February 2018

JHS The Bonsai, 9-way Screamer

With the JHS Pedals’ Bonsai you can get the classic sounds of nine Tubescreamers in one pedal. Let the Bonsai help you find your overdrive zen.

Opinions will vary about the lbanez Tube Screamer, but no one can deny the weight of its influence. Those that do love this iconic circuit often have an unquenchable enthusiasm for all of its many-splendored variations and modifications. It is for these players that the JHS Bonsai was created. The Bonsai lets one summon nine distinct and noteworthy versions of green dirt with nothing more than a twist of its rotary control. Being able to handily compare all of these circuits back-to-back is endless fun, even if your interest in TS tones is only marginal, so real Screamer fanatics wil find the Bonsai both irresistible and, in use, immeasurably satisfying.


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An up/downgrade Sequence

Starting small and messy
looper switcher

01. Origin Effects – Cali76 Compact Bass Compressor
02. Morley – M2 Wah
03. Electro Harmonix – Soul Food Distortion Fuzz Overdrive
-Lead Foot A/B/Y splitter to Digitech – Trio+ Band Creator + Looper
04. Chase Bliss Audio – Brothers Analog Gain Stage JFET Boost/Drive/Fuzz & IC Fuzz/Drive/Boost
05. DIY – Mad Mule Distortion Fuzz (Durham Electronics – Crazy Horse clone)
06. Electro Harmonix – Op-Amp Big Muff Pi Distortion Sustainer
07. DIY – Green Russian Big Muff Distortion Sustainer (Sovtek – “GREEN RUSSIAN” BIG MUFF π clone)
08. Mooer – Black Secret Vintage & Turbo Distortion (Pro Co “The RAT” Distortion clone)
09. Roger Mayer – Octavia Classic Octave fuzz
10. Dawner Prince – Boonar Multi-Head Drum Echo
11. MXR – M290 Phase 95 Dual Phaser
12. Dawner Prince – Viberator Stereo Uni-Vibe

13. Mosky – C8 Powerstation
14. Palmer – Pedalbay 80 Pedalboard
15. Blackstar – HT5210 5W Valve Guitar Combo