
“mary jane, psychedelics.. do you notice any difference/activation(s) with them?”

envisioning, is mind
drugs affect mind
mind is never the Inner Authority

it is just (another) manipulation.
HD teaches us, to be the passenger of the life we have. As ourselves.

I used copious amounts of drugs (weed/hash, lots of lsd, speed/cocaine), for many years, and it had its ‘function’ but also seeing now, what a huge not-self influence it was. What a trip my ego/mind was on, leading the way and using those drugs to help get me there, or alter what was happening.

comfort zone is an ego/mind story, it is the psyche. HD deals with the mechanics, which, living it, can have serious psychological repercussions/effects, but they are 2 very separate avenues.

Taking drugs, and especially regularly, to me now, is trying to be the driver, manipulating the vehicle’s trajectory, pretending to be the passenger yet oblivious to that which already is, yet that the experiences can be altered and steered and that everything which is experienced (mind blown) during intoxication, is the life.

The new Driver (idiot passenger taking the wheel) then is often not even inside the vehicle anymore, the connection is broken. There then is a lot of thinking (as if) and even doing, but not being. It’s ignorant escapism.

slide by Mary-Ann Winiger

operating correctly through your strategy and your authority

“We take drugs to change our moods. How easy it is— we‘ve got all kinds of receptors in the brain for endorphins that will immediately give us a chemistry that makes us feel good. And you have to see that the chemistry that makes you pessimistic, the chemistry that gives you this terrible feeling that’s all it is, is a chemistry.

One of my biggest things about trying to awaken the Personality is to remind you that the vehicle operates as a chemical thing, that the experiences of this or that, the up and down, the good mood and bad mood, the upset and not upset, and the melancholy and the not, it’s all just chemistry; nothing more, nothing less. But that chemistry—the whole thing about operating correctly through your strategy and your authority is that you align, you balance this chemistry. And that you don’t distort it so that you’re moving more towards the pessimistic or more towards the other side.

So many human beings that have been involved in drugs in their life and whether those drugs are pharmaceutical abuses or whether they are pleasure drugs or whether it’s alcohol or whatever the case may be, so many beings have gone that way because they have not found in their life experiences that were transforming. And it is the transforming experience that adds depth to the field of consciousness. It’s why we have a human experiential way.” -Ra Uru Hu