Human Design

The Drama of Profile

“…the design side. You have no conscious access to it, which means there is no way your mind can either interfere with it or truly grasp it. It has nothing to do with your mind.

And in terms of the not-self, the not-self does everything in its power to ignore it, even if that unconscious is the sole thing driving its definitions, because it has no access to it, none. When somebody enters into the experiment of Human Design, that experiment is cutting off the mind from trying to run the life and allowing the mind to become mind, to be involved in what it’s here for, which we’ll get to in a moment. But the moment you’re operating according to Strategy and Authority you’re automatically aligning your vehicle to its cognition and you’re automatically aligning your vehicle to a geometry, a trajectory, a direction, whatever language you want to use, that is absolutely correct for you…

…We have a dilemma with mind in Human Design because as not-self it really destroys our possibility to be able to perfect our process. But once you’ve entered into a process where your Strategy and Authority is making the rules for your life there are all kinds of possibilities then for the mind. It is its freedom. And this freedom is to be an outer authority, what you get from me. That is, my mind has value for you. It does not have the same value for me. That is, my mind does not tell me what to do so it is no longer my inner authority.” – Ra Uru Hu – Rave Cosmology VI – Profile, Purpose and Function

And they all lived happily ever after

A Story For All The Children In This World

Once upon a time there were a queen and a king, and they were very happy together. They lived in a beautiful castle surrounded by the lush forests and meadows of their extensive kingdom, but their greatest joy were their four children.
Each child was something special, and since they were so different in their own ways, the royal couple had four towers built for them and styled entirely to their individual wishes and needs.

The eldest son was a Reflector, and his name was Raphael. His tower was covered with ivy and surrounded by old trees, which housed a lot of different animals. The birds and the squirrels and the deer and the bunnies came to greet Raphael each morning, and in some special nights the little Reflector even slept outside under the stars and the moon. He loved to watch the moon making it’s way across the sky, and he felt very connected to it and just as changeable and different each day and night.
When Raphael spent time with other children or grownups, he could sense what they feel, and that surprised him each time. He actually felt like a mirror: “Depending on who I am with, I see myself in a different way. Only when I’m alone I’m truly myself again”, he thought.
Despite his youth, Raphael was a precious advisor to his parents, because he could also sense the needs and moods of the entire population in his parent’s kingdom.
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The Planets

The Planets – Ra Uru Hu – Introduction

The planets play a key role in the design of who we are. In fact, everything is based on the movements and impact of the planetary spheres.

The key to understanding the impact of something as distant as a planet on our lives is a tiny, subatomic particle known as the neutrino. Neutrinos are extremely fine matter produced by the nuclear reactions within stars. All the stars, including our own Sun, are producing neutrinos all the time. The stars out in space are constantly beaming these neutrinos at us, and being made of such fine substance, the neutrinos can pass through our bodies, as well as the body of the Earth. Imagine then, how the movements of the planets around our Sun refract the neutrino information as it passes into us.

Planets vary greatly in density and makeup. Some consist of solid rock, whilst others consist purely of layers of gases. Every planet also has its own mythology as perceived by man. Our mythologies are, and always have been, our method of attuning to our greater body.

The planets are our local programming agents. This is why we have always seen them as the gods in our mythologies down the ages. Every planet lends its flavor to our nature.

Sun – Our Light – Yang

Here on Earth, scientists have estimated that 70% of the neutrinos that pass through the Earth come from our Sun. The remainder comes from either Jupiter or the stars in deep space. Thus, 70% of all the neutrino information that we receive is seen in the position of our Sun and Earth. The Sun represents the primary yang force of our nature. It is the archetype of the Father, just as the Earth is the Mother. The Sun and Earth are the prime yin/yang within us all. The Sun creates the electromagnetic field of the solar cell in which we live. The design Sun represents the bio-genetic themes inherited from our father. If you look at your own design Sun, you will see the theme that you have inherited from your father. The personality Sun is the window through which the very light of who we are shines out on the world.
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Outer authority is what we share

“…what we communicate to each other in order to bond to each other. Defined or undefined ajna and head, whether to the throat or not can never be an inner authority. It can only have outer authority and be of value to the other. We all live on the mental plane. This is where we have our home in this stage of our evolution. Even though we can talk about the splenic system, none of you knows how the lymphatic system works. None of you can possibly understand how it operates. None of us have any connection to the neural system that runs our emotional system, which is so complex that even the scientists are deeply baffled by all of that. Where we live is – we live on the mental plane.

Long before we had the capacity to articulate in the earliest stages of our development as a species, we lived only from the splenic plane. Like our dogs and cats, we were just vibrating in the Now. Today we live in our evolution at this mental level. Please recognize something, we are in the last 300 or 400 years of mental development; it is practically finished now. The mind can only be at peace when it recognizes its nature and it sees over and over again the truth of that recognition confirmed for it. That is why Human Design is mental, not spiritual or therapeutic – Human Design is a mental system so we can finish our mental business, so we can get to the spirit. We can’t get to the spirit until we finish this mind trip. As long as we are trying to give inner authority to our mind, we can never get to the spirit. So we have to finish our mental business. That means that we have to come to understand our nature and then to experiment in our lives to recognize its inherent truth.

This is not about taking something in mentally and that’s it – like you read a good book or you read some philosopher or teacher or whatever the case may be. This is practical application, practical knowledge, something that you use. This is practical and the moment that you grasp the essence of your design and you start your process of living that out, by the time you’ve confirmed it for yourself, by the time you’ve gone through that seven-year process, you will leave the mind behind. It won’t matter anymore.

My mind does not matter to me anymore. It is just this busy thing up here doing its thing, giving out its outer authority. But it has no place in my life anymore; it has no power over me anymore, none whatsoever. It is just a nice thing, it is just a lovely tool, and its nothing more. Because in the nature of who I am, I’ve reconfirmed that over and over and over and over again. This is what our process is. Only when we get to this point that we satisfy our minds, only then will we be free of them; we must satisfy them.

Think about your spiritual experiences, your esoteric experiences. It is great to sit around and hug the light, but you know, what does it mean? Until you come to a point where you can let go of this mind trying to figure out what’s important for you, only then does the light matter anyway. There is no light as long as you are running around trying to find inner authority in your mind. It just doesn’t work. But you must recognize that the mind itself is a holy thing and it is an incredibly powerful thing. It must be satisfied, or it will never let go of you, never. It will torture you until you die, because that is what the mind can do. That is what it does to us – it tortures us till death, “Could I, should I, might I, would I, why not, how come.” On and on and on and on.

Until you get to that point that you can release your mind from that, you still have to deal with suffering in this life. The moment that your mind is satisfied, the moment that your mind is just a little corporal working in the office doing research, everything is great. The maya machine is only there to add up all the numbers and know what the formula is. Once you know the formula, you’re liberated and then you can deal with the spirit.” – Ra Uru Hu

MoonBlog 42.1 Diversification

“(He told me) Variable has to be down to the second to be accurate and pretty much no one knows that, so variable isn’t really reliable or accurate.”

Well let’s do the math, shall we? (Variables are derived from the Color and Tone of the Design and Personality of both Sun/Earth and the Nodes)

Sun in
Gate/Line 41.1 02:18 (Januari 22nd 2018)
Gate/Line 41.2 00.25 (Januari 23rd 2018)

Distance/duration: 22 hours, 7 minutes and 0 seconds

1 Line: 22×60 + 7 = 1327 minutes or 79,620 seconds
Each Line has 6 Colors: 1327/6 = 221.17 minutes per Color or 13270 seconds
Each Color has 6 Tones: 221.17/6 = 36.86 minutes per Tone or 2211.67 seconds

Each Tone has 5 Bases: 36.86/5 = 7.37 minutes per Base or 442.33 seconds

Left or Right Variable is 3 Tones long = 110.58 minutes per Leftness/Rightness

Sun/Earth take 1 year to Transit the whole wheel of 64 Gates
Nodes take 18.6 years to Transit the whole wheel of 64 Gates
So per Tone 36.81*18.6 = 685.62 minutes per Tone

Left or Right Variable is 3 Tones long = 2056.85 minutes per Leftness/Rightness

So Birth time needs to be roughly 36 minutes accurate or 2211.67 seconds, not ‘to the second’.
And besides there is always reverse engineering and Vedic Birth Time rectification if need be.

For a giggle, here is the Moon in
Gate 25 03:08 (Januari 22nd 2018) GMT
Gate 17 13.45 (Januari 22nd 2018) GMT

Distance/duration: 10 hours, 37 minutes or 637 minutes or 38,220 seconds

1 Gate has 6 Lines: 637/6 = 106.17 minutes per Line or 6370 seconds
Each Line has 6 Colors: 106.17/6 = 17.69 minutes per Color or 1061.67 seconds
Each Color has 6 Tones: 17.69/6 = 2.95 minutes per Tone or 176.94 seconds

Each Tone has 5 Bases: 2.95/5 = 0.59 minutes per Base or 35.39 seconds

MoonBlog 42.1

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We take ourselves so seriously, human beings.

“The not-self is a very serious creature, it really is. Everything upsets it. Everything is important. Everything is “this and that.” It doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s not what we’re here for. It’s not what the nine-centered being is all about. It really isn’t. The nine-centered being is here for consciousness. We’re not here for the survival game. We’re not here for the fear game. We’re not here for all of that. We’re not here to organize ourselves. We’re not here to dominate the planet.

Each and every one of us is here for the possibility of us, nothing else. The serendipity of your existence is the treasure. They come and they go. It’s all about what you do while you’re here. In this incarnation, in this life, the only measurement is awareness. There is no other measurement. There isn’t. It’s not about what you have or where you go, it’s about awareness. It’s only in awareness that you get to see what this is for, how beautiful it is. How amazing. And all of that is rooted in you.

And it doesn’t matter what our costumes are, our crosses are, or our designs. We each have a unique grounding in this world. And we each have a gift. It is our uniqueness, and the expression out of that uniqueness. This is what the promise is, a more interesting world, deeper and deeper and deeper communion. It’s what’s possible.” – Ra Uru Hu

The Process of Deconditioning

“Even worse than misleading others is misleading yourself. You have learned a lot of very interesting information, but it is all useless if you don’t live your design. Live your design. Live your design. It can’t be said enough.

So here it is another way: When you begin this process there is a danger that you may work in the knowledge and not in yourself. Remember that you really have to work on yourself and your own process. Not “work on yourself” like you are something to be improved, but like you are somebody to be discovered: somebody perfect just the way you are. The work is in getting out of your own way. So don’t forget how important it is to live the experiment of being you through your strategy and authority. Otherwise none of what you learned in this course is important because it simply becomes window dressing for a mannequin. Use yourself as the example of how this all works. That is when it comes alive.

Understanding mechanics is not the same as being awake. It is the difference between an armchair revolutionary and a true revolutionary. Take this information into your own body just as much as you share it with others. Otherwise people will see that you don’t embody what you teach and they will not only ignore you but they will also think the knowledge is false.

It is so easy to see in Human Design how life is a duality. You have inside yourself the best of your design and the worst. The best is actually the same as the worst since there is no morality here. The only difference is whether you are enjoying the ride. And the only way to enjoy the ride is to live your design and honor you authority. If you don’t do that then you will be the same person, but you won’t like yourself at all.

So as you explore the charts of your friends and family be sure to explore your own process just as much. Watch yourself over the next three and a half years and see how the knowledge of this course changes you. See how it deepens you own self awareness, and see how the deeper it becomes you the better you are at sharing it.” – Kip Winsett, Rave ABC,

MoonBlog 37.2 Responsibility

A thing to perhaps notice is our deep running drive, to negotiate with life. To seek ways to alter what needs to be done, when for instance entering into our Human Design experiment. How we, us, our ego, our minds, wants to have a say in which way things work, and seeks to put terms on our own deconditioning process, which is hilarious to watch and see, as we come up with all sorts of excuses why we would like to change our experience of things.

And thus our ego/mind keeps hold of our process, of our lives, of what -is- going on in it. And while continuing to feel a victim of circumstance, of this, of that, of you, but also me, of the teacher, of our Strategy & Authority, of the new president elect. We seek short-cuts to justify the means to reach a certain goal, but get so caught up in seeking these short-cuts, as our minds have laid out an intricate plan to attain it, we probably will never reach that goal we attempt to reach in the first place.

As the Buddha supposedly has said:
“My teaching is a raft whereon men may reach the far shore
The sad fact is that so many mistake the raft for the shore”

We will not reach the far shore at all (we won’t even get on the boat!!), as we negotiate what kind of boat, how much the crossing will cost, how long it will take, what seating arrangement, and who to partner up with in the cabin (wait, what, there are actual cabins too, how much for those !?? Really that much, is there a discount if I do this, or can prove that I am that?) on and on and on…
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Family Tree


1944 Ruud (Rudi) Romijn (†1980 aged 36)
1916 Leendert (Leo) Romijn (†1999 aged 83)
1892 Johannes Petrus Louis Romijn (†1945 aged 53)
1860 Leonardes Leendert Romijn (†1940 aged 80)
1803 Simon Romeijn (†1867 aged 64)

1779 Leendert Simonz Romeijn (†1854 aged 75)
1745 Sijmen Leendertse Romeijn (†1814 aged 69)
1712 Leendert Leenderse Romeijn (†1765 aged 53)
1680 Leendert Leendertsz Romeijn (†1717 aged 37)
1634 Leendert Vrancken Romeijn (†1695 aged 61)
1602 Vranck Claesz. Romeijn (†1687 aged 85)
1577 Claes Vranckensz. Romeijn (†1633-1636 aged 56-59)
1530 Vranck (Claesz.?) Romeijn (†unknown)

All within 100 sq kms

MoonBlog 13.3 Pessimism

I feel nowhere more near to any waking up, as to when I was about 12-13 years old and cried my eyes out and lamented to the people in the room to want to be grown up.
No one asked precisely why I would want that or seek the cause of the depth of that desire, but I knew then and still do now, it was because I could make my own damn choices and not be so dependent on others, even parents. Or maybe especially them, at least back then.

I feel deeper and deeper aware these days, some 33 years later, aware of what life is about, as I tap into my memories of my past and all that I witnessed and learned. Things I experienced, for real, things I imagined, for real too, things that made sense, in the long deep grinding time consuming contemplations, years went by, sometimes crawling sometimes flying.

But still nowhere pushing through, punching through any veil.

Playing with both the deeper explorations of duality through this Human Design system, as well as exploring this otherworldy space of non-duality.

I’ve always been very reluctant of any kind of system, or teaching, person, guru, modality, religion or belief. That is, from others. My own ofcourse were carefully grown and then groomed, to flourish over time. I’ve always been quite contemplative, and sometimes feel I’m onto something, and then regularly fall back into unknowing, ununderstanding, not comprehending, not being able to tie the knots or connect the dots, over and over and over again.

I met, people into, Osho (Bhagwan) twice in my life but never felt drawn to follow these people to follow this guru kind of person, and his/their teachings and rules, until a third time only 5 years ago, I then ended up visiting the Resort in Puna India for about 3 months and had an interesting time, started reading his books and generally like what is said. Generally. I am not the kind of person to adhere to communal endeavors. I’d love to visit there again, and perhaps say hi to some of the people I met there, and meet some new ones, but he, nor anyone else is my one and only go to kind of inspiration. Or shuffler of my mental deck
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The Human Design System

is not for the average seeker, although many seekers do come in contact with it.

It is not for those that seek enlightenment, but it is for those that are ready to wake up.

HD is not a journey of discovery of new things that you need to learn or acquire, it is however about uncovering that which is a dormant potential within you, some of which you or those you love have suspected all along.

Living Your Design is not for people that seek only happiness, fluffy bunnies and positivity in life, but it is for those that can embrace a radical new way of inter-communication, where their inner truth and being correct for themselves is the basis for living life.

HD is also not a belief system, but you will realize many of your beliefs will have to go and dissolve, to be able to live correctly as yourself.

The Human Design System is not for everyone, many people make up numerous reasons to find fault with it, or even seek to change it; only one person in six hundred and twenty five people that ever meets Human Design will continue to live by following up on their inner authority.

Many more people only talk about it in the assumption and illusion that talking is all it takes, to live your life correctly, boasting about the traits they read or heard about on this or that type without ever applying the vast knowledge of Human Design in their lives, while arguing about what they think it is, or should be, as their minds try to grab and hold onto different opinions and dogmas to continue to control life.

HD is about applying, about living according to the mechanics of what it is to be you, it is where it all starts.

Without doing so, Human Design has not one single benefit for you.

Human Design is not what you think it is, nor what you decide to make of it, it is not your interpretation, neither your perception or your judgment.

It is not about controlling your life in any way.

It is however the best thing since sliced bread and silly putty :mrgreen:

If you are keen to tread honestly and with humor, to look at life and yourself, if you are ready to jump in the deep end, then find those that can assist in that uncovering of what it is to be you, and how you function correctly.

However, stay vigilant, there are many people unqualified or untrained allowing you to distract yourself from living correctly, as they offer their services in the illusion of having any clue, knowledge nor experience of what it entails to live the life that is correct.

And not every certified Professional is for you either, some will speak to your inner self, appeal to you, and some you might not be able to hear or comprehend.

Take your time to discover those people that are correct for you, since the Human Design System is certainly not a quick fix, to run hurriedly through the motions, books, sessions and courses, but a way of living your life, correctly.

One Lunar Cycle

Make your own (right mouse click: save link as):