Lunar Cycle

“There’s a moon tracker for reflectors that shows them how their design changes with the moon cycle.”

no one’s design changes by Transits, its all just external influence. It’s just wrong to word it like that. People, including Reflectors, believe the weirdest shit about their chart and HD.

Besides, the Reflectors sampling experience is about -all- 64 Gates, not only when on the surface of the map, this Transit connects to that activation and forms a -temporary conditioning channel-.

For instance, I don’t have Gate 30 activated, nor Gate 41, but it can have an incredibly deep affect on me. But when Gate 10 is in the Transits, forming a temporary conditioning channel to my 20, nothing, not a thing. Yet everyone is running wild about how it should, would, could affect me.

This is why journaling your factual experience and perception is key. Not staring at some colors on a piece of paper and pretending it is this, or that.


to which I had replied:
the start of the Lunar cycle is the Design Moon because we get a ‘new body’ each month, body > design, take it up with our nestor Reflector Dharmen to verify:
Besides we are not here to let go of the Personality (side), just not make our decisions with our Mind.
And, the Lunar Cycle sampling is (of course!) about -all- 64 Gates, see my website here:

weirdo in insta messenger:

She blocked me 🙂

Let’s begin at the beginning.

Dharmen Swann-Herbert 1/3 Reflector, RAX of the Unexpected

“Reflectors are the only beings born with no definition, unlike everybody else. We have activations. What that means is that our auras are different, but not entirely so. Manifestors’ auras are closed and insulating. Generators’ auras are open and enveloping. Projectors’ auras are focused and absorbing. But Reflectors’ auras are sampling, which means these auras open and close, and our openness amplifies that experience. Reflectors will never experience definition, only conditioning, as that is our nature. This is where the Reflector begins life in the open vastness with no definition, and no hope of ever being defined. Always conditioned, always looking to be like everybody else; always seeking to be filled in. Until a Reflector finds their path, we are lost in the sea of conditioning. And here is the cosmic joke, every Reflector is different from every other Reflector, and yet all seeking the same thing– to find themselves.

Reflectors have the greatest ally– the Moon. But here’s another of those jokes — only the Personality Moon can show the Reflector our unique way. We’re open, there is not center energy guide for us, it’s the Moon that shows us our way, and in the only way it can– through our personality. Why, you might ask is this so? It’s really quite simple — our personality is what is conscious to us. When we as a Reflector accept the moon as our teacher, we are on the way to finding our path. Reflectors are the student of experience and experience comes to us amplified.

Conditioning is always amplified so that we can become intimate with experience. Experience reveals how energy gets experienced. Every 28.5 days shows the Reflector what energy feels like, looks like, smells like, tastes like, flows like. Every 28.5 days gives the Reflector a glimpse of what an experience is, and all based on what the Reflector has activated. This is mechanical. Not personal. But the stories are personal. The stories are the Reflectors greatest teacher, because the stories are amplified too.

You begin to see the beauty of design. The mind takes in all the conditioning and turns that conditioning into stories, and the Reflector is here to see all those stories in their openness. Every time the mind is saying something, it is telling you a story about what has happened, what is going to happen, or what may happen – based upon your conditioning. It does not tell stories about what is actually happening; what is actually happening is experienced only through direct observation. When we can see this phenomenon, we become the guides of observation.

This is our role, to see how all of the stories make experience personal; to become aware of how these stories are not our actual life. Our work is to become aware that the mind and its stories are not an actual experience; but what they do is provide us with an example of how experience is seen by the mind. Our life as a Reflector is a moment by moment experience of what comes and goes. This takes place when we sacrifice trying to be like everyone else, we gain the gift of understanding of how energy is experienced.

This is the wisdom the Reflector can bring when they find their path, and when they trust their openness. So for Reflectors, the thing to recognize, that there is no experience you are mechanically designed to hold onto, to have consistently; because experience is your life.”

Dharmen Swann-Herbert –

An issue for not-self Reflectors (don’t believe this hype)

“Are you a Reflector and you want to take your deconditioning seriously, then complete isolation for a month is the best thing you can do for yourself.”

This ends up in a proof/prove (undefined heart/ego) to yourself to do this drama, this does -not- apply to all Reflectors and is certainly not the way to take ‘living your design seriously’.

Yes, this was done by one person and another, and a few more Reflectors, but subsequently adopted as a homogeneous method by many including other Reflectors and Professionals and even Reflector Professionals.

Much that is written about the Reflector can be traced back to the desire to be able to interpret them, and preferably by something they should or should not have -to do-, see MoonBlog 58.4 Focussing.

There are Reflectors who blame themselves for not having done this yet, which is a strange development.
Let yourself be guided by your Strategy and Inner Authority, and not by a good sounding story from anyone else.

If (big if) Strategy and Authority leads you to a month of isolation: great. If not: great.

See for example the discussions about this online on facebook: or, if this is offline click here

MoonBlog 20.6 Wisdom

weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: Sjef, I owe you an apology.

me: What for?

weirdo: I came at you pretty good one day, you punted me from your group and defriended me
no harm, no foul

me: well that is inaccurate, we discussed your non Human Design topics in the comments, as we work(ed) with 2 admins and 1 moderator, and per the group rules decided to delete the comments and remove you from the group.
but yeah, people who are into channeling and such I defriend, I have no capacity to filter all that crap (too).
And, duality man: yes harm, yes foul!

weirdo: I don’t always agree with you, and I will not get into that. Not my purpose here. I am a classic 3/5 and I am not shy about it. I also have a RAX Rulership 3 as well…..quite a mix.
However….I want to be clear that I respect you.

me: so you keep saying…

weirdo: your lunar tracking sheet from your page, I did that something like 2 years ago and it brought massive relief. and People kept asking and asking me to translate it and do the work for them. Fuck that…..I kept trying to encourage and show….and lead….and get them to do what I did. And many are lazy and lack the will to go do it themselves, spoon fed.

me: so you make an individual tool of personal empowerment into a shitty version of itself to spoon feed them automated?

weirdo: So this past June I quit a $140K a year job, and have gone all in with Karen Parker and am doing her training. Probably not in alignment with you….and that’s cool. It is for me.
I am going all in on coaching and doing my own thing way off the map…but associated with them. I now have an LLC and a FB page called Quantum Reflections…website launching soon and I am going slow.
I ended up reaching out to John at Genetic Matrix about a month ago and worked with him and that spreadsheet inspired by yours. He ended up creating this, and it was released today for Pro level subscriptions.

me: yes I got 2 messages about that before you emailed me. So who/what initiated you to do so, per your S&A?
My disclaimer page says: “people can use ‘my’ material from this website freely, any and all” which does not say, ‘companies can’.
Besides that, there already is this Transit Tool provided by myBodyGraph which I reviewed here: MoonBlog 54.6 Selectivity which as an online automated tool is far superior.
there also already is The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook a culmination of the Path of the Moon workshop/courses Dharmen and Leela gave for many years and I joined/enjoyed 3 times.

weirdo: I have posted this in a few places and when people toss credit at me, I am quick to say, “hey, I didn’t create this….it was Sjef that showed me how to do this from his website reflector sessions.

me: what is this, some kind of repenting?

weirdo: Anyway, I may not agree with you but I do respect the hell out of you.

me: so you keep saying…

weirdo: I also am very heavy into Dispenza’s work and I feel that is for the passenger consciousness. A compliment to HD and they are in synergy for me.
I believe that we are all beings of light in these shells we walk around in here in 3D reality. I am into quantum theory, dispenza, Human design, and a lady named Allison Armstrong who does human insticnts. for me personally, they all fit into a synthesis…and it is unique and my spin on life.
While I may not agree with everything, your adherence to S/A was a touchstone for me to keep on my HD work.
I do feel we are in a great awakening worldwide.
I would point to the transits and the utter fucking chaos from the unconscious masses. The Schumann response and the heightened photonic activity…..the energy this year is insane. Do look into the schumann, I would invite some attention there as a data point. and yes….I have been to the very top of the Q thing and it is in fact real and it is growing.
However…..I have chosen to fully embrace and live my design and go all in as a reflector. I like Karen…I don’t agree with everything she says…but she knows her shit and is building something new. Evolution….like Rudd did.

me: that is the marketing in the window, yes, evolution, it rings nice, and it caught you in its webs, like so many other wannabees/newbies. When it is just more ego/mind horseshit, and the fact you need to use -their words- to explain why you are doing it, means you’re operating from a convinced believing mind. A wonderful signpost of the not-self, mind. You don’t know what correctness is, what it looks like. You keep coming with mental arguments why this, why that, and those are never true. It’s hard to wake up to the fact you are a believer, and are a slave to your minds convictions, especially when Gate 47 is activated, or as in our case, our Personality Sun even. It thinks it’s so goddamn smart, it believes it’s own lies. A tough trip, I know, been there, done that, no t-shirt.

weirdo: I feel that very soon people like us are going to be in high demand and very valued.
I do my own thing as I observe you do.

me: that is not a feeling but a thought, it trips up so many people not understanding this difference, but also another nice signpost of following the convictions of the mind by calling it a feeling. Another reason so many of us call thoughts a feeling, is so that it won’t get challenged, as they hide behind this falsely named feeling. We are not our mind, we are not our thoughts, and mind is -never- the Inner Authority. And you, are an idiot.

weirdo: But be clear that I do RESPECT you.

me: so you keep saying…

weirdo: If you ever want to chat or pull a video call, I would welcome that. I am in Arizona in the US
that is MY chart…. Green are defined channels in my design for lunar activations. Yellow are lunar Transits Orange are foundational
You inspired this…..and it is going to help a lot of people understand their design.

me: you took something that was mine, not yours, and now it is made into a commercial product with copyright even, but most importantly, it misses the 5-6 points explanation , how or even why to use it, but then again, they can always keep coming to me for their ‘Individual personalized and extended lunar & other transits cycle chart to discover and work with your own lunar cycle in a profound way, for Reflectors and other types.’ which is handmade and comes with their own private one hour session too.
That write up by Victoria Bagnell is not it, it is shallow, and it is wrong on multiple counts.
So people are left with just another piece of mind candy and not a tool for liberation. You yourself never even had a Lunar Cycle session or Lunar workshop.
You took the info and worked with it, as best you could, and sure you had results/effects, but you still do not understand what is actually used for.
But have (ego) sold as if you do. You are a one eyed king in the land of the blind, and an idiot.

weirdo: Powerful stuff for newbies…..and handy for me to import into my phone and set notifications.
I am hoping to work with him to automate that aspect.

me: it is going to be yet another powerful distraction for newbies, and John Yuill keeps offering more and more homogenized mind candy, so the unintended result, is that people sign up for countless HD lists, follow countless instagram influencers, read all the quotes from Ra somewhere, and get the most shiniest of subscriptions of online HD tools, but not one decision is ever made any different. not once does anyone ever actually get into the experiment of using and applying their Strategy first, to find out their Inner Authority second and then follow through on that then found Inner Authority. Getting stuck in all the wonderfully colored animations and quotes, but made not one actual change in their lives not controlled by their minds. Because yes, of course knowing about HD has an effect, but knowing does not an Inner Authority make. But talking about that will never help, because this is not a ‘convince the mind’ show with better or other arguments. The only way HD ever works, is if -you do the work- if you apply it. The rest is just window dressing, and most get caught up by window shopping, with the nice decorations, but nothing deeper content and sustenance than the shallow portal.

And you did not enhance my tool, or ‘evolved it’, you watered it down, is my observation.
Others tel me: “where is your cheque, or life time subscription?” or “They should pay you.” or “Who is this tool!?”
But I have no need for any of those. And you, are an idiot.
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MoonBlog 54.6 Selectivity

MoonBlog 54.6 exalted in ‘Three Activations’ View

As someone who is in the experiment well over 11 years, and providing my own Transit/Lunar Cycle service, I find the Transit Tool provided by myBodyGraph very advanced, very elaborate too. Maybe even too advanced for beginners.

However, there is so much functionality in it, some obvious by just clicking here and there, some perhaps not so obvious.

So is it for beginners? Yes and no, for some it will be an online honey pot and resource of incredible information, for others it might be a nerd fest of overwhelm.

At the same time, the information that is provided, like all Retrograde Planets, and when they start or end doing so, and other statistics, the live view is fascinating.

Over time one will use a few key functions I presume, you may gravitate towards some different ones than I would, and because it is so elaborate and vast this is all possible.

When having access to Steps 2 and 3 on just one chart, but then not having that same access in the Transit Tool is unfortunate and only overcome by buying the unlimited access.

My Transit Cycle Sequence in full

And sometimes I end up in another information layer I need to remind myself to click the exit cross on the right and come back to the big overview of menus again, where I can then play again with which information to show:
Themes, keynotes and Lines under Planetary Activations
Keynotes, Not-Self Keynotes, Not-Self Questions under Centers
Keynotes under Channels
Elaborate Ordering options under Gates
The many, many ‘hover mouse over’ information baloons

And once activating some of the many options in the ‘show’ menu under the Moon Cycle, another vast bank of info opens up to play with, which I enjoy very much, which I can imagine any beginner struggling with, but starting out with selecting and deselecting which options to show, may help there indeed.

The Ephemeris part did not phase me that much, but can imagine other people have a field day looking forwards or back to certain events, although limited to the years 1900 – 2060. Ok I tried actually and got from December 31st 1899 until May 30st of 2061 😉

Add on: What is odd to me and may confuse others, is the use of the blue and green color. In the MMI, when making a Transit Chart, what is Resonant or you, becomes Green and what forms a Channel (Harmonic) is Blue. In this tool it is the other way around. Luckily there is also the Three Activations view, where the Red & Black of your own chart remain intact and Transits are Green, as seen in the picture top right.

Do check out the descriptions and screenshots here: before buying, to see if it tickles you funny, or perhaps not.

A big thanks to Pontus Erik Karlsson (5/1 Reflector) from for being paramount in the idea, development and implementation of this online resource.
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MoonBlog 61.5 Influence

So I noticed quite a few of the questions and experiences of some Reflectors here (Human Design Reflectors FaceBook group), stem from feeling/perceiving to be off kilter, unhinged even, unbalanced mostly.

I’d like to give my view on how and why that is, and yes there is a how to this 😉

So, when we, as Reflectors, follow our Strategy & Authority, meaning when we -apply- it, when we use it for our decision making, the results are something else. When I first met Human Design 11 years ago (last Monday), I simply could never have imagined such a way of going about things. I’m someone who needs to be told, and then I can play with it, and can dive quite deep in experimenting. But before I’m told/explained, I have no clue and wonder around like an idiot, lost, deeply lost.

I met Human Design roughly 18 months before I ever saw my chart, and so it did not make sense, I could not ‘use’ it, I didn’t even know there were charts, so it was just another blabla story to me. And this guy with the funny hat did not appeal either. But when I was given my chart, at age 38, now I had some kind of framework to jump off from, explore with, I kinda had a baseline.

So, apply, apply, apply, rinse and repeat. Making a stink of it, doing really bad, not following it, telling myself all kinds of stories about what HD was and wasn’t and of course my overgrown identifications with what/who I thought I was and had become and my abilities.

But that was just the first part of it, and something I realized again last night as I contemplated some of this groups topics and comments.

But first, another part of becoming more self, and truly whatever this self is, whether it is a this kind or that kind, more like this or more like so, becoming and being you depends on understanding and having experimented, experienced your individual Lunar Cycle and thus how you sample life, differently. Which can be a bit of a leap to get into, but after a while it is like a fish swimming in water, since it is all about the observation. Not the interpretation, not even the (limits of our) perception, it’s observation, and we get better and better at it once we start, go there, get experienced with it. And we already are quite perceptive as Reflectors, so, focusing on that, really helps to get a better sense of this illusive, non consistent self.

And through it, again, more relaxation, in ourselves, and in life. And maybe even feeling empowered (a word I hardly ever use). Not in control mind you.

But, and this is, to me at least, a mix of mechanics and its results of using them correctly, the frequency between the Design Crystal in us, and our Magnetic Monopole is unstable, most of the time. And this is where PHS and Environment come in. Because through the application of correct Digestion, and physically being in the right frequency of my correct Environment, we stabilize that frequency.

We can not stabilize the frequency between the Personality Crystal and the Magnetic Monopole and so we’ll always see-saw between our Motivation and our Transference, between our View and our Distraction, but we can stabilize the frequency of the Design, of the body. And through that stable frequency, the Magnetic Monopole can then hook us up to our correct Trajectory through life.

In about a week, I’m at the mid point of my Kiron Return, coming off the Roof as a 4/6, and so stuff is noticeably changing, except what the change itself is, but I do notice a change of frequency field, for me, to me, with me. I slowly begin to perceive to be called, called out, outside, to the floor, off the roof, and so yesterday I had a lovely chat with someone about many things Human Design and when I came home it dawned on me, I needed to apply my PHS, it is my baseline, it is my go to. Not for the atoms of the food that I eat, not for the actual taste or aroma of those atoms that I digest. But for stabilizing that frequency !! It was after my lovely dinner (which is quite fixed to what I can and can not eat) but also my late night snack, which also is repetitive, according to my PHS, it came to me:

My stability in this life as I perceive and you can too, is because of the stability of that frequency between my Design Crystal and my Magnetic Monopole. And it’s like a game of dominoes. If one is off, all could be off. I become unbalanced, unhinged even, insecure, a mess, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically.

To realize how subtle yet profound the implications are, and how relatively easy it is to simply go there, and do, apply.

And this is without any Transits consideration even. Those can really add to my experience, for good or bad. And so my perception of life becomes distorted when I don’t, my ‘vulnerability’ for lack of a better word, to life becomes greater when I don’t Digest correctly, when I’m in the wrong Environment, in the wrong frequencies, digesting the wrong people, the wrong words, food, energies.

So I felt like sharing that with this group, because it is simple yet profound. Live your Design, step by step, slowly slowly. Becoming stable in our openness.

Add-on: One of the things I did yesterday, was I went quite the length to get one of my fav foods. Even though I was a bit tired and I had to go to the other side of the city center (I live on the North East side of it) and then 1 other neighborhood, which is quite the journey with all the one way streets and traffic lights and rush hour too. But in that doing, it became more than simple atomic sustenance for the body, it became spirit food.

MoonBlog 61.5
Gate 61 Mystery, inner truth. The awareness of universal underlying principles
Gate 61 Line 5 Influence
Exalted: The enlightened Father figure whose recognized wisdom and powerful assertion can mold a generation by its influence. The pressure to know that may result in influence and wisdom.
Detriment: A tendency in power to want to enforce compliance to ensure lasting influence. The pressure in knowing to resent challenges and demand acceptance.
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MoonBlog 2.5 Intelligent application

The Reflector Lunar Cycle is not a ritual to obey and follow, that when you don’t, someting bad happens.

It is not about ticking off all the boxes of pre-requisites, and then live happily ever after either.

It’s about becoming such a calm silent observer, for the incredible subtleties of what is already going on, outside (transits, people) and inside (perceptions, experiences) self and not-self, that you can live in awareness of where life takes you, what your Trajectory is, and to relax into how choice-less we all are.

To surrender to that, and see, observe and witness, what that is like.

While dancing the jitterbug, riding your bicycle, making out, cooking dinner or anything else.

MoonBlog 2.5
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MoonBlog 12.3 Confession

Question: “How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?”
One answer: “Where do such distortions come from? What does it mean to be initiated?”

Why call it a distortion when you’re not sure yet what it is?
Doubt versus inquiry.

Anyways. This is a nice example of being initiated but needing to process, and I wrote about it 6 years ago here:

But I’ll add: to me, it is the perception of kick-starting my processing. Just like both your question/answer has. I felt, perceived, noticed I was initiated to answer this one, so I started processing it to answer, and in the mean time saw this question a few times during, but still nothing came to me to answer, while still perceiving, noticing to be initiated by it.

So someone comes along and does something, it could be towards you (a hug, a shout, a question, a smile) and you notice a shift by it, through it. It could also be a TV-ad, a picture you see online.

Nothing magical, nothing really special or something, just this perception, that yes, this is for me -to process- to maybe/perhaps engage with. When or how, is something else, but to notice this, first, is important. To perceive to be, initiated. No distortion here.

And sometimes, someone comes, asks, tells, does whatever, and I clearly notice -not- to be initiated. That it is not for me to process, which is a lot of the time. Much more than when I actually am (or perceive to be) initiated. No distortion here either.

So also, it is clear it is not the other persons doing, that they purposefully initiate me, with their agenda. Sure they could, and many do. But it is about me feeling that this, yes, has initiated me to process.

And then I do.

And then I wait, until the processing has finished and I know, yes, or no. Now I can do this, or interact with this someone on their question/journey, whatever it was they asked of me. Or no, I can not.

So when something is for me and me alone, no one else needs to initiate me. Like eating, or playing guitar.

When someone else is involved I need to be initiated, going out to dinner, or play in a band. This could be done by another person, but not necessarily. You can find out for yourself how it works for yourself, each Reflector for themselves.

There is talk that between people of the same Type, there is no Strategy; so Manifestors don’t need to inform each others, Generators not wait to respond, but I’m not sure if that is true. And I have seen examples of this not always working, so…

To answer the initial question: “How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?” is, you experiment. Try it out by initiating yourself. Or, notice if you are already initiated by something to contact this Reflector. And if you notice, no, this feels off, I do not perceive to be initiated, even though my mind keeps annoying me with the subject, then see that, notice that, and move on. Sometimes we already are long time initiated and processing/operating accordingly without us being consciously aware, and sometimes we are not initiated but our minds heckle and harass us about it as if we should be.

What I learned through my journey in Human Design, is that before HD I thought life was really rough, and tough, and clear and black and white, that the way people interacted was always clear-cut and ‘manifested’ (for lack of a better word). This is this, and that is that. And I came to find it is incredibly subtle really, and nuanced, very delicate at times. And I was completely blind and unaware that these fine and even minute principles did run me, triggered me, initiated me already, loooong before I or my mind noticed any of it. HD helped me see these finer details of when, why and how I am triggered by external things, that kick-start my processing.

And that having this incredibly rough perception made me incredibly blind. To me being me, myself.
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MoonBlog 63.4 Memory

On Lunar Cycle Processing for Reflectors:

I found, that if I entered into something incorrectly (smoking cigarettes, picking up someone in bar me (and/or her) utterly wasted), I do not need a month (processing) to get out of it.
Although, I may have been processing it unconsciously, but so far that is what I think now.

If I entered into something correctly but is something bad, then I do need a month processing.
Also, many ‘bad’ things were correct for me, to experience. Not because of their outcome or what I learned because of them, not any so called logical reason or meaning, but simply correct to experience as an experience, full stop.

I can only start processing something by myself if it is only for me, or about me. To buy a new jacket, or to play guitar, or not.

For all things where other people are invloved I need external initiating to process it to begin with. Otherwise if I start processing this or that job, or relationship without external initiation, I will never finish processing cause then it is all mind.

I can not initiate myself, cause that is mind.

And then if properly initiated, after processing a month and it is not clear, or not a hell yes, then I process another month, and if need be another other month, and so on.
Until it is ‘clear’ until I noticed my body moved here, or there, engaged, or disengaged.

So an important question to me in or before processing is: how did I get (t)here? Did I get into it by my own mind, or by my correctness in the first place? Before I tackle: has it run its course (yet)?

an older quote by Leela Swann-Herbert:
Reflectors with their sampling aura can close or open themselves to the other…they cannot keep out the transits. Reflectors only need to be initiated to decisions (and interactions) that involve the other – activities, projects, places, relationships…No type needs to be asked, invited or initiated to decisions that only involve themselves – all the types except Manifestors need to have life bring them activities, projects, places, relationships that involve others…from outside of their aura – Generators/asked; Projectors/invited; Reflectors/initiated…

Anything dealing with anyone else but me, we Reflectors all need to be initiated. So all those situations you can now possibly think of or remember, are those exact situations where this is true. All of them, all the time.

If not initiated then it is (a) mind(fuck).

For me as a 4/6 profile there is an added nuance (not a complication though) that the initiations (or ‘solutions’) come from my network of friends, so for houses, partners, jobs.

Buying motorbikes or Guitars or iPads seem a little different, especially when bought online, for me.

But my recent moped buy was offered to me by a long time friend, from a work colleague of his.
I was processing owning one for quite a few years already (and nothing happened!), but not until my partner mentioned getting one each (ping initiation happening) I shared with my friend I was looking for one, and he told me a few days later he knew one.

An invitation could perfectly well be an initiation. To me it is the perception of a trigger indeed, of my Lunar Processing starting.

Usually someone asks me something for them, about them, like “wanna do this for me, or with me?” kind of questions.

To me, it is about -the perception- of being invited or initiated. If you perceive to be, then you probably are…

…else mind…

I’m an HD Guide & Teacher, but I don’t or rarely advertise any services, until someone asks -and- it is correct for me (too). Then I can shift into gear of what I have to offer, to them. And if that is a course for instance someone initiated me into, then I can advertise it somewhere else too (as have seen in the past)

But I can not just say: you know what, I’m gonna organize one this May.

In the mean time I simply continue to study, or even work on presentations, for myself, by myself. Some may never be ‘called for’, or not in this life time. I still had fun creating them being with them in my own processing, in my own honing of my information presentation.

In some situations (publishing a book), if the conversation goes there, and you both perceive to be ‘triggered’ then hey maybe something happens with it. Or someone overhears and steals it, or beats you to it publishing it. Who knows…? 😉

Or maybe the conversation was great, wonderful ideas exchanged, but you notice it has no life, no juice. No one is triggered, nothing ‘happens’.

And not also buy that quad-bike cause everyone has one and you do want to go quadding. Check, first.

Taken from an online discussion in the Human Design Reflector group on Facebook

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MoonBlog 9.6 gratitude & 5.1 perseverance

For many Moons now, I was looking to upgrade my guitar, having had 16 guitars (and one Bass guitar) in my life so far I was looking for something different.

I knew I wanted a certain shape that felt good to my own body holding it, but should also be of high quality and perhaps a looker too.

And this time, no matter the price… kinda…

Easily said, not so easy to find, and I have had my fair share of shitty guitars, mostly because of budget issues, and also because it takes a while for me to find out if I do like something, or if it simply does not work out. So after a few moons processing I end up buying a guitar, and then a few moons later it needs to go again.

Reading my MoonBlogs one can see I have an affection for PRS (Paul Reed Smith) guitars, most say because he makes guitars that sit somewhere in between Fender (Stratocaster) and Gibson (Les Paul), and while that may be true, what speaks to me, is his openness to share about his products, his own nerdiness in going all in in finding that tone through all the little components that make up a musical instrument, his factory, and so on.

Sure some of it is marketing, some of it is ego showiness, a little american sauce over it, but it’s good, I like it. I’ve learned a lot more about guitars and guitar making through investigating about their company and products, something that is much much harder to find out about with most other guitar making companies.

So I had a vague kind of wishlist of components, or elements that my next guitar should contain, where quality was probably the most important.
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MoonBlog 16.6 Gullibility

No -direct- Inner Authority

“if such a thing is true, the mechanical absolutes of the Maya do not hold up”

Over the years there were a few discussions (on FaceBook) about Inner Authority and particularly for Mental Projectors and Reflectors not having any at all. For many new Reflectors that started looking into the studies and materials this came up as odd or incomprehensible. Knowing without being able to formulate well, that something inside does make decisions. In other groups or places some of the exchanges about this topic became quite heated and lots of stuff was thrown in the mix, including some very off-topic personal issues by several supposedly professional people into Human Design.

One part of the argument was, that Ra never said such a thing, and that those people, or Types simply had -no- Inner Authority, and several people believing this to be true supported this.

And then it turned into not having any ‘consistent’ inner authority, which is ludicrous considering -how- the process operates itself to -get to- the inner authority might be inconsistent, but the result does not need to be consistent or not consistent, it is a non argument, irrelevant.

Of course there is the mention of the eBook by Dharmen and Leela ‘Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design’ (which is available since April 2012 at Jovian Archive and IHDS and on their own page here) where the differentiation is made between Center based Inner Authority, and Process based Inner Authority. Considering the emotional wave of the Solar Plexus defined people, not being consistent either. The process itself is not consistent, not clearly determined, defined, can’t put a clock on it. But the result, for however much clarity is actually possible, is consistent. An answer will come, yes or no.

Another part of the argument was, that both Mental Projectors and Reflectors and also a few people observing them wondered, but what then, does make decisions? There has to be something that makes decisions for ones self, and why would this not be named Inner Authority? A more logic approach to this question I find.
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Talking about Human Design and my new guitar

Fabrice Mars talks with Sjef Romijn.
Fabrice: Hello Sjef. Nice to see you, always nice to see you and meeting some Opportunistic Role Model, working on himself. So, it’s a rare feat and it’s a treat to have access to that. That’s why I want to give you access to this equipment because I feel that you have many stuff to share with people about: “what is the experience of Human Design?”

Sjef: And it took me a while myself before actually making decisions according to my Strategy and Authority. I was caught up with knowing this and knowing that and then talking about knowing this and knowing that. But to actually, in my case of course I’m a Reflector, to wait, to actually wait with a decision, 28-ish days, to actually wait. And you know in the beginning not even looking at ‘ok today this is my decision’, tomorrow this is my decision and journaling all that. But just to, to allow myself to wait. That took a while before I actually started applying it. And once you do and once you know, once you -know-, then you make different decisions.

And it’s so different that when you are not mentally convinced about it, but you know, you -know-. I jump on my motorbike and I buy a guitar. I -know- this is correct and it happens. My mind was like: ‘what are you doing? You don’t have money for this guitar.’ So…? I did and it was ok, it was correct. And to find yourself not strategizing, not making it up, not … becoming mentally certain that it’s correct. I’m not certain that it’s correct. I do and then ‘ohh, ok, this is my experience and now I have this guitar, ok cool.’ And I just use the guitar and when it’s correct, I’ll sell it. Without trying to ‘oh I need money or I don’t need money, or I don’t have the money. This will be a good guitar, I like the color’, no. it’s not about this mental process, of trying to persuade myself it’s correct.

Fabrice: That’s the key element, because I see many people they take a decision and after, they make everything uuhh, they take all the parameters to make it possible. They go see people ‘oh please how shall I do it? Tell me, tell me. I need to go there, tell me the way.’ And ooh ok sure lets invoke the spirit. I don’t say you don’t have techniques and accesses and I am not denying this aspect of things but what it’s going to be of use for your daily life. Is it going to make it better? Or is it still the same like: ‘Universe listen to me?’
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Living Your Design Student manual

Circuitry Cover.indd

Reading through the latest version of the LYD Student Manual I found a few things that had typos, or words missing, or I simply wondered about what is being said, an overview/rundown:

Page 1:If you could observe the planets and their movements for a few hundred years, you would see that each planet moves at a different speed, yet synchronized the others.
– They do? Each planet synchronized the others?

Page 8:It was abandoned about 300 years ago” & Page 9:The well dried up about two hundred years ago. That is why the house was given up.
– So about 300 years ago it was already abandoned and about 100 years later the well dried up.

Page 19:Through living your lives according to your Strategy and Authority, the Personality and the Design live express correct roles.
– ‘live and express’?

Page 20:Your Undefined Center become deeply conditioned by being in their auras to the point that, by age seven, your conditioning is eastablished.
– ‘established’

Page 45:People with Undefined Throats need find a place inside themselves where they are comfortable being quiet.
– ‘need to find’?

Page 48:When we resolve this internal conflict and attain a state of self-love and acceptance, and then we can give and receive love.
– one and too much? ‘self-love and acceptance, then we

Page 55:Motors, the Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Centers, have more energy and more intensity than the other Centers – The Spleed, G Center, Throat, Ajna and Head Centers.
– ‘Spleen’

Page 63:Someone with an Undefined Sacral runs around on the borrowed energy of someone else, such as a child, friend, lover or co-worker, in their aura. It could be a child, friend, lover or co-worker.
– ‘the child, friend, lover or co-worker’ mentioned twice
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Reflector Lunar Cycle as a Strategy

The Lunar Cycle for Reflectors is 2 separate things:

A. the Lunar Cycle processing in terms of Strategy.
B. the Lunar Cycle in terms of observing how you sample life (differently).

A. is super easy to explain since the Reflector Strategy is to wait a month, a moon, a Lunar Cycle, ~27.5 days, and here is how you do that:

1. when a proposition, a nudge, a question, an initiation comes your way: mark the position of the Moon, which Gate and Line it is in, right there and then.

You can see the actual position of the Moon in the free version of Jovian Archive MMI software by making a ‘Just Now Chart’ or ‘Rave Chart’, or see their online Just_Now page. You can also check out MyBodygraph (which now also has this awesome Transit Tool) or the HumanDesignApp.

2. From then on: maybe you speak with others about it, maybe blog, journal, lecture. Maybe you won’t do any of that. The process has simply started, and that’s it.

The only ‘trick’ is, to –allow yourself- to wait, a month, as you sample life and process this issue (consciously or not) as the Moon passes through all 64 Gates, before making the decision.

3. after one Lunar Cycle, when the Moon is again in the same Gate and Line you were prodded at a month before, did the issue stick around; then deal with it.

Check-in with yourself what your perceived experience about it is. How does your body feel about it, do you notice you already engaged with it perhaps? And if the issue or proposition did not stick around and dissolved on its own; no need to deal with anything, it simply passed (on).

Remember, we -all- have an Inner Authority, but for Reflectors it is a process based Inner Authority

The Maia Mechanics Imaging software allows for creating ‘Transit Watch Chart sequences’ or view the ‘Rave Ephemeris Browser’ in the Professional Edition, a handy tool to have is an Ephemeris which you can order at New SunWare or Zen Human Design. And this wonderful version is available too: Pro-liner HD also in German


B. the Lunar Cycle in terms of observing how you sample life (differently) is a complete course all on its own and a life long process, but pointers are given here: Lunar Cycle & other Transits.

MoonBlog 46.5 Pacing

First off: I personally enjoy the break-down of material and trying to rid what some see as additionals put in way after the Revelation, and I cherish the 2nd version of the Human Design Course book, simply because it is such a great break-down of the different elements.

However, these ‘mode to do’ and ‘mode to wait’, where do -they- come from? Why are they still in place, or did the voice really tell those as well?

But onto the video Zeno made about Reflectors and the misinterpretation of their Strategy & Authority:


Zeno: “Hi, Today I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind for a very long time. And that is, there’s quite an error in types. And so what I’ve decided to do is talk about the errors, and I start with the reflector because I tell you, I think this is the saddest and worst crime that we could possibly do.”

You are right to say “I think it is a crime”, you think it, does not make it true or not true, you think it.

Zeno: “Okay, so we have this type called reflector. And as you maybe, probably, already know that is having no definition, all centers are undefined. And the reason I say this is a huge crime, that you would start off with the strategy for these poor folks as watching the moon and then giving 28 days before making a decision – I have no idea whether Ra did this on purpose to screw up these people – or it was just in his narcissism, arrogance that he thought it was alright to just play around and say ‘well, reflector you are obviously a moon-person’. So, going back just a tiny bit it is clear that having no definition, the one thing you want get right off the top is, you are not a mental person, period.”

To say someone is or is not mental, because one is (or not) not ‘mentally defined’ is saying I am not emotional because my Solar Plexus is undefined, but maybe this is a subject for another day.

Zeno: “And you look at that watching the moon. It isn’t anything practical about planets. For example, Pluto could give you a definition for a couple of years, or Neptune, or Uranus. And this is part of what deeply bothers me. It’s not to say the moon doesn’t have an influence. I did this exercise very early on watching the moon about half a year. I’m a mental person I am mentally defined, so I made games so ‘oh okay, so today the moon is in Libra in hexagram 48’ it will, I mean Libra 48 – It will next be in 57’. And of course having – having no definition, and then that exercise to just completely watch the moon – oh my god that is not the biggest influence, period.”

‘The exercise’ as you call it, to watch the moon is -not- about what Gate it is in and then assuming that influence to happen in your life, or you living that out. Just like no other Transit -defines- you. It is a temporary conditioning. Read that again, a temporary conditioning. Any influence from outside, does not -define- you, or your life, or who you are. It is not you, in other words it is not-self… good play of words there yes?

However, as you correctly say, the moon does have an influence. But how that plays out, is different for everyone, for every single Reflector or any other Type (or definition or person, whatever words you want to use). How it plays out is what you watch for, that and only that. This is what you journal.

It is simply not true, that because the Moon is in Gate 48 all of a sudden you have depth, and all Reflectors have depth, or when the Moon is in Gate 13 all of a sudden all are great listeners. No. Or have to be (!)

But through tracking and journaling what happens whenever the Moon is in Gate 20, or 13 and so on, you get to see, -how- you sample life differently, most of the times the Moon is indeed in Gate 20, or 13
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MoonBlog 6.1 retreat

Reading some of the questions from some people that are new, I realize and see, that there is not a description anywhere about the Lunar Cycle that makes any sense. Reflectors are told to follow the moon, look at the moon, this and that, but not much is said about what that means.

Now many have found, that the Lunar Cycle is not something to do with our minds, it is something that reveals itself through the application of it, but even that is not really described anywhere. Now I see it, but I might not be the one to fix it.

In the meantime, Dharmen and Leela made a workbook of their Online Class: Embracing The Path of the Moon, A Journey of Discovery through the Lunar Cycle which was a 5 week course and highly recommended.

The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook

And I provide an individual personalised and extended Lunar Cycle & other Transits Chart with a brief explanation here:

Any Reflector Professional can fill you in, but for now, there is no easy online resource to simply read up on it, which I ponder might also be a ‘good thing’. However, if you have noticed something odd with the Lunar Cycle as presented in ‘The Definitive Book of Human Design’ I have made a corrected version attached here (16 gates missing, 4 double mentions and then 6 repeated, and not starting in Design Moon (but in Design North Node) and there is more off about it than just the sequence since no one ever changes Type, but for now):

Definitive Book pages 144-145 Lunar Cycle Revision

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Lunar Cycle Calculations

If you’ve reached this page and still don’t get what the fuzz is about: – It takes the Moon ~27.5 days to go through all 64 Gates in the BodyGraph or Rave Mandala (Tropical month)

The Lunar Cycle lasts roughly, on average (!) 27.3 days, more easily referred to as 27.5 days, many Reflectors say 28.5 days, even if it is observed as short as 26.6 days as you can see on this page.

Never 29.5 days, since that is the Cycle of the Lunar Phases which is the observation from Earth of reflected Sunlight on the surface of the Moon (ie synodic month), which has no direct relation to the Moon’s actual position relative to the Earth and through the Rave Mandala.

See also:
See more on the Lunar Cycle & Transits

MoonCycle Length 2012
MoonCycle Length 2012 in CEST

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Initiate me

What does it mean to initiate a Reflector?
(not complete, and only about me)

I can tell you that it does not mean to ask a question, wait for a moon/month and expect a result at the other end. Besides seeming like asking an Emotionally Open Sacral being but just waiting longer for the reply.

It also does not mean to daily or every gate change of the Moon bombard the Reflector with your presence or conversation about the subject either, because then it would become conditioning. And you do not want the Reflector to feel conditioned or pressured by your question for an answer, cause that kind of no that you would instigate is one that would crumble houses, and you might lose the Reflectors interest forever.

It is however somehow a mix-match of several things. To indeed ask, and also to inform about the question or the situation, also to check in with the Reflector, to see if more info is needed, or just some sharing about the process, about the question. Without seeking the end result or goal then and there.

Can the Reflector find out if it is comfortable to do this you ask? Is it correct for them to do this thing? Please remember, you asked, so most likely the Reflector has no interest at all in that which you ask. At least this is my experience of most questions I get. They are your questions and usualy about you, not mine, or not about me. So if you seek any response, even a negative one, you better come up with something yummy for me to want to answer in the first place. Stimulate me, massage me. Not my body, my mind (!)

But be carefull not to condition me into answering, keep me interested in your quest, but not so that it feels in any way overwhelming or a nuissance. Don’t push or pull. Find the balance, the finer thread of my sometimes delicate being.



In my case, an important thing I ask myself on autimatic pilot is: “is it safe?” Is it safe for me to involve myself with your quest(ion) or with the outcome of that question. It might be just a question about the design of your kitchen, or to go with you on a mountain hicking trip. But usually I have so little information or insight to discern this, that the answer will be an immediate ‘no’.

And sometimes the person asking does not trigger me to dive into the question itself at all even, so then I would say ‘no, don’t ask’

And sometimes I realize that the question is not mine to answer at all, but theirs. Which could trigger some grumpyness on my side, or some compassion for their question and situation.

Another thing I ask myself as I ponder your question is: ‘why would I want to do that?’ Now when you ask a question to me, for me, and maybe/perhaps about me, then I seem eager to answer at the flick of a switch. Or when the situation requiers, I indeed note the moons position in the Rave Mandala wheel, and note the next time it will be in that spot again in about 27.5 days, and go into the process of finding out what my true honest answer really is. And occasionaly or regularly during this Lunar month, I come back to the question before me, and review my stance on it there and then, and if or what might have changed since and why. And I might even feel where the process is taking me, to already see the thread of contemplations before me as they work their magic through me. Sometimes I even feel like sitting inside in the energy of that quest(ion) and feeling the flow of where it might all lead to, and if this triggers an inner smile and sense of warmth and comfort, you can bet the answer will become positive sooner or later, and you will see me fal into acceptance of the quest that lay before me a moon ago.

And sometimes, I fall into acceptance of not feeling any urge to do this or that, which can be just as joyous as the yes. To be able to walk away, relieved.

Don’t just ask me, or invite me, or inform me, but initiate me, make an effort to open up the journey for me or with me, and try to realise that none of it is mine.

Addendum: You know that thing you asked me/we talked about 2-3 years ago? I can feel me being in acceptance of being able to do that, now.


One Lunar Cycle

Make your own (right mouse click: save link as):

MoonBlog 4.3

I have found, after 3 years living my design on a daily basis, and following strategy and authority and looking at my lunar cycle, that these readings are not too expensive.

Considering the life changing effect they have, I would actually call them cheap (!).

There is a whole lot of free stuff out there, but to me indeed until you also have studied some things, had a proper reading with explanation of your very own lunar cycle, done a living your design workshop, (which are all very interesting experiences I would not have missed for the world), all this free stuff seem not enough, or seem like some kind of hidden language/messages. But they aren’t.

There will come a point it all starts to make sense, because it -is- it’s own language, just like French, English, or German is. One day you’ll start to talk it like you were born with it, and see. See beyond the mind and knowledge itself, and into your own self. And start recognizing all these new-age or ancient texts, about answers lying within, not out there, or in others. All inside ourselves, even if we learn it through looking at and engaging with others, but inside is such a wealth of sheer knowing.

Getting a reading, learning about your lunar cycle, and strategy and authority, and a lot of patience, forgiveness, loving yourself and a whole bunch of humor, has gotten me past most of my worries of old. Now I still have some, or new ones but they are different, and are much more ego based. I really start to grasp who I really am, and what I am here for, I can almost taste it.

And then another day, it all seems to have eluded me, a cosmic joke. Know there is also a reflector mailinglist and online virtual cafe, for reflectors to meet and share, besides the Reflector FaceBook Group and other pages.

And however alone a reflectors path may look like sometimes, we are constantly interconnected with each other, it feels like, to me and others.
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