Just stay, just stay
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“You just can’t. One has to be brought to juxtaposition – to see that you play two roles, live a duality, and have two separate lives in one.
We live out the mechanical life, and have no choice in that whatsoever. The field of light gives the impression that there is nothing but choice – everything in the Maia is about choice, all these choices.
Just because you know this and live your strategy, you don’t escape the Maia, but live in it seamlessly, because when you then understand the mechanics of the Maia, it becomes seamless. Then you can have the other side of the juxtaposition by being aware of your helplessness. Wait for what you need to come to you, despite what the mirror shows.
Then you get to live out both sides. We are two-faced beings and are always in these two different realms at the same time.
You don’t need to struggle in the light.
You’ll never find reassurance there.
You can only get that from the mechanical side.” – Ra Uru Hu
“… goes from vehicle after vehicle, and doesn’t have any relationship to those vehicles.
It is about seeing what it is to be in play, but not identified with being player. Then one can accept juxtaposition and accept whatever happens.
There are inner mechanics to live by, and the outside is just what it is – a movie, a passing scene, but you are not one with that. To be juxtaposed, you can’t be one with that.
The yin and yang can make love, but still two remain.
We’re always going to have juxtaposition, as it is the dynamic tension that creates life.”
– Ra Uru Hu
The key to our Custom Silicon Fuzz Pedal “Fuzz 292″ is a 3-way voicing switch; treble-boosted fuzz, a standard moderate gain voicing, and high gain fuzz-fever freakout. So at the flick of a switch, the Fuzz 292 changes it’s overall character and how it reacts to your picking and guitar volume knob adjustments.
In addition to the (naturally necessary) volume control and 3-way voicing switch, we’ve added a tone and gain control.
– The “bias” control shapes the character of the fuzz, bending the sound from a smooth, overdrive-like fuzz into a gated, “ripping velcro” fuzz tone (a la some of Homme’s best solo tones in QOTSA.)
– The “Gain” control acts just like the volume pot on your guitar – for a fuzz, this means it smooths the tone, providing a more overdrive-like quality. Or crank it for a blast of 60’s/70’s retro fuzz fry!
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At 02:29
Either you have choice, and then always have (a) choice and thus makes you a God, cause you can then manipulate it all and everything.
Or you have none whatsoever. (Who once said, try holding your pee in for xx hours?)
There are quite a few things in my life, that sometimes people comment on, positive or negative, but I know, I could not, not do them.
Helpless and incompetent indeed.
Including studying HD the way I have. And now I can’t anymore. I’m done, at least for now, and there is plenty to study more, but I’m good.
Plenty of non HD books to read also; nope, no more, I’m done searching, no more life questions, no more seeking any answers.
Being a passenger requires no doing, and thus it requires no consideration of a concept like choice, or no choice. This too then simply becomes irrelevant.
The question itself, to understand, know, grok, find out the truth about it, is just another distraction by mind to see if there is still just one other thing to control, like really pretty please, how about this one then, no? This one then, ow…
Which if you can not not do that, great
“All the knowledge burns down in the face of Strategy & Authority” -Dirk Nellens (4/6 Reflector)
All knowing becomes irrelevant. All information gets their proper value; which is none. Only mind valuates and files/stores info into categories.
When you no longer need information to make decisions, or even opinions on/about, when mind is no longer the go-to (re)solver of issues caused and considered by the very same mind.
Something is either correct for you, or not correct for you. The Magnetic Monopole already knows, (re)cognizes it, if the frequency is stabilized between Design Crystal and it. Our identified Personalities Mind is the ignorant one. And we may become aware of this correctness too, or ‘we’ may not. More irrelevance.
I see this Trajectory as Tarzan swinging from liana to liana, as the Program provides situations, energies, swinging, dancing, fluid, agile, and hop and hop. Through all the supposed ‘choices’ of life, through the maze, this one, that one, this one is for me, that one is correct, on and on and on.
And some of us crash into trees, sometimes, a lot, all the time, hard.
Does this answer whether we have a choice, to stabilize this frequency? No it does not.
But who/what is demanding it should do so in the first place, aggressively?
But also: Human Design Unleashed – The Choice
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