I’d love to know if there’s anyone has come across a compendium/resources that goes through the colours, tones and bases for each line and there effects on the line (especially colours+tones, know bases can be quite difficult to comprehend). Would be great if there was something similar to the line compendium, as I prefer to take in written information . Know that there’s a lot of different variations so might be hard to come by, but would appreciate any advice!
I think, the question is reverse thinking and so the answer does not exist. They don’t effect each other in this way.
Each Gate has 6 Lines. Each Line has 6 Colors, each Color has 6 tones, each Tones has 5 Bases.
It is like Kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters. So your Gate/Activation is like 65.789,983 kms aka
More on that here: https://www.mcha.nl/2014/10/16/gate-line-color-tone-base-percentages/
Then also understanding the Hexagram structure would help.
Human Design is a description of -potential- energies, but it is not math, so Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1 does not have a fixed way of expressing, versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1 as something to pinpoint and compare.
Except… in the Variables themselves. (pic in next comment)
HD describes globally the what and how, very accurately in comparison to other modalities that just homogenize through made up rules and morals, wishful thinking, magical thinking and plain false beliefs, but how we get to live these ‘traits’, we can only find out by living it, by entering the experiment.
See also pics like
Here too
Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Low Sound and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive
versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Nervous Touch and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive
This does not -effect the Line- as such, nor its expression. The nervous Touch Martyr is still a Martyr just as the Inner Vision Martyr is a Martyr.
To pretend it is somehow different is exactly why there are so many ‘schools’ of HD now. Because their (ego)minds don’t get it and say there must be, because, because, because. Mind being the Driver.
envisioning, is mind
drugs affect mind
mind is never the Inner Authority
it is just (another) manipulation.
HD teaches us, to be the passenger of the life we have. As ourselves.
I used copious amounts of drugs (weed/hash, lots of lsd, speed/cocaine), for many years, and it had its ‘function’ but also seeing now, what a huge not-self influence it was. What a trip my ego/mind was on, leading the way and using those drugs to help get me there, or alter what was happening.
comfort zone is an ego/mind story, it is the psyche. HD deals with the mechanics, which, living it, can have serious psychological repercussions/effects, but they are 2 very separate avenues.
Taking drugs, and especially regularly, to me now, is trying to be the driver, manipulating the vehicle’s trajectory, pretending to be the passenger yet oblivious to that which already is, yet that the experiences can be altered and steered and that everything which is experienced (mind blown) during intoxication, is the life.
The new Driver (idiot passenger taking the wheel) then is often not even inside the vehicle anymore, the connection is broken. There then is a lot of thinking (as if) and even doing, but not being. It’s ignorant escapism.
um i’ve been traveling a lot in hotel rooms and don’t often get a chance to be alone in the hotel room but i have the time today and the energy and i wanted to talk about something. i was shown a lot of what’s happening on facebook and um i have to say i was really surprised at how um how beautiful human design is and how distorted it is on facebook and other social media platforms and i. i have responded to not being part of any um social media
the biggest thing that i do and that is correct for me is this kind of thing making a little video clip or an online gathering on zoom and in the past. oh wow you know this has been a long long time it’s been a long journey for me with human design um.
over 25 years many of you know i’ve said it i’ve teased about it and joked about it that you know pretty much the internet wasn’t even around when i first met human design. and now it’s like wow it’s just exploded and in that there are so many uh how to say it different uh different viewpoints of what human design is. and a lot of it’s from the mind you know someone thinks this and someone thinks that and it’s not really from living it and taking the experiment and diving deep into the experiment of the simple you know
i mean that’s basically what human design was back when i met it. it was the simple the four types the strategy of the four types uh. and when i met human design aura hadn’t been taught yet and i said okay so this is it the strategy for the manifestor for the projector for the generator and the mg and the reflector blah blah blah blah. and then seven years later Ra taught aura and i was like ah that’s why we each have the strategy that we do. it’s because of our aura and you know we live inside our aura i mean we’re in it or is two arm lengths in all directions so that’s a big space huh but we’re in that. it’s kind of like we live inside this bubble and we have no idea what our aura puts out and what our aura uh how our aura interacts with others
so for me the learning aura was like okay i understand now why we have the strategy that we do but what i would, i don’t really want to talk about that today, what i wanted to talk about was how in the past when i would read or hear about how human design was getting so distorted out there i would get so angry i would growl and i mean oh the sounds i made you know. but this time it was i basically laughed. which was shocking to me because i’ve been disturbed by how people f up human design how they how they they change it to suit them and um. this time not i realized that we’re not in control i’m not in control nobody’s in control and it will be what it is and i have no way of knowing. i know for me what worked for me. okay strategy wow waiting this is not easy and i can really understand how someone’s mind would create something that you don’t have to wait. i can understand that
i hated waiting but waiting was truly what transformed me because i used to act like a manifestor you know. just go out there and do it make it happen and uh waiting i mean i. i’ve written a story of my first 10 years of the experiment and i i wrote that you know i’ve been a spiritual seeker for a long time before human design and i had done vapasana zazen everything. that was all a piece of cake one weekend vapasana was easy compared to waiting it was the hardest thing i’d ever done. but i really wanted to be total in my experiment. like Ra would say you can’t be half pregnant. so i was like okay wait to respond you know and so many people want to say oh we’re responding all the time to everything. yes we are as generators we have an open aura, our sacrals responding to life. but wow i don’t change anything in my life without hearing my sound because i have sacral authority it’s
it’s amazing what happens i never expected to live this, never, this is like beyond what i had hoped for when i sat with all those masters. because it’s not extraordinary it’s not enlightenment it’s none of that bullshit. it you wake up to yourself you live you, you live who you were born to be. we came into form to have an experience in form as ourselves and the suffering is because we haven’t been able to live as ourselves. we’ve been taken away from ourselves so there’s not a place to get to. it’s already there it’s just covered over
so for me it’s like yeah i don’t know what’s out there. i really don’t i just know what worked for me and that’s the only thing i can share. because you know it’s it’s simple but it’s so hard. and i understand that so you know it’s seven years because it’s a cellular transformation huh the cells in the body hold the conditioning. that’s why you know when i hear that people with sacral authority are told it’s a feeling you’ll move towards something. it’s a sound, it’s a sound because the body holds the conditioning, so that movement towards this or that is coming from the conditioning. because it’s not the mind. the mind yes we have our thoughts we have our patterns we have our way that we have lived our life from the mind and how the mind plans for the future and all of this stuff huh. but it’s in the body, the conditionings in the body and you know conditioning is not bad we just don’t want to rely on that conditioning to move us in our life to make our decisions for us
so for me it’s like i don’t really care what anyone else is doing i know what works for me and i love sharing that with others when it’s correct huh. it’s like uh that’s so amazing to live this it’s just being yourself and for me you know. i’m not meeting resistance and if i’m meeting resistance i know i have not been correct in my action in my movement you know. i used to think what’s wrong with them, why they did they have a bad day la la la. i would always put it outside not not since this experiment. if i’m meeting resistance it’s it’s it’s this form that moved in a way that was not correct. that’s a great signpost and if you’re relaxed in yourself if you’re aware of your mind talking and you don’t believe what it’s saying you can’t stop it from talking. all of these are ways for you to see for yourself if whatever you’re doing works. i mean i don’t care, i don’t care what people do if they can relax into themselves great. but it’s not the mind, it’s not the mind believing something because that doesn’t get you home to yourself
anyway um i was really surprised that i didn’t growl and i didn’t get upset by all that i was reading i mean really people. i mean it’s amazing what what was what’s being said out there i was like wow i am so glad that you know there was no internet when i met human design and that um yeah. i mean i was in the first class that Ra gave on type. i remember sitting right in the front and he’s got the slide up with the manifestor the projector the reflector the generator and the mg huh. and i remember you know i have a my design has a really defined splenic center, i have all the gates except for the 18th gate so the intuition is very strong. and i remember thinking wow this is the recipe for harmony. this is the recipe for harmony in the world, there’s no other way there’ll ever be harmony in the world if we don’t interact with each other in a in a way that does not create resistance and rejection and fighting. all of the stuff that we see everywhere. i remember wow this is it so for me that was like. okay seven years i’m signing up i’ll try it for seven years i’ll let you know if it works or not
and it did it works it worked for me and i’ve seen in all my immersions i’ve done over the years and the people i’ve worked with i’ve seen people go from really unstable and disturbed and angry and bitter and frustrated and all of this to just relaxing as themselves. and that’s such a gift, it’s such a gift. and i find it amazing how human design came to this planet 40 years. 1987 40 years before the shift in 2027. so you know we have a good chance to be able to stabilize in ourselves as we move through these times you know
there’s no going back, there’s no there’s no normal anymore. we don’t know what’s coming, we, i don’t know what’s coming. you may know, i don’t know what’s coming. i love that there’s no way that i can see, other than it’s really different, it’s already really different
anyway um that was fun i haven’t done it in a long time and i’m glad i had a chance to hang out with you guys and um yeah um. we’ll see what happens huh and in the meantime it’s like i i truly don’t know what’s out there i mean other than what i read. but what’s out there in the world i don’t know. i just know that human design was the tool for me and strategy and authority very simple was the way to begin the cellular deconditioning so that the cells could be what they were born to be and yes i meet conditioning all the time
i have to, i’m with a man, my husband who’s got a defined mind and you know defined emotional system. i don’t have that so i’m always taking that in but it goes in and out it doesn’t stick and i don’t live my life from that. there’s a big difference because conditioning is just being alive and again we’re not in control. there are no mistakes, if we’re not in control how can there be a mistake. it’s just not possible yes we discover so many things but you know we’re being moved, just like the planets and the galaxies and wow. the things i’ve been reading online now with the new telescope. it’s mind-blowing.
all of this is just an unfolding. we’re part of that unfolding.
so anyway um you take care and until next time bye for now okay.
“I don’t remember what Ra said about the Generator, but all of a sudden I knew that I had been living a lie my whole life. What had started out simply as a thought that bothered me in my reading – was now a sensation in my whole body. And I knew it with every drop of my being – it was true. I didn’t really know who I was.” Mary-Ann Winiger