An interesting thing to remember is, when Ra said something, there was a context to it. There was a whole litany of reasons and meaning to simple catch phrases or even rhymes.
However, when we repeat what Ra said, verbatim, without the contextual message we get into dogma and untruths, we get into teachings of faith and beliefs.
We can not say, in relationships or connection charts that ‘8-1 have some fun’ will always be like this, or even like that. Even if in our experiences so far, it has.
One experience or even 6 million don’t make a truth. They remain experiences. Read more
I was invited into Human Design a few years ago by someone who guessed I was a Generator from what he knew of me. He ran my chart, which showed I was one of a new Type of human that started appearing here in 1781 – a Projector. He then said emphatically “You NEED to know this stuff!”. I ordered the Definitive Book of Human Design, got a reading, and my deconditioning journey began. Read more
Hexagram 40: taking-apart; R Wilhelm 40: deliverance; Hua-Ching Ni 40: dissolution of the problem; HDS Gate 40: gate of aloneness, deliverance; S Rifler 40: release; J Blofeld 40: release; S Karcher 40: loosening / deliverance; GeneKey 40: the will to surrender
Yin-Yang-Yin-Yang Gates: 40-Aloneness, 64-Confusion, 47-Realization, 6-Friction
Harmony, the agreement of sex or being the provider in communal bonds.
Harmonia embodies the feminine qualities of fertility and the power of holding the bond together in cooperation despite friction. The potential distortion here lies in the power of women to oppress or be oppressed in their role as the sex. Read more
Reading some of the questions from some people that are new, I realize and see, that there is not a description anywhere about the Lunar Cycle that makes any sense. Reflectors are told to follow the moon, look at the moon, this and that, but not much is said about what that means.
Now many have found, that the Lunar Cycle is not something to do with our minds, it is something that reveals itself through the application of it, but even that is not really described anywhere. Now I see it, but I might not be the one to fix it.
In the meantime, Dharmen and Leela made a workbook of their Online Class: Embracing The Path of the Moon, A Journey of Discovery through the Lunar Cycle which was a 5 week course and highly recommended.
And I provide an individual personalised and extended Lunar Cycle & other Transits Chart with a brief explanation here:
Any Reflector Professional can fill you in, but for now, there is no easy online resource to simply read up on it, which I ponder might also be a ‘good thing’. However, if you have noticed something odd with the Lunar Cycle as presented in ‘The Definitive Book of Human Design’ I have made a corrected version attached here (16 gates missing, 4 double mentions and then 6 repeated, and not starting in Design Moon (but in Design North Node) and there is more off about it than just the sequence since no one ever changes Type, but for now):
Definitive Book pages 144-145 Lunar Cycle Revision
Rather, he wants the technique. I really only have one technique and everybody who comes to the house soon learns what it is from other students, but, oddly, nobody seems to practice it until they receive it from me. I’ve laid it out many times and tried to put it in the public domain for the use of whoever wants it, but it has remained strangely proprietary, as if the only way it can work is if it comes directly from me. There’s really not much to it, but I guess there’s not much to closing your eyes and repeating a mantra or counting your breaths either. Read more
Hexagram 59: dispersing; R Wilhelm 59: dispersion; Hua-Ching Ni 59: dispersion; HDS Gate 59: gate of sexuality, dispersion; S Rifler 59: dispersion; J Blofeld 59: scattering, disintegration, dispersal; S Karcher 59: dispersing/gushing; GeneKey 59: the dragon in your genome
Life, interaction, energy -can not- be reciprocal. That is mechanically impossible, unless we make ourselves do that, make ourselves behave in those ways, forced. As we place another condition before having our experiences. See where that takes anyone?
Just look at our own self, and our own desires as a reply to our own experiences. “I want the other to be this, to be that. This person is correct, this one is not” and all are made a. from a mental discernment and judgment about b. the experiences we have because c. we don’t want or like those experiences. But when this happens to us, someone demanding these things, then we get all wound up about it, too.
Everyone is unique. We can not place demands on anyone else. No one is here to fix things, or to be equal to another. You are here to be you, while you -experience- the other. Uplifting or draining. Be aware, notice, experience.