on Deja Vu phenomenon
Sayuri La Pydos 10 June at 12:13:
One specific topic that i haven’t found much material on is the insight from the experiment / living the design on Deja Vu phenomenon, which quite a strong phenomenon.
At first glance it looks like it’s either the same information that we recieved once before, either we proccess the information we recieve exactly as we did once before? And if yes what for?
***investigator at work***
Any insights&thoughts are welcome?
Sjef Romijn: The question is a setup. HD does not tell why I have caries, what my political views are, or if it will rain on Sunday.
HD helps us to be crystal clear on -what- the experience is. Not on why the experience happens, per se. It’s like asking, can HD tell me why I hate my neighbor? Why I think sexy thoughts about an other neighbor?
Deja Vu is an experience, of your perception. Ok great. Does there need to be a why, a meaning and purpose attached to it? No.
The mind demands that there is, but yeah, and open head ask questions that do not matter, asking what for is an open ego/heart question (prove it to me). Running around in asking questions but never finding answers, because … it’s a setup…
And it is not related to ‘Living Your Design’ either, it’s not a prerequisite to (LYD when you) have deja vu’s or to find out why they exist, except be a witness of them, to them, maybe/perhaps.
That’s not an investigation at work, that is just your mind playing with you. Making you chase after the rainbow, a dog biting in the waterjet of the hose as you water the plants, making you bet your mortgage in the casino and when you lose it goes: so, what’s next?
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