How then do we decondition the mind?
“We begin by taking the role of decision-maker away from the mind, and turn it over to the form through developing the awareness of our Inner Authority (center or process based). The body can be stabilized through Strategy, Inner Authority and PHS. The form begins to live its unique life along its trajectory. Next we have to train the mind to observe the life that the body is experiencing. This is the correct role for the mind, the observer of experience, not the interpreter of experience.

Any time the mind is interpreting our experience, it is operating out of conditioned memories, old neural pathways based upon our openness. Through understanding our mechanics and how our openness operates, we can begin to recognize these old conditioned ways of thinking that may no longer lead to mental initiation in the life – but still runs in the internal dialog and creates a sense of personal suffering through mental identification. Deconditioning the mind is a process of identifying the mechanics involved, identifying the mental story and seeing it for what it is – a story that we have believed is our truth; that we believe is us. Can you see your mental stories?
That which we can see and observe, no longer runs our life – we can learn to see the stored memory patterns of the mind for what they are – conditioning patterns that we have become identified with. These cells, these memories will never go away; but we can discover that we have a choice about how we relate to these conditioned memories. We can see them as they arise in the mind, understand the mechanics of the mind and how it operates, and appreciate the lessons that this conditioning has offered us – that observing it can reveal it is not who we are.”
– Leela & Dharmen Swann-Herbert