) and if you manipulate the situation, you’ll get what you think you want.

Learning to see the mind stories for what they are – fingers pointing at what we are here to be wise about – that’s the beginning of transformation.
– Leela Swann-Herbert

to recognize that me, is delicious

“‘Lonely’ is a mental story built on fear of my own inability to survive that gets dressed up in all kinds of costumes. Alone is simply an internal state of being – ‘Alone’ is another way of stating ‘All One’.

And, that’s the truth for me – there is no one else inside this vehicle construct but me – and to recognize that me, is delicious. We are seldom truly alone – and yet it is when we are alone, that we actually experience our design as it is shown in the BodyGraph – and even then…there are passing transit influences.

To be alone is an internal state – our external state is that we live on a planet with 7 billion other humans. I do believe that this consciousness drive – the way the personality is motivated – is to find a way to connect, to have a sense of communion.

But until there is an internal sense of communion with our own All One-ness, there is no real possibility of communion (or unique communication) with another. Learning to experience one’s self is a solitary journey – but oh, it is an incredible path.” – Leela Swan-Herbert

Here’s the thing

about the transits and conditioning – they are not you. They are an experience that is happening for you to observe, not to identify nor act upon. It can be an amplified experience, so that you begin to see it, and how it programs the mind to initiate actions based upon False Evidence Appearing Real – the mind’s survival defense mechanisms.

It is not about ignoring the mind, either. It is about noticing the stories that the mind makes up and tries to convince you that they are real. Those stories are fingers pointing towards what you are here to be wise about, those energies passing through your open gates, channels and centers.” – Leela Swann-Herbert

‘it is only unconscious to the mind, not to the body’

Our natural state is love; our very essence is love. When we are present to our experience of life, it is an experience of love. Love of our self, love of life – those are just labels to try to describe the felt-sense of awareness of being present, here, now.

The mind is very good at interpreting the body’s experience into a story, and that story repetitive in our internal dialog, can harden into a pattern – a neural pathway that can be triggered by a similar experience, a passing energy that the mind interprets once again – and into a story.

As 9-centered humans, we are capable of the felt-sense of awareness of love, while also capable of identifying with the story that our mind is telling us. The dilemma is that we have been trained to believe that we are our mind, rather than training the mind to be an observer of our experience. We believe the mind’s story that we should find love in a particular person, that love should carry us from one peak experience of excitement and happiness to the next, that there is something in particular life should give us as an experience of love – and if only we did this or that, we’d have it. Or, we believe the mind’s story that we are not worthy of love, we are broken and wounded, and will never find love if we don’t change this or that about ourselves.

Love is like an ever-shining internal light, showing us ourselves, as we experience the pure love of communion with our self. The dilemma is that we don’t see it at all. The internal dialog or mental stories are like blinds which block that internal love light. The blinds may be beautiful or ugly, but we find them captivating our attention, so that we never see the inner light itself. We don’t recognize love, because we are stuck looking at the obstacles, the blinds that we put in the way between us and our actual experience of life.

With the mechanics of Human Design, the path to self-love is a binary path. On the one side, we have to train the mind to observe the experience of the present moment, the life that the body is experiencing. In order to train the mind, we have to be able to see the conditioning blinds, the persistent illusion that the mind is focused upon. When we can see the conditioning stories, we can begin to observe what is beyond them.
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9-Centered Humans

Mann Frau Proportion Da Vinci by © Sonja Janson, Fotolia.com

Our species has exhausted the developmental potential of the 7-centered mind and now has the opportunity to reach far beyond the cognitive, sensory and awareness capabilities of our 7-centered ancestors. As 9-centered humans we are here to explore living with a form of consciousness that is more advanced than mental awareness. We are designed to experience the realization of binary consciousness: the quantum consciousness of mind and body simultaneously, meaning the conscious awareness of the body living the life and the mind observing it. Binary consciousness brings the moment-to-moment awareness of the body’s intelligence as it makes decisions for the life. The mind resides as witness, observing the movement of embodied life. The correct and highest developmental potential of the mind is to observe life and to communicate those observations, when asked, for the benefit of others. As 9-centered humans we are born with the potential to live as holistic beings, not just as an instinctual physical being or just as a strategic mental being, but to live the full potential of our species at its current stage of development: to experience life as self-reflected witnessing consciousness uniquely embodied in form.

Human Design is knowledge for our time. Humanity faces a rapidly changing world and is on the cusp of another evolutionary shift. Now we have the opportunity to learn how to live out our 9-centered potential. We are approaching a new era when the survival of our species and its ability to thrive will depend on one’s unique ability to navigate through life without the protection and support of the social infrastructure and agreements which have previously held our world together. The Human Design System shows you how to explore at the leading edge of human development. Here is the opportunity to live as a unique individual, to live by the decision-making of your body’s inner authority while liberating the mind to observe and be of service to the other.” – Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert – quoted with written permission from Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design ebook

Rave New Year Forecast 2019 Excerpt

The Rave New Year Forecast is Fundamentally a Transit Weather Forecast

The transits of the Rave New Year are frequency patterns, interpreted by the mind, that will arise over and over throughout the year. It is easy to become caught up in the planetary transits because they influence all of humanity – we are in a material program which promotes a homogenized way of thinking and acting.

Learning about the planetary transits help us to become aware of what is not us, of what is not our individual life. When we learn about the Rave Year ahead, it is a finger pointing us towards what we can become aware of, without becoming identified with it, or acting upon it. It becomes the basis of our wisdom about the world, and what is not us.

It can be valuable to remember that this is the transit weather passing through; however, it is a weather pattern that will come up over and over throughout the year. We do not need to identify ourselves with the weather passing through; it is simply something that is experienced through the body and observed with the mind. We don’t make up stories about how the weather is doing something to us, or that we must do something about the weather; it is simply a fact of life here on planet Earth. Just like the weather, the Rave New Year transit themes are a fact of life on planet Earth every year.

If we know it is going to be rainy, we can be prepared, and take an umbrella with us; if we know the Rave New Year forecast, we can be prepared for what the homogenized world around us will be caught up in, and therefore, what to look for in the transit weather.

What is the Program?

The Program is a term that Ra used to describe the way the planetary transits operate together. We live in a vast neutrino ocean of approximately 30 trillion neutrinos per square inch per second; and we take in their energy, which arises primarily from the core of stars. Each neutrino travels to us across the solar system; and as they pass across or through a planet, the neutrino picks up the frequency imprint of that planet.

Each planet has a specific orbit in our solar system, which is described in Human Design through the Rave Mandala wheel, from the point of view of planet Earth. As each planet moves in its orbit, it passes through each of the gates in the Rave Mandala wheel. The Sun takes 365 days to pass through all 64 gates, where Pluto takes 251.9 years to do the same.

When we look at a transit of a specific day, we are seeing a snapshot of the planet’s movement around the wheel, and the specific energies that the neutrinos are bringing to us. The combination of all these planetary aspects and their gates is called The Program.

By observing The Program for the Rave New Year, we can learn to recognize these imprinted themes in action around us, and not get caught up in acting upon them, or identifying with them. Simply stated – energy is not personal.

Each planetary body has its own unique frequency theme, which is then expressed through the imprinted neutrinos passing by, and through that planetary body.

When we are looking at the Rave New Year Transits, we are looking at the over-arching, global themes for the entire year. Their potential influence is in the way our mind is conditioned to think, with a particular direction or focus. We can also become caught up in identifying with the homogenized world, which amplifies this same conditioning.

Each planet’s frequency for the coming year, expressed through the specific gate it is transiting, brings a unique energy transmission, which can be experienced by the body, and observed by the mind.

However, each of us have our own imprint of the planets, and their gate energies, that make up our individual BodyGraph. Our very strategy, and Inner Authority, arise through the specifics of the planetary imprint of our design. When we are operating correctly, we are living a life that is built upon the specifics of our design, through each planetary aspect and their frequencies.

When the mind is running the life, it runs on The Program; it is a distorted, and homogenized way of life – acting and reacting to the transit themes and their influences. And, if The Program provides a transit in a gate that is open in our design, the mind will be very attracted to acting upon it.

By learning about The Program, and specifically the Rave New Year programming, we can learn to observe these themes in action around us. Slowly, we can become familiar with these themes, and avoid being identified with them, or initiating action based upon them.

Remember, the transits are here to be observed, and self-observation builds our wisdom, and potential for awareness in the now.

By Dharmen & Leela Swann-Herbert

MoonBlog 63.4 Memory

On Lunar Cycle Processing for Reflectors:

I found, that if I entered into something incorrectly (smoking cigarettes, picking up someone in bar me (and/or her) utterly wasted), I do not need a month (processing) to get out of it.
Although, I may have been processing it unconsciously, but so far that is what I think now.

If I entered into something correctly but is something bad, then I do need a month processing.
Also, many ‘bad’ things were correct for me, to experience. Not because of their outcome or what I learned because of them, not any so called logical reason or meaning, but simply correct to experience as an experience, full stop.

I can only start processing something by myself if it is only for me, or about me. To buy a new jacket, or to play guitar, or not.

For all things where other people are invloved I need external initiating to process it to begin with. Otherwise if I start processing this or that job, or relationship without external initiation, I will never finish processing cause then it is all mind.

I can not initiate myself, cause that is mind.

And then if properly initiated, after processing a month and it is not clear, or not a hell yes, then I process another month, and if need be another other month, and so on.
Until it is ‘clear’ until I noticed my body moved here, or there, engaged, or disengaged.

So an important question to me in or before processing is: how did I get (t)here? Did I get into it by my own mind, or by my correctness in the first place? Before I tackle: has it run its course (yet)?

an older quote by Leela Swann-Herbert:
Reflectors with their sampling aura can close or open themselves to the other…they cannot keep out the transits. Reflectors only need to be initiated to decisions (and interactions) that involve the other – activities, projects, places, relationships…No type needs to be asked, invited or initiated to decisions that only involve themselves – all the types except Manifestors need to have life bring them activities, projects, places, relationships that involve others…from outside of their aura – Generators/asked; Projectors/invited; Reflectors/initiated…

Anything dealing with anyone else but me, we Reflectors all need to be initiated. So all those situations you can now possibly think of or remember, are those exact situations where this is true. All of them, all the time.

If not initiated then it is (a) mind(fuck).

For me as a 4/6 profile there is an added nuance (not a complication though) that the initiations (or ‘solutions’) come from my network of friends, so for houses, partners, jobs.

Buying motorbikes or Guitars or iPads seem a little different, especially when bought online, for me.

But my recent moped buy was offered to me by a long time friend, from a work colleague of his.
I was processing owning one for quite a few years already (and nothing happened!), but not until my partner mentioned getting one each (ping initiation happening) I shared with my friend I was looking for one, and he told me a few days later he knew one.

An invitation could perfectly well be an initiation. To me it is the perception of a trigger indeed, of my Lunar Processing starting.

Usually someone asks me something for them, about them, like “wanna do this for me, or with me?” kind of questions.

To me, it is about -the perception- of being invited or initiated. If you perceive to be, then you probably are…

…else mind…

I’m an HD Guide & Teacher, but I don’t or rarely advertise any services, until someone asks -and- it is correct for me (too). Then I can shift into gear of what I have to offer, to them. And if that is a course for instance someone initiated me into, then I can advertise it somewhere else too (as have seen in the past)

But I can not just say: you know what, I’m gonna organize one this May.

In the mean time I simply continue to study, or even work on presentations, for myself, by myself. Some may never be ‘called for’, or not in this life time. I still had fun creating them being with them in my own processing, in my own honing of my information presentation.

In some situations (publishing a book), if the conversation goes there, and you both perceive to be ‘triggered’ then hey maybe something happens with it. Or someone overhears and steals it, or beats you to it publishing it. Who knows…? 😉

Or maybe the conversation was great, wonderful ideas exchanged, but you notice it has no life, no juice. No one is triggered, nothing ‘happens’.

And not also buy that quad-bike cause everyone has one and you do want to go quadding. Check, first.

Taken from an online discussion in the Human Design Reflector group on Facebook

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From what I have observed…

“…the Personality is not the same thing as the passenger. The Personality is who I think I am, filtered through the mind (Ra’s definition).

We have a binary consciousness; there is the potential to observe both the design consciousness frequency of the form, and the personality consciousness frequency of the mind. We are held together in the illusion of our separateness…That which observes the body/mind vehicle is the passenger, the eternal Personality Crystal.

As long as I am identified – ‘me’ as the Personality, or ‘me’ as the vehicle, or the idea of ‘me’ as the passenger – I am missing half of the movie. Learning to observe, to be the witness to what life brings is a moment by moment experiment in being aware.”- Leela Swann-Herbert

Rave New Year Forecast 2017: The Program, a Practical Tool for Awareness

The Program is a practical tool in your awareness development process for this lifetime. How can you understand what it is, how to use it, and how to learn from it? The Rave New Year Forecast can provide you with the specifics of this year’s lesson plan for you and for the world around you, for your ongoing process of increasing awareness.

What is The Program?
The Program provides a continuous cyclical conditioning influence upon humanity, and it can manipulate the mind through openness in our design, reinforcing the mind’s use as the decision-making authority. The Program is created by the daily movement of the planets in their orbits around the solar system. According to the Human Design System, the cyclical orbiting trajectories of the planets influence the data-stream that permeates all of existence. This data-stream is the very intelligence of the universe, and is filtered and transmitted through each planet. Each planet has its own cycle around the wheel, commonly called a transit of a particular gate. For example, the Moon moves through each of the 64 gates in approximately 28 ½ days and the Sun and Earth cycle through each of the 64 gates in one year. Some of the inner planets such as Venus, Mars, and Jupiter take weeks or even months to transit a gate, while the outer planets, Neptune and Pluto, can take years to transit a gate.

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Radical Transformation: Is it Correct for Me? part2

By Leela Swann-Herbert


Part 2 – Transforming the Personality Experience

Radical Transformation offers advanced Human Design tools for transforming our experience with both the Body and the Personality. In the previous article, I discussed some of the body-related awareness experiences that Radical Transformation experimentation has provided.

This article continues this exploration with personality-related awareness benefits or aha moments, which have arisen through practice with these mechanical tools and observational skills, which you can experience for yourself through Radical Transformation.

The Personality is Who We Think We Are Filtered Through the Mind

It is the body that lives the life, but the personality is who we think we are. The development of conscious mental thoughts, or internal dialog, is an evolutionary achievement of the human brain which reached its apex in our 7-centered ancestors. In 7-centered humans, the ability to identify with the thinking process, to be the thinker, was a logical extension of the mind as decision-maker.

As 9-Centered humans, we have the gift of an advanced body which provides us with access to an Inner Authority, to the body’s intelligence as decision-maker; and yet, the personality remains identified with the thinker. For the personality, this trust in the body’s authority, regardless of the personality’s commentary, can shatter the illusion that life is under personality control. This can be disorienting for the personality, as it loses its ‘job’ and influence. However, there is a new role for the personality that the practice of Radical Transformation tools provides: the role of observer of the life, and to be able to communicate what has been learned.
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Radical Transformation: Is it Correct for Me? part1

By Leela Swann-Herbert


Part 1 – Transforming the Body Experience

The majority of people who discover Human Design experiment with their Strategy and Inner Authority. They discover an easier life, one not limited by meeting resistance. They come closer and closer to living the life that is correct for their design. However, this is not the same as fulfilling the possibility of one’s process of transforming and living a life beyond compare, an awake and aware life.

When Ra first introduced the tools of Radical Transformation through the Variables, he commented that only a small group of individuals who discover Human Design will go on to realize their potential through experimentation with their Variables. It’s not a necessary part of every person’s path with Human Design; however, when it is correct, it can lead to an exceptional and deeply individual process of self-discovery.

For the past 8 years, Dharmen and I have guided year-long online Transformation Courses and supported individuals step by step in the discovery of their uniqueness through the tools of Radical Transformation. Over the years, we have found that there are aha moments, what may be called awareness benefits, which tend to arise when we put into practice the mechanical tools and observational skills of Radical Transformation. Here are some body-related awareness benefits that you can experience for yourself through Radical Transformation.


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How then do we decondition the mind?

“We begin by taking the role of decision-maker away from the mind, and turn it over to the form through developing the awareness of our Inner Authority (center or process based). The body can be stabilized through Strategy, Inner Authority and PHS. The form begins to live its unique life along its trajectory. Next we have to train the mind to observe the life that the body is experiencing. This is the correct role for the mind, the observer of experience, not the interpreter of experience.


Any time the mind is interpreting our experience, it is operating out of conditioned memories, old neural pathways based upon our openness. Through understanding our mechanics and how our openness operates, we can begin to recognize these old conditioned ways of thinking that may no longer lead to mental initiation in the life – but still runs in the internal dialog and creates a sense of personal suffering through mental identification. Deconditioning the mind is a process of identifying the mechanics involved, identifying the mental story and seeing it for what it is – a story that we have believed is our truth; that we believe is us. Can you see your mental stories?

That which we can see and observe, no longer runs our life – we can learn to see the stored memory patterns of the mind for what they are – conditioning patterns that we have become identified with. These cells, these memories will never go away; but we can discover that we have a choice about how we relate to these conditioned memories. We can see them as they arise in the mind, understand the mechanics of the mind and how it operates, and appreciate the lessons that this conditioning has offered us – that observing it can reveal it is not who we are.”

– Leela & Dharmen Swann-Herbert

MoonBlog 16.6 Gullibility

No -direct- Inner Authority

“if such a thing is true, the mechanical absolutes of the Maya do not hold up”

Over the years there were a few discussions (on FaceBook) about Inner Authority and particularly for Mental Projectors and Reflectors not having any at all. For many new Reflectors that started looking into the studies and materials this came up as odd or incomprehensible. Knowing without being able to formulate well, that something inside does make decisions. In other groups or places some of the exchanges about this topic became quite heated and lots of stuff was thrown in the mix, including some very off-topic personal issues by several supposedly professional people into Human Design.

One part of the argument was, that Ra never said such a thing, and that those people, or Types simply had -no- Inner Authority, and several people believing this to be true supported this.

And then it turned into not having any ‘consistent’ inner authority, which is ludicrous considering -how- the process operates itself to -get to- the inner authority might be inconsistent, but the result does not need to be consistent or not consistent, it is a non argument, irrelevant.

Of course there is the mention of the eBook by Dharmen and Leela ‘Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design’ (which is available since April 2012 at Jovian Archive and IHDS and on their own page here) where the differentiation is made between Center based Inner Authority, and Process based Inner Authority. Considering the emotional wave of the Solar Plexus defined people, not being consistent either. The process itself is not consistent, not clearly determined, defined, can’t put a clock on it. But the result, for however much clarity is actually possible, is consistent. An answer will come, yes or no.

Another part of the argument was, that both Mental Projectors and Reflectors and also a few people observing them wondered, but what then, does make decisions? There has to be something that makes decisions for ones self, and why would this not be named Inner Authority? A more logic approach to this question I find.
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An Invitation to Transformation with Dharmen & Leela

In this Podcast, Dharmen & Leela explore these questions:

How does the Body transform?
How does the Mind transform?
What is the Transformation Course process?
What is the role of the Passenger?
How do we develop consciousness in form?

Transformation Course 2016 Registration closes February 25th.
Would you like to learn more about this program?

Visit secretofbeingyou.com/transformation

Deconditioning and the Mind

One of the myths of Human Design states that if you simply follow your strategy and authority for 7 years, you will become completely deconditioned. This is a nice story, but it over simplifies the truth – deconditioning is an ongoing process of self-discovery.

The body can partially decondition in 7 years. Most of the cells replicate in 7 year cycles, called apoptosis, so it stands to reason that within 7 years of full experimentation with Strategy and Authority, complete replication will be in effect at a cellular level. Not true. The body has cells that never replicate, that never go through a 7 year apoptosis process – Stem Cells which maintain our primary cellular ‘code’, and Neurons.

Neurons and their lack of cyclic regeneration is what provide humans with the gift of memory. It is also what makes mental conditioning so durable and associative – memories of conditioning never truly go away. Strategy and Inner Authority put the decision making and movement through life under the control and guidance of the body’s intelligence; however, they do nothing to change the rich, deep internal dialog of the mind that is based on conditioned memories that never, ever go away.

How then do we decondition the mind?
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Transformation 2015 Bringing Your Variables to Life

Leela & Dharman Herbert-Swann talk about their year-long program, The Transformation Course. Each of us has our own unique path to awakening as our true self. Utilizing the four variables, the process becomes one of aligning each individual to their correct and unique frequency. Interested? For the details visit http://www.secretofbeingyou.com/transformationcourse.html

MoonBlog 6.1 retreat

Reading some of the questions from some people that are new, I realize and see, that there is not a description anywhere about the Lunar Cycle that makes any sense. Reflectors are told to follow the moon, look at the moon, this and that, but not much is said about what that means.

Now many have found, that the Lunar Cycle is not something to do with our minds, it is something that reveals itself through the application of it, but even that is not really described anywhere. Now I see it, but I might not be the one to fix it.

In the meantime, Dharmen and Leela made a workbook of their Online Class: Embracing The Path of the Moon, A Journey of Discovery through the Lunar Cycle which was a 5 week course and highly recommended.

The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook

And I provide an individual personalised and extended Lunar Cycle & other Transits Chart with a brief explanation here:

Any Reflector Professional can fill you in, but for now, there is no easy online resource to simply read up on it, which I ponder might also be a ‘good thing’. However, if you have noticed something odd with the Lunar Cycle as presented in ‘The Definitive Book of Human Design’ I have made a corrected version attached here (16 gates missing, 4 double mentions and then 6 repeated, and not starting in Design Moon (but in Design North Node) and there is more off about it than just the sequence since no one ever changes Type, but for now):

Definitive Book pages 144-145 Lunar Cycle Revision

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Bringing Your Variables to Life


For years people talked to me (actually starting on the very first introduction) about all the different elements of my Variables, my Digestion, my Environment, my Perspective and my Motivation, but talking never made the sense I have now, all I got was -their- Perspective on what it should, might, could, bla and more bla.

Through going through these courses with Dharmen and Leela and not only understanding the whole concept, but seeing it as I live my life, combined with the experiments that are offered in class to engage with, now I see. Slowly.

And it took me 5 years into Living my Design to even be interested in exploring it.

Other sources touching upon the same subject:
-The Differentiation Lectures (Lecture 2: The Four Transformations)
-The Meaning of Variable – an Introduction

-Variables (eBook)
-Radical Transformations (eBook included) (Audio)
-The Left & Right Package


Reflectors with their sampling aura

“can close or open themselves to the other…they cannot keep out the transits.

Reflectors only need to be initiated to decisions (and interactions) that involve the other – activities, projects, places, relationships…

No type needs to be asked, invited or initiated to decisions that only involve themselves –

all the types except Manifestors need to have life bring them activities, projects, places, relationships that involve others…
from outside of their aura –

Reflectors/initiated…” Leela Swann-Herbert

MoonBlog 54.6 Selectivity

Career reflector, or a reflectors’ career?

– So here I am (hmm favorite intro line?), in Ibiza for the 2009 event.

It’s Sunday the 5th, I’m a little early to meet up with different people inside and outside of the Hotel and at 5PM I go to the BG5 lecture. Since I’m not only interested in what makes people tick, but also in the relations between people in different circumstances (work, love, etc), I did not want to miss this one.
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