It’s on, turned on, fired up and we’re so close to it
Could my design have something to do with this??
There was no turning back
The study – like all research – includes some caveats and limitations
Women tend to be more attracted to men who view females as pure and nurturing but also weak and needing extra care – an attitude that has been named benevolent sexism. That’s the conclusion of a new study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
“We became interested in this topic, because we realized a paradox in the literature on benevolent sexism,” explained study author Pelin Gul of Iowa State University.
“Previous studies have found that men’s benevolent sexism has many detrimental consequences on women (such as undermining their competence, restricting their freedom, confining them to the kitchen), yet research had also shown that women prefer benevolent sexist men and even find these men more attractive than non-benevolent sexist men.”
“We realised that theoretical perspectives on mate preferences, especially parental investment theory, could solve this puzzle,” Gul said. “It could be that women’s attraction to benevolent sexist men is because they perceive these men as willing to invest, which could even outweigh the downsides of benevolent sexism. This explanation was entirely absent in the literature, and so that is what we wanted to add to this literature.”
Across five studies, with 782 female participants, the researchers found that women perceived a male romantic partner who held benevolent sexist attitudes as more willing to protect, provide, and commit for them, which in turn made him more attractive. Feminist women were as likely as non-feminist women to prefer benevolent sexist men over more egalitarian men.
In the study, benevolent sexist men were described as believing that women should be cherished and protected by men, and should be helped before men in emergency situations. They were also described as giving their coat to a woman in the cold and opening doors for her.
Non-benevolent sexist men, on the other hand, were described as holding more egalitarian views. They didn’t beleive that a woman should be set on pedestal by her man, nor did they offer women coats or hold open doors.
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Should I pack a bag, or no?
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Killerbody Marauder Shelby part 2
The intent is not malicious, it’s just blind evolution
Killerbody Marauder Shelby
Take a lesson from a hard lovin’ man
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You are useless
Video Credit: Data: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter ; Animation: NASA‘s Scientific Visualization Studio;
Music: The Blue Danube (Johann Strauss II)
Explanation: Our Moon’s appearance changes nightly. As the Moon orbits the Earth, the half illuminated by the Sun first becomes increasingly visible, then decreasingly visible. The featured video animates images taken by NASA’s Moon-orbiting Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to show all 12 lunations that appear this year, 2018. A single lunation describes one full cycle of our Moon, including all of its phases. A full lunation takes about 29.5 days, just under a month (moon-th). As each lunation progresses, sunlight reflects from the Moon at different angles, and so illuminates different features differently. During all of this, of course, the Moon always keeps the same face toward the Earth. What is less apparent night-to-night is that the Moon‘s apparent size changes slightly, and that a slight wobble called a libration occurs as the Moon progresses along its elliptical
Merry happy Solar Return 2018
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Another view (283)
Our alleged cosmic creator
Lower the bar
“If no one in your life thinks you’re failing to live up to your full potential, then you’ve got work to do.
Turn it down a notch
The funny but true wisdom in this helpful little book demonstrates how striving for mediocrity is the key to happiness at work, at home, in love, in your diet and exercise – even while stuck in traffic. Embrace the many fabulous pleasures of underachievement with these easy strategies and tips for living life to the least and loving it. There don’t you feel better already?
Good enough is good enough” – Ray Bennett, M.D.
Traxxas TRX-4 Scale and Trail Crawler kit build
MoonBlog 2.5 Intelligent application
The Reflector Lunar Cycle is not a ritual to obey and follow, that when you don’t, someting bad happens.
It is not about ticking off all the boxes of pre-requisites, and then live happily ever after either.
It’s about becoming such a calm silent observer, for the incredible subtleties of what is already going on, outside (transits, people) and inside (perceptions, experiences) self and not-self, that you can live in awareness of where life takes you, what your Trajectory is, and to relax into how choice-less we all are.
To surrender to that, and see, observe and witness, what that is like.
While dancing the jitterbug, riding your bicycle, making out, cooking dinner or anything else.
MoonBlog 2.5
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