Hi there!
I’d love to know if there’s anyone has come across a compendium/resources that goes through the colours, tones and bases for each line and there effects on the line (especially colours+tones, know bases can be quite difficult to comprehend). Would be great if there was something similar to the line compendium, as I prefer to take in written information . Know that there’s a lot of different variations so might be hard to come by, but would appreciate any advice!

I think, the question is reverse thinking and so the answer does not exist. They don’t effect each other in this way.
Each Gate has 6 Lines. Each Line has 6 Colors, each Color has 6 tones, each Tones has 5 Bases.
It is like Kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters. So your Gate/Activation is like 65.789,983 kms aka
More on that here: https://www.mcha.nl/2014/10/16/gate-line-color-tone-base-percentages/
Base is (only) a theory because of inaccurate birthdata, not because they are difficult to comprehend either.
Start with the ‘Juxtaposed Unified Theory’ in the Black Book
before https://www.ihdschool.com/digital-products/86/advanced-base-theory
For Gates: https://humandesignamerica.com/books/reference-books/item/1-rave-iching
For Lines https://humandesignamerica.com/books/reference-books/item/16-line-companion
Then also understanding the Hexagram structure would help.
Human Design is a description of -potential- energies, but it is not math, so Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1 does not have a fixed way of expressing, versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1 as something to pinpoint and compare.
Except… in the Variables themselves. (pic in next comment)
HD describes globally the what and how, very accurately in comparison to other modalities that just homogenize through made up rules and morals, wishful thinking, magical thinking and plain false beliefs, but how we get to live these ‘traits’, we can only find out by living it, by entering the experiment.
See also pics like
Here too

Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Low Sound and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive
versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Nervous Touch and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive
This does not -effect the Line- as such, nor its expression. The nervous Touch Martyr is still a Martyr just as the Inner Vision Martyr is a Martyr.
To pretend it is somehow different is exactly why there are so many ‘schools’ of HD now. Because their (ego)minds don’t get it and say there must be, because, because, because. Mind being the Driver.