“how can I learn more about integrating”
Brain Kool-aid
If I do this now…
to observe the mind, through my undefined Root center with no activations.
“If I do this now, then it is done, I don’t have to focus or worry about it anymore.”
Mind, is doing all of that, both, the worrying and the not worrying, the false pretense in both situations.
Why does it worry so much about stuff anyways, whether done or not done. As it needs, seeks to park stuff, done → ok
not done → worry, or at least throw it in front of the minds/eye often enough.
Sure I don’t mind completing things/tasks, but this ego/mind seeks to do so only so it can let go of it, as it holds on to outcomes and progression, tallying, measuring, comparing. Control issues much?
MoonBlog 22.5
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“ask my monopole ??♀️”
“almost every not-self person I know”
cause you wont need any anymore
learn to observe, by journaling, Transit tracking is a great help, to get the fuck out of the mind, cause it is not about doing anything for that mind, not about learning new tricks, or more psychology, or more ego/mind catering and caressing with rituals and accessories. It is about leaving those behind all together, cause you wont need any anymore.
“Is there anyone here who has experienced, and made it through apathy and prolonged depression during their HD experiment?”
when I smoked pot & hash every day, when I took LSD for the better part of a year, when I was a severe alcoholic, when I was homeless, when I was in prison, when I came out of prison, when I was single. When my mind was running the shitshow.
But never so much anymore since/during my HD experiment. But my life has been radically changed (well one could call it that, I kinda like it, so the comparison is just words) cause I occupy my left/active brain as much as possible with things that I enjoy.
Tinkering my ass off, with guitars, guitar effect pedals, amplifiers, modding them, tweaking and nerding. Since almost 2 years I got a 3d printer now THAT can keep you occupied !! 😀
and am looking forward to tinker with a cnc milling machine next, besides the motorbike(s) tinkering I always did.
“Sjef, why does your living room look like a barn?” she asked.
Because I can !
And, I only watch what I download myself, ie movies/tv-shows. And when I travel I take a vaccin if required. I no longer occupy my mind with the world, and it’s supposed issues, but mine only. I have become much more myopic, not even on purpose per se, not even as a mental strategy, but I do know it works for me.
Am I chasing only happy states? No, in the least, my daily life is not easy, but I know what I want to do with it, now, with the opportunities I now have. If I win the lottery those may change, but for now, I’m pretty damn good.
And then a few days of relapse, deep darkness, sadness. Mind projecting me all these things again. Ah well, time for another nap, or perhaps to level the bed once more (technical 3d printing term) 😉
Make/have dinner, clean the house/barn, pffrt (blowing raspberry)
you know, I consider my life, and how it’s run, as a job. And I love my job, and I love me. So I try to do a good job. And work on it every single day. What is correct for me, what can I or can I not do/have/be today, enjoyable long term strategies planned, but adjusted as need be. Me, my life, one job. Every day.
Some times it is nap day, sometimes it is not ?
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Learning to observe the mechanics
Something I’ve learned in my HD experiment…the mind’s stories are not subjective, nor omnipotent – they are mechanical.
Learning to observe the mechanics behind the stories helps to break the identification with the mind’s stories, and awareness develops.
Awareness is not about changing the mind – it is about learning, learning the mechanics of the mind and learning the ongoing practice of radical, vigilant observation.
It is so easy to fall into the trap of believing the mind knows what’s really going on, that it is telling the truth (to protect you) and if you manipulate the situation, you’ll get what you think you want.
Learning to see the mind stories for what they are – fingers pointing at what we are here to be wise about – that’s the beginning of transformation.
– Leela Swann-Herbert
How to De-condition? (Effectively)
By actually going there. So not only think about Human Design and your chart and all its details (while also important), not just contemplate the information and its implications (while also important), not just study Human Design (which for some is quite important), but by actually going there, by trying to live it, by making mistakes, by experimenting and experiencing, by comparing your experiences with the theory and other peoples stories. By learning to not only understand but having the experience, of which energy is yours and which is not yours through Transit Cycle tracking and journaling. Deconditioning is something we do.
And if you need support in doing so, find that support.
The how question is one of mind, but mind can not solve it, not ahead of experiencing at least. It is not within the capacities of mind to ever solve it. We factually need to go and experience it, ourselves. We can talk about what it was like doing so, with others, but hearing what it was like, for others, does not decondition -you-.
You simply have to experience it yourself.
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If you’re doubting and you know it, clap your hands
Here’s the thing
about the transits and conditioning – they are not you. They are an experience that is happening for you to observe, not to identify nor act upon. It can be an amplified experience, so that you begin to see it, and how it programs the mind to initiate actions based upon False Evidence Appearing Real – the mind’s survival defense mechanisms.
It is not about ignoring the mind, either. It is about noticing the stories that the mind makes up and tries to convince you that they are real. Those stories are fingers pointing towards what you are here to be wise about, those energies passing through your open gates, channels and centers.” – Leela Swann-Herbert
an unnatural gift
Your mind needs a good fucking
MoonBlog 20.6 Wisdom
weirdos in the mail
Weirdo: Sjef, I owe you an apology.
me: What for?
weirdo: I came at you pretty good one day, you punted me from your group and defriended me
no harm, no foul
me: well that is inaccurate, we discussed your non Human Design topics in the comments, as we work(ed) with 2 admins and 1 moderator, and per the group rules decided to delete the comments and remove you from the group.
but yeah, people who are into channeling and such I defriend, I have no capacity to filter all that crap (too).
And, duality man: yes harm, yes foul!
weirdo: I don’t always agree with you, and I will not get into that. Not my purpose here. I am a classic 3/5 and I am not shy about it. I also have a RAX Rulership 3 as well…..quite a mix.
However….I want to be clear that I respect you.
me: so you keep saying…
weirdo: your lunar tracking sheet from your page, I did that something like 2 years ago and it brought massive relief. and People kept asking and asking me to translate it and do the work for them. Fuck that…..I kept trying to encourage and show….and lead….and get them to do what I did. And many are lazy and lack the will to go do it themselves, spoon fed.
me: so you make an individual tool of personal empowerment into a shitty version of itself to spoon feed them automated?
weirdo: So this past June I quit a $140K a year job, and have gone all in with Karen Parker and am doing her training. Probably not in alignment with you….and that’s cool. It is for me.
I am going all in on coaching and doing my own thing way off the map…but associated with them. I now have an LLC and a FB page called Quantum Reflections…website launching soon and I am going slow.
I ended up reaching out to John at Genetic Matrix about a month ago and worked with him and that spreadsheet inspired by yours. He ended up creating this, and it was released today for Pro level subscriptions.
me: yes I got 2 messages about that before you emailed me. So who/what initiated you to do so, per your S&A?
My disclaimer page says: “people can use ‘my’ material from this website freely, any and all” which does not say, ‘companies can’.
Besides that, there already is this Transit Tool provided by myBodyGraph which I reviewed here: MoonBlog 54.6 Selectivity which as an online automated tool is far superior.
there also already is The Path of the Moon – A Human Design Experiential Workbook a culmination of the Path of the Moon workshop/courses Dharmen and Leela gave for many years and I joined/enjoyed 3 times.
weirdo: I have posted this in a few places and when people toss credit at me, I am quick to say, “hey, I didn’t create this….it was Sjef that showed me how to do this from his website reflector sessions.
me: what is this, some kind of repenting?
weirdo: Anyway, I may not agree with you but I do respect the hell out of you.
me: so you keep saying…
weirdo: I also am very heavy into Dispenza’s work and I feel that is for the passenger consciousness. A compliment to HD and they are in synergy for me.
I believe that we are all beings of light in these shells we walk around in here in 3D reality. I am into quantum theory, dispenza, Human design, and a lady named Allison Armstrong who does human insticnts. for me personally, they all fit into a synthesis…and it is unique and my spin on life.
While I may not agree with everything, your adherence to S/A was a touchstone for me to keep on my HD work.
I do feel we are in a great awakening worldwide.
I would point to the transits and the utter fucking chaos from the unconscious masses. The Schumann response and the heightened photonic activity…..the energy this year is insane. Do look into the schumann, I would invite some attention there as a data point. and yes….I have been to the very top of the Q thing and it is in fact real and it is growing.
However…..I have chosen to fully embrace and live my design and go all in as a reflector. I like Karen…I don’t agree with everything she says…but she knows her shit and is building something new. Evolution….like Rudd did.
me: that is the marketing in the window, yes, evolution, it rings nice, and it caught you in its webs, like so many other wannabees/newbies. When it is just more ego/mind horseshit, and the fact you need to use -their words- to explain why you are doing it, means you’re operating from a convinced believing mind. A wonderful signpost of the not-self, mind. You don’t know what correctness is, what it looks like. You keep coming with mental arguments why this, why that, and those are never true. It’s hard to wake up to the fact you are a believer, and are a slave to your minds convictions, especially when Gate 47 is activated, or as in our case, our Personality Sun even. It thinks it’s so goddamn smart, it believes it’s own lies. A tough trip, I know, been there, done that, no t-shirt.
weirdo: I feel that very soon people like us are going to be in high demand and very valued.
I do my own thing as I observe you do.
me: that is not a feeling but a thought, it trips up so many people not understanding this difference, but also another nice signpost of following the convictions of the mind by calling it a feeling. Another reason so many of us call thoughts a feeling, is so that it won’t get challenged, as they hide behind this falsely named feeling. We are not our mind, we are not our thoughts, and mind is -never- the Inner Authority. And you, are an idiot.
weirdo: But be clear that I do RESPECT you.
me: so you keep saying…
weirdo: If you ever want to chat or pull a video call, I would welcome that. I am in Arizona in the US
that is MY chart…. Green are defined channels in my design for lunar activations. Yellow are lunar Transits Orange are foundational
You inspired this…..and it is going to help a lot of people understand their design.
me: you took something that was mine, not yours, and now it is made into a commercial product with copyright even, but most importantly, it misses the 5-6 points explanation , how or even why to use it, but then again, they can always keep coming to me for their ‘Individual personalized and extended lunar & other transits cycle chart to discover and work with your own lunar cycle in a profound way, for Reflectors and other types.’ which is handmade and comes with their own private one hour session too.
That write up by Victoria Bagnell is not it, it is shallow, and it is wrong on multiple counts.
So people are left with just another piece of mind candy and not a tool for liberation. You yourself never even had a Lunar Cycle session or Lunar workshop.
You took the info and worked with it, as best you could, and sure you had results/effects, but you still do not understand what is actually used for.
But have (ego) sold as if you do. You are a one eyed king in the land of the blind, and an idiot.
weirdo: Powerful stuff for newbies…..and handy for me to import into my phone and set notifications.
I am hoping to work with him to automate that aspect.
me: it is going to be yet another powerful distraction for newbies, and John Yuill keeps offering more and more homogenized mind candy, so the unintended result, is that people sign up for countless HD lists, follow countless instagram influencers, read all the quotes from Ra somewhere, and get the most shiniest of subscriptions of online HD tools, but not one decision is ever made any different. not once does anyone ever actually get into the experiment of using and applying their Strategy first, to find out their Inner Authority second and then follow through on that then found Inner Authority. Getting stuck in all the wonderfully colored animations and quotes, but made not one actual change in their lives not controlled by their minds. Because yes, of course knowing about HD has an effect, but knowing does not an Inner Authority make. But talking about that will never help, because this is not a ‘convince the mind’ show with better or other arguments. The only way HD ever works, is if -you do the work- if you apply it. The rest is just window dressing, and most get caught up by window shopping, with the nice decorations, but nothing deeper content and sustenance than the shallow portal.
And you did not enhance my tool, or ‘evolved it’, you watered it down, is my observation.
Others tel me: “where is your cheque, or life time subscription?” or “They should pay you.” or “Who is this tool!?”
But I have no need for any of those. And you, are an idiot.
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What has your mind convinced your mind of now?
Guys! I’m super cereal right now!
Holding us together, in the illusion of separateness
The demanding power of the addicted not-self
You’re not looking for something that is beyond yourself
Open G Center – “What’s my Purpose?”
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Contact the Complaining Party
9-Centered Humans
Our species has exhausted the developmental potential of the 7-centered mind and now has the opportunity to reach far beyond the cognitive, sensory and awareness capabilities of our 7-centered ancestors. As 9-centered humans we are here to explore living with a form of consciousness that is more advanced than mental awareness. We are designed to experience the realization of binary consciousness: the quantum consciousness of mind and body simultaneously, meaning the conscious awareness of the body living the life and the mind observing it. Binary consciousness brings the moment-to-moment awareness of the body’s intelligence as it makes decisions for the life. The mind resides as witness, observing the movement of embodied life. The correct and highest developmental potential of the mind is to observe life and to communicate those observations, when asked, for the benefit of others. As 9-centered humans we are born with the potential to live as holistic beings, not just as an instinctual physical being or just as a strategic mental being, but to live the full potential of our species at its current stage of development: to experience life as self-reflected witnessing consciousness uniquely embodied in form.
Human Design is knowledge for our time. Humanity faces a rapidly changing world and is on the cusp of another evolutionary shift. Now we have the opportunity to learn how to live out our 9-centered potential. We are approaching a new era when the survival of our species and its ability to thrive will depend on one’s unique ability to navigate through life without the protection and support of the social infrastructure and agreements which have previously held our world together. The Human Design System shows you how to explore at the leading edge of human development. Here is the opportunity to live as a unique individual, to live by the decision-making of your body’s inner authority while liberating the mind to observe and be of service to the other.” – Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert – quoted with written permission from Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design ebook
Someone who can help me use my strategy effectively to achieve my life goals
Anybody can be a seeker
You know
I have a use for you
How to get this? What does that mean?
Internalized mindfucker
Think happy
Don’t mind
Could my design have something to do with this??
Based on the “Generator Transcript”
“Surrender: Your Mind Must Be An Ally
It’s very important to understand something as a Generator: Generators were given this gift of surrendering. Let me explain to you how surrender works for a Generator. A Generator comes to Human Design and they’re told that they make decisions in response. So they begin this process of making decisions in response, and they begin this process by doing the mental work first.
If you do not seduce your mind as a Generator, you will never have a real opportunity to be yourself. Your mind must become your ally. The way in which you make your mind an ally is that when you begin your Generator process, you begin by a “Question and Response Episode.”
The Mind Will Fight Your Surrender
See, Generators are here to know themselves. You’re here to know yourself so you above everybody else is here to know the power of your Not-Self because it’s your greatest enemy! In recognizing the power of that Not-Self you cannot expect your mind – who does not work for you – to work for you!
You cannot expect that you’re going to be able to teach your mind, to be able to compensate for your Not-Self.
Your Mind Is Not on Your Side
It all comes back to your own process. It comes back to you remembering every moment of every day that your mind is not on your side. It’s going to tell you whatever it tells you. It has to learn. You have to teach it. You have to fool it. You have to get it to a point that it surrenders to you being your own Authority, claiming what’s rightfully yours.
Your Sacral Center is here to claim what’s rightfully yours – your Authority. I wait for awake 59s to change the way in which we bond, so that we can bond with clarity, so that we can bond with those that are correct for us to bond with.” – Ra Uru Hu
And you can investigate that, explore its truth, validate it
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” — Return to Love by Marianne Williamson
on Deja Vu phenomenon
Sayuri La Pydos 10 June at 12:13:
One specific topic that i haven’t found much material on is the insight from the experiment / living the design on Deja Vu phenomenon, which quite a strong phenomenon.
At first glance it looks like it’s either the same information that we recieved once before, either we proccess the information we recieve exactly as we did once before? And if yes what for?
***investigator at work***
Any insights&thoughts are welcome?
Sjef Romijn: The question is a setup. HD does not tell why I have caries, what my political views are, or if it will rain on Sunday.
HD helps us to be crystal clear on -what- the experience is. Not on why the experience happens, per se. It’s like asking, can HD tell me why I hate my neighbor? Why I think sexy thoughts about an other neighbor?
Deja Vu is an experience, of your perception. Ok great. Does there need to be a why, a meaning and purpose attached to it? No.
The mind demands that there is, but yeah, and open head ask questions that do not matter, asking what for is an open ego/heart question (prove it to me). Running around in asking questions but never finding answers, because … it’s a setup…
And it is not related to ‘Living Your Design’ either, it’s not a prerequisite to (LYD when you) have deja vu’s or to find out why they exist, except be a witness of them, to them, maybe/perhaps.
That’s not an investigation at work, that is just your mind playing with you. Making you chase after the rainbow, a dog biting in the waterjet of the hose as you water the plants, making you bet your mortgage in the casino and when you lose it goes: so, what’s next?
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Another view (268)
Choice is the expression of a speculation
1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
“there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit”
Similar: conjecture, theorizing, hypothesizing, supposition, guesswork, talk, theory, hypothesis, thesis, postulation, guess, surmise, opinion, notion, prediction, forecast, guesstimate, gamble, venture, risk, gambling, investment, spec, flutter, adventure
2. investment in stocks, property, etc. in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.
“the company’s move into property speculation”
The Mind is Stupid
“I was always the smartest person I knew and my mind is so stupid. I lived the not-self a long time, like all of you. Wow, dumb, unbelievable. It isn’t about smartness or intelligence; it isn’t about any of those things. It‘s not about that you don’t trust your mind because your mind isn’t smart enough. Mine is pretty smart. Mine is quite a thing. You don’t trust it because it‘s none of its business. This has been the great distortion. And the easiest way to stay homogenized is just to listen to your mind and follow its instructions. This is homogenization.
I know how difficult the journey is. You enter into this process, you begin to align your vehicle to what is correct, you begin to eliminate the resistance, and you begin to see differently, seeing how things work. But it’s quite a thing to get to that place where you let go of the mind as the one thing you trust in that moment of crisis where you‘re rattling around in your mind to find an answer. That’s when you know you‘re really, really not ready yet, because for the vehicle there is no such thing as a crisis. There is just movement; nothing else. It’s the mind that is all messed up. It’s the mind that tends to become, well, sort of loud and screechy, desperate, and frightened.
No choice, helplessness, and surrender are all basic, basic, basic themes in this knowledge, and they‘re all related to the same thing. It’s all about the mind, because this is where the great challenge is. And the program knows that. I don‘t mean to suggest that it is an intelligence, in that sense. It is simply built in this way. It is through the mind that we are the most deeply, deeply, deeply homogenized, at least in terms of the Personality construct.
It’s only when you get to that point where you understand that it is something to watch, not something to act on. Allow the acting to take place. Don’t ever determine the acting. It is true with every waking moment, the recognition that what is going to be correct for you is going to be there, period. You don’t have to concern yourself with it.
When you give your life over to your vehicle, truly, you really stop worrying. There is no point. It‘s sort of psychological sado-masochism, beating yourself up over what might be, could be, should be, can‘t be, whatever the case may be. In fact, the mind has nothing to do with any of that or how it’s all going to turn out. It isn’t in charge of the life. Everywhere you look in this knowledge you see the deep, deep, deep limitation of the Personality.” – Ra Uru Hu – A Digital Book for DreamRave Students
Merry Happy New Gregorian Year
Mr. Toledano’s Many Sad Fates
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/23/opinion/mr-toledanos-many-sad-fates.html
Self-staining transit
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Misappropriation of mental diarrhea
What makes you think you’re so goddamn smart?
Because the light is better over here
MoonBlog 20.5 Realism
Another remarkable thing looking at beginners now, and my own process when I started with Human Design, is identifications.
And I mean false identifications, we (you/me) identify with things that are not true, and often we do not identify with things that are actually true.
But that is only a part of the story, far more profound, is the fact that it is the mind judging it, discerning it, either making stuff up that is false or ignoring that which is so incredibly true. It is the mind who either adheres to something or dismisses it, and we believe it, since we so identify (again) with whatever the mind comes up with. It could be total and complete mental diarrhea, but we cling to it as if our lives depend on it. And we will murder/death/kill for it…
…for a concept, for a thought, for an attachment.
As long as the mind tells us something, we tend to accept it, never investigating it for just another thought which may or may not, be true. And then we wear it, boastingly, proud owners of something that might be completely fabricated and ‘wrong’.
And underneath something else happens too, we consider ourselves the good guys, always and foremost, and most other people as the bad guys. And thus we can never be told or proven wrong, it is inconceivable, since we are the only true good guys, the saviours, the ones opposing the system, the man, even if we do have a little money, or some form of power in our jobs, it is us versus them. And them is, when it comes down to it, almost –everybody- else.
Never me. Especially not me.
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